I borrowed this from the library not knowing if a book from a socialite would appeal to me, but I have to hand it to her she knows fashion and I think we can all benefit from her tips of finding your personal style. She says that "no amount of money can buy style" which I have observed with some celebrities. The 31 year old heiress has had her own fashion line, designed handbags, and costume jewelry. She's obsessed with cats and buys anything that has a cat on it. Unlike her sister's obsession with pink, you're more likely to see Nicky in blues and neutrals. The book also pays homage to Hilton's favorite models and includes tons of pictures of Nicky over the years. I can't say I share her style, but did like her practical suggestions.
As a clothes hoarder I've been trying to do a closet-cleanout and donate items I no longer wear. I thought 365 might show me what is now "current" and how I might incorporate that into my (limited) shopping for fall/winter. Limited because every since I started using the stylebook app I realized I have too many clothes to wear. So I've slowly been working on attacking my bursting at the seams closet by re-wearing the clothes I own. Nicky says to "recognize your wardrobe needs, when you consider a purchase ask yourself if it is something that would truly benefit your wardrobe or if it would just take up space in your closet. Because there's nothing less gratifying than seeing countless unworn articles of clothing hanging in your closet, with price tags still on them. This clearly shows a lack of judgment and a waste of money." She recommends going on a shopping strike when you reach this point. And to make a rule for yourself to not buy anything new until you get rid of equal amounts of clothing.
"Just because you like something does not mean you need to own it.
Two generations of sisters |
She says that "no matter what the size of your closet, you have to be able to see everything in it in order to know exactly what you're working with. The same concept going for shoes, always display them on racks or shelves, for jewelry lay it out in drawers." That's exactly what I did last year when I build my shoe closet and jewelry organization. By the way did you know that Kim Kardashian used to be Paris Hilton's closet organizer?
I was surprised to read that Nicky resoles her shoes over and over again even if that costs more than the price of the shoe just to keep her favorite pair. She replaces the rubber on all of her shoes regardless of how cheap they are. She takes the time to do this because it makes shoes water resistant and skidproof and then they last forever. She'll wear shoes for 6 years by having them repaired when they start looking shabby. She says that "if you invest the time, energy and a little money, shoes can seriously stand the test of time. Even your cheap gladiator studded sandals can stay in rotation for years." Her mother gave her a lot of her vintage clothing that she had updated them to her liking so the pieces are now contemporary. I never thought to do this with my mother's clothes, who is quite the fashionista.

As a world traveller myself I was interested to read what Nicky had to say about what she wears when she travels. I've talked about
how I pack when I travel but I didn't mention that my go to travel outfit is a stylish velour sweatsuit. Nicky specifically says not to wear velour sweatsuits on planes! lol She says "there are chicer things to wear when jetting to and fro. Start with a loose fitting, breathable top. Accompany that with a pair of fleece lined leggings. Add a chunky, knitted cardigan. Bring your own eye mask and socks." She goes on to say that "when flying long distance apply heavy moisturizer and eye cream to a clean face and be sure to drink extra water throughout the travel day. Most importantly don't forget to pack a positive attitude, be open to new adventures, act street savvy, be safe and take lots of pictures." Great advice!
My go to outfit for first dates is a dress and heels, but Nicky has a different idea. She aims to look attractive but not overly sexy, and that she didn't take hours to get ready. So her go to outfit is leather pants or skinny jeans with a not too femme but pretty top and a fitted blazer with heels.
"Always dress like you're going to meet your worst enemy" - Kimora Lee Simmons
I think this is a great rule to live by, the idea is to look your best as often as you can. My mother is queen of dressing down if it's cold outside or pouring rain and without fail she will run into someone she hasn't seen in a long time and feel bad about the way she looks. Nicky says to "put your energy into looking and feeling your best because people are going to judge you no matter what, feel good about how your presenting yourself." That includes when you're running errands to the grocery store which may be tempting to roll out looking sloppy, but she says you've got to pull it together. She recommends "taking two minutes to throw on a loose fitting button up or boyfriend cardigan and a pair of leggings. Ditch the uggs and put on ballet flats." The idea is feeling amazing in your own skin and exuding that confidence no matter where you go. She says that "t
he easiest way to put on a successful front is to dress the part, if you feel comfortable, then you will radiate a new kind of energy that is irresistible. Dress the way you want to be perceived. The first opinion people have of you has to do with what they see. We are constantly making first impressions, even when we don't realize it."
Nicky's five style goals:
1. Smile at a stranger every day, easy way to brighten someone else's day.
2. Always wear something that reminds you of someone you love.
3. Give give give, be generous in any way you can, donate your closet.
4. Go one day a month without makeup.
5. Write your own style rules.
I don't think women need another black bag. Everybody has a black bag already, so I thought this season needs color - carolina herrera.