Review: 71738 Zane's Titan Mech Battle
Posted by CapnRex101,Mechs have appeared with increasing frequency during recent years, varying significantly in scale and appearance. 71738 Zane's Titan Mech Battle seems absolutely marvellous based upon official images, incorporating dramatic angular shaping which differs from previous mechs.
Such distinction encompasses 70737 Titan Mech Battle, which supposedly provided inspiration for this creation! Not only has Bansha's Ghost Mech been completely omitted but the updated model has grown substantially. Additionally, the articulation has improved, now incorporating functional knee joints which are ingenious.
70737 Titan Mech Battle was released during 2015 and contained Zane, wearing his menacing Deepstone armour. An updated version of that minifigure is available here, featuring a similar colour combination of black and white. The head wrap therefore looks excellent and I like the complementary white arms, although the original minifigure featured black arms so appeared considerably darker.
The pearl dark grey shoulder armour and sheath seems reasonable, although the figure from 2015 featured much bulkier armour and black was a more suitable colour. Nevertheless, pearl dark grey works nicely with pearl silver and metallic silver, both of which appear extensively on this minifigure. I am especially pleased with the metallic silver Smilodon symbol on the back of Zane's torso!
Zane's head wrap conceals his robotic identity. This double-sided design has appeared on various previous occasions, including an angry expression with mechanical detailing on the reverse. The pearl silver hair piece is exclusive though, returning from The LEGO NINJAGO Movie and the Sons of Garmadon range. The minifigure wields a katana and a bow.
Two petrifying Ghost Warriors oppose Zane, the first of whom is named Ghoultar. Matching other NINJAGO: Legacy characters, these minifigures have undergone significant alterations since their 2015 appearance, now featuring purple as their predominant colour instead of dark blue. That alteration seems particularly jarring for Ghoultar, whose original minifigure featured almost no purple.
Nevertheless, the bright colour scheme looks fantastic in combination with trans-neon green highlights. The anonymous Soul Archer comprises exactly the same torso, head and spectral lower body component as Ghoultar, albeit also wearing a dark blue and purple head wrap. This element lacks the dessicated aesthetic of the original figure which is disappointing, although the earlier piece was only available within the Possession range.
Both minifigures display an alarming skeletal face but there is no decoration on the reverse, differing from their 2015 counterparts. As his name suggests, the Soul Archer carries a bow while Ghoultar is equipped with an imposing double-bladed scythe! The dual-moulded blades appear suitably ghoulish and I appreciate the consistency between this minifigure and previous examples as Ghoultar has always wielded scythes.
Ten years have passed since NINJAGO was launched and several golden minifigures are accordingly distributed throughout the new range. Jay Legacy shares his cowl with Digi Jay from Prime Empire and the contrast between blue and pearl gold plastics looks splendid. The familiar Prime Empire design does not continue onto the torso and legs though, which feature more traditional robes and match the other Legacy ninja.
I love the bright blue sash around Jay's waist and the dark blue fabric that appears under his golden robe looks superb. Extensive detail also adorns the back of the torso, hidden beneath twin scabbards where katana are stored. The double-sided head has appeared in 22 previous sets so an entirely new design would have been welcome, although including the existing head feels somehow appropriate for these celebratory figures.
Display stands are provided with each Legacy minifigure, featuring the same printed 2x2 tile which commemorates the tenth anniversary of NINJAGO. This detailed design looks brilliant and I like the black base which contrasts against the minifigure. Furthermore, blue 1x1 round plates are integrated on either side, clearly identifying this display base with Jay.
The Completed Model
While certain NINJAGO: Legacy sets closely resemble their predecessors, others appear to borrow almost nothing except the name. 71738 Zane's Titan Mech Battle occupies the latter category, completely omitting the Ghost Mech and significantly augmenting the imposing Ice Mech. The earlier model from 70737 Titan Mech Battle measured 20cm in height but this one reaches 28cm in height and looks absolutely spectacular!
Furthermore, the updated model features completely different proportions and shapes when compared with the previous design. I think those changes have proven extremely successful, exploiting fairly modern elements such as the 8x6 wedge slope introduced with Nexo Knights to create angular points across the model. The resulting mech most closely resembles the stylised designs which populate Japanese anime.
The model undoubtedly looks impressive, although the same has applied to various NINJAGO mechs. This example is therefore distinguished by its exceptional articulation, especially since knee joints are included! Their design is absolutely fantastic and the combination of articulated knees and pivoting angles provided an incredible array of possible poses. Moreover, the model is perfectly balanced so you can easily achieve leaning poses.
Despite differing dramatically from its predecessor overall, smaller details are included which resemble the original model. They include the head, which employs the same angled flags on either side of the face with a trans-light blue monocular eye at the centre. However, this model also features pearl gold horns above the eye and the antenna has been enlarged, presumably aiding communication with the other ninja.
The spring-loaded shooters which flank the head appear relatively simple, although I like how sand blue elements have been integrated to recall the smaller model from 2015. Unfortunately, these weapons cannot rotate but they can be elevated to target airborne enemies. These joints also enable the launchers to fold away, partially, which permits greater head movement.
Zane nestles perfectly within the cockpit, either sitting or standing. This cockpit is surprisingly spacious and could comfortably accommodate a second standing minifigure, much like 71720 Fire Stone Mech. No printed consoles are included which is quite unusual but golden joysticks flank the pilot, complementing colours on the exterior of the Ice Mech.
While constructing this model, I became concerned that the substantial armour plating might interfere with articulation. Fortunately, the panels on each shoulder are independently hinged which allows comprehensive arm movement. The repeated use of 8x6 wedge slopes between both shoulder panels and the torso is incredibly effective, ensuring that the whole model seems cohesive.
Unobstructed elbow joints are also included, with 2x2 truncated cones affixed on each side to create the impression of powerful hinges. In fact, the forearms are supported by standard ball joints while the hands are connected using Technic pins. Both hands can therefore rotate and the fingers are individually articulated, featuring 1x1 round tiles on each finger joint.
The right arm incorporates an imposing golden blade while the left is equipped with a cutting saw. Personally, I think two identical blades would have been preferable and the set designer, Niek van Slagmaat, has shown that configuration during development on Twitter. The differing weapons provide considerable play value though and any modification would be easy, yielding two folding swords.
LEGO mechs frequently include brilliant detail across their front but appear fairly bland when viewed from behind. 71738 Zane's Titan Mech Battle exhibits no such compromises, featuring several pearl gold ingots which form a distinctive spine! These contrasting ridges look splendid and I love the 4x4 wedge slopes positioned here, resembling shoulder blades and matching the angular slopes on the shoulders and chest.
Articulated faulds are connected using two ball joints at the base of the spine. They soften the transition between the torso and the legs without affecting poseability. Additionally, these offer clips for storing Zane's accessories which are useful. I appreciate that these are concealed to ensure that the design remains completely unspoiled when viewed from the front.
Golden ingots are also visible on the front of the model, between further armour panels and separate faulds. These panels resemble a skull which is rather interesting, although I am not certain whether this was intentional because skulls are outside Zane's traditional iconography. Even so, this combination of layered armour looks great. Unfortunately, the model lacks waist articulation which is disappointing as I believe that could have been integrated.
However, the legs include remarkable articulation, exceeding past mechs of comparable size. Both legs are connected using large click hinges which return from 70676 Lloyd's Titan Mech, allowing them to bend outwards as well as moving backwards and forwards at the hips. Once again, these joints are hidden under adjustable faulds with an attractive colour combination of white and sand blue.
Those tones continue across the broad thighs, although black appears on the reverse beside further pearl gold ingots! The ingenious knee mechanism is visible here, comprising two layers of small ball joints. The first layer is fixed between the thigh and calf segments while the second is located behind them, featuring the aforementioned ingots. When the knee moves, the second layer of ball joints folds downwards into the vacant cavity, shown below.
The mechanism functions perfectly, providing ample support to the mech and enabling some creative poses. Dramatic knee armour ensures that the ball joints are completely hidden from the front and replicates another important visual feature of many Japanese mecha. The round caps on the outside of each knee correspond with matching details on the elbows and exactly the same 2x2 truncated cone elements appear on both feet.
Otherwise, the feet appear fairly simple. They are attached using ball joints so can rotate and pivot sideways for stability. The heavy armour around the lower legs hardly interferes with the feet movement and incorporates another function as four thrust jets can be deployed from the ankles! Pearl dark grey beehives represent the jets and look magnificent, presumably allowing assisted jumps rather than flight. The designer has truly made the most efficient possible use of every available space!
LEGO has produced countless different mechs during recent years, many of which include magnificent detail and convey unique personality. 71738 Zane's Titan Mech Battle definitely achieves those feats and has instantly become one of my favourite LEGO mechs, potentially rivalling the excellent 70676 Lloyd's Titan Mech! Of course, this rendition is distinguished from Lloyd's impressive vehicle by its improved articulation.
That extensive articulation is extremely important, although this model would impress without supplementary joints. Its appearance alone is absolutely fantastic. An updated rendition of the Ghost Mech from 70737 Titan Mech Battle could have been welcome to accompany this mech but Zane's vehicle looks spectacular and I think the price of £54.99 or $59.99 represents good value so I would definitely recommend adding this set to your collection!
This set was provided for review by The LEGO Group but the review represents an expression of my own opinions.
29 comments on this article
Good review!
Altogether this set is fantastic. Ninjago's designers have continued to advance mech building in sets to an amazing degree, all while keeping them feeling unique and distinctive compared to previous offerings.
I am a little disappointed in the Ghoultar and Soul Archer figs. As generic ghosts, they would be great, and I love that they changed up the two-color blend of the ghost trails for variety (a boon to longtime collectors like myself who now have additional options instead of the same exact part as before). But Ghoultar and Soul Archer (along with the other ghost generals from 2015) originally had much more unique designs, with unique face and torso patterns (and even unique leg patterns in the sets that featured standard legs instead of ghost trails). Ghoultar previously was one of my favorites, with a visible skull and ribcage based on the classic Lego skeleton. And underneath his mask, Soul Archer had a well-trimmed goatee that gave him an air of refinement compared to the more brutish Ghoutar. Here, that distinction has been entirely lost.
I do like the new Deepstone Zane figure, which adds a bit more of Zane's primary color to the original design while keeping the heavy use of black that defined those costumes. I also appreciate the inclusion of an alternate hairpiece when Zane's mask is removed—an uncommon but always appreciated feature in Ninjago sets. I especially appreciate it considering that before this year Zane's updated "Ninjago Movie" hairpiece hadn't yet appeared in the silver used for his uncamouflaged "Nindroid" appearance.
Golden Jay looks great too, and I love how they have varied the costumes by using masks from some of each ninja's more prominent story arcs. The subtle fabric detailing on the robes is great too—note the repeated lightning pattern on the gold outer robe!
As for the mech itself, I can't say enough good things about it. The use of both Dark Azure and Sand Blue for accents is an unusual choice but one that's pulled off well here. I love the chunky, angular armor designs and the working knees feel like a great solution to a common design challenge. The official pictures of the set didn't clearly show the back of the mech, so it's great to see it from that angle and realize that it has been given the same attention to detail as the front. All in all it's an amazing set design that stands equal to (and in some ways exceeds) some of the best Ninjago mech designs up to this point.
Definitely getting a Gundam vibe from this mech.
Lloyd's mech was indeed quite good, but perhaps that's why I don't care for this one. It looks too much like more of the same. I love Sand Blue, but that's just not enough and having inherited a bunch of those large wedge pieces from TLM2's Systar Ship, even that doesn't motivate me to get this set. It also doesn't look very solid as if the many large wedge pieces are used to disguise the absence of more volume by ways of actual bricks underneath.
It's already in my wishlist on Can't wait to place the order for this one, new Tournament of elements and its excellent minifig selection along with Mando in his beskar armor in the SW tatooine set. Thank you for your review, excellent as usual. Truly an achievement as a Lego Ninjago mech. That color scheme is so appealing to me. I just noticed that Nya is once more underrepresented in the coming wave isn't she?
In case anyone is wondering why there is a skull on the torso of the mech, I believe it's an homage to the anime series Gurren Lagann (a mecha in which most of the mechs have a similar design). I think the designer of the set has mentioned being a fan of it before as well.
I haven’t seen this season of Ninjago but I gotta say the mech and figures are very well designed and the set looks like a great deal, too. Looks like the ghosts are going to attack that titan.
“A mecha in which most of the mechs have a similar design”
I think you mean “anime” by “mecha” lol.
Need it now!
This looks straight out of Gurren Lagann and I love it.
Super thrilled to see functional knees on a mech now! I hope this trend continues into future mech sets even in other themes
Not much of a mech battle with only one mech. Still, the improvement over the previous is outstanding, especially the rear.
It's like if Ninjago and ExoForce had a child prodigy
WOW! $59.99? Again, Ninjago value and quality is drawing me towards buying one.
Finally! A Legacy set from the Possession season. I'm not sure if I'll purchase this, but it'll definitely be on my radar. Nice review too!
you had me at "articulated knees" ;o)
Yes! Knees!
@Mylenium said: "Lloyd's mech was indeed quite good, but perhaps that's why I don't care for this one. It looks too much like more of the same."
I feel the same.
This seems, very much, like a retread of Lloyd's mecha from the ice-zombies line, last year. I really liked that mech, I thought it was gorgeous, but I don't need a second one.
The RRP in the database says £44.99. I thought that was an amazing price when I first saw it (£20 less than Lloyd's Mech). Just checked on the Lego site and £54.99 as stated in the article is correct. :(
Day 1 Buy
@CarolinaOnMyMind said:
"Definitely getting a Gundam vibe from this mech. "
Personally I think it is closer to Eva Unit 00, especially with the colour scheme, single eye placement, prominent shoulder blades and prog knife.
Gurren Lagann is also possible as, like Eva, it’s animated by Gainax.
It has very close resemblance to Gundam, which is a good thing because IMHO Gundam's animation has the best robot designs. I like this a lot, another nice touch here is the inclusion of the 10 years anniversary Ninjago figure.
Excellent expandability too, with a different parts and pieces available one could change the design to make it even better looking (with added wings, missiles, etc.), the imagination is the limit.
@Brick_t_ said:
"I just noticed that Nya is once more underrepresented in the coming wave isn't she? "
Indeed; she is only present in one of “The Island” sets, and doesn’t seem to be appearing at all in the Legacy sets. She and Zane are apparently waiting on summer for their golden anniversary variants. They also both missed out on Rebooted/Tournament of Elements style Legacy robes, while Nya and Lloyd were omitted from the “Epic Battle” sets.
@CapnRex101 Zane’s new hairpiece also comes in his Epic Battle set.
can't unsee the skull in the center now
Definitely going to have to get this one!
Question, though: How deep do the knees bend?
Ill be getting one of those for sure.
@Kalhiki said:
"Definitely going to have to get this one!
Question, though: How deep do the knees bend?"
As far as I know, just as much as in this picture:
This isn’t one of my favorite seasons but I really do love this set.
Thank you for the review and especially pointing out the possibilities with the knee joints and how well balanced the model is. I have to admit, it is a very good looking mech and a great set for the price. Still, the color scheme wouldn't be my absolute favorite to pick, and on a side note, I like the original ghosts a lot better.
Gonna say it: This is my favorite mech since Exo-Force. Why knee joints aren't standard anymore is beyond me, but this thing is awesome. The designer hit that perfect combination of articulation and aesthetic, the mech's easily moddable weapon-wise, it holds minis even with bulky armor, DEPLOYABLE THRUSTERS! :D
Excellent mech model, looking forward to seeing more like this in the future!
Now all we need is for them to extend this quality into the smaller, less-than-$60 mecha...