From the course: After Effects CC 2023 Essential Training

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Altering speeds with time remapping

Altering speeds with time remapping

- [Instructor] Time remapping is the altering of speed in our animation or footage to be faster or slower. In the case of animation instead of moving potentially many key frames when retiming, we can use a more broad approach by way of time remapping. Let's see the approaches here. I'll come over to this 02 time stretch comp where I've got some footage. And one way that we can speed this up or slow it down is by using time stretching. Now, come over here to this icon to enable the time stretch column. The stretch percentage tells After Effects how much we want to speed up or slow down our layer. So, for example, if we were to take this to 200%, we're effectively slowing down our footage by half speed. Now, let's go in here and slow this down by 300%. Now, when we play this back, you'll notice that there's a bit of a strobing effect going on, and what After Effects is doing is taking the existing frames of our footage and…
