Buzz Blob Cave

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Buzz Blob Cave is a Level in Tri Force Heroes.[1] It is the second Level of the Woodlands Area, preceded by Deku Forest and followed by Moblin Base.

Themes and Navigation

Buzz Blob Cave is a large, earthen cavern with deep chasms and sparse foliage. The Level is simple in design, relying heavily on basic Totem and Bow puzzles. Because of this, the Kokiri Clothes serve well here.

Popping the Key Balloon in Stage 1

Stage 1 has the Links separated on elevated ledges in different corners of the Cave. On each of the ledges is a Balloon that can be popped with a Sword strike, and a Bow for that Link to make use of. A short distance from each of these ledges, just out of their Swords' reach, floating Balloons hold up bridges and prevent the Links from getting down. Shooting an Arrow to pop the Balloon causes the bridge to fall into place, allowing the Links passage to reunite in the main part of the Stage, where three Blobs await. The Triforce Gateway is blocked by a locked Gate, and a Key floats inside a Balloon near it. To reach this Balloon, the Links must throw each other up two nearby ledges. After the Gate is unlocked, the Gateway can be reached beyond a narrow pathway.

Ambushed by Blobs in Stage 2

Stage 2 places the Links on a grassy ledge. Below is a large room with a closed Gate, a bush-filled ledge to the west that can only be reached by forming a Totem, and a Big Switch that can only be activated once all three Links stand on it. Once they do, seven Blobs and one Buzz Blob appear in a circle around them. The latter electrifies the Links upon contact, so it can only be damaged with Arrows. After the Enemies are defeated, five more Blobs and two more Buzz Blobs appear in front of the Gate. Defeating them all opens the Gate, allowing passage to the Triforce Gateway. Beyond the Gate is a narrow pathway, which branches off to the left toward a Treasure Chest containing a Purple Rupee.

Encountering Totem Dekus in Stage 3

Stage 3 starts the Links off on a small cliff over a deep chasm. Directly ahead of them is a central cliff, which can be reached using the four floating platforms that circle it. On this cliff are two Totem Dekus and a Shock Switch on a post. Similarly to how the Totem Dekus retract into the ground when the Links approach them, the Switch covers itself with metal flaps if any Links get too close, forcing them to strike it from a distance. On the east cliff are a second Shock Switch and a Buzz Blob. On the north cliff, a third Switch and an elevated ledge, and on the west cliff, a Blob and an elevated Treasure Chest containing a Red Rupee. Each Shock Switch can only be reached by the Link atop a full Totem. Once all three are struck, the Gate blocking the northeast cliff opens, allowing passage to the Triforce Gateway, which is beyond a short bridge. A Squiddy is found beside the Gateway, along with several Jars.

Battling Electric Blob King in Stage 4

Stage 4 is the final stage. The Links appear in a small room, which opens ahead of them into a large pit below. Before falling in, the Links can circle around the border to find Rocks and bushes. A single Heart rests behind some Rocks to the east. Once all three Links fall in the hole, the Electric Blob King appears, and the battle ensues. Hearts and Rupees atop various ledges can be found around the arena. Once the Boss is defeated, the Triforce Gateway appears, and the Level is completed upon entering it. A hidden tunnel can also be found in the north-east of the pit, reachable only by forming a Totem and throwing the Links up. One Link can enter this tunnel to find several Rupees, including a Red Rupee, in an alcove above the Triforce Gateway.

Drablands Challenges

Once the Boss of the Woodlands has been defeated, Buzz Blob Cave can be replayed with the following Drablands Challenges: "Pop all balloons!", "Clear within the time limit!", and "Clear using only Bombs!".

In "Pop all balloons!", the four Stages contain 12, 17, four, and three Balloons respectively, for a total of 36 Balloons. Many of them bear a number indicating the size of a Totem required for the Links to reach them. In Stage 1, the Blobs are absent during this Challenge.

In "Clear within the time limit!", the Links are given a timer of one minute and 30 seconds in both single-player and Multiplayer modes. This timer can be increased by collecting Hourglasses or wearing Linebeck's Uniform. Notably, there are no Hourglasses to collect in the first two Stages of the Level.

In "Clear using only Bombs!", the Level's Bows are replaced with Bombs. Anything to be hit indirectly or from a distance must now be struck using a Bomb blast, requiring the Links to use precise timing and aiming in order to solve puzzles.[2] Swords can still be used during this Challenge.


At the end of the Level, three Treasure Chests can be opened. Two contain the same Material, and one contains another, more valuable Material.

Drablands Challenge
Not Applicable
Magical Materials
Drablands Challenge

Pop all balloons!
Magical Materials
Drablands Challenge

Clear within the time limit!
Magical Materials
Drablands Challenge

Clear using only Bombs!
Magical Materials
Drablands ChallengeMagical Materials
Not Applicable

Pop all balloons!

Clear within the time limit!

Clear using only Bombs!

Enemies and Traps

No Challenge, "Clear using only Bombs!""Pop all balloons!""Clear within the time limit!"
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 1

There are no Enemies in this Stage.

Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4

Treasure Chests

Treasure Chest

At the end of the narrow pathway behind the Gate in Stage 2

Treasure Chest

On a ledge on the upper-left platform in Stage 3

Treasure ChestContentsNotes

At the end of the narrow pathway behind the Gate in Stage 2

On a ledge on the upper-left platform in Stage 3


  • Buzz Blob Cave was one of the Levels included in the E3 demo and in the distributed demo version. In the former, it was formerly known as The Forest.
  • As described in Vol. 1 of the Drablands Diary, a bright green Butterfly is hidden in each Level of the Woodlands. One can be found in Stage 3 of Buzz Blob Cave, on a spiderweb directly above the easternmost Shock Switch.


Names in Other Regions
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Other Names

These names, though from official English sources, are not considered Canon by Zelda Wiki as they contradict a name or names from a higher-priority source.
The Forest[3]
Applies to
Superseded by
NameApplies toSourceSuperseded by
The Forest[3]



  1. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 159
  2. "I think you probably looked at this course on the first day of Treehouse Live, but you played it in its normal mode, where you were equipped with bows and arrows. But this time, because it's one of the challenge courses, all the players have just bombs." — Hiromasa Shikata, Nintendo Treehouse Live @ E3 2015 Day 3 The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes , YouTube (Video), published June 18, 2015, retrieved August 22, 2015.
  3. The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes - The Forest (Direct Gampelay), @GameXplain on YouTube, Uploaded August 2, 2015 (Archive)