Random set of the day: Raid VPR
Posted by Huwbot,Today's random set is 5981 Raid VPR, released in 2010. It's one of 5 Space sets produced that year. It contains 69 pieces and 2 minifigs, and its retail price was US$9.99/£7.99.
It's owned by 3209 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.
29 comments on this article
Don't make a joke about the piece count...
Don't make a joke about the piece count...
Don't make a joke about the piece count...
Yes I loved Space Police 3! I was the perfect age for it and fondly remember all of the stop motion videos Lego had on the website to promote the first wave. This set remains one of the most swooshable ships I own, despite its small size, and the villain aliens were awesome too!
I really enjoyed this line (just for the fact that they made an entire rogue's gallery of villainous alien criminals), and this space ship was beautiful. Extremely-swooshable, well-designed, solid, and it didn't have to sacrifice any space to actually fit a minifig inside.
Loved this set. But was crazy disappointed when I opened it to find NOT the windscreen pictured but the newer version. Hate the newer version...
Not a fantastic set in regards to design or parts but it IS a wonderful nod to AFOLs and the VIPR trend a few years ago!
Love the Blacktron 1 nod. Back in black baby!
Yes, this was an instant-buy back in my college years! I was already a fan of the second wave of Space Police 3, mainly due to the comprehensive space suits finally afforded to the officers. But seeing that alien (Kranxx?) in upgraded Blacktron garb (with a Blacktron: Future Generation badge to boot!) was the icing on an already attractive cake! It was a good impulse buy, one that I even built. This was at a time when I had no display space and had to keep all new sets in the box for "later".
Now that I think about it, could the dark gray with trans-red visor of the police officers in this line be a meta-reference to "Graytron", the prototype theme that never came to pass?
@nashikens said:
"Loved this set. But was crazy disappointed when I opened it to find NOT the windscreen pictured but the newer version. Hate the newer version..."
Oh yeah, that newer version with the added stability in the front killed the natural flow of that part. I actively replaced the new version that came with the Republic Attack Shuttle with the older version. I don't know if it's really any better or worse, but now there's that bar hinge on the front. I like that for the ease of hinging windscreens, but it chops the nose off entirely.
Nice little spaceship but not a "classic" with those studless Technic panels.
I prefer SP 1 and 2 ships.
Parts Analysis: The windscreen is exclusive to this set in trans-dark blue. Kranxx's head and shirt are also exclusive to this set.
What with Wrench using a green recolor of Kranxx head I was really looking forward to seeing more members of the other alien species in future waves of Space Police III, but about all we got was Squitron from the same wave and he's a robot and so doesn't really count.
Next time we get a more casual-life Space theme along the lines of Futuron I hope we see alien civilians. Those stopmotions of the city used to promote SP III were amazing.
I vividly remember getting this one, loved it a lot. That "modernized" (for 2010) Blacktron I uniform is beautiful.
Literally only bought this one for the blue windscreen and BLACKTRON alien!!!
This set came out during the Dark Ages, but Kranxx has been a grail figure for me for years now! The Blacktron uniform is cool, but I have to admit the desire is mainly for that green alien head...
@GSR_MataNui said:
"... Those stopmotions of the city used to promote SP III were amazing. "
Thanks for highlighting the existence of these; they truly are amazing!! Well worth a watch.
Maybe set listing pages on here could have a new links section added called 'Promo Videos'...?
I had the windscreen piece in transparent black from Star Justice lego factory set. Funny that I was actually gifted to have the old piece, I always wanted the one with the bar in front to make Cold War era fighter jets. I agree The one with the stabiliser looks terrible, although I completely understand why they did it, the old piece has very little clutch power.
I loved most of the Space Police 3 sets. They reminded me of the classics. They are not overly weponized or wierdly trans colored. I hope Lego comes up with more original Space ideas like this.
Oh my gosh, this is real creepy!
So I’ve been repairing a few old sets during the pandemic and I was basically finishing this off this morning. Just need to find that guy’s helmet.
“Quoth the Raven ‘Nevermore’”
That aside though, this is the only Space Police set I have (though there were a few I wanted back then). I think a friend gave it to me for Christmas that year. It’s not bad set; I remember 8-yo me being isolated for hours playing with this and the alien rocks!
@GSR_MataNui said:
"What with Wrench using a green recolor of Kranxx head I was really looking forward to seeing more members of the other alien species in future waves of Space Police III, but about all we got was Squitron from the same wave and he's a robot and so doesn't really count.
Next time we get a more casual-life Space theme along the lines of Futuron I hope we see alien civilians. Those stopmotions of the city used to promote SP III were amazing.
I really enjoyed the stopmotions, they are available on youtube from the original animator, David Pagano. Very funny!
Love this set. It was so exciting to see a genuine Vic Viper from LEGO. Mark Stafford deserves a huge amount of praise for this set and a bunch that followed.
I wish line had sold better. It was so creative and had such wonderful characters.
I must’ve bought six or seven of these.
I want that alien
I want to love this set, but I can't. My first thought without zooming in was that it looked fantastic. Then I zoomed in and it just looks a little unfinished. Especially the wings needed a little bit of extra work.
@Zordboy said:
"I really enjoyed this line (just for the fact that they made an entire rogue's gallery of villainous alien criminals)"
Totally agree about the minifigures. A number of the heads looked distinctly aquatic and I use them on different bodies as deep sea creatures in my display collection.
This was part of a very Indian Summer for Lego Space. 2009/10 gave us these fantastic SP3 sets, 2011 brought us the ADU theme with more nice aliens figs, and even the Galaxy Squad from 2014 had interesting bad guys facing off against our heroes.
And then it all stopped again.
In 2015 we got a bunch of over-priced The Force Awakens sets, as part of a staggering 65 different Star Wars sets.
Rench very quickly became one of my favorite minifigs from Space Police 3 thanks to his updated Blacktron uniform, combining the original design with the Future Generation's emblem. It tied into my theory that this new Space Police revival was building up to a Blacktron revival, since the two LEGO Space subthemes had always previously coexisted as a "yin and yang", so to speak. I eagerly waited to see what would happen next.
And... nothing did. Although we did get a few more new Blacktron minifigs through the collectible Minifigures series (the Space Villain and Evil Mech), it's a shame that we never got the full Blacktron revival that this theme kept teasing us with.
Blacktron suits are the Lego-space-equivalent of mandalorian armor... It's easier to find those than a real Blacktron-warrior nowadays. :)
Absolutely loved this line, I have all my SP3 sets on a shelf still together.
I wish I grabbed more of this set (At least a second) back in the day.
Lego however ruined this line by for some stupid reason not releasing it in stores (except possibly Lego brand stores?) and so they obviously didn't sell amazingly well in the UK.
I was lucky as the store in Derby I frequented actually ordered them in to sell.
What is it with Lego being idiots when it comes to distributing space lines? they really love helping scalpers and not customers don't they?
@MCLegoboy said:
"Don't make a joke about the piece count...
Don't make a joke about the piece count...
Don't make a joke about the piece count..."
There is a certain number of likes needed here, and we should all be ashamed if we can't make that happen...
Something I find very interesting about this set, is the fact that the Alien has a Blacktron reference on the torso print, which makes this already great set even greater.