Random set of the day: Fire Car

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Fire Car

Fire Car

©2005 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 7241 Fire Car, released in 2005. It's one of 46 City sets produced that year. It contains 46 pieces and 1 minifig, and its retail price was US$3.99/£3.99.

It's owned by 7629 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.

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28 comments on this article

By in United Kingdom,

This one is nice - the top half reminds me of Town jeeps circa 1994.

By in United States,

There is no way this qualifies as an actual car.

By in United States,

When it was 2.99, would have been a great army builder for fires.

By in United States,

Small boxed sets, due to the ubiquity of polybags, are practically nonexistent these days.

Not a bad Jeep (and I can see it easily being modded into a small brush truck with pump/hose trailer), but as a chief's truck and brush rig, 7942 is much better.

By in Australia,

Looks like a mini monster truck

Which is of course very cool to a 5 year old.

By in United Kingdom,

One of the first ever sets I got as a kid. It looks pretty bad by today's standards, but back then this was great. Nostalgia overload!

By in United States,

@chrisaw said:
"This one is nice - the top half reminds me of Town jeeps circa 1994."

Yep, which makes it somewhat out of place in the City line. I got this shortly after it came out, and was struck by how similar it was to 6663-1.

By in United States,

Compare this to 30361-1. It's essentially the same set, but at least now they're being honest about what he's driving, and he's got a better axe. A fancy set of wheels isn't going to be much help when you're trying to claw your way back out of a burning building with a person draped over your shoulders!

By in United States,

Very nice little set

By in Australia,

I’ve seen this guy during my childhood, but never got it. It’s cute, I guess.

By in Poland,

@Merlict said:
"Someone was really into little fire vehicles in 05 because we also had

https://brickset.com/sets/5532-1/Fire-Car and

..The fire chief couldn't be bothered turning up with his car though

I like these sets, they've got a vintage look to them.

I had this Fire Car and loved it as a kid. I actually kept it in the garage of the https://brickset.com/sets/7240-1/Fire-Station instead of the car that came with the station.

By in United Kingdom,

@cody6268 said:
"Small boxed sets, due to the ubiquity of polybags, are practically nonexistent these days. "
Yes, I really miss these little boxes sets, as a kid it felt much more like I was getting a set, than it did when it was in a poly bag.

By in Latvia,

This is a fun set, but it's not really a car...

By in United States,

These small vehicles can either be very charming or not. It often feels like the designer has a goal for the look but either stops short of completion due to a timer buzzing them to stop or frustration over parts selected at the price point. This one manages to hit the charming look of a small off road Jeep style vehicle with some simple parts very nicely.

By in United Kingdom,

This set feels very familiar to me, and I'm not 100% sure why, because I know I never owned it. I suppose it's just that the local toy shop had it in stock for absolutely ages, so I always saw it on the shelf when I went in to look at other sets.

It doesn't feel like a very remarkable set, to me; but it does give me another excuse to reiterate that I miss small boxed sets like this. Polybags just don't ever show up in my local area, and I low-key miss being able to drop a couple pound for a small set, the way I could when I was a kid xD

By in Japan,

Check out the picture of him sitting in the car from the additional images at https://brickset.com/sets/7241-1 , as his head is completely above the windscreen so looks like he is on a kids coin ride outside a toyshop. The back of the box usually had alternative builds, but struggling here to think what else you could make and backoftheboxbuilds.com does not have this set. Agree with Bionicle Jedi, these smaller boxes were popular at the corner shops, general stores and smaller supermarkets which didn't do medium to large Lego, whereas they don't do any Lego now. Although the vehicle looks a bit minimal by todays vehicles, at least those were the days when you received a mini-fig and small vehicle for £4 rather than just a mini-fig.

By in Sweden,

my first set ever. Still have it and its abused manual/instructions. Sadly lost the axe but I'll order it somewhere anyway. Probably order one unboxed too

By in United Kingdom,

I bet the sirens being right at the back of your head gets pretty annoying when you're driving

By in Netherlands,

@ambr said:
"The back of the box usually had alternative builds, but struggling here to think what else you could make and backoftheboxbuilds.com does not have this set. "

This set is from 2005. They had already stopped doing alternate models at that time.

By in Canada,

@cody6268 said:
"Small boxed sets, due to the ubiquity of polybags, are practically nonexistent these days.

Not a bad Jeep (and I can see it easily being modded into a small brush truck with pump/hose trailer), but as a chief's truck and brush rig, 7942 is much better. "

I think the last time I ever saw those small boxed sets in Canada was a swamp police ATV around mid 2015

By in Canada,

@paulvdb said:
" @ambr said:
"The back of the box usually had alternative builds, but struggling here to think what else you could make and backoftheboxbuilds.com does not have this set. "

This set is from 2005. They had already stopped doing alternate models at that time."

No they didn't, the final year of having alternate models on the back was 2006. I think this set just didn't have an alternate model since it was so small.

By in Portugal,

First Random Set that I own!

By in United States,

One of if not the first set i ever owned, LOVE IT

By in Norway,

One of the very first sets I got coming out of my dark age, came with a pack of biscuits ;)

By in United States,

@minishark1000 said:
" @paulvdb said:
" @ambr said:
"The back of the box usually had alternative builds, but struggling here to think what else you could make and backoftheboxbuilds.com does not have this set. "

This set is from 2005. They had already stopped doing alternate models at that time."

No they didn't, the final year of having alternate models on the back was 2006. I think this set just didn't have an alternate model since it was so small."

Yes, the Hospital and the airport had it.

By in United States,


I suppose that's one more advantage for 30361-1. All that has behind your head is a single blue flasher. Lights don't really produce a lot of sound, and with it behind your head it's not likely to blind you either.

By in United States,

I loved this! A throwback to the 90’s standard car design and the dawn of modern City. What’s not to like? :)

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