Harpers Bazaar explained that Lucky Girl Syndrome encourages individuals to repeatedly affirm their good fortune to manifest positive outcomes like promotions or pay raises. While some see it as a form of toxic positivity , the author recommends the WOOP approach - Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, Plan, which incorporates realistic planning and anticipation of challenges.
Remember years ago when we all read the book The Secret which taught us that us about the law of attraction and how you can make anything you want happen if you believe in it enough. Lucky Girl Syndrome Affirmations is all about reprogramming your mindset into thinking I am good enough, smart enough, capable enough and worthy of all my desires. You have to believe you can do anything because that thought will create your reality. When you’re operating on a frequency of having high gratitude, more things will just flow into your life. Here are the affirmations I have for myself that promote abundance, ease, and good luck. Write yours in the present tense.