Random set of the day: Service Station with Billy Goat and Mike Monkey

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Service Station with Billy Goat and Mike Monkey

Service Station with Billy Goat and Mike Monkey

©1979 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 344 Service Station with Billy Goat and Mike Monkey, released in 1979. It's one of 15 Fabuland sets produced that year. It contains 80 pieces and 2 minifigs.

It's owned by 108 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.

19 comments on this article

By in Australia,

Oh, more Fabuland. The fact that one of the characters is actually named "Billy Goat" just warms my heart, it really does.

By in United States,

And people complain about the "juniorization" of the 90s. The entire buildings are practically all one piece! Granted, the instructions even say it's for preschool children in a letter written to parents, but still, people cherrypicking on what makes a set good based on how it's constructed and not if it makes a kid happy. People go nuts over the charm that is Fabuland via nostalgia while criticizing later sets for using to many prefab parts.

By in United Kingdom,

After the last Fabuland set of the day, I jumped onto YouTube and watched all of the Edward & Friends episodes on there. Brought a lot of nice memories flowing back.

By in Canada,

Little known fact: Billy Goat & Mike Monkey actually couldn’t stand each other off set.

By in France,

I love Fabuland sets.

By in Netherlands,

STAMPs, big one piece buildings, but... Fabuland! Released in 1979, but as of 1980 they moved away from the big one piece buildings and replaced them by big wall/window and door pieces, allowing for some more construction and alternative building ideas. Early 1980s Fabuland sets are great (before the introduction of the second-gen creepy-eyed Fabuland figures as of 1986).

By in Poland,

This is how pinacle of 4+ look.
Its also a first Lego series with own show

By in Germany,

Fabuland was the kind of link between Duplo and regular "Legoland" sets at the time. As such they were just like 4+ sets today. Only with a storyline and named characters.

By in United Kingdom,

Was Fabuland the prelude to fleshies...?

By in United Kingdom,

I always feel there’s something slightly Uncanny Valley about Fabuland sets. Maybe that they hadn’t quite pinned down minifig design yet

By in New Zealand,

Those wheels are beautiful!

By in Poland,

This was such a beautiful series. The sets were simple but offered so much playability for the kids. Actually they can be very handful to create a modern-day lego layout - plenty of examples on the web.

By in United Kingdom,

Oh @Huwbot I love you.
I don't have this set sadly. I have Catherine Cat's House, Taxi garage and Hospital from this era. The large house and garage pieces were always a good foundation for any build I did. They are a bit creaky now in their old age - have to be careful not to press down to hard if stacking them up on top of each other when building a block of flats. Keep the Fabuland coming @Huwbot. Keep it coming!

By in Netherlands,

I never liked Fabuland as a kid, yet oddly as an adult I find them to be strangely appealing. Maybe it's the big pieces, clean lines and bright colours.

By in Turkey,

And today we have Trolls...

By in United States,

I think I had this! I have one of the garage doors in my bin of bricks from childhood, but none of the structures.

I miss you Fabuland!

By in United States,

Ah, Chima before all the fighting started.

By in United States,

Oooohh!! I have the US version, and it was probably my favorite set as a young child! Still have (most of) those giant one piece buildings, although no longer intact... or in one piece. Seeing this brings pure joy to my heart, please keep the Fabuland coming Huwbot!

By in United States,

In my teens I despised my Fabuland sets due to their simplicity and crazy animal figures. But looking back on it now, I have so many great memories of playing with those figures, the bakery set, and a house set. I still have the pieces and instructions to that house set and looking back they are CRAZY. it was like a comic. It would have you build the house one way, then the 2 figures would argue and you'd build 2 separate smaller houses, then they would make up and be friends again and you'd build a different house. Lessons in friendship, and showing different options to build. Good stuff.

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