Campus and Waco Crime

Judge Thomas West of Texas’ 19th State District Court declined the plea agreement between the McLennan County District Attorney’s Office and Shadle, who had pleaded guilty in December to two reduced charges of attempted sexual assault with a recommendation for deferred probation. This agreement would have reduced Shadle’s sex offender registration requirement to 10 years instead of a lifetime.

To prevent tragedies similar to this one, Farm&City leads Vision Zero Texas, an initiative dedicated to protecting both drivers and pedestrians in Texas. This includes working with local and regional governments and the Texas Department of Transportation to adopt policies which reduce the number of people hurt and killed in traffic crashes across Texas, Crossley said.

Baylor University Police Department is investigating five vehicle break-ins that were reported on Monday, with four occurring on campus and one off campus, according to a statement by Assistant Police Chief Donald J. Rodman.