
Sleepy Tired Kitty


ShenZed shitposter | headcanon writer | only posting random stuff or whatever I'm currently hyperfixating about |


Another love story, so strong that I wanted to depict this unusual relationship. Toma and Chobei.

And again, this is an example of love between two brothers (I did not deliberately choose brothers, I just watched/read Hell's Paradise manga/anime on the advice of a friend and found the relationship between these two guys the most touching, and it just so happened that they are brothers... again)

Their love at first glance seems like ordinary brotherly love. But as the story progresses, it is revealed that the brothers are very dependent on each other, and Chobei will go so far as to sacrifice himself, his well-being and his humanity for the sake of his younger brother Toma, ensuring his safety, he even disfigures his face in front of bandits to keep Toma's beauty intact. And Toma deeply loves and admires Chobei, he listens to his every word, he does everything for him, because Chobei doesiseverything for Toma.

Several times, being on the verge of life and death, Chobei puts Toma's safety above all else. While wounded, he climbs out of a deep hole with terreble effort, carrying his weakened and wounded brother on his shoulders. He kills monsters, and he resists the spell of the mystical Island with only willpower. All for his brother. "I DO... ... HAVE SOMETHING TO LOSE. BEYOND THAT? DON'T CARE... ...WHAT I GOTTA LOSE. THAT'S ENOUGH. HE'S... ...ENOUGH FOR ME."

While the others were infected and turned into plants, Chobei mastered the power of monster-plants, and reached a godlike level. Because he could not lose Toma, and Toma could not lose him. This delighted the protagonist Gabimaru and even the Tensen. "WHAT SEPARATES CHOBE FROM THE OTHERS... IS THAT HE HAS SOMETHING TO LOSE. HE FIGHTS FOR SOMEONE BESIDES HIMSELF. THAT'S WHERE HE FINDS THE STRENGTH TO DEFY DEATH." - Gabimaru about Chobei and Toma.

When Chobei turned into a monster in battle and lost himself, he wounded Toma and almost killed him in madness, but his brother's voice called out to him: "SORRY... BROTHER... I'D HOPED TO FIGHT ALONGSIDE YOU...YET YOU'VE ALWAYS FOUGHT ALONE. BECAUSE, ALAS, I'M WEAK... UNRELIABLE...

SEE WHAT'S BECOME OF ME? SO COME BACK TO YOUR SENSES, BROTHER. BECAUSE, WHILE I AM A PART OF YOU... YOU ARE EVERYTHING TO ME." - Toma to Chobei. After that, Chobei regained himself and remembered everything.

Toma, in turn, casts aside his pride and asks to be an apprentice to a samurai from a rival side to learn swordsmanship so that he can fight for his brother, because he wants to protect him. As a sign of his determination, he cuts his long hair and braids it on the left side, mirroring Chobei's on the right.

The origin of Chobei's braid and his words "Break Down, Come Apart" are connected to Toma. In the beginning, when Toma was born, Chobei picked him up, and as a fragile and cute baby, Toma pulled Chobei's hair, and Chobei smile with tears, realizing that he wanted to protect this little creature. Since then, he wears his braid on the side where Toma pulled it. A symbol of his desire to protect Toma. A symbol of his love for him, his oath, his loyalty.

So later, Toma cuts his long hair (a symbol of his beauty and delicacy that Chobei so guarded) and braids his own hair as well, wanting to protect Chobei and save him from the Tensen's hands. It is also their sign of truth.

Their love for each other is absolute and goes beyond everything.

I find it interesting how the author explores humanity and love, it's limits, it's essence, it's manifestations, how Chobei, being selfish and aggressive bandit, who never cared about other people, who robbed, lied and killed, could be so strongly motivated by love for one single person - his younger brother. He even gives up his own humanity, he surrenders to the demonic gods Tensen, voluntarily subjecting himself to violence and cruel experiments, where he was cut into pieces - and all this time he thought about Toma: "He is my priority. Toma, wait for me." He also instantly feels Toma's closeness, although he does not see him. He feels his energy, there is an extraordinary connection between them.


Aza Brothers & Bonus; Winchesters Meta

I love the relationship between Aza Chobei and Aza Toma. Their relationship, characters and how they interact with other are very entertain to read/ watch. It also reminds me of β€˜the epic love story between Sam and Dean’ from Supernatural. Their relationship is very important for their characters, as person and for their story. Its really interesting. Thats why i made this post cause its fun.

Oldest Child Syndrome + Brother Complex

Oldest Child Syndrome is believed by some to be evidence of common characteristics that can be attributed to birth order. These traits of first-born children include a sense of entitlement, responsibility, and ambition. Many of the qualities of oldest child syndrome stem from taking care of younger siblings, which contribute to the development of a mature and effective leader. Nevertheless, the stress that comes from feeling β€œdethroned” by the birth of younger siblings may also result in some less than positive qualities such as jealousy and competitiveness.


1. They might want to lead and dominate

Firstborn children are thrust into a leadership position when their younger siblings arrive. Leading and helping their younger siblings become an ingrained habit they carry forward even in their future. But if they become dominating instead of leading, it becomes a sign of the oldest child syndrome.

2. They might have a constant urge to be perfect

A study conducted in 2008 states that the firstborns tend to be perfectionists and have higher standards. They can also be called β€˜achievers.’ It is fine until they know their limits. If they become aggressive or depressed when they cannot achieve or when their sibling wins, it becomes an unhealthy trait.

3. They might have the pressure of parent’s expectations

Due to their constant urge to be perfect and tendency to please their parents, older children have greater academic pressure than their younger siblings. Also, parents expect their oldest children to be a role model for their younger siblings in every aspect, including academics. The pressure from the parents and the need to excel could take them into a zone where they cannot accept failure, which could become problematic in their latter years of life.

4. They may have high self-esteem

According to Adler’s theory and multiple studies in recent times, it has been found that older children tend to have higher self-esteem and confidence. It helps them in their academic performance and professionalism but may not be helpful in social life. High self-esteem could lead to ego, and if they are not humble and do not have gratitude, others might not accept them

5. They might develop an unhealthy competitive attitude

When the sibling rivalry and jealousy on the sibling’s arrival is not handled properly by parents, the firstborn can hold it as a grudge against their parents or their younger sibling. This creates an unhealthy competitive attitude even after growing upβ€”a sign of the oldest child syndrome.

6. They might become obsessive

The oldest child becomes a protector of the younger ones. It is a good quality until it turns extreme.

If you find your child going overboard trying to make something perfect to the level of obsession, it is unhealthy for them and the younger siblings. Even the younger children may get used to the protection and become dependent, while the oldest ones could lose themselves to their siblings and become obsessive.

7. They may act as a second-parent to their siblings

When parents have their second child, they encourage their firstborns to care for their younger siblings. Many a time, this gives rise to a sibling bond where the firstborn becomes a second-parent figure to the younger sibling. Some oldest children may develop parental feelings and responsibility towards their younger siblings, evident in their personalities and behavior.

It goes smooth until the attachment is within boundaries. Otherwise, it could be harmful to both. They might expect the younger sibling to start obeying them like they obey their parents.

8. They might become controlling

In their quest for perfection and achievements, first born children may develop a tendency to control everything around them, including their younger siblings. Their inherent tendency to lead and the power to act as a second-parent to their younger siblings can be the reason why some oldest children become overly controlling.

To be able to overcome this, adressing the problems, equality, sharing the burden, connecting with others is important. Though, the reason why they become like this makes sense because of their story. I think they would still be really close even they have normal life.


Brother complex (Japanese: ブラアーコンプレックス) refers to a state of strong attachment and obsession to brothers. It is also commonly abbreviated as β€œbrocon” (ブラコン),[2][3][4] and in this case, it is also used for brothers and sisters who have a strong attachment and obsession to their brothers.


It happens when siblings are too close. They have the relationship the romantic couples have, (similar to marriage life) or they might attract to people similar to their sibling or they might be paralles with canon incest relationship or love interest or partnership. Basically, they become your partner. They spend time together a lot. They talk about with/about each others a lot. They are the center of each other’s life. Their conversation/behavours might be flirtous, such as β€˜You are handsome/cute’. Etc etc etc. There are more details but for now, thats it.


The Lin Kuei: Lifeguard Duty.

don't worry, Kung Lao lives :)


Literally, just adopt everyone into the Shirai Ryu at this point


Me and my angsty mood

These are my random sketches about Tomas's childhood. Sometimes he dreams about meeting his other timeline (Smoke mk9), and he walks him through his nightmare


β™‘β—‡ What ninja thrill do you have?

Bi-han: Boredom / Sektor : enthusiasm / Cyrax : joy

Kuai liang : fury / Smoke : gratitude / Hydro : sadness


Not a lot of A/B/O fics for MK, I understand the trope is hit or miss. But may I introduce my series concept with omega!Bi-Han, beta! Smoke & alpha! Kuai Liang:

15 yr old Kuai Liang, fawning about Smoke: He smells like fresh rain
Bi-Han, raising a brow at him as he chews on a pen Hydro gifted him: Somehow, I am not surprised that you are fawning over a beta that has a nature scent.
Bi-Han: Also, you've literally never seen or smelled rain a day in your life. TomΓ‘Ε‘ is literally the only reason you know what rain smells like.
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