From the course: HTML Essential Training

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- Let's talk about lists. We use lists in our life. To-do lists, lists in recipes, wish lists, bucket lists. But we use lists on the web even more, including for things that don't really look like a list. Most of the time when you see a navigation bar, that's a list of links. Or when you go to landing pages with lots of teasers offering photos and headlines to click on to get to more content. Lists. In html, there are three kinds of lists. Unordered lists, ordered lists, and definition lists. Unordered lists are used the most often. Let's make a simple example. Here we've got a list of food, say, ingredients for a recipe. We'll wrap each item in this list in an <li> element. Li stands for list item. You can see the results happening on the right. The browser puts a dot, a marker, right before each item. Next, we need to wrap the entire group of items in an element that will mark the beginning and end of the whole…
