Empty Bottles,(TWWThe Wind Waker | TMCThe Minish Cap | TPTwilight Princess | SSSkyward Sword | HWHyrule Warriors | CoHCadence of Hyrule)[1][2][3] also known as Bottles,(ALttPA Link to the Past | OoTOcarina of Time | MMMajora's Mask | TWWThe Wind Waker | ALBWA Link Between Worlds | CoHCadence of Hyrule)[1][4]Magic Bottles,(ALttPA Link to the Past)[5]Canteens,(TFoEThe Faces of Evil | TWoGThe Wand of Gamelon)[name references needed] and Empty JarsThis name is derived from text in British English.,(FPTRRFreshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland)[6] are recurring Items in The Legend of Zelda series.
Empty Bottles are items used to store a variety of other items, such as Potions, Fairies, and Insects, for use at a later time. Link is able to collect multiple Empty Bottles in each game that they appear. A recurring ability of these Bottles is that a bottled Fairy will be automatically released if Link falls in battle, reviving him and restoring some of his Life.
A Link to the Past
A Link to the Past instruction booklet
You can put many things in a bottle and keep them for use at a later point in the game. You can get up to four bottles, which are vital for your success on a long adventure. Obtain these bottles as soon as you can.
A Link to the Past & Four Swords instruction booklet
You can put things in empty bottles for later use. You can hold up to four bottles. Choose the bottle you want to use from the item window.
Botles can carry medicine, milk or other important things. You can use them whenever you need to. Your inventory cannot exceed four bottles, and you cannot buy them anywhere. Look everywhere and talk to everyone to find them. They are very useful.
In Ocarina of Time, Link can swing Bottles to catch items directly, without the use of a Net. Four Bottles can be collected:
Obtained from the Cucco Lady in Kakariko Village by bringing all of her Cuccos back to their pen.[11]
You can carry up to six bottles at once. You can fill them with things like milk and potions and carry them around until you need to use them. When you have something in a bottle, you can press the C Button to use that item. When the bottle is empty, press the Button to fill it with certain items nearby. (If you aren't standing near anything you can put in a bottle, you will just swing the bottle in the air.)
Obtained after defeating the Big Poe during the Final Day at the Ikana Graveyard. Link must order the Stalchildren to open the grave they are guarding by using the Captain's Hat. Once inside, he must assist Dampé, who must dig up three blue flames which merge into the Big Poe.[20]
The first Bottle must be obtained for Link to proceed further into the Southern Swamp, while the rest of the Bottles are optional. Link will need to make use of Bottles several more times throughout his adventure.
Majora's Mask 3D
In Majora's Mask 3D, one of the Bottles switched place with a Piece of Heart. An extra Bottle was also added, making seven Bottles total.
Dampé's Bottle is switched with the Piece of Heart Link can obtain from Koume by completing the Koume's Target Shooting after beating the Woodfall Temple.
During the Second Day, Link wearing the Troupe Leader's Mask can talk to Gorman while he is sleeping at the Stock Pot Inn. Gorman requests Link to bring Mystery Milk from his brothers at the Gorman Track in the afternoon. While still wearing the mask, Link can obtain the Milk from the Gorman Brothers at any time after 12 PM. However, the Milk spoils after two real time minutes. If Link successfully delivers the Milk to Gorman, he will let him keep the Bottle. Link cannot roll as Goron Link or play the "Song of Soaring" while delivering the Milk, as doing so will spill it. The sidequest cannot be done in a cycle where Link plays the "Ballad of the Wind Fish" for Gorman on the first night.
Store things in empty bottles so that you can use them later. You can carry up to four bottles. Choose which bottle you want to carry from the Items subscreen.
Obtained from Stockwell after feeding Fifi with Dog Food. Link must shrink down to Minish size to get to the back of Stockwell's Shop. There, Stockwell will give Link a Empty Bottle with Dog Food. After giving Fifi the food inside Stockwell's house in Lake Hylia, he will be able to keep the Empty Bottle.
Found inside a cave near Lon Lon Ranch. Link must first Fuse Kinstones with Eenie to get a Goron to open the cave. He must then Fuse Kinstones with five Mysterious Walls in order to call more Gorons and reach the end of the cave.
Twilight Princess
Obtained from Sera after returning her cat by fishing two fish. It is half-filled with Milk when received.
Found in the small pond near the bridge on the eastGCN and Wii U; west on Wii and Wii U Hero Mode side of Hena's Fishing Hole. Link must use the bobber Fishing Rod to fish it.
Found underwater in the river east of Hyrule Castle containing a note from the Bouldering Guy stranded on Death Mountain. The note must be taken to the Milk Bar Owner, who will fill the Bottle with Premium Milk. After giving the Bouldering Guy the Milk, Link will be able to keep the Bottle.
Found inside a Treasure Chest in the Vacant House in Lorule. Link must Bomb the back wall to enter.
The Canteens can be refilled by Hamsha and the Fairies of Spearfish Falls in The Faces of Evil, as well by bottles of Water of Life found in Fortress Centrum, Glutko, Lupay, and Serigon Caves. In The Wand of Gamelon, it is refilled by the Fairies of the Fairy Pool. If no Canteen is present, then they will simply replenish Link and Zelda's health.
In Zelda's Adventure, the Empty Bottle is a quest item given to Zelda by Glebb the thirsty woman. Zelda can take the Bottle to the River Source Pond to fill it with water, which turns it into the Water Bottle. The Bottle can then be taken back to Glebb, who will reward Zelda the Vial of Winds in gratitude. As the Bottle is a quest item, Zelda does not keep it and cannot use it to store healing water. Instead, Life Potions are purchased from merchants separately.
The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.
In Hyrule Warriors and Hyrule Warriors Legends, Potions and rescued Fairies are kept inside of Bottles in the inventory. When a Potion is all used up, its Bottle disappears from the inventory, and will only be refilled at the start of a new battle. Warriors may use Potions after crafting a Bottle Badge in the Bazaar, and more uses can be obtained by crafting additional Bottle Badges. Rescued Fairies are automatically kept in separate Bottles once they are rescued, and will disappear from the inventory along with their Bottle once used.
Link is also kept inside of a giant Bottle when using the Great Fairy weapon, as control switches over to the Great Fairy. In certain combo attacks, he will be momentarily released from the Bottle before shortly going back inside.
The following section is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.
In Cadence of Hyrule, Bottles are used to collect and store potions, Fish, Bees, and Fairies.[24] There are a total of 3 Bottles, which can only be acquired by purchasing them at special shops. Two of them can be bought from Beedle, whose shops are hidden in caves hidden behind diggable mounds of dirt in random locations throughout Hyrule, while the third Bottle can be bought from a Zora merchant, who lives in a beach hut along the Beach to the south.
Names in Other Regions
ビン (Bin)(ALttPA Link to the Past | LANSLink's Awakening (Nintendo Switch))[31]
あきビン (Akibin)(OoTOcarina of Time | CoHCadence of Hyrule)[29][30]
Empty Bottle
空瓶子 (Kōng píngzi)(OoTOcarina of Time | SSHDSkyward Sword HD)[35][36]
↑ 1.01.1Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 122 (ALttPA Link to the Past | OoTOcarina of Time | MMMajora's Mask | TWWThe Wind Waker | TMCThe Minish Cap | TPTwilight Princess | SSSkyward Sword | ALBWA Link Between Worlds)
↑Oh! Link? You've come back! And in one piece, too! Gracious! My granddaughter tells me that your grandmother is in poor health these days... Now, I'm certain that a little fairy dust would provide all the lift her spirits need, but... Well, the problem is, I haven't seen any fairies in these parts recently. Of course, long ago you could find a lot of them up by the old Fairy Fountain, and you could even capture them in empty bottles. Sure! It was easy as you please! Yes, there was a time when I used to like playing with fairies... Uh...ahem! In any case, ever since the fountain was blocked up by that huge rock, I haven't seen a one... — Sturgeon (The Wind Waker HD)
↑You got an Empty Bottle! You can fill it with all sorts of useful things. — N/A (Skyward Sword HD)
↑You, sir! Have you been going through life without one of my hold-anything bottles? Well step right up and make your life complete! I've got one on sale now for the low, low price of 100 Rupees! What do you say? Interested? — Street Merchant (A Link to the Past)
↑Yo! Link! You seem to be in a heap of trouble, but this is all I can give you. — Hylian (A Link to the Past)
↑Hello there. Did you drop this? I like an honest person. I will give you something better in return. — Great Fairy (A Link to the Past)
↑Thank you for finding my Cuccos. I have allergies, so I get goose bumps when I touch them. For helping me, I will give this to you. It's fine glass, and should be useful. — Cucco Lady (Ocarina of Time)
↑You got an Empty Bottle! Put something inside and press (C) to use it... What? Something's already inside!? — N/A (Ocarina of Time)
↑I'm proud to present to you a sample of our very own Lon Lon Milk. You'll be energized the moment you drink it! After you drink it, you can bring back the bottle and buy a refill, anytime you want! — Talon (Ocarina of Time)
↑You're thinking about what I promised would happen when you earned 1,000 points. Heh heh. Don't worry, I didn't forget. Just take this. — Poe Collector (Ocarina of Time)
↑Oh!! Well, if that's true, then take this potion to her... — Kotake (Majora's Mask)
↑That was great! I knew you were the fastest Goron, Darmi! I was sure you'd get first place! This is from daddy... It's the prize. — Elder's Son (Majora's Mask)
↑To us, empty bottles are a treasure. I can't give you one just because you beat my little brother. [...] I'll give you one after you race once more against me. — Big Brother Beaver (Majora's Mask)
↑This!!! It's from Kafei! Correct? Correct? Wonderful! You really are an expert! Yes, yes, I'm sorry. My thanks. Yes, yes, it is your job, after all. I'm sorry. At this point in time, I can give you only something like this. Actually I wanted to give this to you sooner... Really! — Madame Aroma (Majora's Mask)
↑Thank you! Thanks to you, the cows are giving thanks, too! Here's Romani's thanks. When you drink it, put your hand on your hip and take a big gulp like we do here at the ranch! — Romani (Majora's Mask)
↑I came looking for the Royal Family's legendary treasure, but my torch has gone out. I'm sorry, but could you walk in front of me and light the way? — Dampé (Majora's Mask)
↑This is all I have to give you. I know it's not much, but please take it! Oh, and please don't tell anyone that I'm climbing Dragon Roost! — Medli (The Wind Waker)
↑Please take this. Don't look at me like that! I didn't steal it! It washed up on the shore, so I picked it up. Don't tease me like that! It's a tiny bottle made of crystal-clear glass... It's so beautiful. — Mila (The Wind Waker)
↑This Empty Bottle is a mere 500 Rupees! Buy it! Buy it! Buy buy buy! — Beedle (The Wind Waker)
↑You got an Empty Bottle! Assign it to , , , or on the inventory screen. Can be used to store potions, fish, bees, and fairies that you find. — N/A (Cadence of Hyrule)