Stray Fairy

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Stray Fairies,(MMMajora's Mask | FSFour Swords)[1] also known as Forest Fairies,(OoAOracle of Ages)[2] are recurring representations of portions of a shattered Great Fairy in The Legend of Zelda series. In a region where a Great Fairy lay at the mercy of her Stray Fairies, they will appear individually and often at hard-to-reach heights or inside Treasure Chests. The collection of all the Stray Fairies in a region will facilitate the resurrection of said Great Fairy, upon returning them to their respective Fairy Fountain.


Majora's Mask

In Majora's Mask, the five Great Fairies have been split into pieces by the Skull Kid, who is under the influence of Majora's Mask.[3] Link must gather them up and take them to the shrine to heal the Great Fairy, who will aid him in his quest to save Termina.

The first Great Fairy in Termina is found in North Clock Town, and only one Stray Fairy is missing. It is found in the Laundry Pool in the daytime and in East Clock Town at night. When healed, she either gives Link the Magic Meter or the Great Fairy Mask, depending on whether he is Deku Link or his normal self.

The other Great Fairy Fountains are in the four cardinal directions, where each Great Fairy is missing fifteen Stray Fairies that can be found in that area's dungeon.[4] Each time a Great Fairy is healed for the first time, she rewards Link with a helpful item or an upgrade.

The color of the Stray Fairies depend on the Fountain they belong to:

Location Fairy Color Reward
Laundry Pool at daytime
East Clock Town at nightime

Magic Power as Deku Link
Great Fairy Mask as a human
Woodfall Temple (MMMajora's Mask)
Snowhead Temple (MM3DMajora's Mask 3D)

Super Spin Attack
Snowhead Temple (MMMajora's Mask)
Woodfall Temple (MM3DMajora's Mask 3D)

Doubled Magic Meter
Great Bay Temple
Stone Tower Temple Yellow Great Fairy's Sword

Oracle of Ages

In Oracle of Ages, red, blue, and orange friendly but mischievous Forest Fairies have the power to jumble up the topography of the Fairies' Woods as they see fit in Labrynna's present. Link must locate the three Fairies in a Hide-and-Seek game to be granted access to the Wing Dungeon.[5] When Link is successful, the Fairies straighten out the Woods, allowing the young hero to reach the dungeon.

If the original Oracle of Seasons file is linked to Oracle of Ages, after Link talks to the Forest Fairy in the rubble of the Wing Dungeon, the Heart Ring L-1 can be found in a secret room behind the waterfall of the Temple of Seasons.

Four Swords

In Four Swords, Stray Fairies appear in the Chambers of Insight and provide the Links with their advice on how to progress.[6]


Names in Other Regions
The French Republic
Fée perdue (MM3DMajora's Mask 3D)[12]Lost fairy
The Italian Republic
  • Fata della foresta (OoAOracle of Ages)[11]
  • Fata sperduta (MMMajora's Mask | MM3DMajora's Mask 3D | OoAOracle of Ages | FSFour Swords)[7][8][9][10]
  • Forest fairy
  • Lost fairy
This table was generated from Zelda Wiki's translation data.



  1. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 244(MMMajora's Mask) & 263(FSFour Swords)
  2. Art & Artifacts, Dark Horse Books, pg. 212 (OoAOracle of Ages)
  3. Young one! Please hear my plea! I have been broken and shattered to pieces by the masked Skull Kid. — Great Fairy (Majora's Mask)
  4. Scattered about the four temples of this land are Stray Fairies like myself. Please, somehow find the Stray Fairies and return them to their fountains. Surely, they too will add to your strength. — Great Fairy (Majora's Mask)
  5. This is our playground! Won't you play hide 'n' seek? If you can't find the three of us, you can't go on! We'll hide, so try to find us! — Forest Fairy (Oracle of Ages)
  6. Welcome to our cave, young heroes! You will find many traps and puzzles in the areas ahead. We will give you advice that will aid you on your quest. Do not fail to heed it. — Stray Fairy (Four Swords)
  7. Enciclopedia di Hyrule, Magazzini Salani, pg. 263
  8. Enciclopedia di Hyrule, Magazzini Salani, pg. 244
  9. Presto! Giriamo la città alla ricerca della fata sperduta e aiutiamo la fata radiosa a tornare alla sua forma normale! — Tatl (Majora's Mask 3D, Italian version)
  10. L'arte di una leggenda, Magazzini Salani, pg. 212
  11. Sei affascinato dalle fate della foresta? — Tingle (Oracle of Ages, Italian version)
  12. Encyclopedia, Les Éditions Soleil, pg. 244