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The following article is not part of the Zelda canon and should not be taken as such.

Spryte is a recurring character in The Legend of Zelda series.[name references needed] A small fairy with a pink dress, she lives in North Castle and is friends with Link and Princess Zelda. In the episode of "Kiss'n Tell", it is revealed that Spryte is the princess of Fairies, with her dad being King Oberon, the fairy king.[1]


The Legend of Zelda TV Series

Spryte is portrayed as an eccentric, blunt, smart-mouthed fairy who is not afraid to voice her opinions.[3][4] Working as an assistant to Princess Zelda and King Harkinian, she often helps out with the chores around the castle.[5][6] Spryte also has an obvious crush on Link, as she is sometimes seen flirting with him and telling him to forget about Zelda so that the young hero will stick with her instead.[4][7][8] However, Spryte's attempts are in vain, as Link usually disregards her comments and only thinks of her as a friend. As such, her jealousy causes for her to use her magic to disrupt Link and Zelda whenever the young hero is close to kissing the princess.[9]

Despite her size, Spryte proves to be of invaluable help to Link and Zelda whenever trouble arises. In "Stinging a Stinger", when Link's Crissword gets stolen, Spryte helps the group decipher the Triforce of Wisdom's riddle.[10] Moreover, in "Kiss'n Tell", Spryte helps Link find the Witch of Walls and later kisses the young hero to make him become human again.[11]

The Legend of Zelda Valiant Comics

Spryte makes a physical appearance in the Issue 4 story, "It's Good to be the King". After Link informs Captain Krin that Ganon's forces have surrounded North Palace, Spryte then arrives to inform Link that Impa has requested to see him.[12] Upon seeing Impa's weakened state, she informs Link that Impa's casting of a spell of protection around the palace has greatly weakened her in the process.[13] Spryte accompanies Link the next day when he goes to overthrow King Harkinian in order to fulfill his destiny and save Hyrule, and she is confronted by and is accused of being a traitor by Miff before being ordered out of the throne room along with Miff and Zelda by King Harkinian.[14][15] After Ganon's forces retreat, she appears alongside the recovered Impa and announces her recovery.[16]


  • According to the overworld map included with the first issue of Valiant's The Legend of Zelda comics by Valiant Comics, Spryte was the fairy residing in Hyrule's eastern spring from the first game.
  • Spryte could be considered Link's first fairy companion in the Legend of Zelda franchise.


Spryte's name is a variation of the word sprite, which means "elf" or "fairy". In computer graphics, a sprite is "a two dimensional bitmap that is integrated into a larger scene, which is usually pixelated". Sprite is also a term for "a faint flash, usually red, shown in the upper part of the atmosphere over a thunderstorm".

Names in Other Regions
Language Name Meaning
French-speaking countries French Esprit[18] Means "immaterial or incorporeal substance"[17]
Italy Italian Frizzy Common nickname, probably from "frizzante" (bubbly/sparkling), referencing her personality


See Also


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Naturally. My father was the king of the fairies, you know. That makes ME a princess!" — Spryte (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode Kiss'n Tell)
  2. http://www.planete-jeunesse.com/fiche-1548-princesse-zelda.html
  3. "Are you dense, or what?" — Spryte (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 9)
  4. 4.0 4.1 "Who cares? She's a snot. You should stick with me." — Spryte (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 1)
  5. "Spryte, where are you? Make this bed, mop the floor, wash the walls, dust, and no sneaking off to see Link." — Princess Zelda (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 2)
  6. "" — King Harkinian (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode Fairies in the Spring)
  7. "I know. You look cute. Need your back scrubbed?" — Spryte (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode The White Knight)
  8. "Zelda's a snoot! I like you just the way you are...especially at the moment." — Spryte (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode The White Knight)
  9. "Darn it, Spryte, I was that close!" — Link (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode The Ringer)
  10. "Sure. You see, Ganon has more magic than we do right now, we can't fight him with magic. We have to use natural weapons." — Spryte (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode Stinging a Stinger)
  11. "You know, one thing I don't get is the wall witch told me I had to be kissed by a princess to get cured. But Spryte's kiss did it." — Link (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode Kiss'n Tell)
  12. Impa wants to see you right away, Link! - Spryte (The Legend of Zelda (Valiant Comics) Issue #4 (Original release) pg. 23)
  13. She's very weak! She used up all her strength to keep a spell of protection around the palace, to protect us. - Spryte (The Legend of Zelda (Valiant Comics) Issue #4 (Original release) pg. 24)
  14. You traitor! - Miff (The Legend of Zelda (Valiant Comics) Issue #4 (Original release) pg. 26)
  15. Trust me, daughter. Miff, Spryte... you too... leave us! - King Harkinian (The Legend of Zelda (Valiant Comics) Issue #4 (Original release) pg. 26)
  16. Look, everyone! Impa is all better! - Spryte (The Legend of Zelda (Valiant Comics) Issue #4 (Original release) pg. 30)
  17. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/esprit#French
  18. http://www.planete-jeunesse.com/fiche-1548-princesse-zelda.html
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