Random set of the day: Construction Site

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Construction Site

Construction Site

©2009 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 7633 Construction Site, released in 2009. It's one of 34 City sets produced that year. It contains 898 pieces and 5 minifigs, and its retail price was US$99.99/£69.99.

It's owned by 3934 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.

38 comments on this article

By in United Kingdom,

This looks quite a good set for a more modern era. Lots of playability, and I like that Shop sign. I’m sorry I was in my dark ages for this.

By in United States,

This is pretty awesome. Simulated a real construction site and leaves you with a usable building. That’s excellent. I’d have had so much fun with this as a kid (or even now...)

By in Australia,

I'm also sorry that I missed this one. Awesome construction vehicles, and you end up with a beautiful little town building as well.

By in United States,

That guy looks like he’s holding the last module up with his head.

By in Sweden,

Just had to watch Jang's review, really like that lift/elevator, simple but effective.
2009 seems to have been the year of construction, some rather massive vehicles for City!

By in United States,

Awesome set!

By in United States,

One of my grail sets when it was orginally out. Decent (not a facade!) building, great flatbed, and awesome crane.

By in United States,

Love the crane in this set.

By in United States,

I remember when my dad got this for me as a surprise. As a kid I didn't realize how expensive this was!

By in United States,

The crane for this set is by far my favorite city mobile crane, and as others have said, the building and playability are both great! I loved rearranging the building components. This is a true non-LEGO-definition modular building!

By in Turkey,

My poor little 6361. How small it will look beside this behemoth

By in Finland,

A man has fallen into the river in LEGO City! Build the 2009 construction site and off to the rescue!

By in Singapore,

A man has been crushed by a construction crate in LEGO city! Build the crane to smash him further. Forge the medical insurance papers. The adventure is in your hands now!

By in Australia,

It’s just a shame that since 2009, there haven’t been any construction sets in Lego City. Yes there has been demolition and some 4+ sets , but nothing else. What are you doing Lego?!!!!!

By in United Kingdom,

Very excited to finally say that, after months of being a daily user, I have finally come across a set that I actually own! And luckily, it also happens to be a set I really enjoyed at the time, and I think even built interiors and custom modules for. Good times.

By in France,

Cool set.
There was a really good ‘modular’ version in the same vein on Lego Ideas a while back

By in Australia,

One of those sets I only ever saw in catalogues. Still, at $99 USD in 2009, it must've cost an arm and a leg in Australia... I did always quite like the look of this set, but 12-year-old me never would've wasted such a high cost present on anything that wasnt Star Wars

By in Germany,

Finally a set I own as well (likely, I got it on a discount, can't remember anymore). My kids got a lot of play value out of this (I just had to reassemble it, after it got destroyed after a few moves and still need to hunt for a few minor parts). It's also great to indicate in a layout, where your (modular or not) town is still growing and attends new buildings :-).
The crane is a little fiddly, the winch keeps falling off easily.

By in United Kingdom,

I had half of this set. A then-friend and I won a LEGO competition in a newspaper and since there were two of us, we had to split the set in half. I got the tall platform and the building, my friend got the two vehicles and most of the minifigs.

By in United Kingdom,

Got this for my son this Christmas - it is an amazing set. The crane needs a few modifications to work effectively, other than that it is superb.

By in United States,

2009 had so many fun sets. The design and function of this is one of the better sets ever designed. Two things would make it perfect: a sand colored baseplate and a straight road plate, both easily furnished.

By in Germany,

@raist7 said:
"Finally a set I own as well (likely, I got it on a discount, can't remember anymore). My kids got a lot of play value out of this (I just had to reassemble it, after it got destroyed after a few moves and still need to hunt for a few minor parts). It's also great to indicate in a layout, where your (modular or not) town is still growing and attends new buildings :-).
The crane is a little fiddly, the winch keeps falling off easily."

Have to correct my own words: Just browsed through a few months of RSOTD, and found that I also own Container Stapler (from 15.11.2019), some of the techic part sets, the Fire Truck (23.4.2019) and the Technic Telescopic Handler (of 13.3.2019), but this one I sold in the meantime to make some room.
Didn't go back further in the history of RSOTD, but am sure to find a few more... :-)

By in United Kingdom,

Would love a new wave of construction sets, with a large play set like this. I’d also love a creator expert construction set to go with the modulars, something like the one from Ideas that wasn’t picked.

By in Germany,

@Jack_Rizzo said:
"I had half of this set. A then-friend and I won a LEGO competition in a newspaper and since there were two of us, we had to split the set in half. I got the tall platform and the building, my friend got the two vehicles and most of the minifigs."

Sounds to me like your "then-friend" got the far better part of the deal.

By in Australia,

I found one of these in a huge box of Lego I bought cheaply, it was 99% complete with only 1 minifig and a couple pieces missing, plus the terrible stickers peeling off ..... and then I sold it for A$180 (about US$100) literally 3 days ago!! A very cool set, but I needed to make space and raise funds for other desired sets, and very cool to see it here now!

By in Germany,

@lemish34 said:
I found one of these in a huge box of Lego I bought cheaply, it was 99% complete with only 1 minifig and a couple pieces missing, plus the terrible stickers peeling off ..... and then I sold it for A$180 (about US$100) literally 3 days ago!! A very cool set, but I needed to make space and raise funds for other desired sets, and very cool to see it here now!"

Started selling off items in this way as well, even if it is a hard fight with my kids all the time, who would want to keep everything.But I find it harder these days to still find decent bargains on used Lego.

By in Singapore,

This is basically the 6600-2 Highway Construction (in terms of its holy grail status) of LEGO construction sets except modern.

By in Netherlands,

Would fit very well together with Downtown Fire (2019) and Demolition Site (2015)

By in United Kingdom,

@AustinPowers said:
" @Jack_Rizzo said:
"I had half of this set. A then-friend and I won a LEGO competition in a newspaper and since there were two of us, we had to split the set in half. I got the tall platform and the building, my friend got the two vehicles and most of the minifigs."

Sounds to me like your "then-friend" got the far better part of the deal.

I dunno, I was pretty happy with having the building. However in general, absolutely. I was banned from buying LEGO by my parents for most of my childhood, and this was one of maybe 5 exceptions over the best part of a decade. Meanwhile, my friend's parents literally bought him all the sets he wanted. Pretty sure they came home with the entire Kingdom of the Crystal Skull wave for him one day when we were at his playing video games.

So yeah he probably did get the better part of the deal :(

By in Netherlands,

@Jack_Rizzo said:
"So yeah he probably did get the better part of the deal :("

Right now I'd rather have the building , it's a simple build but as an AFOL I rather display buildings over vehicles when space is concerned.

(And Expert Modulars are too big for my space)

By in Puerto Rico,

This was somewhat remade recently with the Donut Shop Opening set, but I want a building like this with stairs and such without paying Creator Expert levels in cash.

By in United States,

What with all of the LEGO City memes flying about recently I saw one featuring this set (or at least a similar one) and had a massive wave of nostalgia. This was always one of my favorite City sets to oggle over and one of my biggest regrets not getting during my childhood. I wonder how fun a much more modular City line with an emphasis on rebuilding and deconstructing the buildings would be?

By in Germany,

@Jack_Rizzo said:
"I was banned from buying LEGO by my parents for most of my childhood, and this was one of maybe 5 exceptions over the best part of a decade. Meanwhile, my friend's parents literally bought him all the sets he wanted."

Wow. I don't know the circumstances of course, but this sounds terribly cruel to me.
My parents didn't have a lot of money when I was a child, but they never let me down when it came to LEGO. They always tried to get me a set for my birthday or Christmas. And even if it was a smaller set than what I had wished for, I was still very happy. :-)

By in Puerto Rico,

@GSR_MataNui said:
"What with all of the LEGO City memes flying about recently I saw one featuring this set (or at least a similar one) and had a massive wave of nostalgia. This was always one of my favorite City sets to oggle over and one of my biggest regrets not getting during my childhood. I wonder how fun a much more modular City line with an emphasis on rebuilding and deconstructing the buildings would be?"

I know right?

By in United States,

With the somewhat cyclical nature of City subthemes, I wouldn't be surprised at all to see construction in 2021.

By in United Kingdom,

Always wished I got this. It jumped out of that '09 catalogue.

By in United Kingdom,

@AustinPowers said:
" @Jack_Rizzo said:
"I was banned from buying LEGO by my parents for most of my childhood, and this was one of maybe 5 exceptions over the best part of a decade. Meanwhile, my friend's parents literally bought him all the sets he wanted."

Wow. I don't know the circumstances of course, but this sounds terribly cruel to me.
My parents didn't have a lot of money when I was a child, but they never let me down when it came to LEGO. They always tried to get me a set for my birthday or Christmas. And even if it was a smaller set than what I had wished for, I was still very happy. :-) "

They wanted me to develop other interests and thought they were helping. I was very unhappy at school and around kids my own age, I guess they thought that maybe by partaking in new activities or hobbies I would come out of my shell a bit, but I never really did. I just ended up being unhappy at home too a lot because my parents wouldn't let me pursue the thing I liked. Missed out on most BIONICLE sets at the time, while my few friends were able to get every wave.

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