- N+ (DS)
- N++ (Switch eShop)
- N.E.R.O.: Nothing Ever Remains Obscure (Switch)
- N1RV Ann-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action (Switch eShop)
- Nacho Libre (DS)
- NachoCado (Switch eShop)
- Nadir (Switch eShop)
- Nadir: A Grimdark Deck Builder (Switch eShop)
- Nagano Winter Olympics '98 (N64)
- Naheulbeuk's Dungeon Master (Switch eShop)
- Naiad (Switch eShop)
- Nail 'n' Scale (GB)
- Nail Salon: Style and Makeup Bag (Switch eShop)
- Nairi: Rising Tide (Switch eShop)
- NAIRI: Tower Of Shirin (Switch eShop)
- Nakana Bundle #1 (Soul Searching + A Night at the Races + Infini) (Switch eShop)
- Nakana Bundle #2 (Mythic Ocean + Journey of the Broken Circle + Cosmic Top Secret) (Switch eShop)
- Nakana Bundle #3 (EQQO + Lydia + Stilstand) (Switch eShop)
- Nakana Bundle #4 (Switch eShop)
- Nakana Bundle #5 (Switch eShop)
- Nakana Bundle #6 (10 games) (Switch eShop)
- Nakayoshi Quiz no Oshigo to Theme Park (DS)
- Naked War: No Surrender (WiiWare)
- NAM-1975 (Neo Geo)
- Namariel Legends - Iron Lord (Switch eShop)
- Namco Museum (GBA)
- Namco Museum (Switch eShop)
- Namco Museum 64 (N64)
- Namco Museum Arcade Pac (Switch eShop)
- Namco Museum Archives Vol 1 (Switch eShop)
- Namco Museum Archives Vol 2 (Switch eShop)
- Namco Museum DS (DS)
- Namco Museum Remix (Wii)
- Namco Museum: 50th Anniversary (GCN)
- Namcot Collection (Switch)
- Nanashi no Game (DS)
- Nanashi no Game Me (DS)
- Nancy Drew: Deadly Secret of Olde World Park (DS)
- Nancy Drew: The Hidden Staircase (DS)
- Nancy Drew: The Mystery of the Clue Bender Society (DS)
- Nanda's Island (DS)
- Nankoku Sodachi DS (DS)
- Nano Assault (3DS)
- Nano Assault EX (3DS eShop)
- Nano Assault Neo (Wii U eShop)
- NanoApostle (Switch eShop)
- Nanostray (DS)
- Nanostray 2 (DS)
- Nape Retroverse Collection (Switch eShop)
- Napoleon Dynamite (DS)
- Napoleon Maiden Episode.1 A maiden without the word impossible (Switch eShop)
- NARC (Arcade)
- Narc (NES)
- Narcissus (Switch eShop)
- Narcos: Rise of the Cartels (Switch)
- Narita Boy (Switch eShop)
- Narona Sports (Switch eShop)
- Naruto Ninja Council 2 (GBA)
- Naruto RPG 2: Chidori vs. Rasengan (DS)
- Naruto RPG 3: Reijuu vs. Konoha Shoutai (DS)
- Naruto Shippuden 3D: The New Era (3DS)
- Naruto Shippuden Gekitou Ninja Taisen! Special (Wii)
- Naruto Shippūden: Dairansen! Kage Bunshin Emaki (DS)
- Naruto Shippūden: Naruto vs. Sasuke (DS)
- Naruto Shippūden: Ninja Council 4 (DS)
- Naruto Shippūden: Ninja Destiny 2 (DS)
- Naruto Shippūden: Ninja Destiny 3 (DS)
- Naruto Shippūden: Path of the Ninja (DS)
- Naruto Shippūden: Path of the Ninja 2 (DS)
- Naruto Shippūden: Saikyou Ninja Daikesshu 3 (DS)
- Naruto Shippūden: Shinobi Rumble (DS)
- NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 2 (Switch eShop)
- NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst HD (Switch eShop)
- Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Road To Boruto (Switch)
- Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Trilogy (Switch eShop)
- Naruto X Boruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections (Switch)
- Naruto: Clash of Ninja (GCN)
- Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2 (GCN)
- Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution (Wii)
- Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution 2 (Wii)
- Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3 (Wii)
- Naruto: Gekit? Ninja Taisen! 3 (GCN)
- Naruto: Gekit? Ninja Taisen! 4 (GCN)
- Naruto: Ninja Council (GBA)
- Naruto: Ninja Council 2 European Version (DS)
- Naruto: Ninja Council 3 (DS)
- Naruto: Ninja Destiny (DS)
- Naruto: Path of the Ninja (DS)
- Naruto: Path of the Ninja 2 (DS)
- Naruto: Powerful Shippuden (3DS)
- Naruto: Saikyo Ninja Daikesshu 4 (DS)
- NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja STORM (Switch eShop)
- NASCAR 2000 (GBC)
- NASCAR 2000 (N64)
- NASCAR 2005: Chase for the Cup (GCN)
- NASCAR 99 (N64)
- NASCAR Arcade Rush (Switch eShop)
- NASCAR Challenge (GBC)
- NASCAR Heat Ultimate Edition+ (Switch)
- NASCAR Kart Racing (Wii)
- NASCAR Racers (GBC)
- NASCAR Rivals (Switch eShop)
- NASCAR Thunder 2003 (GCN)
- NASCAR Unleashed (3DS)
- NASCAR: Dirt to Daytona (GCN)
- Nathan Jones and The Empty Century (Switch eShop)
- Nathan Jones and The Eternal Myth (Switch eShop)
- National Geographic Panda (DS)
- Natsu-Mon: 20th Century Summer Kid (Switch eShop)
- Natsume Championship Wrestling (SNES)
- Nature (Switch eShop)
- Nature Escapes 2 Collector's Edition (Switch eShop)
- Nature Escapes 3 Collector's Edition (Switch eShop)
- Nature Escapes Collector's Edition (Switch eShop)
- Nature Matters (Switch eShop)
- Nature Puzzle (Switch eShop)
- Naught (Switch eShop)
- Navy Commander (3DS eShop)
- Navy SEALs (GB)
- NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 (Switch)
- NBA 2K13 (Wii U)
- NBA 2K18 (Switch)
- NBA 2K19 (Switch)
- NBA 2k2 (GCN)
- NBA 2K20 (Switch)
- NBA 2K21 (Switch)
- NBA 2K22 (Switch)
- NBA 2K23 (Switch)
- NBA 2K24 (Switch)
- NBA 2K24 Kobe Bryant Edition (Switch eShop)
- NBA 2K25 (Switch)
- NBA 2K3 (GCN)
- NBA 3 on 3 featuring Kobe Bryant (GBC)
- NBA All-Star Challenge (GB)
- NBA All-Star Challenge 2 (GB)
- NBA Courtside 2002 (GCN)
- NBA Courtside 2: Featuring Kobe Bryant (N64)
- NBA Hangtime (N64)
- NBA Hoopz (GBC)
- NBA in the Zone (GBC)
- NBA In The Zone '98 (N64)
- NBA In The Zone '99 (N64)
- NBA in the Zone 2000 (GBC)
- NBA In The Zone 2000 (N64)
- NBA Jam (GB)
- NBA Jam (SNES)
- NBA Jam (Wii)
- NBA Jam '99 (GBC)
- NBA Jam '99 (N64)
- NBA Jam 2000 (N64)
- NBA Jam 2001 (GBC)
- NBA Jam: Tournament Edition (GB)
- NBA Live 06 (GCN)
- NBA Live 08 (Wii)
- NBA Live 09 All-Play (Wii)
- NBA Live 2000 (N64)
- NBA Live 2003 (GCN)
- NBA Live 2004 (GCN)
- NBA Live 2005 (GCN)
- NBA Live 96 (GB)
- NBA Live 99 (N64)
- NBA Playgrounds (Switch eShop)
- NBA Showtime: NBA on NBC (GBC)
- NBA Showtime: NBA on NBC (N64)
- NBA Street V3 (GCN)
- NBA Street Vol. 2 (GCN)
- nBlocks - Unblock Your Creativity (Switch eShop)
- NCAA College Basketball 2K3 (GCN)
- NCAA College Football 2K3 (GCN)
- NCAA Football 2003 (GCN)
- NCAA Football 2004 (GCN)
- NCAA Football 2005 (GCN)
- NCL: USA Bowl (Switch eShop)
- nDay (Switch eShop)
- Near Earth Objects (Wii U eShop)
- Nebulus (C64)
- Neckbreak (Switch eShop)
- Necro Story (Switch eShop)
- Necrobarista: Final Pour (Switch eShop)
- NecroBouncer (Switch eShop)
- NecroBoy : Path to Evilship (Switch eShop)
- Necromancer (Wii U eShop)
- Necrosmith (Switch eShop)
- Necrosphere Deluxe (Switch eShop)
- NecroWorm (Switch eShop)
- Ned (Switch eShop)
- Need a packet? (Switch eShop)
- Need for Drive - Car Racing (Switch eShop)
- Need For Race - Street King (Switch eShop)
- Need For Speed: Carbon (DS)
- Need For Speed: Carbon (GCN)
- Need For Speed: Carbon (Wii)
- Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit (Wii)
- Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 (GCN)
- Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered (Switch)
- Need For Speed: Most Wanted (DS)
- Need for Speed: Most Wanted (GCN)
- Need for Speed: Most Wanted U (Wii U)
- Need For Speed: Nitro (DS)
- Need For Speed: NITRO (Wii)
- Need for Speed: Nitro-X (DSiWare)
- Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed (GBA)
- Need for Speed: ProStreet (DS)
- Need For Speed: ProStreet (Wii)
- Need for Speed: The Run (3DS)
- Need for Speed: The Run (Wii)
- Need For Speed: Undercover (DS)
- Need For Speed: Undercover (Wii)
- Need for Speed: Underground (GCN)
- Need for Speed: Underground (GBA)
- Need for Speed: Underground 2 (DS)
- Need for Speed: Underground 2 (GCN)
- Need for Spirit Drink & Drive Simulator (Switch eShop)
- Needy Princess Nerd Club (Switch eShop)
- Needy Streamer Overload (Switch eShop)
- Neet Girl Rehabilitation Plan ~ぐうたら娘更生計画~ (Switch eShop)
- Nefarious (Switch eShop)
- Nefasto's Misadventure: Meeting Noeroze (Switch eShop)
- Negative Nancy (Switch eShop)
- Negative: The Way of Shinobi (Switch eShop)
- Negima (DS)
- Negligee (Switch eShop)
- Neighborhood Games (Wii)
- Neighbours back From Hell (Switch eShop)
- Neighbours from Hell (DS)
- Neighbours from Hell (GCN)
- Nekketsu Kakutō Densetsu (NES)
- Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-Kun Special (3DS)
- Nekketsu Kōkō Dodgeball Bu: CD Soccer Hen (TG-16)
- Nekketsu Kōkō Dodgeball Bu: Kyōteki! Dōkyū Senshi no Maki (GB)
- Nekketsu Kōkō Dodgeball Bu: PC Bangai Hen (TG-16)
- Nekketsu! Beach Volley da yo: Kunio-kun (GB)
- Nekketsu! Street Basket: Ganbare Dunk Heroes (NES)
- Neko Bento (Switch eShop)
- Neko Journey (Switch eShop)
- Neko Navy - Daydream Edition (Switch eShop)
- Neko Rescue Tale (Switch eShop)
- Neko Secret Homecoming (Switch eShop)
- Neko Secret Room (Switch eShop)
- Nekograms (Switch eShop)
- NekoMiko (Switch eShop)
- Nekomin (Switch eShop)
- NEKOPARA Vol.1 (Switch eShop)
- NEKOPARA Vol.2 (Switch eShop)
- NEKOPARA Vol.3 (Switch eShop)
- NEKOPARA Vol.4 (Switch eShop)
- Nelke & the Legendary Alchemists: Ateliers of the New World (Switch)
- Nelly Cootalot: The Fowl Fleet (Switch eShop)
- Nemesis (GB)
- Nemo (Arcade)
- NENA (Switch eShop)
- Neo ATLAS 1469 (Switch eShop)
- Neo Atlus 1469 (Switch eShop)
- Neo Bomberman (Neo Geo)
- Neo Cab (Switch eShop)
- Neo Drift Out: New Technology (Neo Geo)
- Neo Geo Cup '98 (Neo Geo)
- Neo Geo Pocket Color Selection Vol.1 (Switch eShop)
- Neo Geo Pocket Color Selection Vol.2 (Switch eShop)
- Neo Turf Masters (Neo Geo)
- NEO: The World Ends With You (Switch)
- Neodori Forever (Switch eShop)
- Neon Abyss (Switch eShop)
- Neon Battle (Wii U eShop)
- Neon Beats (Switch eShop)
- Neon Blast (Switch eShop)
- Neon Blight (Switch eShop)
- Neon Blood (Switch eShop)
- Neon Caves (Switch eShop)
- Neon Chrome (Switch eShop)
- Neon City Riders (Switch eShop)
- Neon Cop (Switch eShop)
- Neon Doctrine's Greatest Hits Vol. 1 (Switch eShop)
- Neon Drifter - Cyber Racing (Switch eShop)
- Neon Drive (Switch eShop)
- Neon Genesis Evangelion (N64)
- Neon Hell (Switch eShop)
- Neon Junctions (Switch eShop)
- Neon Mine (Switch eShop)
- Neon Noir (Switch eShop)
- Neon On! (Switch eShop)
- Neon Souls (Switch eShop)
- Neon White (Switch eShop)
- NeonLore (Switch eShop)
- NeonPowerUp! (Switch eShop)
- Neonwall (Switch eShop)
- Neopets Puzzle Adventure (DS)
- NeoSprint (Switch eShop)
- Neoverse Trinity Edition (Switch eShop)
- Nephenthesys (Switch eShop)
- Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution (Switch)
- Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution Deluxe Bundle (Switch eShop)
- Neptunia Riders Vs Dogoos (Switch)
- Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos Deluxe Edition (Switch eShop)
- Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos Digital Art Book (Switch eShop)
- Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos Digital Deluxe Bundle (Switch eShop)
- Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos Digital Soundtrack (Switch eShop)
- Neptunia x SENRAN KAGURA: Ninja Wars (Switch)
- Neptunia: Sisters VS Sisters (Switch)
- Neptunia: Sisters VS Sisters Deluxe Bundle (Switch eShop)
- Nerd Survivors (Switch eShop)
- Nerdook Bundle Vol. 1 (Switch eShop)
- Nerf Legends (Switch)
- Nerf N-Strike (Wii)
- Nero (Wii U eShop)
- Nerved (Switch eShop)
- Nervous Brickdown (DS)
- NES - Nintendo Switch Online (Switch eShop)
- NES Open Tournament Golf (NES)
- NES Play Action Football (NES)
- NES Remix (Wii U eShop)
- NES Remix 2 (Wii U eShop)
- NES Remix Pack (Wii U)
- NEScape! (Switch eShop)
- Nessy The Robot (Switch eShop)
- Nester's Funky Bowling (VB)
- Net Geo Challenge! Wild Life (Wii)
- Netherworld (Switch)
- Neurodeck (Switch eShop)
- NeuroNet: Mendax Proxy (Switch eShop)
- NeuroVoider (Switch eShop)
- Neutopia (TG-16)
- Neutopia II (TG-16)
- Neva (Switch eShop)
- Nevaeh (Switch eShop)
- Never 7 - The End of Infinity (Switch eShop)
- Never Again (Switch eShop)
- Never Alone (Wii U eShop)
- Never Alone: Arctic Collection (Switch eShop)
- Never Be Afraid Slam Dunk (Switch eShop)
- Never Breakup (Switch eShop)
- Never Give Up (Switch eShop)
- Never Stop (Switch eShop)
- Never Stop Sneakin' (Switch eShop)
- NeverAwake (Switch eShop)
- Neverending Nightmares (Switch eShop)
- Neverlast (Switch eShop)
- Neverout (Switch eShop)
- Neversong (Switch eShop)
- Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (Switch)
- Neves (DS)
- NEVES Plus (WiiWare)
- New Adventure Island (TG-16)
- New Carnival Games (DS)
- New Frontier Days: Founding Pioneers (Switch eShop)
- New Ghostbusters II (NES)
- New International Track and Field (DS)
- New Japan Pro Wrestling: Tohkon Road Brave Spirits (N64)
- New Japan Pro Wrestling: Tohkon Road Brave Spirits 2, The Next Generation (N64)
- New Joe & Mac - Caveman Ninja (Switch eShop)
- New Play Control! Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (Wii)
- New Play Control! Mario Power Tennis (Wii)
- New Play Control! Pikmin (Wii)
- New Play Control! Pikmin 2 (Wii)
- New Pokémon Snap (Switch)
- New Star GP (Switch eShop)
- New Star Manager (Switch eShop)
- New Super Lucky's Tale (Switch)
- New Super Luigi U (Wii U eShop)
- New Super Luigi U (Wii U)
- New Super Mario Bros. (DS)
- New Super Mario Bros. 2 (3DS)
- New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U)
- New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe (Switch)
- New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii)
- New Tales from the Borderlands (Switch eShop)
- New Tanks (Switch eShop)
- NEW TERRA (Switch eShop)
- New Unō Kids DS (DS)
- New York City Driver (Switch eShop)
- New York Mysteries: High Voltage (Switch eShop)
- New York Mysteries: Power of Art (Switch eShop)
- New York Mysteries: Secrets of the Mafia (Switch eShop)
- New York Mysteries: The Lantern of Souls (Switch eShop)
- New York Mysteries: The Outbreak (Switch eShop)
- New Zealand Story Revolution (DS)
- Newt One (Switch eShop)
- Newton Vs The Horde (WiiWare)
- Newton's Cradle Puzzle Game (Switch eShop)
- Nexomon (Switch eShop)
- Nexomon + Nexomon: Extinction: Complete Collection (Switch)
- Nexomon: Extinction (Switch)
- Nexoria: Dungeon Rogue Heroes (Switch eShop)
- Next of Kin (Switch eShop)
- Next Up Hero (Switch eShop)
- NFL 2K3 (GCN)
- NFL Blitz (GBC)
- NFL Blitz (N64)
- NFL Blitz 20-02 (GCN)
- NFL Blitz 20-03 (GCN)
- NFL Blitz 2000 (GBC)
- NFL Blitz 2000 (N64)
- NFL Blitz 2001 (GBC)
- NFL Blitz 2001 (N64)
- NFL Blitz Pro (GCN)
- NFL Blitz Special Edition (N64)
- NFL Football (GB)
- NFL QB Club 2001 (N64)
- NFL Quarterback Club (GB)
- NFL Quarterback Club '98 (N64)
- NFL Quarterback Club '99 (N64)
- NFL Quarterback Club 2000 (N64)
- NFL Quarterback Club 2002 (GCN)
- NFL Quarterback Club 96 (GB)
- NFL Quarterback Club II (GB)
- NFL Street (GCN)
- NFL Street 2 (GCN)
- nGolf (Switch eShop)
- NHL '94 (MD)
- NHL 06 (GCN)
- NHL 2000 (GBC)
- NHL 2003 (GCN)
- NHL 2004 (GCN)
- NHL 2005 (GCN)
- NHL 2K3 (GCN)
- NHL 96 (GB)
- NHL 99 (N64)
- NHL Blades of Steel (GBC)
- NHL Blades of Steel '99 (N64)
- NHL Blades of Steel 2000 (GBC)
- NHL Breakaway '98 (N64)
- NHL Breakaway '99 (N64)
- NHL Hitz 20-02 (GCN)
- NHL Hitz 20-03 (GCN)
- NHL Hitz Pro (GCN)
- NHL Hockey (MD)
- NHL Hockey 95 (GB)
- NHRA Championship Drag Racing: Speed for All (Switch eShop)
- Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom (Switch)
- Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (Switch)
- NibansenPlus (Switch eShop)
- Nice Disc: The Last Hot Blood (Switch eShop)
- Nice Slice (Switch eShop)
- Niche - a genetics survival game (Switch eShop)
- Nick Jr. Party Adventure (Switch)
- Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl (Switch)
- Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 (Switch)
- Nickelodeon Kart Racers (Switch)
- Nickelodeon Kart Racers 2: Grand Prix (Switch)
- Nickelodeon Kart Racers 3: Slime Speedway (Switch)
- Nickelodeon Kids Bundle (Switch eShop)
- Nickelodeon Party Blast (GCN)
- Nicktoons MLB (DS)
- Nicktoons MLB (Wii)
- Nicktoons Racing (GBC)
- Nicktoons Unite (GCN)
- Nicktoons Unite! (DS)
- Nicktoons: Attack of the Toybots (DS)
- Nicktoons: Battle for Volcano Island (DS)
- Nicktoons: Battle for Volcano Island (GCN)
- Nicktoons: Battle for Volcano Island (GBA)
- Nicky - The Home Alone Golf Ball (Switch eShop)
- Nicole (Switch eShop)
- Nidhogg 2 (Switch eShop)
- NieR:Automata The End of YoRHa Edition (Switch)
- Niffelheim (Switch eShop)
- Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing (GB)
- Night & Day (Switch eShop)
- Night at the Gates of Hell (Switch eShop)
- Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (DS)
- Night Book (Switch eShop)
- Night Call (Switch eShop)
- Night Flight (Switch eShop)
- Night In The Woods (Switch eShop)
- Night Lights (Switch eShop)
- Night Reverie (Switch eShop)
- Night Slashers: Remake (Switch eShop)
- Night Trap - 25th Anniversary Edition (Switch eShop)
- Night Vision (Switch eShop)
- Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge (Arcade)
- NightGhast (Switch eShop)
- Nightmare Boy (Switch eShop)
- Nightmare Creatures (N64)
- Nightmare In The Dark (Neo Geo)
- Nightmare Reaper (Switch eShop)
- Nightmares from the Deep 2: The Siren's Call (Switch eShop)
- NightmareScape (Switch eShop)
- Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon (Switch)
- NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams (Wii)
- Nightshade (NES)
- Nightshade (Switch eShop)
- Nightshade Ninja Warrior (Switch eShop)
- NightSky (3DS eShop)
- Nihilumbra (Switch eShop)
- Nihilumbra (Wii U eShop)
- Niki - Rock 'n' Ball (WiiWare)
- Niko and the Cubic Curse (Switch eShop)
- Nikoderiko: The Magical World (Switch eShop)
- Nikoli's Pencil Puzzle (3DS)
- Nimbusfall (Switch eShop)
- NinCat (Switch eShop)
- Nine Nights - Martial Ci Lang Story (Switch eShop)
- Nine Parchments (Switch eShop)
- Nine Sols (Switch eShop)
- Nine Witches: Family Disruption (Switch eShop)
- Ninja 1987 (Switch eShop)
- Ninja Baseball Bat Man (Arcade)
- Ninja Battle Heroes (3DS eShop)
- Ninja Box (Switch)
- Ninja Boy (GB)
- Ninja Boy 2 (GB)
- Ninja Buddy Epic Quest (Switch eShop)
- Ninja Captains (Wii)
- Ninja Chowdown: Glaze of Glory (Switch eShop)
- Ninja Combat (Neo Geo)
- Ninja Commando (Neo Geo)
- Ninja Epic Adventure (Switch eShop)
- Ninja Five-O (GBA)
- Ninja Five-O (Switch eShop)
- Ninja Flip (Switch eShop)
- Ninja Gaiden (GG)
- Ninja Gaiden (NES)
- Ninja Gaiden (VC Arcade)
- Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge (Wii U)
- Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos (NES)
- Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom (NES)
- Ninja Gaiden Shadow (GB)
- Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword (DS)
- Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection (Switch eShop)
- Ninja Gaiden: Ragebound (Switch eShop)
- Ninja Girls:kunoichi Puzzle (Switch eShop)
- Ninja I & II (Switch eShop)
- Ninja Issen (Switch eShop)
- Ninja Issen (忍者一閃) : The Scroll of Dimension (Switch eShop)
- Ninja JaJa Maru: Gekimaden - Maboroshi no Kinmajou (NES)
- Ninja JaJaMaru - Gingadaisakusen (NES)
- Ninja JaJaMaru-kun (NES)
- Ninja JaJaMaru: Ninpouchou (NES)
- Ninja JaJaMaru: Retro Collection (Switch eShop)
- Ninja JaJaMaru: The Great Yokai Battle +Hell (Switch eShop)
- Ninja JaJaMaru: The Great Yokai Battle +Hell - Deluxe Edition (Switch eShop)
- Ninja JaJaMaru: The Lost RPGs (Switch eShop)
- Ninja Kamui: Shinobi Origins (Switch eShop)
- Ninja Kidz: Time Masters (Switch eShop)
- Ninja Master's: Haō Ninpō Chō (Neo Geo)
- Ninja or Die: Shadow of the Sun (Switch eShop)
- Ninja Pizza Girl (Wii U eShop)
- Ninja Reflex (DS)
- Ninja Reflex (Wii)
- Ninja Shadow Quest (Switch eShop)
- Ninja Shodown (Switch eShop)
- Ninja Shuriken Master (Switch eShop)
- Ninja Slayer Neo-saitama In Flames (Switch eShop)
- Ninja Smasher! (3DS eShop)
- Ninja Smasher! (Switch eShop)
- Ninja Spirit (TG-16)
- Ninja Strike: Dangerous Dash (Wii U eShop)
- Ninja Striker! (Switch eShop)
- Ninja Taro (GB)
- Ninja Turtles (3DS)
- Ninja Usagimaru - The Gem of Blessings (3DS eShop)
- Ninja Usagimaru - The Mysterious Karakuri Castle (3DS eShop)
- Ninja Village (Switch eShop)
- Ninjabread Man (Wii)
- Ninjala (Switch eShop)
- Ninjatown (DS)
- Ninjin: Clash of Carrots (Switch eShop)
- NinNinDays (Switch eShop)
- NinNinDays2 (Switch eShop)
- Nintama Rantaro 64 Game Gallery (N64)
- Nintendo 64 - Nintendo Switch Online (Switch eShop)
- Nintendo 64 - Nintendo Switch Online: MATURE 17+ (Switch eShop)
- Nintendo Badge Arcade (3DS eShop)
- Nintendo Countdown Calendar (DSiWare)
- Nintendo DS Browser (DS)
- Nintendo DSi Browser (DSiWare)
- Nintendo DSi Instrument Tuner (DSiWare)
- Nintendo DSi Metronome (DSiWare)
- Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 01: Variety Kit (Switch)
- Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 02: Robot Kit (Switch)
- Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 03: Vehicle Kit (Switch)
- Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 04: VR Kit (Switch)
- Nintendo Land (Wii U)
- Nintendo Letter Box (3DS eShop)
- Nintendo MP3 Player (DS)
- Nintendo Music (Mobile)
- Nintendo Pocket Football Club (3DS eShop)
- Nintendo presents: New Style Boutique (3DS)
- Nintendo presents: New Style Boutique 2 - Fashion Forward (3DS)
- Nintendo presents: New Style Boutique 3 - Styling Star (3DS)
- Nintendo presents: Style Boutique (DS)
- Nintendo Puzzle Collection (GCN)
- Nintendo Switch Online Playtest Program (Switch eShop)
- Nintendo Switch Sports (Switch)
- Nintendo Today! (Mobile)
- Nintendo World Championships (NES)
- Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition (Switch)
- Nintendo World Cup (GB)
- Nintendo World Cup (NES)
- Nintendogs (DS)
- Nintendogs + Cats (3DS)
- Nintendoji (DSiWare)
- Nippon Marathon (Switch eShop)
- Nira (Switch eShop)
- Nirvana (Switch eShop)
- Nirvana Pilot Yume (Switch eShop)
- Nitrobike (Wii)
- Njinga: The Diplomat Warrior (Switch eShop)
- No Case Should Remain Unsolved (Switch eShop)
- No Fear Downhill Mountain Biking (GBC)
- No Heroes Here (Switch eShop)
- No Longer Home (Switch eShop)
- No Longer Human (Switch eShop)
- No Man's Sky (Switch)
- No More Heroes (Switch eShop)
- No More Heroes (Wii)
- No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle (Switch eShop)
- No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle (Wii)
- No More Heroes III (Switch)
- No More Snow (Switch eShop)
- No One Lives Under the Lighthouse (Switch eShop)
- No Place For Bravery (Switch eShop)
- No Place Like Home (Switch eShop)
- No Sleep For Kaname Date - From AI: The Somnium Files (Switch eShop)
- No Son of Mine (Switch eShop)
- No Straight Roads (Switch)
- NO THING (Switch eShop)
- No Time to Relax (Switch eShop)
- No Umbrellas Allowed (Switch eShop)
- Noah's Cradle (3DS eShop)
- Noble Armada: Lost Worlds (Switch eShop)
- Nobody Saves The World (Switch eShop)
- Nobunaga no Yabou DS 2 (DS)
- Nobunaga's Ambition (GB)
- Nobunaga's Ambition (NES)
- Nobunaga's Ambition (SNES)
- Nobunaga's Ambition: Awakening (Switch eShop)
- Nobunaga's Ambition: Lord of Darkness (SNES)
- Nobunaga's Ambition: Sphere of Influence (Switch)
- Noctemis (Wii U eShop)
- Nocturnal (Switch eShop)
- Nocturnal Visitors (Switch eShop)
- Nocturne (Switch eShop)
- Nodame Cantabile (DS)
- Noddy and the Birthday Party (GBC)
- Noel the Mortal Fate (Switch eShop)
- NoEvidence - Scary Horror Quest Survival Story (Switch eShop)
- Noir Chronicles: City of Crime (Switch eShop)
- NOISZ re:||COLLECTION G (Switch eShop)
- Noitu Love: Devolution (3DS eShop)
- Noitu Love: Devolution (Wii U eShop)
- Non-Stop Space Probe (Switch eShop)
- Nongunz: Doppelganger Edition (Switch eShop)
- Nono Adventure (Switch eShop)
- Nonogram Minimal (Switch eShop)
- Nonograms Prophecy (Switch eShop)
- Noob - The Factionless (Switch eShop)
- Noobs Want to Live (Switch eShop)
- Nora to Toki no Kōbō: Kiri no Mori no Majo (DS)
- Nora: The Wannabe Alchemist (Switch eShop)
- Nora: The Wannabe Alchemist + Mosaic Chronicles Deluxe (Switch eShop)
- Nordlicht (Switch eShop)
- NoReload Heroes (Switch eShop)
- NoReload Heroes Enhanced Edition (Switch eShop)
- Norman's Great Illusion (Switch eShop)
- Norn9: Last Era (Switch eShop)
- Norn9: Var Commons (Switch eShop)
- NORTH (Switch eShop)
- Northgard (Switch)
- nOS new Operating System Deluxe Edition (Switch eShop)
- nOS: New Operating System (Switch eShop)
- Nosferatu Lilinor (Switch eShop)
- Nostalgia (DS)
- Nostalgic Train (Switch eShop)
- Not A Hero: Super Snazzy Edition (Switch eShop)
- Not Not - A Brain Buster (Switch eShop)
- Not Tonight & Not Tonight 2 (Switch eShop)
- Not Tonight 2 (Switch eShop)
- Not Tonight: Take Back Control Edition (Switch eShop)
- Notebook Artillery (Switch eShop)
- Notes (Switch eShop)
- Notes + Stickers (Switch eShop)
- Notes + Stickers Special Edition (Switch eShop)
- Nothing to Declare (Switch eShop)
- Nour: Play With Your Food (Switch eShop)
- Nova Hearts (Switch eShop)
- Nova Lands (Switch eShop)
- Nova Strike (Switch eShop)
- Nova-111 (Switch eShop)
- Nova-111 (Wii U eShop)
- Now I know my ABCs (Wii U eShop)
- Now I Know My ABCs 2 (3DS eShop)
- Nowhere Girl (Switch eShop)
- Nowhere Prophet (Switch eShop)
- nPaint (Switch eShop)
- nPaint Deluxe Edition (Switch eShop)
- nPiano (Switch eShop)
- nPool (Switch eShop)
- NRL Mascot Mania (DS)
- NSYNC: Get to the Show (GBC)
- Nubarron: The adventure of an unlucky gnome (Switch eShop)
- Nubla (Switch eShop)
- Nubla 2 (Switch eShop)
- Nuclear Blaze (Switch eShop)
- Nuclear Strike 64 (N64)
- Nuclear Throne (Switch eShop)
- Nuclien (Switch eShop)
- Nudel Tag (Switch eShop)
- Null Drifter (Switch eShop)
- Nullum (Switch eShop)
- Numbala (Switch eShop)
- Number Place 10000 (Switch eShop)
- Numbers and Squares (Switch eShop)
- Numolition (Switch eShop)
- Nun Massacre (Switch eShop)
- Nurikabe by Nikoli (3DS eShop)
- Nurse Call 恋のナースコール (Switch eShop)
- Nurse Love Addiction (Switch eShop)
- Nurse Love Syndrome (Switch eShop)
- Nushi Tsuri 64 (N64)
- Nushi Tsuri 64: Shiokaze ni Notte (N64)
- NUTS (Switch eShop)
- Nyaaaanvy (Switch eShop)
- Nyakamon Adventures (Switch eShop)
- Nyan Cat: Lost In Space (Switch eShop)
- Nyanzou & Kumakichi Bomb Cave (Switch eShop)
- Nyanzou & Kumakichi Let's make a flower garden (Switch eShop)
- NYR: New York Race (GBC)
- NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits (WiiWare)
- nZen (Switch eShop)