From the course: HTML Essential Training

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Image formats

Image formats

- Let's talk about the image file itself. To put an image on a webpage, it has to be in a file format that web browsers will understand and there are several options. We keep inventing new ones in a quest for the perfect balance between tiny file sizes and gorgeous-looking images. We want as much data as possible, so that it'll look amazing. But we want as little data as possible so images will download faster and not eat through people's data plans. The goal is to have the highest quality possible with the smallest file size possible. Each file format takes a different approach to solving this. Each uses a different technique for compressing the image. There are four main file formats commonly used on the web today. Each is good at compressing certain types of images and not as good at compressing others. The GIF is one of the oldest. It's good at compressing illustrations that have large areas of a single color.…
