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Battlestar Galactica: Daybreak: Part 2 (2009)
Season 4, Episode 20
Great ending for a great series
22 March 2009
Finally a series could be ended in the correct way. Usually series just goes on and on until they are canceled by some suit.

But not BSG. BSG ended on its own terms.

BSG was a great series and it ended in a great way which blew me away. It ended in more of a theist way than the more more atheist approach of the 1978-version: but not done in a preachy way.

Most ends were tighed and most questions were answered. And that is what i like. We do not have to be told everything. We can second guess for over selves.

Ronald Moore did not go towards the "ancient astronaut"-ending, like in the original 1978-BSG. And first i was disappointed. But now that the final episode has settled in my mind i rejoice and am glad. The 70ties were another time - today we need different answer to the fundamental question: Why? And the series finale episode did give a good answer to why.

It was a good ending for the series. And i know i am going to see the episode over and over again and again. Just like when the season finale of season 3 came (that fracking song).

Overall i really liked the series (just not all that suicide-bombing glorifying of start season 3 and all the other left wing political references to the Iraq war).

It was a more or less decent and good show. I liked it. And i loved the final episode. Now what do i do?
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They must have saved the worst Futurama film for last
10 March 2009
As the summary says: They must have saved the worst Futurama film for last. I finally got the DVD yesterday and man i was disappointed. The story of this particular futurama movie was more simple than the other futurama movies - but boring as hell.

All the other Futurama movies had very complex stories with weird things going on all the time - and they were all entertaining and funny. This latest and fourth movie is just about weird things.

The script is better structured than the previous movies. There are fewer plot-holes, BUT!!! it is a very boring story compared to all of the rest of the movies. The part about Leela joining the space-hippie-feminists were not funny. Nor were the tin foil hat stuff with Fry.

Throughout the movie i just looked at the timer and said to my self: isn't this movie over yet! But it wasn't. It just did go on and on.

Im sure that most Futurama-people at this point in Futuramas history had gone on to more interesting projects. Because the spirit of Futurama was gone in this last movie.

All Futurama fans should of course watch it, but prepare to be disappointed.
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27 January 2008
This so called "Documentary" state that George Bush and a secret Government conspiracy somehow managed to plan and execute 9/11, and make Arabs look responsible.

Though you should never accept what the government says blindly, then you should look at all cases with a fresh perspective now and again. Could the US government have planned 9/11? No. They could not. That would be idiotic.

No governments in history have ever successfully kept a secret of such a magnitude. The very thought implies that not a single person in the American government have any moral values what so ever – that they would gladly sacrifice 3000 innocent people, to loose a war in Iraq. But that simply is an idiotic idea. Such big and horrible secrets always leak. Always. Look at Watergate: Someone in the high levels of the US Government leaked the story to the press, which lead to the Watergate-scandal, which lead to that Nixon had to resign as president. And that was only about a simple break-in into a democrat-office, what you conspiracy theorists are talking about is the biggest mass-murder in modern American history. But I doubt you people know that. Watergate proves that something like 9/11 could not have been planned by the Government without the public knowing. Also they must have been insane to try something that stupid. Also: do you conspiracy-theorists really think that the white house could engineer the most elaborate attack on its self, without leaving behind any proof - when they could not even hide the fact that Bill Clinton had a blow-job in the oval office?

Evidently all the conspiracy claims put forth in this documentary have all been debunked by: Popular Mechanics, BBC, The History-Channel, and

Case closed. Get on with your lives, people.
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Poor piece of Hippie-work
4 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
At first when i heard that they where gonna make a Simpsons movie, i was thrilled. The name of Simpsons always brought me back to that happy time in the start of the 90ties, where the Simpsons was fresh.

But generally The Simpsons have gone down hill since season 13, and that can also be seen in this movie.

The story-line, the bad-guys and jokes are things we have seen in the show, one way or the other. There is no new thing in this movie, it just ends with status-que. Though that can be good for some shows, it just that they could at least have revealed some more secrets or shadow sides of our characters, but the makers of the movie chose not to do this. They chose just to recycle a lot of stuff from the old shows and change bits of things, and then put them together - so they lasted over one hour. Its not impressive, not at all.

Also all the hippie-elements of this show was also why i left the Simpsons back in the 13th season. And it is still here, in the movie. First of all, there is all the anti-pollution thing in the plot - thats just so smug. Its so irritating, and better-knowing-kinda teaching we get there. But we really don't care. That is what the whole picture is about: hippie-stuff from green-peace. You could easily tell that the creators of this show are very left-wing. Not that there is anything wrong with that, its just that people that are too political gets too preachy in their messages in the entertainment, its the same with Simpsons (no wonder family guy IS a better show). The worst smug-hippie-thing in this awful movie was when Lisa is talking to Milhouse at the first time, before the non-Bono-Irish-kid is introduced. Milhouse claims that he cares for the environment, but then Nelson comes and threatens him to take it back. The message is clear: all those who do not agree with the hippie-socialists-creators of the Simpsons, that Global Warming is a fact, is a Nazi. Whether Global warming is true or not, i don't care, but i just don't want to see such green-peace-hippie-bull-crap in a movie that i want to get entertained by.

This movie is just too smug, too hippie-infested. What trash. 3/10 Nuff said!
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Not as funny as the first one, but still very funny
7 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
As the Summary says: An Evening with Kevin Smith 2: Evening Harder (2006) is, in my opinion, Not as funny as the first one - but still very funny.

I expected something like the first one, and i got it. And that is it.

In An Evening with Kevin Smith 1 (AEWKS-1) there was a lot of funny stories from Hollywood, I.E. the Tim Burton, Jon Peters and Prince stories. Those kind of stories i missed in AEWKS-2 - there was a little about Prince, but that was it. Because the bit Kevin Smith did about Jon Peters was one of the funniest bits I've ever watched, i was kinda hopping for such things.

But Thankfully Kevin Smith is also a good Stand-Up-Comedian. So there was a lot to compensate for my false hopes. I really loved his parody of Lord Of the Rings, though he had used it on am American Talk Show and Clerks 2. The whole part in England was the coolest bit - i like Canada also, but the British bit was just so much cooler. Especially when Smith had fun with that British Chick, who worked in a Comic-store..... that is every time Smith improvises, it is funny. He made fun of her accent - and i loved it, because he did in a very friendly way.

But i still enjoyed it - long time.

I gave the first An Evening with Kevin Smith 10/10.

An Evening with Kevin Smith 2: Evening Harder will get 8/10. Because it is still very funny. The only things i didn't like, was that they used to much time on big stand-up-bits, instead of the more improvised things in AEWKS-1. There was too little Hollywood-gossip - but i guess it is because Smith is more political now, and wants to be friends with some in Hollywood, and therefore will not Bash any people, who he can possible work with in the future.

8/10 - 'nuff said.

Oh Yeah: Snooch To the Nooch.
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None of you know the facts
17 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I once also believed that the Americans did not land on the moon.

Partly because of this documentary.

Much footage from the moon can very well be fake. That is because the could not film there, supposedly, because there was too hot and too cold.

And then there is the thing about the wind on the flag.....

But then there is the big problem: The Astronauts took home kilos of rocks from the moon - about 400 KILOGRAMMES. And the rocks ARE FROM THE MOON. The rocks have been spread around the world to all countries to further science. And there are for a fact from the moon, all laboratories from around the world has confirmed it: The isotopes of the basic elements of the rock could never have come from earth - only the moon.

How do all you crack-put-theorists explain that?

How come that many professors and astronomers from around all believe that USA did go to the moon??? Can you explain that (the only ones who disbelieve all this are all out off a job, and needs money)
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Garfield: Winter's Tail (1988 Video Game)
25 February 2006
Back in the early 90ties, I used to play this wonderful game on my Amiga.

Man I loved this game. In the start you should first go out and skate around the ice, looking out for holes, and following a trail, while Odie was there all around. I only finished that part, one or two times, but i still loved that part. That was the good thing about the Amiga-version of Garfield: Winter's Tail, you could choose your part of the game, not caring about the chronological aspect of it all. After that you should be going out on the snow with Garfield and a pair of skis, where you rode on top of snood in rooftops. On the way you could eat food from people around the way down, and also Garfield's owner Jon Arbeuckle was there (or Harald Jensen, as he is called in Danish (bamed after a kind of liqueur)), and on the way down Odie (or Futte as he is known in Danish) also rode down the slope on his board of some sort. It all ended with a very large roof, which (with all the snow) took the form of a giant slope, which Garfield jumped from, and crashed down into the house, in which the final chapter took place. And Garfield should always get food or else he would go to sleep. In the third chapter you should go around a big and massive house and make sure that some pipes went a certain way, so that you could do a certain thing - I never finished the game, unfortunately. But i still love the game, and holds a special Retro-nostalgia place in my heart. Maybe it was because i was a Garfield fan, that i loved it, but still, it was good.
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This is a poorly made documentary or good Science Fiction.
30 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Then it came to pass: Alex Jones made his flawed documentary about the consequences of 9/11. First of all you can from the start see that Alex Jones has his own political agenda against President George Bush, and he misuses the documentary-form as his weapon against his foe. Let us get one thing strait: Alex Jones must be the most bias film-maker ever. The whole so called "documentary" is all about coming up with unlikely unintelligent reasons for 9/11. All the theories in this "documentary" are laughable and too complex to be true. The most outrageous theory in this "documentary" is that the planes, that flew into WTC 9/11 were actually remote-controlled by CIA (doesn't it all sound so laughable, of course it is). First of all it is not technical possible, secondly the pilots would have stopped it, thirdly the passengers would have noticed if there weren't any pilots or if they were over New York instead of their original destination and stopped the plane. Then the "documentary" also claims that extreme Islamists (Al Quaida) never could conceive a plan to hit the USA that hard – by that claim Alex Jones takes away all notions that people from the Middle East actually can think for them selves (that is funny that Alex Jones wrongfully claims this, when Extreme Islamist blow them selves up every day in Iraq). Alex Jones once again denies undeniable facts, cause everybody must have seen the videos after 9/11 were Al Quaida and Osama Bin Laden talks about 9/11 and praises the extreme Islamists who did I, and he also talks about that he, as an engineer, knew that all the jet fuel (kerasin) would slowly spread on the floor where the planes hit, here the jet fuel slowly burned and reached such a high temperature that the metal that held the building together bended and melted, and the building collapsed. This is what happened, and many people around the world saw Osama Bin Laden talk about it. Alex Jones arrogantly claims that it was CIA that steered the airplanes into WTC, and that the fuel couldn't burn so long (even though it can). He further more claims that it must have been CIA's bombs that blew WTC up. His evidence is that Iron melts at 3000 degrees, he says that the fuel couldn't have melted this because fuel burns instantly – I don't know were to start: as I said jet fuel is very different than normal gasoline – it DOES NOT BURN INSTANTLY. From then on I knew that Alex Jones would lie about everything else in the "documentary". Further of his "evidence" that it was bombs and airplanes that smashed WTC is that after the building had fallen over, rescue workers stood close to the metal and dug into the ground, Jones wrongfully claims that the metal would be to hot (3000 degrees) for any human to approach: but had it not dawned to Jones that metal cool quite rapidly and that it was hours later that the rescue workers arrived? Of course it didn't: I doubt that Alex Jones knows much about basic physics (cause if you did, you would laugh of his claims). Secondly: it was only a little part of the very long metal frame that became so hot – NOT THE WHOLE SKELETON.

If I should write up all the flaws of this "documentary" I would have a book the size of the bible.

I kept saying to my self: "does Alex Jones really mean this?" I am afraid he does. The only thing I am glad of was when I saw the credits, and it was revealed that Alex Jones was the main source and driving force behind the "documentary" – that means that there aren't any clever people who wanted to work with such a flawed filmmaker as Alex Jones. In my opinion you must lack certain logic skills, if you believe in Alex Jones' "documentary". Furthermore: if you believe in the Alex Jones' "documentary", you must logically also believe in UFO's, pixies, Santa Claus and that Elvis lives. But personally I don't think this is a "documentary", it must be a Science Fiction movie instead – disguised as a documentary, because the claims in this "documentary" are just too laughable to be taken seriously by any with a technical education (like I have: engineer). But as Science Fiction it is good, but totally flawed. I prefer Star Wars episode III revenge of the Sith – which has the same themes (it is just much more realistic).
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A great Role Playing Game
15 January 2006
When Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos came in 1993 or 1994, people were amazed. Not only did the game have an intro that was one the most beautiful to that date, it did also incorporate a good and interesting game-play. A funny side-story to this whole game was that Lands Of Lore originally was the game Eye Of The Beholder 3. But Westwood (who made Lands of Lore) lost the rights to do it, even though they had made much of the game. The remains of Westwood's Eye Of The Beholder 3 were converted into Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos. A good story about the evil witch Scotia taken possession of the enchanted ring "The Nether Mask", which she used to cover the lands in darkness. The Dark Army where on the move, and succeeding in smashing Gladstone, the symbol light of the lands, and poisoning King Richard. In the game your job is to slay Scotia. In the new version of this game King Richards voice where played by Patrick Steward - who did a good job. Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos where so successful, that it where succeeded by two sequels. I love this game. It is one of my most fondest memories of the mid-nineties.
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Bubble Bobble (1986 Video Game)
Bubble Bobble - best commodore 64 game ever
27 December 2005
Man I love Bubble Bobble for commodore 64. What a cool game. The music was very good. The game play ruled. As most commodore 64, it takes me back to the 80ties, when I was little. The same feeling must many Others also have. This game was also popular to other computer-types, and with good reason. This is one of the greatest computer games ever: It was simple, good and cosy - can you demand anything more? No! If you love commodore 64 - you will without a doubt know this game. This game became a part subculture and pop culture in the 80ties, and that is why the game appears on this marvellous movie-site. And with all the games which has been adapted to film over these last years, then who knows? Maybe we will some day see a Bubble Bobble movie - I know I want to see one. If Doom has been turned into a movie then Bubble Bobble has just as good potential.

This game is a legend. Bubble Bobble I love you and salute you.
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The Great Giana Sisters (1987 Video Game)
If you like commodore 64 - you will love this
26 December 2005
For those many who loved their commodore 64 computer, the computer-game The Great Giana Sisters (1987) is hard to oversee. This game is without a doubt one of the, if not the, greatest commodore 64 games EVER. When the game first was published, Nintendo sued the company which made Giana Sisters, because it was to close to Nintendo's franchise Mario Brothers. Therefore the game was denied on the marked - you could by it. But that didn't stop the success of the game (most popular pirated games, though) - as said: it is probably one of the most well-known commodore 64 games ever. In a poll on a Danish computer-website (, the game was only succeeded by the game: Bubble Bubble - This also is a very memorable game. The game takes me back to the happy 80ties - man i loved the 80ties, no worries in the world back then. The music, the graphic and cosiness of Giana Sisters made the game nice to play. It is very nostalgic to think of. All in all: I LOVE IT
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Garfield: Big, Fat, Hairy Deal (1987 Video Game)
A very good commodore 64 game
20 October 2005
First an introduction to the 80ties and the commodore 64. Many people born in the 80ties do remember the computer: commodore 64. This computer surely had a major influence in subculture in the 1980ties. The graphic and sound made it very cozy to play. There were many nostalgic games like: Giana sisters, double dragon and many others. A very good and nostalgic game was Garfield: Big, Fat, Hairy Deal - the must-play-game fore Garfield-fans, for a 80ties kid. The game was not drawn as good as some later games, but it did the trick never the less. There weren't many colors, but the background was drawn very well - good details. The music were very good, for a commodore 64. Also the small things in the game: Garfield could stand on his feet and then kick Odie and Jon - very funny back then. And secondly there were many details in the stuff Garfield could pick up in the game. And the story were fine. Garfield: Big, Fat, Hairy Deal were a very good commodore 64 game. Period.
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A good danish movie
17 August 2005
This is a very good Danish movie, period. A few Danes think that this is a very bad film, because it took focus away from Danish art-films. Art films only a few people saw and all of are all but forgotten to day. This film is very simple and dumb - but it is fun, and that is the most important thing. Just because this film does not have some "greater" message does not make it any lesser of a film. Because of this, the film is very much liked by many average Danes - people that never would have seen any art film, even if it were free. A film like this is remembered by the public - and most art films are not (only the best are that). This film had an impact on pop-culture, and therefore it can be immortal. And that is better than an art film, which is forgotten in 10 years. And that is a fact. Walther and Carlo will always be remembered in Denmark.

But this film is properly not suited for non-Danes. They would not think that it is funny. OK, maybe people from Sweden or Norway. But outside Scandinavia = no.

This is a good film, no question about it. Good, not Great. But of course it is not a classic.
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Les mercredis de l'histoire: Opération lune (2002)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
A great example of manipulation
2 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
When i first saw this documentary I was appalled - i was very angry with the American government (under Richard Nixon). In popular culture it is many times suggested that the Americans faked the lunar-missions. Many people believed that the Apollo-missions were filmed in a studio in area 51. And when i saw this documentary i was fully convinced. In the doc Kubricks widow Christiana Kubrick, astronaut Buzz Aldrin, Alexander Haig, Richard Helms, Henry Kissinger and even Donald Rumsfeld all admit more or less that the moon-landings were a hoax. But when saw it a second time I wasn't so sure about the doc was a real doc or not. In the end of the doc - when the credits are shown - we are shown outtakes of the doc. In the outtakes there are scenes were you easy can see that the people are not taking this seriously. There is one scene were Donald Rumsfeld laughs and ask the film crew: "I thought you were a real documentary". And it is also revealed that many of the men, who in the documentary are portrayed as experts and witnesses, are in fact actors. The truth came to me a year or two later, when I in a science magazine read that the documentary was made merely to show how easy it is to manipulate and fool people to think certain things.

I once also believed that the Americans did not land on the moon.

Partly because of this documentary.

Much footage from the moon can very well be fake. That is because the could not film there, supposedly, because there was too hot and too cold.

And then there is the thing about the wind on the flag.....

But then there is the big problem: The Astronauts took home hundreds of kilos of rocks from the moon - KILOS. And the rocks ARE FROM THE MOON. The rocks have been spread around the world to all countries to further science. And there are for a fact from the moon, all laboratories from around the world has confirmed it: The isotopes of the basic elements of the rock could never have come from earth - only the moon.

How do all you crack-put-theorists explain that?

How come that many professors and astronomers from around all believe that USA did go to the moon??? Can you explain that (the only ones who disbelieve all this are all out off a job, and needs money)

At first when I heard that I was enraged. I was angry that the doc fooled me so easily. But when i cooled down I began to think. This is a very good doc to show to people and then tell them later it is a hoax. Because then they will learn not to trust everything they hear. The doc is very good made - and everyone deserves to see
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