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Because the timeline grew so large, we've split it into three files:
Dates 1850-1900 - a timeline (this page)
Print calendar
for month of any year (interface to Unix "cal" command)
[1649] <-Scarlet Letter period
Hawthorne born->
[1864]<-Hawthorne dies
- 1850
- March 16..Boston, Mass.: Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter
published by Ticknor, Reed and Fields
- May...Lenox, Mass.: Nathaniel Hawthorne moves family to Tanglewood cottage
- U.S.: Emerson publishes Representative Men
- June...New York: Harper's Magazine begins publication
- July 9....Washington, D.C.: Zachary Taylor dies and Millard Fillmore becomes President, signs
the Compromise of 1850, supported by Pierce but not
by abolitionists
- July 19...Fire Island, N.Y.: Margaret Fuller dies in shipwreck; Thoreau, sent by Emerson, can't find
- Aug. 5...Stockbridge, Mass.: Nathaniel Hawthorne meets Herman Melville at a picnic
- England: Charles Dickens publishes David Copperfield
- England: Elizabeth Barrett Browning publishes Sonnets from the Portuguese
- Aug. 28...Weimar, Germany: Wagner's Lohengrin performed (Wagner still in hiding
in Switzerland after German revolution fails)
- Sept. 9...U.S.: California admitted as 31st state
- U.S.: Aeta Life Insurance Company issues its first policies
- Buffalo, N.Y.: American Express formed
- San Francisco: Levi Strauss & Co. founded
- Washington, D.C.: Emmanuel Leutze finishes painting Washington Crosses the
Delaware, (destroyed in Germany in World War II, but a
second version is at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)
- England: Francis Dalton invents the teletype
- Brooklyn, N.Y.: 16 English sparrows imported to control insects
- 1851
- March 11...Milan: Verdi performs Rigoletto
- April...Lenox, Mass.: Nathaniel Hawthorne publishes The House of the Seven
- May 20...Lenox, Mass.: Rose Hawthorne born to Nathaniel and Sophia
- Lenox, Mass.: Nathaniel Hawthorne writes his last tale, "Feathertop"
- Pittsfield, Mass.: Herman Melville dedicates Moby-Dick to Nathaniel
- November..Boston, Mass.: Nathaniel Hawthorne publishes A Wonder-Book for Boys
and Girls
- Aug. 12...U.S.: Isaac Singer patents sewing machine; later buys out Howe
- Aug. 22...England: first America's Cup races
- Sept. 18...New York: New York Times founded
- San Jose, Ca.: San Jose Mercury founded
- November....West Newton, Mass.: Nathaniel Hawthorne moves family to home of
Horace Mann
- December..Boston, Mass.: Nathaniel Hawthorne publishes The Snow-Image and Other
Twice-Told Tales
- U.S.: Treaty of Fort Laramie opens West to settlers
- England: Great International Exposition, first world's fair, opens in Crystal Palace
- Galveston, Texas: Gail Borden invents evaporated milk
- Boston: first YMCA opens in U.S.
- 1852
- June..Concord, Mass.: Nathaniel Hawthorne moves family into The Wayside, bought
from Bronson Alcott
- June 5...U.S.: Harriet Beecher Stowe publishes Uncle Tom's Cabin
- July..Boston, Mass.: Nathaniel Hawthorne publishes The Blithedale
Romance, based on Brook Farm experience
- July...New York: Nathaniel Hawthorne's sister Louisa dies in steamboat explosion
- September..Boston, Mass.: Nathaniel Hawthorne publishes The Life of Franklin
Pierce, Democratic candidate campaign biography
- November....Washington, D.C.: Nathaniel Hawthorne's friend, Franklin
Pierce, elected 14th president of U.S.
- U.S.: Elisha Otis invents first safe elevator
- 1853
- Jan. 11..West Newton, Mass.: Mrs. Elizabeth Peabody, Sophia's mother, dies
- September..Boston, Mass.: Nathaniel Hawthorne publishes Tanglewood Tales
- March..Washington, D.C.: Pres. Franklin Pierce appoints Nathaniel Hawthorne
Consul in Liverpool, England
- July....Concord, Mass.: Nathaniel Hawthorne moves family to Liverpool,
England; he assumes office August 1
- U.S.: Stephen Foster writes song "My Old Kentucky Home"
- George Cayley flies glider
- Japan: Perry opens trade with U.S.
- England: Dickens publishes Bleak House
- 1854
- July 6...U.S.: Republican party founded
- August 9....Concord, Mass.: Henry David Thoreau publishes Walden
- Oct. 28....Boston, Mass.: Nathaniel Hawthorne's Mosses from an Old
Manse 2nd ed. published by Ticknor, Reed and Fields
- Washington, D.C.: President Pierce gets into trouble with
Ostend Manifesto (it threatened Spain that U.S. would seize Cuba)
- England: Dickens publishes Hard Times
- 1855
- U.S.: Walt Whitman publishes Leaves of Grass
- U.S.: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow publishes The Song of Hiawatha
- England: Alexander Parkes invents celluloid
- Germany: Bunsen invents burner
- 1856
- November..Liverpool, England: Herman Melville visits Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Europe: Crimean War ends between Russia and British-French forces
- 1857
- May...Liverpool, England: again, briefly, Melville meets Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Fall..Liverpool: Ada Shepard becomes governess, tutor to Hawthorne children
- October....England: Nathaniel Hawthorne leaves position as American Consul
in Liverpool
- U.S.: Slavery protected by U.S. Supreme Court's Dred Scott decision
- Henry Bessemer and William Kelly independently invent Bessemer furnace
- U.S.: Depression started by economic panic
- U.S.: Mark Twain becomes apprentice pilot on Mississippi River
- 1858
- January...France; Rome, Italy: Nathaniel Hawthorne and family travel and fill notebooks
- May-October....Florence, Italy: Nathaniel Hawthorne and family live happily in villa
- Donati's Comet is seen
- Mar. 24...Concord, Mass.: Elizabeth (Beth) Alcott dies at home, buried in Sleepy Hollow
- July...Concord, Mass.: Alcotts move into Orchard House
- U.S.: First transatlantic cable laid
- U.S.: Lincoln-Douglas debates
- Russia: Czar Alexander II frees serfs
- U.S.: Oliver Wendell Holmes publishes The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table
- 1859
- June...Italy: Nathaniel Hawthorne moves family to England to finish writing
The Marble Faun
- Titusville, Pa.: first oil well flows
- Feb. 3...Concord, Mass.: Thoreau's father dies and he takes over
the family pencil-making business
- Harper's Ferry, Va. [Now Harpers Ferry, W. Va.]: John Brown leads abolitionist raid on arsenal
- Oct. 30...Concord, Mass.: Thoreau speaks in favor of John Brown
- England: George Eliot publishes Adam Bede
- Peking, China: Summer Palace burns
- Boston: Women's Rights Convention
- 1860
- February...London: Nathaniel Hawthorne's Transformation published
- Concord, Mass.: Nathaniel Hawthorne moves family back to The Wayside
- March...Boston, Mass.: Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Marble Faun
(entitled Transformation in England) published
- April 3..Concord, Mass.: Franklin Sanborn arrested briefly for having supplied arms to John Brown's
raid at Harper's Ferry, refusing to testify before the U.S. Senate, and fleeing to Canada; U.S.
agents are chased out of town by angry Concord citizens
- May 23..Concord, Mass.: Anna Alcott (type for Meg in Little Women) marries John Pratt
- U.S.: Dr. Dio Lewis introduces a fad for calisthenics and gymnastics
- U.S.: Pony Express begins, St. Louis to California
- 1861
- Feb. 9...Richmond: Confederate States of America formed
- April 12....Charleston, S.C.: Civil War begins
- April 19...Concord, Mass.: troops called out for another war
- June....New Haven, Conn.: Yale awards first Ph.D.
- July 10...Cambridge, Mass.: Fanny Appleton Longfellow dies in fire
- England: George Eliot publishes Silas Marner
- England: Dickens publishes Great Expectations
- 1862
- Jan. 24...New York: Edith Wharton born
- May 6....Concord, Mass.: (255 Main St.) Thoreau dies of tuberculosis;
Hawthorne attends funeral May 9
- April....Washington, D.C.: Nathaniel Hawthorne visits Bridge and
Lincoln, in July publishes "Chiefly about War Matters," an essay on Civil War
- Paris: Victor Hugo publishes Les Miserables
- December..Washington, D.C.: Louisa May Alcott serves as nurse
- 1863
- Jan. 1....U.S.: Emancipation Proclamation takes effect
- Jan. 23...Concord, Mass.: Louisa May Alcott returns from war nursing,
ill wth typhoid fever
- July 1...Gettysburg, Pa.: first day of great battle
- July 4....Concord, N.H.: Nathaniel Hawthorne
attends celebration
in which Franklin Pierce declares Emancipation
Proclamation unconstitutional;
- September...Boston: Nathaniel Hawthorne dedicates
Our Old Home (collection of Atlantic Monthly essays on English
experiences) to his friend Pierce,
in spite of advice from James Fields that it would hurt sales
- Oct. 26...International Red Cross founded
- November....U.S.: President Lincoln proclaims first Thanksgiving holiday
- Nov. 19...Gettysburg, Pa.: Lincoln addresses commemoration
- 1864
- Cambridgeport, Mass.: Emily Dickinson lives here while undergoing eye treatments
- Savannah, Georgia: Gen. Sherman captures city
- May 18-19....
Plymouth, N.H.: Nathaniel Hawthorne dies in his sleep on a trip with Franklin
- Boston: James Russell Lowell and Charles Eliot Norton become co-editors of
The North American Review
- 1865
- April 9....Appomattox, Va.: Gen. Robert E. Lee surrenders to Gen. Ulysses S. Grant
- April 15...Washington, D.C.: Pres. Abraham Lincoln dies after being shot
- England: Lewis Carroll publishes Alice in Wonderland
- 1866
- Amesbury, Massachusetts: John Greenleaf Whittier publishes "Snow-bound"
- October...Hawthorne family moves to Germany so Julian can study there, having been
asked to leave Harvard
- October 1: Louisa May Alcott publishes Little Women
- 1869
- 1870
- Paris: Jules Verne publishes Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
- November..New York: Julian Hawthorne marries May Amelung
- 1871
- Feb. 26....England: Sophia Peabody Hawthorne dies
- September...Rose Hawthorne marries George Lathrop
- Boston: James T. Fields publishes Yesterdays with Authors
- 1872
- England: Una Hawthorne, with help of Robert Browning, publishes
unfinished manuscripts as Septimius Felton; or,
the Elixir of Life
- Concord, Mass.: Emerson's house burns while he is in Europe and is reconstructed
by his friends before his return
- 1874
- March 26....San Francisco: Robert Frost born
- U.S.: Chester Greenwood invents modern ear muffs
- 1876
- Mar. 10....Boston: Alexander Graham Bell first demonstrates telephone
- June 25...Battle of Little Big Horn (Custer's Last Stand)
- U.S.: Mark Twain publishes Tom Sawyer
- U.S.: George Parsons Lathrop publishes A Study of Hawthorne
- 1877
- Sept. 10...England: Una Hawthorne dies
- 1878
- June 12...New York: William Cullen Bryant dies
- 1879
- July 15...Concord, Mass.: Alcott opens Concord School of Philosophy
- New York: Henry James publishes study, Hawthorne
- U.S.: Electric light bulb perfected
- 1882
- March 24....Cambridge, Mass.: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow dies
- April 27..Concord, Mass.: Ralph Waldo Emerson dies
- 1883
- Jan. 1...Hawthorne's surviving, elder sister, Miss Elizabeth Maria Hawthorne, dies
- May 1...Cambridge, Mass.: G. P. Lathrop edits Houghton Mifflin's Riverside
Edition of Hawthorne's complete works
- 1884
- N.Y.: George Eastman invents first transparent photographic film
- April 27....Concord, Mass.: Ralph Waldo Emerson dies
- Julian Hawthorne publishes biography, Nathaniel Hawthorne and His Wife
- 1885
- U.S.: Mark Twain publishes Huckleberry Finn
- February..U.S.: Henry James satirizes Elizabeth Palmer Peabody in
The Bostonians
- 1886
- May 15....Amherst, Mass.: Emily Dickinson dies
- 1887
- Mary Mann dies
- 1888
- March 4....Boston, Mass.: Bronson Alcott dies
- March 6....Roxbury, Mass.: Louisa May Alcott dies, not
knowing of father's death
- England: John Dunlop invents pneumatic tire
- 1889
- Germany: Daimler invents gasoline automobile
- 1891
- Sept. 28...New York: Herman Melville dies after
finishing Billy Budd
- 1894
- Jan. 3..Boston, Mass.: Elizabeth Palmer Peabody dies at Gordon hotel
- 1895
- U.S.: Stephen Crane publishes Red Badge of Courage
- 1900
- 1903
- Dec. 17...Kitty Hawk, N.C.: Wright brothers first fly in heavier-than-air craft
- 1904
- July 4...Concord, Salem, Mass.: Centennial of Nathaniel Hawthorne's
birth is celebrated
- 1926
- July 9....Hawthorne, N.Y.: Rose Hawthorne dies
- 1934
- San Francisco: Julian Hawthorne dies
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