Directions & Parking

D. H. Hill Jr. Library

Map of visitor parking spaces for Hill: Metered parking on Hillsborough Street, paid parking in the Dan Allen Parking Deck, paid parking in the Coliseum Deck

D. H. Hill Jr. Library
2 Broughton Dr.
Campus Box 7111
Raleigh, NC 27695

Directions to the Hill Library in Google Maps

James B. Hunt Jr. Library

Map of parking spaces for Hunt: Poulton Pay Lot and Partners Way Parking Deck

James B. Hunt Jr. Library
1070 Partners Way
Campus Box 7132
Raleigh, NC 27606

Directions to the Hunt Library in Google Maps

Visitor parking

Hill, Design, and Natural Resources Libraries parking

The D. H. Hill Jr. Library, the Harrye B. Lyons Design Library, and the Natural Resources Library are located on North and Central Campuses.

Hourly paid parking is available in the Coliseum Deck and the Dan Allen Deck. On weekdays until 5pm, these lots require prepayment through ParkMobile (online or via an app). Parking in these areas is free and open to the public after 5pm on weekdays and throughout the weekend.

Metered parking is available on Hillsborough Street. Hillsborough Street parking spaces also accept payment online through Passport Parking.

Accessible parking and building access


James B. Hunt Jr. Library parking

The James B. Hunt Jr. Library is located on Centennial Campus.

Hourly parking is available in the Poulton Pay Lot, across the street from the first floor entrance to the Hunt Library, and at the Partners Way Parking Deck, at Partners Way and Varsity Drive. Parking spots are numbered, and there is a pay station that accepts debit and credit cards only (no cash). You can also pay online through ParkMobile.

Parking is free and open to the public after 5pm on weekdays and throughout the weekend.

Accessible parking and building access at the Hunt Library

James B. Hunt Jr. Library

Veterinary Medicine Library (VML) parking

The William Rand Kenan, Jr. Library of Veterinary Medicine is located on the Biomedical Campus, across from the State Fairgrounds.

Visitor parking permits are required Monday through Friday, 7am–5pm. You can obtain a parking permit from the campus Transportation Office (open weekdays 7am–5pm), located at 2721 Sullivan Drive.

With the visitor parking permit, visitor parking is available in a pay lot near the College of Veterinary Medicine Main Building. 

Accessible parking at the VML

Veterinary Medicine Library

Wolfline bus directions:

  • Hunt Library to Vet Med Library
    Take Route #8 Southeast Loop to Scott Hall. Take #6 Carter-Finley bus outbound from Scott Hall to CBC (Centennial Biomedical Campus-College of Veterinary Medicine)
  • Vet Med Library to Hunt Library
    Take #6 Carter-Finley bus inbound to Scott Hall. Change to the Route #8 Southeast Loop which stops at Hunt Library.

Wolfline buses are free for all to ride.

Parking fees and policies

For parking fees and more information, please visit the NC State University Transportation's Visitor parking page.

Certain spaces after 5pm and all spaces on the weekends are free and open to the public, with posted exceptions.

Park & Ride

Accessible parking and building access