Review: 76144 Avengers Hulk Helicopter Rescue

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Excellent depictions of important characters are integral to impressive Marvel Super Heroes sets and some outstanding minifigures are available in 76144 Avengers Hulk Helicopter Rescue. This set includes exclusive versions of both Hulk and Rescue, inspired by Avengers: Endgame.

However, the accompanying models certainly leave something to be desired, bearing almost no resemblance to anything from the movie. The price of £54.99 or $59.99 has inspired some understandable criticism too, although I have reserved judgement until actually building the set and am hoping it might exceed expectations.

Please be aware this review contains spoilers for Avengers: Endgame.


Surviving members of the Avengers each wear Advanced Tech suits during Avengers: Endgame and this version of the Hulk is accordingly unique. The white design certainly differs from previous figures and I like the printing across the suit, featuring red stripes and some wonderful metallic silver patterns which are also found on standard minifigures wearing the same attire.

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However, these designs do not continue onto the arms or the reverse of the figure which is somewhat disappointing, especially since arm printing is demonstrably possible. The angry expression on Hulk's face looks superb though and the hair features realistic texture, corresponding with the previous Hulk figure from 76131 Avengers Compound Battle.

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Bruce Banner works alongside Tony Stark and Rocket Raccoon in developing the Nano Gauntlet, an equivalent to Thanos' mighty Infinity Gauntlet. This dark red accessory looks brilliant when compared with the film, featuring accurate metallic silver detailing and room for six Infinity Stones, although only four are included. In addition, this component differs from Thanos' gauntlet since it connects to Hulk's right hand, rather than his left.

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Black Widow sports another Advanced Tech Suit which is completely identical to those from previous sets, featuring the aforementioned metallic design beside various red highlights. I like how the printing also continues from her torso onto the legs, covering much more of this minifigure than the decoration on Hulk.

The double-sided head was originally created for Jyn Erso but has appeared on several Black Widow minifigures. There is potential for improvement here but the alternative grimace looks reasonable and this dark orange hair piece is appropriate too. However, including Black Widow in this set is decidedly inappropriate because the heroine had already sacrificed her life by this stage in Avengers: Endgame!

Further to the existing heroes, Rescue is making her first appearance here and this minifigure looks splendid. Blue would have been the most authentic colour for her armour, although the purple design appears attractive and there are some blue highlights. Moreover, I love the metallic gold details which complement these purple and blue shades, continuing across the helmet, torso and legs.

Additional repulsors are mounted on Rescue's back. This structure is relatively substantial and I think the minifigure looks more impressive without it, particularly since that reveals intricate golden lettering on the reverse. Even so, the stickers and trans-light blue repulsors are fairly effective and I appreciate this attempt to recreate the onscreen character.

Rescue's purple helmet lacks an opening faceplate but the head underneath seems ideal for Pepper Potts, despite being designed for Carina from 71042 Silent Mary. The rubbery dark orange hair piece also looks good, returning from 75954 Hogwarts Great Hall. Reflecting past Iron Man figures, Rescue includes two trans-light blue 1x1 round bricks and Power Blast parts to depict repulsors.

Thanos commits his whole combined force to seizing the Infinity Stones, including the Chitauri who originally appeared in The Avengers. 76126 Avengers Ultimate Quinjet features two such characters and another two soldiers are available here. Their metallic gold headgear looks perfect and definitely represents an improvement over the minifigures from 2012, displaying bared teeth.

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Unfortunately, these updated Chitauri lack printing on their legs and I think the torso design could be improved with slightly more metallic gold. I appreciate the metallic silver armour though and the alien physicality of these villains seems accurate. Neither minifigure carries any weaponry, instead piloting assault craft.

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The Completed Model

Chitauri forces deployed some interesting vehicles and creatures during the Battle of New York. Two such models return here, featuring familiar dark tan and pearl gold colours which correspond with the movies. This little craft somewhat resembles the chariots shown onscreen and its organic shape suits the Chitauri. I am particularly pleased with the golden crown which forms a laser cannon and the stud shooters are reasonable too.

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Furthermore, there is ample room for one minifigure to stand behind the control yoke while the trans-purple thrusters provide wonderful colour. I am disappointed with the angled forward sections though. These look lovely but I have found them remarkably fragile because there is little friction between the light bluish grey handlebars and the 1x1 round plates with holes. Hopefully that issue is not prevalent for everyone.

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The spectacular Leviathans are probably the strongest Chitauri assets, due primarily to their fantastic size. This rendition only measures 19cm in length so hardly resembles its onscreen counterpart. I like the consistent dark tan and pearl gold colour scheme though, along with this excellent combination of organic and armoured textures.

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Despite its relatively small scale, this Leviathan does incorporate some recognisable features. These articulated wings loosely reflect the source material and their splitting functionality is ideal for creating dynamic displays. The neck and lower jaw are similarly articulated and four pearl gold teeth are found inside the creature's mouth. Moreover, their eyes are concealed behind armour which is authentic.

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Leviathans are exhibited carrying numerous soldiers during the movies, although this model can only accommodate one pilot. Nevertheless, I like the printed control console and an exclusive trans-purple book cover forms another display screen. The segmented tail constitutes three parts which are united by small ball joints and two further sections that rely upon clips. The resulting structure provides great articulation.

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Helicopters have become extraordinarily ubiquitous within the LEGO range, especially during recent years. I would be pleased to see some alternative vehicles, although this creation appears distinctive and includes unusual functions. Furthermore, its dark blue and trans-orange design corresponds with 76126 Avengers Ultimate Quinjet so the aircraft look consistent when displayed together.

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The helicopter measures nearly 23cm in length so is fairly large, although only one pilot is necessary. They can sit behind the trans-orange canopy and the entire cockpit is assembled with its studs facing forwards which is interesting. Its open sides appear slightly awkward but I like the layered armour that protects either flank and some trans-yellow lights are properly situated above the cockpit.

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Nexo Knights featured several sets with trans-neon orange rotor blades or wings so the trans-orange rotors here appear familiar. Of course, the main rotor can rotate and an attractive sticker is applied on top, providing some pleasing detail. The cylindrical air intakes have also been integrated rather neatly and I love the angular bodywork behind these intakes.

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That angular aesthetic continues onto the wings. They make excellent use of 2x2 triangular tiles and multiple colours have been combined to superb effect, matching those across the fuselage. Black bar holders form weapons on the leading edge of each wing while 1x1 round tile launchers are positioned at the tips. Three tiles are kept inside each barrel and these weapons function perfectly.

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Additional ammunition is stored inside the light bluish grey crate which is situated below the fuselage. This efficient use of space is pleasing and I like Black Widow's batons which are attached beside that crate. Furthermore, the twin engine nacelles are appealing and three landing skids provide support to this vehicle, which is angled forward for landing.

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Despite appearing relatively fragile, Technic pieces provide ample rigidity to the tail. Moreover, the tail rotors look great and there is plenty of space for Hulk inside, as demonstrated below. His feet connect to the aforementioned thrusters and he can be released into battle easily by pressing the trans-orange button behind the main rotor. This function works nicely and creates an unusual silhouette.

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Marvel Super Heroes sets are frequently criticised for their repeated inaccuracy when compared with Marvel Cinematic Universe movies. 76144 Avengers Hulk Helicopter Rescue exemplifies that notable issue, containing vehicles that are either completely invented by their designers or inspired loosely by the films. However, I think the Avengers' helicopter looks attractive and appreciate its shared features with 76126 Avengers Ultimate Quinjet.

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These characters are magnificent too and I am delighted with Hulk, Rescue and the Nano Gauntlet. Unfortunately, the presence of Black Widow confirms that LEGO possessed little information about Avengers: Endgame when producing its associated sets. Furthermore, the price of £54.99 or $59.99 seems too expensive and I would suggest waiting for significant discounts before considering this set, despite the brilliant figures.

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33 comments on this article

By in United Kingdom,

Most will want the set to complete the quantum realm suits (big fig hulk), the nano gauntlet and rescue.

By in Puerto Rico,

They could have done a bigger Leviathan (it's in the name) and exclude the Helicopter.

By in United States,

@mrforcepower said:
"Most will want the set to complete the quantum realm suits (big fig hulk), the nano gauntlet and rescue."

That's exactly what I want.

By in United Kingdom,

Is this even in stores yet?
Coz I want it it's the best out of the newer marvel sets..

By in United Kingdom,

@legoavenger14 I was in Smyths yesterday and it was on the shelf.

By in United States,

Would have preferred Black Widow in her other Endgame suit, or even Ronin. I would also have omitted the helicopter and gone with a Leviathan build as well.

By in United Kingdom,

Think I'll wait for a huge discount seeing as I only want the Rescue figure. Possibly Hulk.
The helicopter is a complete waste of parts in my opinion, surely they could have made something that actually appeared in the film??

By in Spain,

To be fair, this lego set was probably in the design phase long before Endgame was released, and they were working on partial info about the movie. In the original trailers, Black Widow appears in this same suit, so makes a bit of sense that they produced sets using this look.

By in United Kingdom,

I think it is long over due that Lego need to produce a mini fig scale leviathan, missed opportunity here

By in Canada,

Movie-accurate or not, I think the designers really did a phenomenal job with the vehicles in the Avengers: Endgame range. The tactical-minded designs are really intense and rugged-looking, the color schemes and patterns are visually striking, and the overall form factor stands out nicely from a more conventional take on a LEGO helicopter/plane/motorbike.

All in all, it reminds me of the attributes that I loved so much in the original 2008–2009 LEGO Agents sets.

By in United States,

Definitely worth getting only for the figs for me. As for many, the builds for Marvel sets unfortunately just suck :/

By in United States,

This completes the Infinity Gems after 76131 Avengers Compound Battle, correct?

By in Hungary,

That chopper looks a lot less bulky from the non-camera friendly angle.

By in United States,

I would challenge Lego to go a year without releasing ANY sets with helicopters in them but they would fail miserably. I must have the Rescue minifig but definitely a sale only item for me.

By in Germany,

Oh, the high hopes I'd had for the second Endgame wave...

By in Australia,

I am sort of interested in this set but with a local Aussie price of $120, I will pass (even on sale its not particularly good value especially since I already have both Hulk and Black Widow in my collection)

By in Australia,

@jonwil said:
"I am sort of interested in this set but with a local Aussie price of $120, I will pass (even on sale its not particularly good value especially since I already have both Hulk and Black Widow in my collection)

G'day @jonwil, K-mart have this for $95. Big W have a 20% off sale on until Dec 18, but they had none in stock. Even if it was reduced to $80, that's a lot of coin for minifigs as the helicopter is negligible in my opinion. Even at clearance price, this is going to be over priced!

By in United States,

Yeah they could have had a cow be the build here instead of the helicopter and the nano suits and Rescue would have still got me to buy it.

By in Canada,

Am I the only one who hates the single piece Iron Man helmets?

By in Australia,

I can't say this one really grabs me, but I found most of the "Endgame" sets to be hit and miss (I loved the War Machine Buster, because it was such a beautiful counterpoint to the last line's Hulkbuster, but I didn't really bother with the rest of them).

I've no interest in Black Widow or Hulk in their boring white outfits, but I really really want Pepper, as I imagine most of us do. She'll be super-expensive on Bricklink, but worth tracking down.

By in Brazil,

@Rob42 said:
"Oh, the high hopes I'd had for the second Endgame wave..."

I expected the 2nd wave would have some movie faithfulness but I was terribly wrong. Another set with a vehicle that has never appeared in the movie, making 7/7 sets totally innacurate, in contrast with the superb Infinity War wave. Endgame is a theme to forget.

By in United States,

@gonnamakeit , I agree, and that’s what happened with Hobbit sets; they got split into 3 movies after sets were already being developed, so some of the releases ended up seeming a bit out of place or had odd character inclusions.

By in United States, Not really my thing.

By in Singapore,

I’m just gonna get Rescue separately elsewhere to complete my collection of marvel cinematic superheroes in their original hero suits. Not a fan of the quantum suits anyway.

By in France,

The helicopter is terrible and irrelevant.
I echo the comments that Lego could have concentrated on a bigger version of the Leviathan.
But I really want the minifigs

By in United States,

Any time I see someone complaining about helicopters, I laugh, because every kid (including all of mine) gets very excited for every set with a helicopter.

Also, a minifig scale leviathan? That would be the same size as the UCS Star Destroyer... I doubt it would ever happen.

By in United States,

Definitely buying to complete my collection of nano-suited Avengers and for Rescue. In addition, you can’t go wrong with more Chitauri assets, especially a baby Leviathan. We’ve got baby Groot and baby Yoda, so why not baby Leviathan?

As for the helicopter: Was it in the movie? No. Will kids care? No. Does it bother me? No. Will it look good next to the other sets? Yes!

By in United States,

I much prefer the old Chitauri, the new ones look goofy and are less detailed.
The helicopter is just garbage looks like a rejected Nexo Knights design, Black Widow is garbage, Chitauri stuff is mediocre, only good things are Hulk with the gauntlet and stones and Rescue.

By in United States,

@Norikins said:
"I much prefer the old Chitauri, the new ones look goofy and are less detailed.
The helicopter is just garbage looks like a rejected Nexo Knights design, Black Widow is garbage, Chitauri stuff is mediocre, only good things are Hulk with the gauntlet and stones and Rescue. "

sounds pretty negative to me...

If TLG releases any more sets FOR endgame that aren't IN endgame, I don't think we will ever see movie-accurate sets.

By in United States,

I actually quite like this set. Yes, none of the Endgame sets are accurate, but the vehicles are very well designed and look good on display and are good for play. This helicopter is a unique design with a new function, and the figures are amazing. A bigger Leviathan would’ve been better but I’m not upset about the helicopter. It would’ve been nice to get some villain-focused sets like a smaller Sanctuary II, but other than doing a bunch of gray rocks or non-Avengers vehicles (Wakandan ships, Chitauri craft) there’s not much to be made from Endgame that’s accurate to the movie.
@Spartan_Ghost- her suit’s colors are “lavender blue” and “champagne gold”, and given that LEGO doesn’t make a shiny metallic blue I think this purple with blue highlights solution is perfect. Dark blue with purple highlights wouldn’t pop as much.

By in United Kingdom,

Overpriced rubbish.

By in United States,

My first impressions of the set were not that great. I was just looking forward to getting the Hulk to complete the Endgame suits, the new gauntlet, and of course Rescue/Pepper most of all. Then after looking to purchase these few figures and things separately on Bricklink, and seeing for a little more I could get the set at Walmart at 20% discount, I went ahead and ordered the set. As I'm waiting for it to arrive I read this review and am now looking forward to it arriving, the review revealed some more interesting aspects with the Chitauri and their vehicles that look really cool. So thanks for the great review! I may even build the helicopter we'll see! :-D

By in South Africa,

Agreed, the pricing is totally off. Overall it's a nice set although a little removed from the actual movie.
As a set it feels more like a minifigure set with some, admittedly nice, accessories.
Appreciate the nano gauntlet with 4 stones included but a bit wary with no guidelines on how to collect missing infinity stones.
I have spares from completing the Infinity Guantlet but that cant be their solution. On that note, even though I bought on special, you're still buying 6 sets to complete it which is an expensive adventure regardless.
It wouldn't be a great precedent if you need to buy another 2 sets to complete the Nano Gauntlet.

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