GRAND TOTAL (In Words) :rupees Ten Thousand Eight Hundred Thirteen Only
GRAND TOTAL (In Words) :rupees Ten Thousand Eight Hundred Thirteen Only
GRAND TOTAL (In Words) :rupees Ten Thousand Eight Hundred Thirteen Only
The Finance Officer
H.N.B. Garhwal University, Srinagar (Garhwal)
I would like to inform you that I am a research scholar in the School of Commerce, Chauras
campus, Srinagar Garhwal. A contingency grant of Rs.8,000 is available to meet out the research
expense for the current year. Please find the following bills, enclosed herewith for favour of the
payment against the contingency grant Rs. 8,000/-(Eight thousand only).
The expenditure has been made by me during session 2018-19 and all the bills have been paid
by me.
GFR 2017 (RULE-154)
Rajvijay Singh
Research Scholar
School of commerce
Srinagar Uttarakhand