
Podcast Episode 315: Get Your Husband to Step Up at Home: 4 Simple Things You Can Do

Podcast Episode 315: Get Your Husband to Step Up at Home: 4 Simple Things You Can Do

Are you tired of feeling like the only one handling the responsibilities at home? Discover how to encourage your husband to step up and share responsibilities in your relationship. Embrace the concept of equal partnership by fostering open communication and accountability. With a few simple strategies, you can transform your home into a balanced environment where both partners contribute to household responsibilities. It’s time to redefine your dynamic and enjoy a fulfilling equal partnership!

Podcast Episode 303: Grab the Stupid Cup, Dad! Why Assumptions Keep Moms from Catching a Break
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Podcast Episode 303: Grab the Stupid Cup, Dad! Why Assumptions Keep Moms from Catching a Break

Explore how viral moments like the ‘cup incident’ reveal the assumptions placed on moms in parenting. We discuss why moms are seen as the default caregiver, why dads get a pass, and how challenging these assumptions can create better balance in family life