- a (Switch eShop)
- A Boy and His Blob (Switch eShop)
- A Boy and His Blob (Wii)
- A Boy and His Blob: Retro Collection (Switch eShop)
- A Boy and His Blob: Trouble on Blobolonia (NES)
- A Bug's Life (N64)
- A Building Full of Cats (Switch eShop)
- A Case of Distrust (Switch eShop)
- A Castle Full of Cats (Switch eShop)
- A Cat & His Boy (Switch eShop)
- A Dance of Fire and Ice (Switch eShop)
- A Dark Room (Switch eShop)
- A Day at the Carnival (Wii U eShop)
- A Day Without Me (Switch eShop)
- A Drawing's Journey (Wii U eShop)
- A Duel Hand Disaster: Trackher (Switch eShop)
- A Fairy Tale (DSiWare)
- A Fold Apart (Switch eShop)
- A Fox and His Robot (Switch eShop)
- A Fragile Mind (Switch eShop)
- A Frog Game (Switch eShop)
- A Frog's Job (Switch eShop)
- A Glider's Journey (Switch eShop)
- A Good Gardener (Switch eShop)
- A Good Librarian Like a Good Shepherd (Switch eShop)
- A Good Snowman Is Hard To Build (Switch eShop)
- A Guide to Personal Finance: How to Manage Your Money (Switch eShop)
- A Guidebook Of Babel (Switch eShop)
- A Gummy's Life (Switch eShop)
- A Hat In Time (Switch)
- A Hero And A Garden (Switch eShop)
- A Highland Song (Switch eShop)
- A Hole New World (Switch eShop)
- A Juggler's Tale (Switch eShop)
- A Kappa's Trail (DSiWare)
- A Knight's Quest (Switch eShop)
- A Light in the Dark (Switch eShop)
- A Little Bit of... Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training Sudoku (DSiWare)
- A Little Bit of... Magic Made Fun: Matchmaker (DSiWare)
- A Little Bit of... Magic Made Fun: Psychic Camera (DSiWare)
- A Little Bit of... Nintendo Touch Golf (DSiWare)
- A Little Bit of... Puzzle League (DSiWare)
- A Little Golf Journey (Switch eShop)
- A Little Lily Princess (Switch eShop)
- A Little To The Left (Switch eShop)
- A Loddle to the Left (Switch eShop)
- A Long Journey to an Uncertain End (Switch eShop)
- A Long Way Down (Switch eShop)
- A Lost Note (Switch eShop)
- A love story: My best friend (Switch eShop)
- A Magical High School Girl (Switch eShop)
- A Maiden Astrologer Divines the Future (Switch eShop)
- A Matter of Principle (Switch eShop)
- A Memoir Blue (Switch eShop)
- A Monsteca Corral: Monsters vs. Robots (WiiWare)
- A Monster's Expedition (Switch eShop)
- A Musical Story (Switch eShop)
- A Night at the Races (Switch eShop)
- A Night On The Farm (Switch eShop)
- A Nightmare on Elm Street (NES)
- A Normal Lost Phone (Switch eShop)
- A Painter's Tale: Curon, 1950 (Switch eShop)
- A Perfect Day (Switch eShop)
- A Place for the Unwilling (Switch eShop)
- A Plague Tale Bundle (Switch eShop)
- A Plague Tale: Innocence - Cloud Version (Switch)
- A Plague Tale: Requiem - Cloud Version (Switch eShop)
- A Pretty Odd Bunny (Switch eShop)
- A Purrtato Tail: By The Light Of The Elderstar (Switch eShop)
- A Rat's Quest - The Way Back Home (Switch eShop)
- A Rite from the Stars: Remaster Edition (Switch eShop)
- A Robot Named Fight (Switch eShop)
- A Shadow's Tale (Wii)
- A Short Hike (Switch eShop)
- A Short Tale (Switch eShop)
- A Simple Life (Switch eShop)
- A Sketchbook About Her Sun (Switch eShop)
- A Sound Plan (Switch eShop)
- A Space for the Unbound (Switch eShop)
- A Street Cat's Tale (Switch eShop)
- A Street Cat's Tale 2: Outside is Dangerous (Switch eShop)
- A Summer with the Shiba Inu (Switch eShop)
- A Tale for Anna (Switch eShop)
- A Tale of Paper (Switch eShop)
- A Tale of Paper: Refolded (Switch eShop)
- A Tale of Synapse: The Chaos Theories (Switch eShop)
- A Time Traveller's Guide To Past Delicacies (Switch eShop)
- A Tiny Sticker Tale (Switch eShop)
- A Topsy Turvy Life: The Turvys Strike Back (DSiWare)
- A Topsy Turvy Life: Turvy Drops (DSiWare)
- A Void Hope (Switch eShop)
- A Walk With Yiayia (Switch eShop)
- A Western Drama (Switch eShop)
- A Winding Path (Switch eShop)
- A Winter's Daydream (Switch eShop)
- A Witch's Tale (DS)
- A World of Keflings (Wii U eShop)
- A Year Of Springs (Switch eShop)
- A-Train 3D: City Simulator (3DS eShop)
- A-Train DS (DS)
- A-Train: All Aboard! Tourism (Switch eShop)
- A.N.N.E (Wii U eShop)
- A.S.P. Air Strike Patrol (SNES)
- AAA Clock (Switch eShop)
- AAA Clock + Clumsy Rush (Switch eShop)
- AAA Clock + Cyber Protocol (Switch eShop)
- AAA Clock 2 (Switch eShop)
- AAA Clock Definitive Edition (Switch eShop)
- AAA Clock Elegant Edition (Switch eShop)
- AAA Clock Extended Edition (Switch eShop)
- AAA Clock Extreme Ultimate (Switch eShop)
- AAA Clock Gold (Switch eShop)
- Aaa Pro Clock 2023 (Switch eShop)
- Aaahh!!! Real Monsters (SNES)
- Aaero: Complete Edition (Switch eShop)
- Aahh! Spot the Difference (DSiWare)
- Aarik And The Ruined Kingdom (Switch eShop)
- Aaron - The Little Detective (Switch eShop)
- Abadox (NES)
- Abandon Ship (Switch eShop)
- Abarenbo Tengu & Zombie Nation (Switch eShop)
- Abathor (Switch)
- Abbie's Farm for kids and toddlers (Switch eShop)
- ABC Follow Me: Animals (Switch eShop)
- ABC Follow Me: Food Festival (Switch eShop)
- ABC Kids Bundle (Switch eShop)
- ABC Match with Me (Switch eShop)
- ABC Search With Me (Switch eShop)
- ABC Search With Me Extended Edition (Switch eShop)
- Abomi Nation (Switch eShop)
- Aborigenus (Switch eShop)
- About An Elf (Switch eShop)
- Above (Switch eShop)
- Abraca: Imagic Games (Switch eShop)
- Absolum (Switch eShop)
- Absolute Baseball (DSiWare)
- Absolute Brickbuster (DSiWare)
- Absolute Chess (DSiWare)
- Absolute Drift (Switch eShop)
- Absolute Fear -AOONI- (Switch eShop)
- Absolute Reversi (DSiWare)
- Absolute Tactics: Daughters of Mercy (Switch eShop)
- Absolutely Unstoppable MineRun (Wii U eShop)
- Abyss (DSiWare)
- Abyss (Switch eShop)
- Abyss (Wii U eShop)
- Abyss Memory Fallen Angel and the Path of Magic (Switch eShop)
- Abyss Of The Sacrifice (Switch eShop)
- ABYSS SEEKERーーWhat Do You See Deep in The Abyss (Switch eShop)
- Abyss: Backrooms Pools Horror (Switch eShop)
- Abyss: The Wraiths of Eden (Switch eShop)
- Abyssrium (Switch eShop)
- Abzu (Switch eShop)
- Academy of Champions (Wii)
- Academy: Checkers (DSiWare)
- Academy: Chess Puzzles (DSiWare)
- Academy: Tic-Tac-Toe (DSiWare)
- Acalesia (Switch eShop)
- Acceptance (Switch eShop)
- Access Denied (Switch eShop)
- Access Denied: Escape (Switch eShop)
- Accident (Switch eShop)
- Accidental Queens Collection (Switch eShop)
- Accolade Sports Collection (QUByte Classics) (Switch eShop)
- ACE - Alien Cleanup Elite (Wii U eShop)
- Ace Angler (Switch)
- Ace Angler: Fishing Spirits (Switch eShop)
- Ace Antigravity Combat Racing (Switch eShop)
- Ace Attacker (Arcade)
- Ace Attorney Anthology (Switch eShop)
- Ace Attorney Investigations 2 (DS)
- Ace Attorney Investigations Collection (Switch eShop)
- Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (DS)
- Ace Attorney Turnabout Collection (Switch eShop)
- Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown Deluxe Edition (Switch)
- Ace Combat Assault Horizon Legacy + (3DS)
- Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy (3DS)
- Ace Invaders (Switch eShop)
- Ace Mathician (DSiWare)
- Ace Of Seafood (Switch eShop)
- Ace Robot Combat (Switch eShop)
- Ace Strike (Switch eShop)
- Aces of the Luftwaffe - Squadron (Switch eShop)
- Achilles: Legends Untold (Switch eShop)
- Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics (Switch eShop)
- ACL Pro Cornhole (Switch eShop)
- ACORN Tactics (Switch eShop)
- Acro Storm (Wii U eShop)
- Across The Grooves (Switch eShop)
- Across the Obelisk (Switch eShop)
- Acrylic Nails! (Switch eShop)
- Acrylic Nails!: Complete Edition (Switch eShop)
- Acrylic Nails!: Xmas Edition (Switch eShop)
- Act It Out XL! (Switch eShop)
- ACT IT OUT XL! A Game of Charades (Switch eShop)
- ACT IT OUT! (Wii U eShop)
- Action Arcade Wrestling (Switch eShop)
- Action Fighter (Arcade)
- Action Games Bundle (Switch eShop)
- Action Games Bundle (5 in 1) (Switch eShop)
- Action Girlz Racing (Wii)
- Action Henk (Wii U eShop)
- Action Man: Search for Base X (GBC)
- Action SuperCross (Switch eShop)
- Active DBG: Brave's Rage (Switch eShop)
- Active Life Outdoor Challenge (Switch)
- Active Neurons - Puzzle game (Switch eShop)
- Active Neurons 2 (Switch eShop)
- Active Neurons 3 - Wonders Of The World (Switch eShop)
- Active Soccer 2019 (Switch eShop)
- Activision Anthology (GBA)
- ActRaiser (SNES)
- ActRaiser 2 (SNES)
- Actraiser Renaissance (Switch eShop)
- Actua Pool (DS)
- Actual Sunlight (Switch eShop)
- Adam Wolfe (Switch eShop)
- Adam's Venture: Origins (Switch)
- Addams Family Values (SNES)
- Adios (Switch eShop)
- Adome (Switch eShop)
- Adopt an Animal Near Me (Switch eShop)
- Adore (Switch eShop)
- Adrenaline Collection Pack (Switch eShop)
- Adrenaline Rush - Miami Drive (Switch eShop)
- Adrenaline Rush: Highway Extreme Traffic Racer (Switch eShop)
- Adrian's Tale (Switch eShop)
- Advance Wars (GBA)
- Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp (Switch)
- Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising (GBA)
- Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (DS)
- Advance Wars: Dual Strike (DS)
- Advanced Circuits (DSiWare)
- Advent Calendar (Switch eShop)
- Advent Calendar: Puzzle Edition (Switch eShop)
- Adventure Academia: The Fractured Continent (Switch eShop)
- Adventure Bar Story (3DS eShop)
- Adventure Bar Story (Switch eShop)
- Adventure Escape Room Bundle (Switch eShop)
- Adventure Field 4 (Switch eShop)
- Adventure Field Remake (Switch eShop)
- Adventure Horror Bundle (Switch eShop)
- Adventure In Vegas: Slot Machine (DSiWare)
- Adventure Island (GB)
- Adventure Island (NES)
- Adventure Island II (NES)
- Adventure Island II: Aliens in Paradise (GB)
- Adventure Island III (NES)
- Adventure Island IV (NES)
- Adventure Island: The Beginning (WiiWare)
- Adventure Labyrinth Story (3DS eShop)
- Adventure Llama (Switch eShop)
- Adventure on Lost Island: Hidden Object Game (WiiWare)
- Adventure Party: Cats and Caverns (Wii U eShop)
- Adventure Pinball Bundle (Switch eShop)
- Adventure Quiz: Capcom World (Arcade)
- Adventure Quiz: Capcom World 2 (Arcade)
- Adventure Tanks (Switch eShop)
- Adventure Thru 8-Bit Land (Wii U eShop)
- Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON'T KNOW! (3DS)
- Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON'T KNOW! (Wii U)
- Adventure Time: Finn and Jake Investigations (3DS)
- Adventure Time: Finn and Jake Investigations (Wii U)
- Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why'd You Steal Our Garbage?! (3DS)
- Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why'd You Steal Our Garbage?! (DS)
- Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion (Switch)
- Adventure Time: The Secret of the Nameless Kingdom (3DS)
- Adventure Word: Around the World (Switch eShop)
- AdventureQuest 8-Bit: Dungeons & Doomknights (Switch eShop)
- Adventures of a Cat in Space (Switch eShop)
- Adventures of Ben: Rabbit Run (Switch eShop)
- Adventures of Bertram Fiddle Episode 2: A Bleaker Predicklement (Switch eShop)
- Adventures of Chris (Switch eShop)
- Adventures of Lolo (GB)
- Adventures of Lolo (NES)
- Adventures of Lolo 2 (NES)
- Adventures of Lolo 3 (NES)
- Adventures of Pip (Switch eShop)
- Adventures of Pip (Wii U eShop)
- Adventurous Mind (Switch eShop)
- Adverse (Switch eShop)
- Aegis Defenders (Switch eShop)
- Aenigma Os (Wii U eShop)
- Aeolis Tournament (Switch eShop)
- Aeon Drive (Switch eShop)
- Aeon Must Die! (Switch eShop)
- AER: Memories of Old (Switch eShop)
- Aerial_Knight's Never Yield (Switch eShop)
- Aero Cosmos (Switch eShop)
- Aero Fighters (SNES)
- Aero Fighters 2 (Neo Geo)
- Aero Fighters 3 (Neo Geo)
- Aero Fighters Assault (N64)
- Aero Porter (3DS eShop)
- Aero Star (GB)
- Aero Striker - World Invasion (Switch eShop)
- Aero the Acro-Bat (Switch eShop)
- Aero The Acro-Bat 2 (Switch eShop)
- Aero the Acro-bat: Rascal Rival Revenge (Switch eShop)
- Aero the Acrobat (SNES)
- Aero the Acrobat 2 (SNES)
- Aerofly FS Flight Simulator (Switch eShop)
- AeroGauge (N64)
- Aerostar (GB)
- Aery - A Journey Beyond Time (Switch eShop)
- Aery - A New Frontier (Switch eShop)
- Aery - Ancient Empires (Switch eShop)
- Aery - Broken Memories (Switch eShop)
- Aery - Calm Mind (Switch eShop)
- Aery - Calm Mind 2 (Switch eShop)
- Aery - Calm Mind 3 (Switch eShop)
- Aery - Calm Mind 4 (Switch eShop)
- Aery - Cyber City (Switch eShop)
- Aery - Dream Land (Switch eShop)
- Aery - Dreamscape (Switch eShop)
- Aery - Flow of Time (Switch eShop)
- Aery - Heaven & Hell (Switch eShop)
- Aery - Last Day of Earth (Switch eShop)
- Aery - Little Bird Adventure (Switch eShop)
- Aery - Midnight Hour (Switch eShop)
- Aery - Path of Corruption (Switch eShop)
- Aery - Peace of Mind (Switch eShop)
- Aery - Peace of Mind 2 (Switch eShop)
- Aery - Sky Castle (Switch eShop)
- Aery - Stone Age (Switch eShop)
- Aery - The Lost Hero (Switch eShop)
- Aery - Vikings (Switch eShop)
- Aery Early Birds Bundle (Switch eShop)
- Aeterna Noctis (Switch)
- AeternoBlade (3DS eShop)
- AeternoBlade (Switch eShop)
- AeternoBlade 2 (3DS eShop)
- AeternoBlade II (Switch)
- Aeternum Quest (Switch eShop)
- AEW: Fight Forever (Switch)
- Affordable Space Adventures (Wii U eShop)
- AFL Evolution 2 (Switch eShop)
- AFL Mascot Manor (DS)
- After Burner (NES)
- After Burner II (NES)
- After Wave: Downfall (Switch eShop)
- After You (Switch eShop)
- Aftercharge (Switch eShop)
- Afterdream (Switch eShop)
- Afterimage (Switch eShop)
- Afterlove EP (Switch eShop)
- Afterparty (Switch eShop)
- Afterpulse (Switch eShop)
- Afterthought (Switch eShop)
- AfterZoom (3DS eShop)
- AfterZoom (DSiWare)
- Again (DS)
- Agarest: Generations of War (Switch eShop)
- Agartha-s (Switch eShop)
- Agatha Christie - Hercule Poirot: The First Cases (Switch)
- Agatha Christie - Hercule Poirot: The London Case (Switch)
- Agatha Christie - Murder on the Orient Express (Switch)
- Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders (Switch eShop)
- Agatha Christie Collection (Switch eShop)
- Agatha Christie Collection 2 (Switch eShop)
- Agatha Christie's The ABC Murders (DS)
- Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None (Wii)
- Agatha Knife (Switch eShop)
- Age of Empires: Mythologies (DS)
- Age of Empires: The Age of Kings (DS)
- Age of Heroes: The Beginning (Switch eShop)
- Age of Sokoban (Switch eShop)
- Ageless (Switch eShop)
- Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise (Switch eShop)
- Agent Fall (Switch eShop)
- Agent Intercept (Switch eShop)
- Agent Walker: Secret Journey (Switch eShop)
- Ages of Mages: The last keeper (Switch eShop)
- Aggelos (Switch eShop)
- Aggressive Inline (GCN)
- Aggressors Of Dark Kombat (Neo Geo)
- Agnostiko ORIGINS (Switch eShop)
- Agnostiko X NedMapagmahal Bundle (Switch eShop)
- Agony (Switch eShop)
- Agriculture (Switch eShop)
- Aground (Switch eShop)
- Ah! Heaven (DSiWare)
- Aha! Let's Photo Hunt! (Switch eShop)
- Ahro (Switch eShop)
- Ai Chō Aniki (TG-16)
- AI Shogi 3 (N64)
- AI: The Somnium Files (Switch)
- AI: The Somnium Files - nirvanA Initiative (Switch)
- Aidan In Danger (Switch eShop)
- Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage (N64)
- Ailment (Switch eShop)
- Air Aces (Switch eShop)
- Air Assault (Arcade)
- Air Battle (Switch eShop)
- Air Battle Hockey 3D (3DS eShop)
- Air Boarder 64 (N64)
- Air Bounce - The Jump 'n' Run Challenge (Switch eShop)
- Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers (Switch eShop)
- Air Conflicts: Secret Wars (Switch eShop)
- Air Duel (Arcade)
- Air Fortress (NES)
- Air Hockey (Switch eShop)
- Air Hockey Arcade: Casual Board Game (Switch eShop)
- Air Hockey Puzzles (Switch eShop)
- Air Hockey: Casual Table Arcade (Switch eShop)
- Air Hunter (Switch eShop)
- Air Jet Fighter Combat - Europe Fly Plane Attack (Switch eShop)
- Air Mail (Switch eShop)
- Air Missions: Hind (Switch eShop)
- Air Racers (Switch eShop)
- Air Sea Modern Conflict (Switch eShop)
- Air Strike: WW2 Fighters Sky Combat (Switch eShop)
- Air Stunt Racing (Switch eShop)
- Air Traffic Chaos (DS)
- Air Traffic Sim: Airport Dispatcher Simulator (Switch eShop)
- Air Twister (Switch)
- Air Zonk (TG-16)
- AiRace (DSiWare)
- AiRace Speed (3DS eShop)
- AiRace Xeno (3DS eShop)
- AiRace: Tunnel (DSiWare)
- Airborne Grannies (Switch eShop)
- Airborne Kingdom (Switch eShop)
- Airborne Motocross (Switch eShop)
- Aircraft Carrier Survival (Switch eShop)
- Aircraft Evolution (Switch eShop)
- Aireo FlightSimulator (Switch eShop)
- Aireo FlightSimulator 2025 Edition (Switch eShop)
- Airfield Mania (Switch eShop)
- AirForce Delta (GBC)
- Airhead (Switch eShop)
- Airheart - Tales of Broken Wings (Switch eShop)
- AirJet Fighter Sky Dominators: Aerial Assault (Switch eShop)
- Airoheart (Switch)
- Airplane Delivery Simulator 2024: Realistic Geographical (Switch eShop)
- Airplane Flight Simulator (Switch eShop)
- Airplane Flight Simulator : Dangerous Landings (Switch eShop)
- Airplane Race Simulator - 2 Player Game (Switch eShop)
- Airport (Switch eShop)
- Airport Flight Administrator Simulator & Air Traffic-Sky Airplane Sim Plane Games (Switch eShop)
- Airport Link: Connect Near Me (Switch eShop)
- Airport Mania: First Flight (DSiWare)
- Airport Mania: First Flight (WiiWare)
- Airport Mania: Non-Stop Flights (DSiWare)
- Airport Simulator: Day & Night (Switch eShop)
- AirRevo (Switch eShop)
- Airship Defender (Switch eShop)
- AirStrike Command: Tactical Assault Operation (Switch eShop)
- AK-xolotl (Switch eShop)
- Aka (Switch eShop)
- Akai Katana Shin (Switch)
- Akaiito Hd Remaster (Switch eShop)
- Akane (Switch eShop)
- Akari by Nikoli (3DS eShop)
- Akash: Path of the Five (Switch eShop)
- Akatori (Switch eShop)
- Akatsuki: Lord of the Dawn (Switch eShop)
- AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed (Switch eShop)
- AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed Director's Cut (Switch eShop)
- Akihabara - Feel the Rhythm Remixed (Switch eShop)
- Akihabara CRASH! 123STAGE+1 (Switch eShop)
- Akinofa (Switch eShop)
- Akka Arrh (Switch eShop)
- Akuarium (Switch eShop)
- Akuto: Showdown (Switch eShop)
- Ala Mobile (Switch eShop)
- Aladdin (GB)
- Alan Wake Remastered (Switch eShop)
- Alba: A Wildlife Adventure (Switch eShop)
- Albacete Warrior (Switch eShop)
- Alcahest (SNES)
- Alchemic Cutie (Switch eShop)
- Alchemic Dungeons (3DS eShop)
- Alchemic Dungeons DX (Switch eShop)
- Alchemic Jousts (Switch eShop)
- Alchemist Adventure (Switch eShop)
- Alchemist Generations Bundle (Switch eShop)
- Alchemist Simulator (Switch eShop)
- Alchemist's Castle (Switch eShop)
- Alchemist: The Potion Monger (Switch eShop)
- Alchemy Garden (Switch eShop)
- Alchemy Pipes Puzzle (Switch eShop)
- Alchemy POIPOI SS (Switch eShop)
- Alchemy: Origins (Switch eShop)
- Alder's Blood (Switch eShop)
- Aldred - Knight of Honor (Switch eShop)
- Alehouse Tavern Simulator (Switch eShop)
- Alekon (Switch eShop)
- Aleste 2 (MSX)
- Aleste Collection (Switch)
- Alex Kidd in Miracle World (SMS)
- Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX (Switch)
- Alex Kidd in Shinobi World (SMS)
- Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle (MD)
- Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars (Arcade)
- Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars (SMS)
- Alex Rider: Stormbreaker (DS)
- Alexio (Switch eShop)
- Alfonzo's Arctic Adventure (Switch eShop)
- Alfred Chicken (GB)
- Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo (Switch eShop)
- Alfred's Adventure (GBC)
- Ali Baba and 40 Thieves (Arcade)
- Alian Planet (Switch eShop)
- Alice Escaped! (Switch eShop)
- Alice Gear Aegis CS Concerto of Simulatrix (Switch eShop)
- Alice in Dinerland (Switch eShop)
- Alice In Wonderland (DS)
- Alice in Wonderland (GBC)
- Alice in Wonderland (Wii U eShop)
- Alice in Wonderland - A jigsaw puzzle tale (Switch eShop)
- Alice in Wonderland - Magical Labyrinth (Switch eShop)
- Alice Sisters (Switch eShop)
- Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Switch eShop)
- Alice's Warped Wonderland:Recollection (Switch eShop)
- Alicia Griffith: Lakeside Murder Collector's Edition (Switch eShop)
- Alien Arena (Arcade)
- Alien Chaos 3D (3DS eShop)
- Alien Cruise (Switch eShop)
- Alien Crush (TG-16)
- Alien Crush Returns (WiiWare)
- Alien Death Mob (Switch eShop)
- Alien Destroyer (Switch eShop)
- Alien Engine (Switch eShop)
- Alien Escape (Switch eShop)
- Alien Hominid (GCN)
- Alien Hominid HD (Switch eShop)
- Alien Hominid Invasion (Switch eShop)
- Alien Hominid: The Extra Terrestrial Bundle (Switch eShop)
- Alien Invasion (Switch eShop)
- Alien Olympics 2044 AD (GB)
- Alien On The Run (3DS eShop)
- Alien Puzzle Adventure (DSiWare)
- Alien Soldier (MD)
- Alien Storm (Arcade)
- Alien Storm (MD)
- Alien Survivors: To Starship Resurrection (Switch eShop)
- Alien Syndrome (Arcade)
- Alien Syndrome (Wii)
- Alien vs Predator: The Last of His Clan (GB)
- Alien vs. Predator (Arcade)
- Alien War (Switch eShop)
- Alien War 2 Dogfight (Switch eShop)
- Alien: Isolation (Switch eShop)
- Aliens (Arcade)
- Aliens Drive Me Crazy (Switch eShop)
- Aliens in the Attic (DS)
- Aliens in the Attic (Wii)
- Aliens Strike (Switch eShop)
- Aliens: Colonial Marines (Wii U)
- Aliens: Fireteam Elite (Switch eShop)
- Aliens: Infestation (DS)
- Aliens: Thanatos Encounter (GBC)
- Alien³ (GB)
- Aliisha: The Oblivion Of Twin Goddesses (Switch)
- Alina of the Arena (Switch eShop)
- Alisa Developer's Cut (Switch eShop)
- Alisia Dragoon (MD)
- Alive Paint (Switch eShop)
- All I Want for Christmas are Subgames CE (Switch eShop)
- All in Casino Girls (Switch eShop)
- All in! Bundle (Switch eShop)
- All Kamen Rider: Rider Generation 2 (DS)
- All Noobs must die - Craft, Survival, Mine (Switch eShop)
- All of Us Are Dead (Switch eShop)
- All Star Cheer Squad (DS)
- All Star Cheer Squad (Wii)
- All Star Karate (Wii)
- All Star Tennis '99 (N64)
- All Star Tennis 2000 (GBC)
- All That Remains: Part 1 (Switch eShop)
- All Walls Must Fall (Switch eShop)
- All Walls Must Fall - A Tech-Noir Tactics Game (Switch eShop)
- All You Need is Help (Switch eShop)
- All You Want Bundle (Switch eShop)
- All-Star Air Hockey (DSiWare)
- All-Star Baseball '99 (GB)
- All-Star Baseball 2000 (GBC)
- All-Star Baseball 2000 (N64)
- All-Star Baseball 2001 (GBC)
- All-Star Baseball 2001 (N64)
- All-Star Baseball 2002 (GCN)
- All-Star Baseball 2003 (GCN)
- All-Star Baseball 2004 (GCN)
- All-Star Baseball 99 (N64)
- All-Star Fruit Racing (Switch)
- All-Star Supermarket Simulator: Vinyl Vibes (Switch eShop)
- Alleyway (GB)
- Allied Ace Pilots (DS)
- Alluris (Switch eShop)
- Almightree: The Last Dreamer (Switch eShop)
- Almost My Floor (Switch eShop)
- Almost There: The Platformer (Switch eShop)
- Alone in the Dark (Wii)
- Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (GBC)
- Alone Musc (Switch eShop)
- Alone With You (Switch eShop)
- Along the Edge (Switch eShop)
- Aloof (Switch eShop)
- Alpaca Ball: Allstars (Switch eShop)
- Alpaca Wonders Why (Switch eShop)
- Alpha (Switch eShop)
- Alpha and Omega (DS)
- Alpha Mission (Arcade)
- Alpha Mission II (Neo Geo)
- Alpha Particle (Switch eShop)
- AlphaBounce (DSiWare)
- Alphadia (3DS eShop)
- Alphadia Genesis (Switch eShop)
- Alphadia Genesis (Wii U eShop)
- Alphadia Genesis 2 (Switch eShop)
- Alphadia I & II (Switch eShop)
- Alphadia Neo (Switch eShop)
- AlphaLink (Switch eShop)
- Alphaset by POWGI (Switch eShop)
- Alpine Ski (Arcade)
- Alruna and the Necro-Industrialists (Switch eShop)
- Alt-Frequencies (Switch eShop)
- Alt-Play: Jason Rohrer Anthology (DSiWare)
- Alter Age (Switch eShop)
- Alter World (New 3DS)
- Alter World (Switch eShop)
- Altered Beast (Arcade)
- Altered Beast (MD)
- Altered Beast (VC Arcade)
- Altered Beast: Guardian of the Realms (GBA)
- Altered Space: A 3-D Alien Adventure (GB)
- Alteric (Switch eShop)
- Alterity Experience (Switch eShop)
- Alterium Shift (Switch eShop)
- Alternate Jake Hunter: DAEDALUS The Awakening of Golden Jazz (Switch eShop)
- Altf4 (Switch eShop)
- ALUMNI - Escape Room Adventure (Switch eShop)
- Aluna: Sentinel of the Shards (Switch eShop)
- Alvastia Chronicles (Switch eShop)
- Alveole (Switch eShop)
- Alvin and the Chipmunks (DS)
- Alvin and the Chipmunks (Wii)
- Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel (DS)
- Alwa's Awakening (Switch eShop)
- Alwa's Legacy (Switch eShop)
- Alwa's Legacy + Alwa's Awakening (Switch eShop)
- Always Sometimes Monsters (Switch eShop)
- Am I Kind Hearted? (Switch eShop)
- Amabilly (Switch eShop)
- Amanda the Adventurer (Switch eShop)
- Amaze! (Switch eShop)
- amazin' George 2 (Switch eShop)
- amazin' George 2 Digital Deluxe (Switch eShop)
- amazin' George Remastered (Switch eShop)
- amazin' Lumo (Switch eShop)
- amazin' Mage (Switch eShop)
- Amazing Adventures: The Forgotten Ruins (DS)
- Amazing Breaker (Switch eShop)
- Amazing Brick Breaker (Switch eShop)
- Amazing Chicken Adventures (Switch eShop)
- Amazing Coloring Books Bundle (Switch eShop)
- Amazing Drawing: Coloring Book Simulator (Switch eShop)
- Amazing Hebereke (SNES)
- Amazing Island (GCN)
- Amazing Machines (Switch eShop)
- Amazing Penguin (GB)
- Amazing Pets Bundle (Switch eShop)
- Amazing Princess Sarah (Switch eShop)
- Amazing Superhero Squad (Switch eShop)
- Amazing Tater (GB)
- Amazing Weekend Search and Relax Collector's Edition (Switch eShop)
- Amber City (Switch eShop)
- Amber Isle (Switch eShop)
- Ambition of the Slimes (3DS eShop)
- Ambition of the Slimes (Switch eShop)
- Ambition Record (Switch eShop)
- Ambition: A Minuet in Power (Switch eShop)
- Amedama (Switch eShop)
- Amelia's Diner (Switch eShop)
- Amelia's Garden (Switch eShop)
- America Wild Hunting (Switch eShop)
- America's Next Top Model (DS)
- America's Test Kitchen Let's Get Cooking (DS)
- American Chopper 2: Full Throttle (GCN)
- American Fugitive (Switch eShop)
- American Girl: Julie Finds a Way (DS)
- American Girl: Kit Mystery Challenge (DS)
- American Hero (Switch eShop)
- American Man (Switch eShop)
- American Mensa Academy (3DS)
- American Ninja Warrior Challenge (Switch)
- AMF Bowling Pinbusters! (DS)
- Amida's Path (DSiWare)
- Amidar (Arcade)
- Ammo Pigs: Armed and Delicious (Switch eShop)
- Ammo Pigs: Cocked and Loaded (Switch eShop)
- Amnesia: Collection (Switch eShop)
- Amnesia: Later x Crowd (Switch eShop)
- Amnesia: Memories (Switch eShop)
- Amnesia: Rebirth (Switch eShop)
- Amnesia: The Bunker (Switch eShop)
- Amoeba Battle - Microscopic RTS Action (Switch eShop)
- Amoebattle (DSiWare)
- Among Pipes (Switch eShop)
- Among the Sleep: Enhanced Edition (Switch)
- Among Us (Switch eShop)
- Ampersat (Switch)
- Ampersat (Switch eShop)
- An Airport for Aliens Currently Run by Dogs (Switch eShop)
- An American Werewolf in L.A. (Switch eShop)
- An NPC's Odyssey (Switch eShop)
- Anarcute (Switch eShop)
- Anarkade (Switch eShop)
- Ancestors Legacy (Switch eShop)
- Ancient Islands (Switch eShop)
- Ancient Mahjong (Switch eShop)
- Ancient Phantasma (Switch eShop)
- Ancient Relics - Egypt (Switch eShop)
- Ancient Rush 2 (Switch eShop)
- Ancient Stories: Gods of Egypt (Switch eShop)
- Ancient Tribe (DSiWare)
- Ancient Weapon Holly (Switch eShop)
- And Yet It Moves (WiiWare)
- Andrew Lloyd Webber Sing & Dance (Wii)
- Andro Dunos 2 (3DS)
- Andro Dunos 2 (Switch)
- Andromeda Survivors (Switch eShop)
- Anew: The Distant Light (Switch eShop)
- Angel at Dusk (Switch eShop)
- Angel Symphony (Switch eShop)
- ANGEL WHISPER - The Suspense Visual Novel Left Behind by a Game Creator. (Switch eShop)
- Angel's Punishment (Switch eShop)
- Angelian Trigger (Switch)
- Angelique (SNES)
- Angelique Duet (DS)
- Angelo and Deemon: One Hell of a Quest (Switch eShop)
- Angels of Death (Switch eShop)
- Angels with Scaly Wings (Switch eShop)
- AngerForce: Reloaded (Switch eShop)
- Angler's Club: Ultimate Bass Fishing 3D (3DS)
- Anglerfish (Switch eShop)
- Angry Alligator (Switch eShop)
- Angry Birds Star Wars (3DS)
- Angry Birds Star Wars (Wii)
- Angry Birds Star Wars (Wii U)
- Angry Birds Trilogy (3DS)
- Angry Birds Trilogy (Wii)
- Angry Birds Trilogy (Wii U)
- Angry Bunnies (3DS eShop)
- Angry Bunnies: Colossal Carrot Crusade (Switch eShop)
- Angry Bunnies: Colossal Carrot Crusade (Wii U eShop)
- Angry Golf (Switch eShop)
- Angry Neighbor Simulator (Switch eShop)
- Angry Video Game Nerd 1 & 2 Deluxe (Switch eShop)
- Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures (3DS eShop)
- Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures (Wii U eShop)
- ANIMA: Ark of Sinners (WiiWare)
- Anima: Gate of Memories (Switch eShop)
- Anima: Gate Of Memories (Wii U eShop)
- Anima: Gate of Memories - Arcane Edition (Switch eShop)
- Anima: Gate of Memories - The Nameless Chronicles (Switch eShop)
- Animal Babies Puzzle - Preschool Animals Puzzles Game for Kids (Switch eShop)
- Animal Bomber (Switch eShop)
- Animal Boxing (DS)
- Animal Boxing (DSiWare)
- Animal Buddies - Party Beasts (Switch eShop)
- Animal Color Cross (DSiWare)
- Animal Crossing (GCN)
- Animal Crossing Calculator (DSiWare)
- Animal Crossing Clock (DSiWare)
- Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival (Wii U)
- Animal Crossing: City Folk (Wii)
- Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer (3DS)
- Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)
- Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Happy Home Paradise DLC (Switch eShop)
- Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS)
- Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp (Mobile)
- Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete (Mobile)
- Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS)
- Animal Doctor (Switch eShop)
- Animal Drifters (Switch eShop)
- Animal Farm Jigsaw Games for Toddlers, Babies and Kids (Switch eShop)
- Animal Farm Parking (Switch eShop)
- Animal Fight Club (Switch eShop)
- Animal Fun for Toddlers and Kids (Switch eShop)
- Animal Fun Puzzle - Preschool and kindergarten learning and fun game for toddlers and kids (Switch eShop)
- Animal Genius (DS)
- Animal Gods (Wii U eShop)
- Animal Golf - Battle Race (Switch eShop)
- Animal Hospital (3DS)
- Animal Hospital (Switch eShop)
- Animal Hunter Z (Switch eShop)
- Animal Hunting 3D (Switch eShop)
- Animal Kart Racer 2 (Switch eShop)
- Animal Kingdom: Wildlife Expedition (Wii)
- Animal Kung Fu (Switch eShop)
- Animal Learning Puzzle for Toddlers and Kids (Switch eShop)
- Animal Life: Africa (DS)
- Animal Life: Australia (DS)
- Animal Lover (Switch eShop)
- Animal Pairs - Matching & Concentration Game for Toddlers & Kids (Switch eShop)
- Animal Pals Bubble Pop (Switch eShop)
- Animal Paradise (DS)
- Animal Paradise Wild (DS)
- Animal Planet: Emergency Vets (DS)
- Animal Puzzle - Preschool Learning Game for Kids and Toddlers (Switch eShop)
- Animal Puzzle Adventure (DSiWare)
- Animal Puzzle Cats (Switch eShop)
- Animal Puzzle for Kids and Toddlers (Switch eShop)
- Animal Puzzle for Toddlers and Kids - Preschool and kindergarten learning and fun game (Switch eShop)
- Animal Puzzle World (Switch eShop)
- Animal Revolt Battle Simulator (Switch eShop)
- Animal Rivals: Nintendo Switch Edition (Switch eShop)
- Animal Rivals: Up In The Air (Switch eShop)
- Animal Shelter Simulator (Switch eShop)
- Animal Super Craft - Maker Word Simulator Deluxe Game 2023 (Switch eShop)
- Animal Super Squad (Switch eShop)
- Animal Tower Battle (Switch eShop)
- Animal Up! (Switch eShop)
- Animal Water Pang! (Switch eShop)
- Animal Well (Switch eShop)
- Animal Zoo: The Forgotten Land (Switch eShop)
- ANIMALITY Nintendo Switch Version (Switch eShop)
- Animals - Habitats and Curiosities (Switch eShop)
- Animals drop (Switch eShop)
- Animals for Toddlers (Switch eShop)
- Animals Names (Switch eShop)
- Animals Transport Simulator - Car Driving & Parking Games Real Zoo Park (Switch eShop)
- AnimaLudo (Switch eShop)
- Animaniacs (GB)
- Animaniacs (SNES)
- Animaniacs: Lights, Camera, Action! (DS)
- Animaniacs: The Great Edgar Hunt (GCN)
- Animated Jigsaws Collection (Switch eShop)
- Animated Jigsaws: Beautiful Japanese Scenery (Switch eShop)
- Animated Jigsaws: Japanese Women (Switch eShop)
- Animated Jigsaws: Wild Animals (Switch eShop)
- AniMates (DS)
- Anime Beauty Girl Puzzle - Love Game History Adventure (Switch eShop)
- Anime Boys Dating: Sexy Halloween Costumes (Switch eShop)
- Anime Boys Dating: The night before Christmas and the tree (Switch eShop)
- Anime Clock (Switch eShop)
- Anime Dance-Off - Around the World (Switch eShop)
- Anime Dance-Off - Dungeons and Dancers (Switch eShop)
- Anime Dance-Off - Ghost Party (Switch eShop)
- Anime Dance-Off - Party Total (Switch eShop)
- Anime Dance-Off - Space Party (Switch eShop)
- Anime Girls Dating: The Night Before Christmas and the Tree (Switch eShop)
- Anime Girls Military Strike (Switch eShop)
- Anime Girls Wasteland Shootout (Switch eShop)
- Anime Girls: Awesome Adventurer (Switch eShop)
- Anime Girls: Beautiful Bride (Switch eShop)
- Anime Girls: Busty Baseball (Switch eShop)
- Anime Girls: Camping Trip (Switch eShop)
- Anime Girls: Gorgeous Girlfriend (Switch eShop)
- Anime Girls: Graceful Goddess (Switch eShop)
- Anime Girls: Highschool of Dead (Switch eShop)
- Anime Girls: JDM Car Passion Puzzle (Switch eShop)
- Anime Girls: Lady Liberty (Switch eShop)
- Anime Girls: Lovely Lolita (Switch eShop)
- Anime Girls: Natty New Year (Switch eShop)
- Anime Girls: Natty Nurse (Switch eShop)
- Anime Girls: Sun of a Beach (Switch eShop)
- Anime Poly Puzzle - Sci-Fi Maidens (Switch eShop)
- Anime Puzzle Quest: The Magical Girls Adventure (Switch eShop)
- Anime Sexy Girl Puzzle - Hentai Game History Adventure (Switch eShop)
- Anime Studio Story (Switch eShop)
- Anime Tank Blitz: Warbound Legends (Switch eShop)
- Anime vs Evil: Apocalypse (Switch eShop)
- Anime Waifu Simulator: Sakura Garden (Switch eShop)
- Anime Workshop (3DS eShop)
- Animorphs (GBC)
- Animus (Switch eShop)
- ANIMUS: Harbinger (Switch eShop)
- ANIMUS: Revenant (Switch eShop)
- Aniquilation (Switch eShop)
- Ankh Guardian - Treasure of the Demon's Temple (Switch eShop)
- Ankh: Curse of the Scarab King (DS)
- Ankora: Lost Days (Switch eShop)
- Anna's Quest (Switch eShop)
- Annalynn (Switch eShop)
- Anne's Doll Studio: Antique Collection (DSiWare)
- Anne's Doll Studio: Gothic Collection (DSiWare)
- Anne's Doll Studio: Lolita Collection (DSiWare)
- Anne's Doll Studio: Princess Collection (DSiWare)
- Anne's Doll Studio: Tokyo Collection (DSiWare)
- Anne's Zombie Odyssey (Switch eShop)
- Annihilation (Wii U eShop)
- Anno 1701: Dawn of Discovery (DS)
- ANNO: Create a New World (Wii)
- ANNO: Mutationem (Switch eShop)
- Anode (Switch eShop)
- Anodyne (Switch eShop)
- Anodyne 2: Return To Dust (Switch eShop)
- Anomaly Agent (Switch eShop)
- Anomaly Pools (Switch eShop)
- Anonymous Notes Chapter 1 - From The Abyss (DSiWare)
- Anonymous Notes Chapter 2 - From The Abyss (DSiWare)
- Anonymous Notes Chapter 3 - From The Abyss (DSiWare)
- Anonymous Notes Chapter 4 - From the Abyss (DSiWare)
- Another Bar Game (Switch eShop)
- Another Castle (Wii U eShop)
- Another Code: R, A Journey Into Lost Memories (Wii)
- Another Code: Recollection (Switch)
- Another Crab's Treasure (Switch eShop)
- Another Crusade (Switch)
- Another Lost Phone: Laura's Story (Switch eShop)
- Another Sight (Switch eShop)
- Another Tomorrow (Switch eShop)
- Another World (SNES)
- Another World (Switch eShop)
- Another World - 20th Anniversary Edition (3DS eShop)
- Another World - 20th Anniversary Edition (Wii U eShop)
- Another World Mahjong Girl (Switch eShop)
- AnShi (Switch eShop)
- Ant Nation (DS)
- Ant Nation (WiiWare)
- Ant-Gravity: Tiny's Adventure (Switch eShop)
- Antarctica 88 (Switch eShop)
- Ante Up: Texas Hold'em (DSiWare)
- Anteater (Arcade)
- Anthill (Switch eShop)
- Anthology of Fear (Switch eShop)
- Anti Hero Bundle (Switch eShop)
- Anticipation (NES)
- Antigravity Racing (Switch eShop)
- Antipaint (Switch eShop)
- Antipole (DSiWare)
- Antipole DX (3DS eShop)
- Antipole DX (Wii U eShop)
- Antiquia Lost (Switch eShop)
- Antonball Deluxe (Switch eShop)
- Antonblast (Switch eShop)
- AntVentor (Switch eShop)
- Antz (GBC)
- Antz Racing (GBC)
- Antz World Sportz (GBC)
- Anubis II (Wii)
- Anuchard (Switch eShop)
- Anyaroth: The Queen's Tyranny (Switch eShop)
- AO Tennis 2 (Switch eShop)
- Aoishiro Hd Remaster (Switch eShop)
- Aokana - Four Rhythms Across the Blue (Switch)
- Aooni (Switch eShop)
- Apathy: Narugami Gakuen Toshi Densetsu Tantei Kyoku (DS)
- Ape Out (Switch eShop)
- Aperion Cyberstorm (Switch eShop)
- Aperion Cyberstorm (Wii U eShop)
- Apex Heroines (Switch eShop)
- Apex Legends (Switch eShop)
- APICO (Switch eShop)
- Apocalipsis Wormwood Edition (Switch eShop)
- Apocryph: an old-school shooter (Switch eShop)
- Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (3DS eShop)
- Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (3DS)
- Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (DS)
- Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy (Switch)
- App Driver + John The Zombie (Switch eShop)
- Apparition (Switch eShop)
- Apple Knight (Switch eShop)
- Apple Knight 2 (Switch eShop)
- Apple Slash (Switch eShop)
- Apploval (Switch eShop)
- Apré Lapli [After the rain] (Switch eShop)
- April's Diary (Switch eShop)
- Apsulov: End of Gods (Switch)
- Aqua Kitty UDX (Switch eShop)
- Aqua Lungers (Switch eShop)
- Aqua Moto Racing 3D (3DS eShop)
- Aqua Moto Racing Utopia (Switch)
- Aqua Moto Racing Utopia (Wii U eShop)
- Aqua Puzzle Adventures (Switch eShop)
- Aqua TV (Switch eShop)
- Aqua TV (Wii U eShop)
- Aquadine (Switch eShop)
- Aquaman: Battle for Atlantis (GCN)
- Aquapark io (Switch eShop)
- Aquarist (Switch eShop)
- Aquarium Land (Switch eShop)
- Aquarium Land: Puppy Edition (Switch eShop)
- Aquarun (Switch eShop)
- Aquatic Life: Fish Simulator RPG (Switch eShop)
- Aquatic Rampage (Switch eShop)
- AR Games (3DS eShop)
- Ara Fell: Enhanced Edition (Switch eShop)
- Aragami 2 (Switch)
- Aragami: Shadow Edition (Switch)
- Arc of Alchemist (Switch eShop)
- Arc Rise Fantasia (Wii)
- Arc Style: Baseball 3D (3DS eShop)
- Arc Style: Soccer!! 3D (3DS eShop)
- ARC STYLE: Solitaire (3DS eShop)
- Arcade Archives 10-Yard Fight (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives 64th. Street (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives A-JAX (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives AERO FIGHTERS (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Alpha Mission (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives ALPINE SKI (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives ARABIAN (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives ARGUS (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Ark Area (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Armed F (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives ASSAULT (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives ATHENA (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Atomic Robo-Kid (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives BARADUKE (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives BARADUKE 2 (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Bells & Whistles (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives BEN BERO BEH (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives BIO-SHIP PALADIN (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives BLACK HEART (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives BLANDIA (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives BLAST OFF (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives BLOCK HOLE (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives BOMB JACK (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives BONZE ADVENTURE (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives BOSCONIAN (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives BRAVOMAN (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives BUBBLE BOBBLE (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Burger Time (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Burnin' Rubber (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Burning Force (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Buta san (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives CADASH (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives CASTLE OF DRAGON (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Chack'n Pop (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives CHAMPION WRESTLER (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives CIRCUS CHARLIE (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives City Bomber (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives City Connection (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Clu Clu Land (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Contra (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives COP 01 (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives COSMO GANG THE PUZZLE (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives COSMO GANG THE VIDEO (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Cosmo Police Galivan (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Crazy Climber (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Crazy Climber 2 (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives CRAZY CLIMBER2 (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives CRIME CITY (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Crime Fighters (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives CUE BRICK (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Cybattler (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives DAIOH (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Dangerous Seed (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives DARIUS (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives DARIUS II (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives DARK ADVENTURE (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives DARWIN 4078 (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives DEAD CONNECTION (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives DIG DUG (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Dinorex (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives DON DOKO DON (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Donkey Kong (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Donkey Kong 3 (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Donkey Kong Jr. (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Double Dragon (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives DOUBLE DRAGON II The Revenge (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Dragon Buster (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Dragon Saber (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Dragon Spirit (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Earth Defense Force (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Elevator Action (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives EMERALDIA (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives EMPIRE CITY: 1931 (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives ESCAPE KIDS (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Excitebike (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives EXERION (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Exvania (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives FANTASTIC NIGHT DREAMS COTTOn (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Fighting Hawk (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives FINAL BLOW (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives FINAL STAR FORCE (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives FLAK ATTACK (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives FLIPULL (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives FOOTBALL CHAMP (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Football Frenzy (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives FORMATION Z (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Frisky Tom (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives FROGGER (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Front Line (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Galaga (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives GALAGA'88 (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives GALAXIAN (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Gaplus (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Gemini Wing (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Golf (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Gradius (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Gradius II (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives GRADIUS III (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives GROBDA (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Growl (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives GUERRILLA WAR (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives GUN & FRONTIER (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives GUNNAIL (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives GUTTANG GOTTONG (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Guzzler (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives HACHA MECHA FIGHTER (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives HALLEY'S COMET (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Haunted Castle (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Heroic Episode (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives HIGHWAY RACE (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives HOPPING MAPPY (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Hyper Sports (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Ice Climber (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives IKARI III -THE RESCUE- (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Ikari Warriors (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Ikki (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives IMAGE FIGHT (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives In The Hunt (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives ITAZURA TENSHI (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives JACKAL (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives JAIL BREAK (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives JUNGLER (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Juno FIRST (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Kangaroo (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Karate Champ (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Kid Niki Radical Ninja (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Kid's Horehore Daisakusen (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Kiki KaiKai (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives KING & BALLOON (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives KITTEN KABOODLE (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives KNUCKLE HEADS (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives KONAMI's TABLE TENNIS (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives KOUTETSU YOUSAI STRAHL (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives KURIKINTON (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives LEAD ANGLE (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Legend Of Makai (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives LEGION (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives LIBBLE RABBLE (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives LIFE FORCE (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives LIGHTNING FIGHTERS (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Liquid Kids (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives MAD SHARK (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives MAGICAL SPEED (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives MAGMAX (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives MAPPY (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives MARCHEN MAZE (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Mario Bros. (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives MARKHAM (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives MASTER OF WEAPON (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Mat Mania Exciting Hour (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives MAZINGER Z (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives MEGABLAST (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives METAL BLACK (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Metal Hawk (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives METAMORPHIC FORCE (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives METROCROSS (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Mighty Guy (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives MIRAI NINJA (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives MOON CRESTA (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Moon Patrol (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives MOON SHUTTLE (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Motos (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives MOUSER (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Mr.Goemon (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Mutant Night (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives MX5000 (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives MYSTIC WARRIORS (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives NAUGHTY BOY (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives NAVARONE (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives NEW RALLY-X (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives NINJA EMAKI (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Ninja Gaiden (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Ninja Kazan (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Ninja Spirit (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Ninja-Kid (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Ninja-Kid II (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives NOVA2001 (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives NUMAN ATHLETICS (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Omega Fighter (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives ORDYNE (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives ORIUS (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Othello (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives P-47 (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives P.O.W. -PRISONERS OF WAR- (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives PAC & PAL (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives PAC-LAND (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives PAC-MAN (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives PAC-MANIA (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Penguin-Kun Wars (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Pettan Pyuu (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Phelios (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives PHOZON (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Pinball (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives PIRATE PETE (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives PISTOL DAIMYO NO BOUKEN (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives PLUS ALPHA (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives POLE POSITION (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives POLE POSITION II (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives POOYAN (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives POP FLAMER (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives POWER SPIKES (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Pro Tennis: World Court (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives PSYCHO SOLDIER (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Punch-Out!! (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Qix (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives RABIO LEPUS (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives RADICAL RADIAL (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Raiden (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives RAIDERS5 (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives RAIMAIS (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives RAINBOW ISLANDS (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives RALLY-X (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives RASTAN SAGA (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Rastan Saga II (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Renegade (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives REZON (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives RIOT (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Road Fighter (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Rod Land (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives ROLLER JAMMER (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives ROLLING THUNDER (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives ROLLING THUNDER 2 (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives ROMPERS (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives ROUTE 16 (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Rug Rats (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Rush'n Attack (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Rygar (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives SABOTEN BOMBERS (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives SAINT DRAGON (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives SASUKE VS COMMANDER (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Scramble (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives SCRAMBLE FORMATION (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives SEA FIGHTER POSEIDON (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives SEICROSS (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives SENJYO (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives SENKYU (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Shanghai III (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives SHAO-LIN'S ROAD (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives SHINGEN SAMURAI-FIGHTER (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Shusse Ozumo (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives SILK WORM (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives SKY KID (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives SKY KID DX (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Sky Skipper (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives SOCCER (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives SOLDAM (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Soldier Girl Amazon (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives SOLITARY FIGHTER (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Solomon's Key (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives SPACE CRUISER (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Space Seeker (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives SPLATTER HOUSE (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Star Force (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives STRATO FIGHTER (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives STRIKE GUNNER (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Sunset Riders (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives SUPER COBRA (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives SUPER CONTRA (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Super Dodge Ball (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives SUPER PAC-MAN (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Super Punch-Out!! (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Super Volleyball (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives SURPRISE ATTACK (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives SWIMMER (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives T.N.K III (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Tank Battalion (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives TANK FORCE (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives TASK FORCE HARRIER (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Tecmo Bowl (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives TECMO KNIGHT (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Tecmo Stackers (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives TERRA CRESTA (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives TERRA FORCE (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives TETRIS THE GRAND MASTER (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives The Astyanax (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives The Fairyland Story (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives THE FINAL ROUND (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives The Genji and the Heike Clans (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives THE LEGEND OF KAGE (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives THE LEGEND OF VALKYRIE (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives The NewZealand Story (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives THE NINJA KIDS (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives The Ninja Warriors (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives The Return of ISHTAR (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives THE TIN STAR (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives The Tower of Druaga (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives THUNDER CEPTOR (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives THUNDER CEPTOR II (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives THUNDER CROSS (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Thunder Cross II (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives THUNDER DRAGON (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Thunder Dragon 2 (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives THUNDER FOX (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives TIME PILOT (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Time Pilot '84 (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Time Tunnel (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives TINKLE PIT (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives TOUKI DENSHOU ANGEL EYES (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives TOY POP (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Track & Field (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Traverse USA (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Trio the Punch (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Tube Panic (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives TURBO FORCE (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Tutankham (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives TwinBee (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives TYPHOON (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives TYPHOON GAL (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Urban Champion (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives USAAF MUSTANG (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Valkyrie no Densetsu (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives VANDYKE (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives VENDETTA (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Victory Road (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives VIGILANTE (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives VIOLENCE FIGHT (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives VIPER PHASE 1 (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives VOLFIED (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives VS. BALLOON FIGHT (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives VS. Baseball (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives VS. BATTLE CITY (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives VS. Castlevania (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives VS. FAMILY TENNIS (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives VS. GRADIUS (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives VS. MAH-JONG (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives VS. MYSTERY TOWER (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives VS. STAR LUSTER (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives VS. Super Mario Bros. (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives VS. SUPER XEVIOUS MYSTERY OF GUMP (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives VS. TENNIS (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives VS. THE ADVENTURE OF VALKYRIE : The Legend of the Key of Time (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives VS. The Quest of Ki (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives VS. WRECKING CREW (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives WAR OF AERO (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives WARP & WARP (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives WARRIOR BLADE (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives WATER SKI (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Wild Western (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Wiz (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives WONDER MOMO (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives X MULTIPLY (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives XEVIOUS (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Xexex (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives XX Mission (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Yie Ar KUNG-FU (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives YOUKAI DOUCHUKI (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives Zero Team (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives ZING ZING ZIP (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Archives: Dig Dug II (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Bowling (DSiWare)
- Arcade Classic No. 1: Asteroids / Missile Command (GB)
- Arcade Classic No. 2: Centipede / Millipede (GB)
- Arcade Classic No. 3: Galaga / Galaxian (GB)
- Arcade Classic No. 4: Defender / Joust (GB)
- Arcade Classics 3D (3DS eShop)
- Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Classics: Super Breakout / Battlezone (GB)
- Arcade Essentials (WiiWare)
- Arcade Fusion Bundle (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Fuzz (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Game Zone (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Hits: Joust / Defender (GBC)
- Arcade Hits: Moon Patrol / Spy Hunter (GBC)
- Arcade Hoops Basketball (DSiWare)
- Arcade Love: Plus Pengo! (Switch)
- Arcade Machine: Clown Hunt (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Machine: Gopher's Revenge (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Paradise (Switch)
- Arcade Party (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Room Simulator (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Snake Go! (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Space Shooter 2 in 1 (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Spirits (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Spirits: The New Challengers (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Sports (WiiWare)
- Arcade Tanks World II: Tank Battle Simulator (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Tanks World: Tank Battle Simulator (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Tycoon (Switch eShop)
- Arcade Zone (Wii)
- Arcadia Fallen (Switch eShop)
- Arcadia: Colony (Switch eShop)
- Arcadian Atlas (Switch eShop)
- Arcaea (Switch eShop)
- Arcana (SNES)
- Arcana of Paradise —The Tower— (Switch eShop)
- Arcane Arts Academy (Switch eShop)
- Arcane Vale (Switch eShop)
- Arcanoid Breakout (Switch eShop)
- Arch Rivals (NES)
- Archaica: The Path Of Light (Switch eShop)
- Archer 3D: Bow Shooting Range (Switch eShop)
- Archer Maclean's DropZone: 40th Anniversary Edition (Switch eShop)
- Archery Blast (Switch eShop)
- Archery by Thornbury Software (Wii U eShop)
- Archery Club (Switch eShop)
- Archery Escape (Switch eShop)
- Archery Legend (Switch eShop)
- Archetype Arcadia (Switch eShop)
- Archlion Saga (Switch eShop)
- Archvale (Switch eShop)
- Arco (Switch eShop)
- ArcRunner (Switch eShop)
- Arctic Escape (DSiWare)
- Arctic Tale (DS)
- Arctictopia (Switch eShop)
- Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader: Make the Grade (DS)
- Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? (3DS)
- Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader? (Switch eShop)
- Area 86 (Switch eShop)
- Arena of Valor (Switch eShop)
- Arenas Of Tanks (Switch eShop)
- Argol - Kronoss' Castle (Switch eShop)
- Aria Chronicle (Switch eShop)
- ARIDA: Backland's Awakening (Switch eShop)
- Arietta of Spirits (Switch)
- Arise + What Lies in the Multiverse Bundle (Switch eShop)
- Arise: A Simple Story - Definitive Edition (Switch eShop)
- ARK: Dinosaur Discovery (Switch eShop)
- Ark: Survival Evolved (Switch)
- ARK: Ultimate Survivor Edition (Switch eShop)
- Arkan: The dog adventurer (Switch eShop)
- Arkanoid (Arcade)
- Arkanoid (NES)
- Arkanoid DS (DS)
- Arkanoid Plus! (WiiWare)
- Arkanoid: Eternal Battle (Switch)
- Arkanoid: Revenge of Doh (Arcade)
- Arkham Horror: Mother's Embrace (Switch eShop)
- Armada (DSiWare)
- Armada: FX Racers (GBC)
- Armageddon Operation Dragon (DSiWare)
- Armed 7 DX (Switch eShop)
- Armed and Gelatinous: Couch Edition (Switch eShop)
- Armed Emeth (Switch eShop)
- Armed Police Batrider (Arcade)
- Armed to the Gears (Switch eShop)
- Armello (Switch eShop)
- Armikrog (Wii U eShop)
- Armillo (Wii U eShop)
- Armored ACORNs: Action Squirrel Squad (Wii U eShop)
- Armored Car (Arcade)
- Armored Lab Force VULVEHICLES (Switch eShop)
- Armored Warriors (Arcade)
- Armorines: Project S.W.A.R.M. (GBC)
- Armorines: Project S.W.A.R.M. (N64)
- ARMS (Switch)
- Army Defender (DSiWare)
- Army Men (GBC)
- Army Men 2 (GBC)
- Army Men RTS: Real Time Strategy (GCN)
- Army Men: Air Combat (GBC)
- Army Men: Air Combat (N64)
- Army Men: Air Combat - The Elite Missions (GCN)
- Army Men: Sarge's Heroes (N64)
- Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2 (GBC)
- Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2 (N64)
- Army Men: Sarge's War (GCN)
- Army Men: Soldiers of Misfortune (DS)
- Army of Ruin (Switch eShop)
- Around The World (Switch eShop)
- Around the World (WiiWare)
- Around the World 2: Travel to Canada Collector's Edition (Switch eShop)
- Around the World in 80 Days (DSiWare)
- Around the World with Hello Kitty and Friends (3DS)
- Around The World: Travel To Brazil Collector's Edition (Switch eShop)
- Arranger: A Role-Puzzling Adventure (Switch eShop)
- Arrest of a Stone Buddha (Switch eShop)
- Arrog (Switch eShop)
- Arrow Time U (Wii U eShop)
- Arsene Lupin - Once A Thief (Switch eShop)
- Arsonist Heaven (Switch eShop)
- Art Academy (DS)
- Art Academy: Atelier (Wii U)
- Art Academy: First Semester (DSiWare)
- Art Academy: Lessons for Everyone! (3DS)
- Art Academy: Second Semester (DSiWare)
- Art Academy: SketchPad (Wii U eShop)
- Art Heist - Escape Room Adventure (Switch eShop)
- Art Of Balance (Switch eShop)
- Art of Balance (Wii U eShop)
- Art of Balance (WiiWare)
- Art of Balance TOUCH! (3DS eShop)
- Art Of Fighting (Neo Geo)
- Art Of Fighting 2 (Neo Geo)
- Art Of Fighting 3: The Path Of The Warrior (Neo Geo)
- Art of Glide (Switch eShop)
- Art of Glide 2 (Switch eShop)
- Art of Glide 3 (Switch eShop)
- Art of Ink (DSiWare)
- art of rally (Switch eShop)
- Art Sqool (Switch eShop)
- Art Style: AQUITE (DSiWare)
- Art Style: BOXLIFE (DSiWare)
- Art Style: CODE (DSiWare)
- Art Style: Cubello (WiiWare)
- Art Style: INTERSECT (DSiWare)
- Art Style: KUBOS (DSiWare)
- Art Style: light trax (WiiWare)
- Art Style: NEMREM (DSiWare)
- Art Style: Orbient (WiiWare)
- Art Style: Penta Tentacles (WiiWare)
- Art Style: PiCTOBiTS (DSiWare)
- Art Style: Rotohex (WiiWare)
- Arthur and the Invisibles (DS)
- Arthur's Absolutely Fun Day! (GBC)
- Artifact Adventure Gaiden Dx (Switch eShop)
- Artifact Escape Room Bundle (Switch eShop)
- Artifact Seeker (Switch eShop)
- Artillery: Knights vs. Orcs (DSiWare)
- Arts from They Always Run (Switch eShop)
- Artsy Pixel (Switch eShop)
- Ary and the Secret of Seasons (Switch)
- Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore (Switch eShop)
- As Far As The Eye (Switch eShop)
- As Per My Last Email (Switch eShop)
- Ascendance (Switch eShop)
- Ascendant Hearts (Switch eShop)
- Ascent of Kings (Wii U eShop)
- Asdivine Cross (3DS eShop)
- Asdivine Cross (Switch eShop)
- Asdivine Dios (Switch eShop)
- Asdivine Hearts (Switch eShop)
- Asdivine Hearts (Wii U eShop)
- Asdivine Hearts II (Switch eShop)
- Asdivine Kamura (Switch eShop)
- Asdivine Menace (Switch eShop)
- Asdivine Saga (Switch eShop)
- Asemblance (Switch eShop)
- ASH (3DS eShop)
- Ash of Gods: Redemption (Switch)
- Ash of Gods: The Way (Switch eShop)
- ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat (DS)
- Ashen (Switch eShop)
- Ashes Cricket 2009 (Wii)
- Ashes Cricket 2013 (Wii U)
- Ashina: The Red Witch (Switch eShop)
- Ashland Dossier (Switch eShop)
- Ashwalkers (Switch eShop)
- ASMR Journey - Animated Jigsaw Puzzle (Switch eShop)
- ASMR Journey - Jigsaw Puzzle (Switch eShop)
- ASMR Slicing (Switch eShop)
- ASMR Slicing: Complete Edition (Switch eShop)
- ASMR Slicing: Nice Cuts Edition (Switch eShop)
- Asoberu Eigo: Word Magic (DS)
- ASOBU Tights (Switch eShop)
- Asphalt 2: Urban GT (DS)
- Asphalt 3D (3DS)
- Asphalt 4: Elite Racing (DSiWare)
- Asphalt 9: Legends (Switch eShop)
- Asphalt Legends Unite (Switch eShop)
- Asphalt: Urban GT (DS)
- Aspire: Ina's Tale (Switch eShop)
- Assassin's Creed Anniversary Edition Mega Bundle (Switch eShop)
- Assassin's Creed II: Discovery (DS)
- Assassin's Creed III (Wii U)
- Assassin's Creed III Remastered (Switch)
- Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag (Wii U)
- Assassin's Creed: Altair's Chronicles (DS)
- Assassin's Creed: Lost Legacy (3DS)
- Assassin's Creed: Odyssey (Cloud Version) (Switch eShop)
- Assassin's Creed: The Ezio Collection (Switch)
- Assassin's Creed: The Rebel Collection (Switch)
- Assault (Arcade)
- Assault Android Cactus (Wii U eShop)
- Assault Android Cactus+ (Switch eShop)
- Assault ChaingunS KM (Switch eShop)
- Assault Gunners HD Edition (Switch eShop)
- Assault On Metaltron (Switch eShop)
- Assault Suit Leynos 2 Saturn Tribute (Switch eShop)
- Assault Suits Valken Declassified (Switch eShop)
- Astalon: Tears of the Earth (Switch eShop)
- Astebreed (Switch eShop)
- Astebros (Switch eShop)
- Asterix (Arcade)
- Asterix (GB)
- Asterix (SMS)
- Asterix & Obelix (GB)
- Astérix & Obelix (GBC)
- Asterix & Obelix Collection (Switch eShop)
- Asterix & Obelix Slap Them All! 2 (Switch eShop)
- Astérix & Obélix vs. Caesar (GBC)
- Asterix & Obelix XXL (GCN)
- Asterix & Obelix XXL (GBA)
- Asterix & Obelix XXL 2 - Mission: Wifix (DS)
- Asterix & Obelix XXL 3 - The Crystal Menhir (Switch eShop)
- Asterix & Obelix XXL: Romastered (Switch eShop)
- Asterix & Obelix XXXL: The Ram From Hibernia (Switch eShop)
- Asterix & Obelix: Heroes (Switch eShop)
- Asterix and Obelix XXL 2 (Switch)
- Asterix and Obelix XXL 3 (Switch eShop)
- Asterix and Obelix: Slap Them All (Switch eShop)
- Asterix at the Olympic Games (DS)
- Asterix at the Olympic Games (Wii)
- Asterix Brain Trainer (DS)
- Astérix: Search for Dogmatix (GBC)
- Asterix: The Mansions of the Gods (3DS)
- Asteroid Challenge (Wii U eShop)
- Asteroid Quarry (Wii U eShop)
- Asteroids (Arcade)
- Asteroids (GB)
- Asteroids (GBC)
- Asteroids Deluxe (Arcade)
- Asteroids Hyper 64 (N64)
- Asteroids: Recharged (Switch eShop)
- ASTLIBRA Gaiden: The Cave of Phantom Mist (Switch eShop)
- ASTLIBRA Revision (Switch eShop)
- Astor: Blade of the Monolith (Switch eShop)
- Astoria: Fate's Kiss (Switch eShop)
- Astral Ascent (Switch eShop)
- Astral Breakers (Wii U eShop)
- Astral Chain (Switch)
- Astral Equilibrium (Switch eShop)
- Astral Flux (Switch eShop)
- Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles (Switch eShop)
- Astria Ascending (Switch)
- Astro (DSiWare)
- Astro Aqua Kitty (Switch eShop)
- Astro Bears (Switch eShop)
- Astro Bears Party (Switch eShop)
- Astro Boy (Wii)
- Astro Boy: The Omega Factor (GBA)
- Astro Boy: The Video Game (DS)
- Astro Bugz Revenge (WiiWare)
- Astro Duel 2 (Switch eShop)
- Astro Duel Deluxe (Switch eShop)
- Astro Flame: Starfighter (Switch eShop)
- Astro Flash (Arcade)
- Astro Miner: Complete Edition (Switch eShop)
- Astro Rangers (Switch eShop)
- Astroblaze DX (Switch eShop)
- Astrodogs (Switch eShop)
- Astrologaster (Switch eShop)
- Astrology (DS)
- Astrology and Horoscopes Premium (Switch eShop)
- Astroneer (Switch eShop)
- Astronite (Switch)
- Astronomical Club For Queers (Switch eShop)
- Astrorun (Switch eShop)
- Astrosmash (Switch eShop)
- AstroWings: Space War (Switch eShop)
- Astrune Academy (Switch eShop)
- Astyanax (NES)
- At Sundown: Shots in the Dark (Switch eShop)
- At Your Feet (Switch eShop)
- Atama (Switch eShop)
- Ataraxie (Switch eShop)
- Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration (Switch)
- Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration - The First Console War (Switch eShop)
- Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration - The Wider World of Atari (Switch eShop)
- Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration Expanded Edition (Switch)
- Atari Anniversary Advance (GBA)
- Atari Flashback Classics (Switch)
- Atari Greatest Hits Volume 2 (DS)
- Atari Greatest Hits: Vol. 1 (DS)
- Atari Mania (Switch eShop)
- Atari Recharged: Volume One (Switch eShop)
- Atari Recharged: Volume Two (Switch eShop)
- Atelier Annie: Alchemists of Sera Island (DS)
- Atelier Arland Series Deluxe Pack (Switch eShop)
- Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk DX (Switch eShop)
- Atelier Dusk Trilogy Deluxe Pack (Switch eShop)
- Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky DX (Switch eShop)
- Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey DX (Switch eShop)
- Atelier Lulua: The Scion of Arland (Switch)
- Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings (Switch)
- Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings DX (Switch eShop)
- Atelier Marie Remake: The Alchemist Of Salburg (Switch eShop)
- Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland DX (Switch eShop)
- Atelier Mysterious Trilogy Deluxe Pack (Switch eShop)
- Atelier Resleriana: The Red Alchemist & the White Guardian (Switch eShop)
- Atelier Rorona: The Alchemists of Arland DX (Switch eShop)
- Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & The Secret Fairy (Switch)
- Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key (Switch)
- Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout (Switch)
- Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea DX (Switch eShop)
- Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Dream (Switch)
- Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book DX (Switch eShop)
- Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland DX (Switch eShop)
- Atelier Yumia: The Alchemist of Memories & The Envisioned Land (Switch)
- Athanasy (Switch eShop)
- Athanasy + CEIBA Bundle (Switch eShop)
- Athena (Arcade)
- Athenian Rhapsody (Switch eShop)
- Atlantic Quest (3DS eShop)
- Ato (Switch eShop)
- Atom RPG (Switch eShop)
- ATOM RPG: Trudograd (Switch eShop)
- Atomic Heist (Switch eShop)
- Atomic Punk (GB)
- Atomic Runner Chelnov (Arcade)
- Atomicrops (Switch eShop)
- ATOMIK: RunGunJumpGun (Switch eShop)
- ATOMINE (Switch eShop)
- ATONE: Heart of the Elder Tree (Switch eShop)
- Atsumare! Power Pro Kun no DS Koushien (DS)
- Attack Force (Arcade)
- Attack Hole (Switch eShop)
- Attack of the Friday Monsters! A Tokyo Tale (3DS eShop)
- Attack of the Karens (Switch eShop)
- Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (GB)
- Attack of the Toy Tanks (Switch eShop)
- Attack On Beetle (Switch eShop)
- Attack On Titan 2 (Switch)
- Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle (Switch)
- Attack on Titan: Escape from Certain Death (3DS)
- Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains (3DS)
- Attack Strategy - Battle Simulator Accurate (Switch eShop)
- Attacker-chan! (Switch eShop)
- Attentat 1942 (Switch eShop)
- ATV Drift & Tricks (Switch)
- ATV Fever (DSiWare)
- ATV Monster Racing Simulator Rally Cross (Switch eShop)
- ATV Quad Frenzy (DS)
- ATV Quad Kings (DSiWare)
- ATV Stunt Racing: Extreme Offroad Simulator (Switch eShop)
- ATV Wild Ride 3D (3DS eShop)
- ATV: Quad Power Racing 2 (GCN)
- Audio Hero (Switch eShop)
- Aura of Worlds (Switch eShop)
- Aura-Aura Climber (DSiWare)
- Aurail (Arcade)
- Auralux: Constellations (Switch eShop)
- Aurascope (Switch 2)
- Aurora Light Pony: Ponies and Horses in the Valley of Stars (Switch eShop)
- Austin Powers: Oh, Behave! (GBC)
- Austin Powers: Welcome to My Underground Lair! (GBC)
- Auto Chess (Switch eShop)
- Auto Empire: Dealer Car Simulator (Switch eShop)
- Auto Modellista (GCN)
- Autobahn Polizei Simulator 2 - Nintendo Switch Edition (Switch eShop)
- Automachef (Switch eShop)
- Automaton Lung (3DS eShop)
- Automobili Lamborghini (N64)
- Autonauts (Switch eShop)
- Autumn Hike (Switch eShop)
- Autumn's Journey (Switch eShop)
- Ava and Avior Save the Earth (Wii U eShop)
- Avalon Code (DS)
- Avaris3 (Switch eShop)
- Avatar: The Game (DS)
- Avatar: The Game (Wii)
- Avatar: The Last Airbender (DS)
- Avatar: The Last Airbender (GCN)
- Avatar: The Last Airbender (Wii)
- Avatar: The Last Airbender - Into the Inferno (DS)
- Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Burning Earth (DS)
- Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Burning Earth (Wii)
- Avatar: The Last Airbender: Quest for Balance (Switch eShop)
- AVENGER (Switch eShop)
- Avenger Bird (Switch eShop)
- Avenging Spirit (GB)
- Avenging Spirit (Switch eShop)
- Avia corporation (Switch eShop)
- Aviary Attorney: Definitive Edition (Switch eShop)
- AVICII Invector (Switch eShop)
- AVICII Invector Encore Edition (Switch)
- AvoCuddle (Switch eShop)
- AVOIDER (Wii U eShop)
- Awakening of Cthulhu (Switch eShop)
- Award Winning Indie Gems 4-in-1 (Switch eShop)
- Away: Journey to the Unexpected (Switch eShop)
- Away: Shuffle Dungeon (DS)
- Awe (Switch eShop)
- Awesome Pea (Switch eShop)
- Awesome Pea 2 (Switch eShop)
- Awesome Pea 3 (Switch eShop)
- Awesome Platformers Bundle (5 in 1) (Switch eShop)
- Awkward (Switch eShop)
- Ax Battler: A Legend Of Golden Axe (GG)
- Axe Champ Shoot Out (Switch eShop)
- Axe Champ! (Switch eShop)
- Axelay (SNES)
- Axes (Switch eShop)
- Axiom Verge (Switch eShop)
- Axiom Verge (Wii U eShop)
- Axiom Verge 1 & 2 Bundle (Switch eShop)
- Axiom Verge 2 (Switch eShop)
- Axis Football 2023 (Switch eShop)
- Axis Football 2024 (Switch eShop)
- Axolotl (Switch eShop)
- AXS (Switch eShop)
- Aya and the Cubes of Light (WiiWare)
- Ayakashi Koi Gikyoku -Forbidden Romance with Mysterious Spirit- (Switch eShop)
- Ayakashi: Romance Reborn Dawn Chapter & Twilight Chapter (Switch eShop)
- Ayo the Clown (Switch eShop)
- Azada (3DS)
- Azkend 2: The World Beneath (Switch eShop)
- Aztec Tiki Talisman (Switch eShop)
- Aztech Forgotten Gods (Switch eShop)
- Aztek Tiki Talisman (Switch eShop)
- Aztez (Wii U eShop)
- Azur Lane: Crosswave (Switch)
- Azura's Crystals (Switch eShop)
- Azuran Tales: TRIALS (Switch eShop)
- Azure Dreams (GBC)
- Azure Haven (Switch eShop)
- Azure Reflections (Switch eShop)
- Azure Saga: Pathfinder Deluxe Edition (Switch eShop)
- Azure Snake (3DS eShop)
- Azure Snake (Wii U eShop)
- Azure Striker Gunvolt (3DS eShop)
- Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 (3DS eShop)
- Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 (Switch eShop)
- Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack (Switch)
- Azurebreak Heroes (Switch eShop)
- Azurian Attack (Arcade)