Review: 40416 Ice Skating Rink

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It's December already in Australia and New Zealand so the second winter-themed gift with purchase, 40416 Ice Skating Rink, is now available there, and will be on offer everywhere else at midnight.

It's been a bit of a struggle to find things to buy at lately, particularly in North America where most of the desirable sets are out of stock, but if you've still some shopping to do there you'll receive it free with orders over AU$209 / NZ$209 / $150 / €150 / £150 until 24th December.

It features a clever mechanism and a pair of awesome Christmas jumpers...

The minifigs are definitely a highlight of the set. Both feature new torsos with Christmas jumper prints, on front and back.

The girl sports a red scarf, the boy a medium azure beanie, which was first used for the collectable minifigure series 2 skier in 2010 and was resurrected for the 2018 Arctic sets. LEGO amusingly calls it a 'stocking cap' which I understand usually have a tassel or pop-pom on the top.

The rink is built on a substantial base which houses a splat-gear mechanism to animate the skaters.

The entire thing is covered with 'ice' leaving just one gear exposed at the side, which can be rotated by hand.

The large central gear is fixed in place so rotating the gear at the side causes the two smaller ones, which are attached to the 4x4 turntable by a plate underneath, to rotate around it, and also rotate on their central axes.

When the figures are attached to the outside gears, they pirouette gracefully round and around the rink.

A couple of trees and a small stall, from which skates can be hired and hot drinks acquired, complete the build.

It's a sturdy, clever, attractive and desirable set, and in my opinion much better than the seasonal Christmas set LEGO is selling, 40424 Winter Snowball Fight, so I hope you've not done all your Christmas shopping yet!

It's available at, free with purchases over AU$209 / NZ$209 / $150 / €150 / £150, until 24th December.

Thanks to LEGO for providing the set for review. All expressed opinions are my own.

69 comments on this article

By in United Kingdom,

Looks like a great set, thanks for the review.

Huw, you only mention - do you know if it's available in store too? Hoping that the stores will have better stock than online when they reopen!

By in Netherlands,

This screams video.

By in United States,

Are you going to review the new Ecto?

By in Switzerland,

Thanks for showing this set. :-)

Any news on whether 30628 will appear as GWP as well? It was rumoured to be a December GWP, too.

By in Singapore,

Interesting choice of medium blue for those 1x4 plates. You'd think they'd go for a complementary and thus more easily distinguishable color but I guess warm colors don't quite fit with the winter theme.

And the beanie is dark azure — the splat gears are the ones that are medium azure.

By in United States,

I wonder if there's a way to make them lower onto the rink since they're 5-plates higher than the surface. I've attempted builds like this where figures move on top of a platform with minimal distance between their feet and the platform, but it's hard to make it easy to build.

By in United Kingdom,

Unfortunately the high price threshold (and its proximity to the last promotion) means this is probably harder to get than it needs to be. Luckily, I'm not exactly wanting for Christmas sets at this point.

By in Malaysia,

Lovely little set. Evokes such romantic/childhood memories.

By in United States,

Don't see splat gears all that often anymore

By in Poland,

I LOVE the new gear pieces.

By in United States,

I much prefer this over the Dickens set, it looks like a more complete idea. I do hope someone more skilled than me can come up with a way to move the skaters closer to the ice.

By in United Kingdom,

I've never known so many full-priced sets on backorder or out of stock at - incredible.

By in Switzerland,

Yep, as mentioned by others, not sure there are many big ticket sets in stock at the moment to get over the threshold!

By in United States,

@greenhorn said:
"Thanks for showing this set. :-)

Any news on whether 30628 will appear as GWP as well? It was rumoured to be a December GWP, too."

It was barnes and noble black friday promotion item in US.

By in United States,

I love the set but nothing to buy at lego store or online in US.

By in Belgium,

The threshold is ridiculous. These things have intrinsically become more and more 'bought' items. And sure, every incentive is somewhat 'bought', but with the smaller thresholds from the previous years it was acceptable; as being just a small extra. Right now, they don't even bother anymore.
A GWP should be just that, a smallish extra for an acceptable threshold. The way the scales are tipping now, they should simply make it a regular buy-able set.

By in United States,

You would basically need to make the entire surface of the rink rotate with the sun gear, so you could sink the planet gears down into its surface. Is it possible? Absolutely. Is it easy? Not so much. You'd probably have to give up on the trans-light blue color scheme and switch to trans-clear, as it would make it easier to hide key elements. I'd also suggest completely submerging the gear system below the ice, so you don't need to disguise them at all. Far easier would be to just mount them in a fixed pose on the ice and have them do basic laps, rather than constantly spinning as they move around the rink. A really cool option would be to design the underside of the rink so that they would do a single spin when they hit a specific point, and then skate normally the rest of the time (incredibly tricky, but I know it can be done).

If you get into a rural enough area, it's not uncommon for farmers to leave produce in a stall by the road, with some way of collecting money beside it. Yes, anyone could come along and steal all the produce, and all the money, but it's not worth the gas money to drive all the way out into the country to do so, and the locals will be far less likely to steal from people they see everyday.
Besides, you never know if someone is watching. When we went back to where my mom grew up for a family reunion, she wanted to stop at one of these roadside stalls, and someone came out of the house to greet her.

By in United States,

Looking at my wish list on (US), I'd have to order A LOT of water tape and Xtra bags to get to $150. The highest priced set on my wish list that's still available is 75975 at $89.99 (and it's one I was really only going to get if it went on sale).

I'm glad I did my shopping for my wife and son a month ago while stuff was still in stock because EVERYTHING I ordered (except Duplo train track) is now out of stock.

It's a shame so much stuff is sold out at the end of the year when some sets are being retired. Would be nice if Lego can recognize the problematic shortages and extend the life of some sold out sets and get them back in stock before they retire them permanently.

By in Romania,

This was available as GWP since Dec 28th in Romania. Already placed an order and i`ll be getting it on dec 2nd or 3rd.

By in United Kingdom,

I understand why, but the minifigures look a bit odd with only one skate on.

By in United Kingdom,

Honestly, I just wish they’d produce enough GWPs to be able to have the option of selling them separately too.

By in United Kingdom,

GWP that nobody ever receives because all of the main sets are already out of stock.

They would do well to knock the GWP on the head and just sell the set.

By in United Kingdom,

@DrDaveWatford said:
"I've never known so many full-priced sets on backorder or out of stock at - incredible."
Yes, it's starting to feel like a closing down sale!

By in Portugal,

I like the minifigures’ torsos... but to pay 150€ to get those is just ridiculous. ??

By in United States,

You've been able to get this for eleven months!?!?!?!

By in Canada,

Beautiful sweaters, but nowhere near worth the price.

By in United Kingdom,

Great little set, shame there is nothing of any interest left at shop @home worth buying to get it - unless your getting it as an Easter present........

By in Netherlands,

A 300 part set with two nice minifigures would normally sell for at least €20-€30. In my view, getting this for free with a €150 purchase equals a discount of at least 20%. So, to me, the threshold doesn't sound crazy.

By in United States,

It's a pretty good Christmas gwp but no where near as cool a fresh as the Christmas carol gwp.

By in United Kingdom,

I have absolutely no problem with the the threshold being whatever Lego likes for a FREE gift.

My only problem is that it is the first time ever that every single one of my wishlist items that come close to that threshold is out of stock.

Maybe time to abandon Gift With Purchase, and make it Gift With Pre-order, and include all the January sets.

By in Canada,

Here in Canada we would call that beanie a toque LOL

By in Canada,

@winbrant said:
"Here in Canada we would call that beanie a toque LOL"

Yeah, Anglo-Canadians always botch the spelling of tuque... :p

By in Canada,

@DrDaveWatford said:
"I've never known so many full-priced sets on backorder or out of stock at - incredible."

I know! I am really looking forward to Lego's financial report for 2020.

By in Canada,

@Tupperfan said:
" @winbrant said:
"Here in Canada we would call that beanie a toque LOL"

Yeah, Anglo-Canadians always botch the spelling of tuque... :p"

You stole my joke, darn :D

By in United States,

Fingers crossed that Mos Eisley is back in stock before Christmas (and this set is still available, too).

By in Netherlands,

I actually would like that they sell these sets separately as LEGO own themed sets.

By in United States,

There are a few items that I want still in stock, so hopefully they stay in stock long enough so that I can pick one of these up. My wish list has 50 items and only 15 of them are still in stock. HP, Marilyn Art set are still in stock so here's hoping.

By in United Kingdom,

I just exhausted most of my wish list to reach the £150 threshold for the Dickens set! There's no way I would be able to make up another £150 for this set. It is a lot of pieces though so it does justify the high threshold.

By in United States,

@Reventon said:
"Easy pass. Just don’t understand ‘Winter’ themed sets with snow and ugly Christmas sweaters when it’s Summer here and Christmas is 40 degrees Celsius."

I mean, 90% of the population is in the Northern hemisphere, where it's getting into the start of winter. Can't really expect Lego to base their sets on upside-down land

By in United Kingdom,

I think it would be a good idea for Lego to bring forward pre orders for the new Jan 2021 sets. At least that way it would be easier to hit the £150 threshold

By in United Kingdom,

Out now! Just what to do with 38 key rings to figure out!

By in United States,

@Watsonite said:
"The threshold is ridiculous."

LEGO has no reason to keep their GWP threshold low this year. Why bother offering incentives to buy their products when sets are flying off the shelves? Nearly every $100+ set (aside from Technic and Old Trafford) is sold out in the US.

By in United Kingdom,

@fakespacesquid said:
" @Reventon said:
"Easy pass. Just don’t understand ‘Winter’ themed sets with snow and ugly Christmas sweaters when it’s Summer here and Christmas is 40 degrees Celsius."

I mean, 90% of the population is in the Northern hemisphere, where it's getting into the start of winter. Can't really expect Lego to base their sets on upside-down land"

Nor would I want them to! Trust me, on 40C December days I’m living vicariously through these lovely winter wonderland sets.

By in United States,

Ice Skating Rink Review: "skates can be hired and hot drinks acquired"

Me: Was that a rhyme? I believe it was. Excellent!!!

By in United States,

Planetary gears in a system LEGO set cool!!

By in Puerto Rico,

Assuming a slew of sets are in stock then I might buy it.

By in Australia,

Nice that Australia got a mention. Hello from down here - first post.
Yes, it is Summer here but a lot of us like a traditional Winter themed Christmas.

By in Canada,

Absolutely sad. Everything worth buying is sold out in Canada.

By in United States,

You'll receive this absolutely free with an order above $150! Unfortunately, there is fewer than $150 total in Lego products left to buy on the site right now.

By in United States,

Mega-lame GWP purchase thresholds this year given how many $130-150+ sets are out of stock in North America, have long been out of stock, and aren't allowed to be sold on backorder.

By in Australia,

@chrisaw said:
"Honestly, I just wish they’d produce enough GWPs to be able to have the option of selling them separately too."
This set has been available in the Australian LCS as a GWP over the last week or two. If there is one nearby, you might check if they still have stock. They often sell their excess GWPs after the promotion is completed

By in United States,

Would be great if everything wasn't sold out in the US. They should just open it up to allow people to purchase it, or start pre-selling the 2021 sets so we can get it.

By in United Kingdom,

Bought a Millennium Falcon, with a Power Functions cable to push me over the threshold.
The cable and Ice rink will come in a few days...
The Falcon will come in the middle of January !!!!

By in New Zealand,

Not a lot available to buy, is there? Very roughly gauged based on the NZ portal, has by-theme stock levels such as:-
City - 40% out of stock.
Architecture - 50% out of stock.
Exclusives - 60% out of stock.
Ideas - 50% out of stock.
Creator Expert - 50% out of stock.
Harry Potter - 60% out of stock.
Star Wars - 50% out of stock.

By in Russian Federation,

In Russia, this is easier, I think. Today we made a discount on the long-awaited set of 75941 at the price of 68.89 euros. I immediately ordered two sets and received a free promo set 40416 in the shopping cart.

By in Romania,

@PurpleDave said:
" @arathemis:
You've been able to get this for eleven months!?!?!?!"

I meant Nov 28th...silly me

By in Australia,

I built this about an hour ago having scored it with my purchase of Ecto-1 (10274) and I have to say that it is a lovely set. The details are fantastic and the movement of the skaters is very graceful. It really has a great Christmas feel to it.

Very happy I made the effort to get it.

By in Australia,

" @Reventon said:
"Easy pass. Just don’t understand ‘Winter’ themed sets with snow and ugly Christmas sweaters when it’s Summer here and Christmas is 40 degrees Celsius."

Perhaps you have never experienced a northern hemisphere Christmas with the crisp cold and snow. Whether you have or not, the theme makes perfect sense given all the traditional Christmas songs, hymns and stories are set in a cold, snowy winter.

By in Italy,

I like the set very much, it would be a good addition to my winter village buildings but... 150€ threshold? Seriously? It seems the LEGO don't want I will buy my sets from them, this Christmas...

By in Canada,

I had intended to buy Barracuda Bay to get this freebie. Oh well... I guess I'll get the new Sesame Street if it's not sold out too ..

Edit:. Yup, it's sold out too... No purchases for me then. Not right away anyways. Hope to get this one yet...

By in United States,

Can't wait for mine to arrive to put in my Winter Village. Thankfully the big ticket item I held off buying (until the holidays) was still available. Added in a few of the leftover BF sale items & another sewer babies set, still at 50% off (needed for my Apocalypseburg setting) voila, hit the $150 threshold.

By in United States,

@mroper295 said:
" @Watsonite said:
"The threshold is ridiculous."

LEGO has no reason to keep their GWP threshold low this year. Why bother offering incentives to buy their products when sets are flying off the shelves? Nearly every $100+ set (aside from Technic and Old Trafford) is sold out in the US."

You're assuming Lego has produced the same inventory in 2020 that they did in 2019 and that it's just wildly more popular this year. While Lego might be more popular, they have been producing significantly fewer inventory this year due to the pandemic and factory issues. it's not that Lego's doing amazing selling this year and everything is sold out. They just haven't produced as much and that's why stuff is selling out fast.

By in Netherlands,

It's a little annoying that these winter-themed freebie sets so much better than some of the actual retail sets LEGO releases -- at least, to me. Obviously these special sets are appealing mostly to adults, which is why I like it so much and they likely don't expect to sell these in huge quantities to their core audience (kids!), but there are only so many expensive LEGO sets that are of interest to me. I was considering the Chinese New Year Temple Fair, but it's currently out of stock, as well as the Spring Lantern Festival set, but that one's not available yet... And even if they were, I'd still have to add extra sets to meet the threshold. Hopefully both become available before Christmas Eve.

By in United Kingdom,

Finally a qualifying set (NES) became available, so I ordered. Immediately got an email to say it was out of stock and on backorder!

Oh well, at least the Ice Skating Rink is secured.

Strangely the NES is still showing as available on

By in Canada,

Gr8 news...
Just got an email from it appears Barracuda Bay is back in stock, plus FREE GWP & gift wrap are both still in stock so add this to your cart, and all 3 items will ship... No pun intended.

By in United States,

@dbbunny said:
"Looks like a great set, thanks for the review.

Huw, you only mention - do you know if it's available in store too? Hoping that the stores will have better stock than online when they reopen!"

I certainly got it at my lego store in the US.

By in United Kingdom,

Why the green base? Mine is going to be transplanted onto white!

By in United States,

Many people forget this, but snow falls on grass. Depending on where you live, even with regular snowfall, grass can often be seen through the snowcover. Either the snow melts or sublimates away faster than it is replenished, or various activities strip it away mechanically. Lots of foot traffic (human or otherwise) is enough to do the job, and building a snowman is nearly impossible without exposing the lawn a bit. During the summer, leaving an object on the grass for a few months will turn the grass brown as it goes dormant, but this doesn't happen during the winter.

So, aesthetically, white may be preferred, but green is more accurate.

By in United States,

I built it, and it does make a nice addition to my winter village. I am thinking of ways to motorize it...I have a small motorized carousel, as well as the holiday train. Adding another moving scene would be great but those “splat” gears give me pause.

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