Random set of the day: Loot Island

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Loot Island

Loot Island

©2009 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 6241 Loot Island, released in 2009. It's one of 11 Pirates sets produced that year. It contains 142 pieces and 3 minifigs, and its retail price was US$19.99/£17.99.

It's owned by 4459 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.

31 comments on this article

By in United States,

This is an amazing set, such a great base plate

By in Romania,

geez the last of the raised baseplates, press F to pay respects

By in United States,

I loved this set as a child. That baseplate yielded endless hours of fun...

By in United States,

I miss pirates...

By in United States,

I didn't realize they still had those baseplates as late as 2009.

By in New Zealand,

Great Playset. White Oars!

By in Canada,

hey I have one of these! everyone's mentioning the island baseplate but shoutouts to that lil castaway, he's a fun minifig :)

By in United States,

Wow, finally a set that I have from my post-Dark Ages time. This is the first LEGO set my (then) young sons were given as a gift which was what prompted me to look at LEGO again and rediscover it. They loved the set, I loved the set, we now have very, very much more LEGO in the house.

By in United States,

This wave of pirate sets always felt to me like a cartoon version of the original pirates theme.

By in Denmark,


By in Netherlands,

This is probably the most playmobil baseplate Lego has made

By in Denmark,

Like Kingdoms one of the best historic themes

By in Netherlands,

So much happening and real coins!

By in United Kingdom,

for a set thats quite small, they managed to get in a lot of action features, didn't they?

By in United Kingdom,

I misread this set as 'Love Island'.

By in Greece,

Very playable set!


By in Spain,

Great set. With Kingdoms a great historic theme!!

By in United Kingdom,

As I was scrolling past, I had a brief second where I got very excited that there'd be new Pirates sets. I can only hope.

By in United States,

Bring back LEGO Pirates please. One of the most iconic LEGO Themes ever.

By in United Kingdom,

Strange coincidence! I was sorting some Lego at the weekend and found that baseplate! They nearly threw it out as fake Lego...

By in United Kingdom,

I'm sort of... that weird generation of Lego fans who were between the two Pirates themes. The classic ones were over by the time I was old enough to invest in Lego; and by the time this one came around, I'd grown out of Lego's target audience. So while I can certainly see the appeal they have, Lego Pirates sets just... really weren't a part of my childhood at all?

By in Hungary,

Hey, what happened to the minifigure-handed monkeys?

By in United States,

Poor castaway, dreams of being rescued for years, subsisting on sand, the occasional fish, and perhaps an annual coconut. Eventually finds hope when discovered by a fellow sailor, only to realize it's only a pirate out to steal his treasure. Finds further hope when a blue row boat appears in the distance, then the cannon fire destroys his hovel... you can now find this set under it's subcategory; Pirates - Dreams of Dystopia. Ok, I'm off to take my Prozac! Have a great day everyone!

By in United States,

Looking forward to Lego making the Pirates Bay ideas set! It's been far too long since we've had a real Pirates base of operations. :)

By in United States,

Hey! This was a present from my older brother one year. Since I was pretty young I lost the set but that large sand piece is still floating in my brick yellow drawer.

By in Canada,

@Teriyaqi: This baseplate was not just "still in use" in 2009 — it was new to this set, which remains the only set that used it! Although Mark Stafford did also attempt to use it in a Space Police headquarters sketch model he created for an unreleased online game: https://flic.kr/p/eM6z3M

I actually owned this set! Honestly, as unique as its base was, I'm not a fan… it was difficult to integrate with other LEGO elements due to the limited connection points and irregular angles and curves. Plus, needless to say, it drove up this set's cost without a comparable increase in actual playability or complexity. I originally bought the set primarily for the base to see what use I could get out of it… the answer to that, in the long run, was "none".

On the plus side, this raised baseplate and others from the late 2000s WERE at least sturdier than the many more fragile ones from the 90s. But overall my preference in the years since has shifted in favor of bases and landscaping custom-built from more standard building elements as opposed to baseplates designed solely for use as a base.

The LEGO Pirates designers ended up impressing me a lot more in 2015 with 70411-1 Treasure Island. Not only did it have a much better price per piece, improved playability, and some much more creative and naturalistic-looking landscaping around the jetty, it also strongly appealed to my nostalgia with the brick-built skull motif that echoed iconic sets of my childhood like 6279-1, 6248-1, and 6776-1!

It's frustrating how much of a knee-jerk reaction so many AFOLs had to the 2015 Pirates range. While I appreciate that the small number of sets was frustrating (particularly with none at intermediate $40 to $80 price points), I feel like most of the sets even in hindsight compare favorably against previous Pirates sets depicting similar subjects at a similar price.

Hopefully it's not too long before we see another Pirates wave that pushes some of those new developments even further, and makes up for some of the missed opportunities in the 2015 range!

@leviness: Good question! I kind of wonder the same thing. After the classic monkey got a slight redesign for the robotic Monkey Wretch in the 2016 Ninjago Skybound sets, I expected it was only a matter of time before we saw it in more standard monkey colors in other themes. But then it just disappeared…

I'm sure most of the reason is just the lack of a subsequent Pirates wave, but it still leaves me feeling a little impatient to see when it gets brought back into circulation! Particularly when it could have been a natural fit for the City Jungle Explorers subtheme.

By in United States,

I approve of this set on principle because pirates is a great theme. Sadly I do not like the newer minifigures personally as they clash with the original ones. I would buy it for my kids though.

By in United States,

The line of pirates along with the 2007-09 castle was what got me back into Lego. While this will never top some of the classics, I do really like it. I love little pirate islands, probably because my first and still favorite set is 6260-1 Shipwreck Island, and this seems to be kind of a newer rendition of it. Other's have already mentioned the baseplate, and while it may not be a little odd, I will always be amazed that Lego made this baseplate for just this single set.

By in Australia,

You know, it's kind of a weak prison cell, if the back wall is nothing more solid than a leaf.

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