From the course: After Effects CC 2023 Essential Training

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Cinema 4D renderer

Cinema 4D renderer

- [Instructor] In order to create the images we see on screen, After Effects uses one of two renderers. By default, the Classic 3D renderer is used to draw flat layers in 3D space and it's what we've used so far in this course. The Cinema 4D renderer, on the other hand, allows us to extrude shapes and text into actual 3D geometry. Here we'll take a glance at a few of the powerful options that open up when using Cinema 4D as our renderer. Let's switch to the second composition. And here I've got the basics of my scene with some text that's flying in 3D style and we've got some shape layers that are animated here on the ground. I've got a 3D floor here that's catching the light and we have a 2D background and it too is being affected by the light. Now, the text itself, I actually just selected my text and came over here to Effects and Presets. And under the text family of animation presets, we have 3D text, and by…
