A club for all of us who loves our beloved Natsume Takashi and his fantasy filled daily life, along with the antics of the most awesome fat cat ever, Nyanko-sensei!
Well, there was a 2 year wait between season 2 and 3. So judging from that, we won't see any Natsume until earliest late 2013.
They'll most likely do the same thing they've done two times now already; first air one season, and then have a brake for 3 months, and then they'll air another season.
This system makes me sometimes think of it being only two 26 episodes seasons, and not four 13 episodes seasons. From what I can recall, Zoku (2) and Shi (4) seemed to end with much more closure than the first and third seasons, which would fit this system.
post #14 by Amupyan on 16.01.2023 17:57
post #13 by tenkenX6 on 30.05.2021 03:45
post #12 by tenkenX6 on 23.06.2019 11:33
post #11 by tenkenX6 on 16.09.2018 22:58
post #10 by Mortsyn on 23.03.2016 14:15
It's coming in October. If they do the same thing as previous seasons, we'll probably get a sixth season the following spring.
post #9 by deriDIOt on 23.03.2016 14:08
post #8 by sasuke911 on 22.03.2016 13:57
And here it is...
Season 5 incoming!
When? Release Dates
post #7 by Mortsyn on 20.03.2016 17:10
Season 5 incoming!
post #6 by tenkenX6 on 22.09.2014 05:45
post #5 by Mortsyn on 01.10.2013 02:55
Also, whilst the previously announced OVA hasn't seen a DVD release just yet, it will come before the end of the year!
post #4 by impressive on 28.05.2013 11:13
Shame, that's only one.
post #3 by Mortsyn on 27.05.2013 14:49
Here's its anime page.
post #2 by Mortsyn on 13.11.2012 07:55
They'll most likely do the same thing they've done two times now already; first air one season, and then have a brake for 3 months, and then they'll air another season.
This system makes me sometimes think of it being only two 26 episodes seasons, and not four 13 episodes seasons. From what I can recall, Zoku (2) and Shi (4) seemed to end with much more closure than the first and third seasons, which would fit this system.
Oh, and nice wallpaper.
post #1 by impressive on 13.11.2012 07:42
Any idea about next season?
I thought it's aired every winter season, but I'm not too long fan of Natsume, just since like half year
And since I'm here, I got some great wallpaper with these characters.
edit: oh well it's normally much bigger but I can't upload it here