Random set of the day: Sail N' Fly Marina

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Sail N' Fly Marina

Sail N' Fly Marina

©1994 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 6543 Sail N' Fly Marina, released in 1994. It's one of 29 Town sets produced that year. It contains 709 pieces and 7 minifigs, and its retail price was US$85.

It's owned by 1514 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.

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34 comments on this article

By in United States,

When a set is the same age you are, but looks better...

By in United States,

@MCLegoboy said:
"When a set is the same age as you are, but looks better..."

When a comment is relatable but makes you feel like you were born yesterday . . . =D

By in Australia,

Juts look at that set.

It's one of those old Town sets that's so beautiful to look at, it's almost painful.

By in United States,

Just remember that the 2011 version is also allowed for RSOTD.

By in United Kingdom,

What a complete scene. Of course, the PPP wasn't great, and would be awful if the price was adjusted for inflation, but it kind of doesn't matter since there's more than enough stuff here.

By in Canada,

Sail N' Fly Marina?
I’m no expert, but I don’t think marinas usually fly.

By in Germany,

Lego and wonky, disproportionate aircraft, name a more iconic combination.

By in United States,

i have this set but its missing an expensive part i need two of

By in Australia,

Rogue One quote alert:

‘Oh, it’s beautiful’

By in United Kingdom,

This is one of those classic sets that just screams playability. It’s so complete, what more could you possibly want?

By in United States,

One of those sets I wanted when I got out of my dark ages

By in United States,

Meh. I'm older, but still look younger than this.

Looking at this reminds me of why I almost exclusively cared about Space and Castle sets in my youth. The first Town set I can recall caring about was a motorcycle shop (never got it). After that, there was the Outback sub-theme. After that...it was probably something post-Batman.

Shhh! You'll upset the conspiracy theorists who think the price per piece has been rising steadily for the 40+ years that it's remained stagnant!

It's a marina. You can go there to sail or fly. Well, sorta. None of the boats actually have sails, but there is a float plane. Even when they're equipped to land on runways, they more commonly fly out of marinas, since that's the whole point of having a float plane.

Batman. Purple. Cheese wedges and other modern parts. Boats that can actually float.

Harbour? You'll want 75810. Ask for the sheriff (speaking of things I'm older than but still look younger than).

By in Australia,

I really wish we got a modern version of this with a yacht club, crane/dry dock, boats and seaplanes

By in United States,

I just built this set yesterday (crazy that it’s set of the day now). I wanted to get it out for display along with seaport sets. They are some classic town sets at their best.

By in Denmark,

Yes, the world of sunglasses, eyebrows and waiter mustaches..

By in Turkey,

One of my all time favorites. I was so happy to get it by surprise from an used lot.

By in United States,

Lots of stuff in one box, I love playsets with tons of separate models to mess around with!

By in United States,

@GSR_MataNui said:
"Lots of stuff in one box, I love playsets with tons of separate models to mess around with!"

I couldn’t agree more!

By in Hungary,

94 was such a good year for town.

By in Canada,

I dreamt of that set more than any other set I didn't get.

By in Netherlands,

I remember wanting to buy this as a kid but as my brother already owned a large harbour set (6542) my mom insisted I'd buy something else, so I bought a Model Team set. 20 years later I bought this of a Dutch second hand site with the seller insisting it was complete with all stickers. Once received it was neither complete or had all stickers. I put it together again just yesterday and realized how many, at that time, exclusive pieces were in this set. Printed helmets, printed rooftops, wings for airplanes, boat parts, a crane... It is a really well thought out set and really one of the last great Town sets.

By in Poland,

@Yooha said:
"Yes, the world of sunglasses, eyebrows and waiter mustaches.."

All was as it should have been.

By in United States,

I remember how much I wanted this set, back in the day. I've always loved boating sets, and aviation sets, and this combined them!

By in France,

I loved the look of this set in the 90's, but I was already too old, even for Technic. I was about to start university and my last set was 8868 : Air Tech Claw Rig in 1992. And finally I found it on eBay in 2010 for 30 euros. It is absolutely awesome : detailed, colorful, with so many vehicles and minifigs. A complete world by the sea ! the 4644 Marina from 2011 looks sad and empty, compared to it.

I put it on display in a lego convention, in 2018, with a harbor diorama. I'm not sur you can see the photo from facebook but I add the link https://scontent-cdt1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/28947624_10216686960636522_8578775540091980359_o.jpg?_nc_cat=110&ccb=2&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=xMlRDcAW50wAX90Byyu&_nc_ht=scontent-cdt1-1.xx&oh=cd3af1f6419aa9dbfb2525924b4b6f3c&oe=603B4A26

By in Japan,

I like the way the Octan attendent is relaxing with a cool beer in the cafe while all the speed boats are sneakily filling up on petrol before he returns (hence the baseball cap and shades to disguise themselves on CCTV). I don't ever remember seeing this at the time but the boat seems to be able to be lifted into the dry dock, are not single hulled which allows for more interesting alternative builds, and the fronts seem to be able to float upwards.

By in United States,

I remember that we got these harbor sets—6540-1(Pier Police), 6541-1 (Intercoastal Seaport), 6542-1 (Launch & Load Seaport), and Sail N’ Fly Marina—really cheap at an overstock/liquidation discount store in the 90s. The store hardly ever had LEGO sets, but we got these and an electric train there. My father was so proud that he got these sets so inexpensively.

By in Hong Kong,

Best set in 1990's Town

By in United Kingdom,

@MCLegoboy said:
"When a set is the same age you are, but looks better..."
Don't feel bad. {old timer voice} I've been an AFOL longer than you've been alive!

I didn't know that there were - and would be - others out there. As far as I knew, I was the only adult who found LEGO cool. At least AFOLdom has been 'a thing' most of your life. You don't know how lucky you are. {/old timer voice}

@Huw, Why does Brickset now say I'm in the US?

By in United States,

That's not the general response sets have received in recent years. Everything from 75098 to 60271 have been raked over the coals for being "playsets with tons of separate models".

By in United States,

Got this set for Christmas '94 as a KFOL. It was awesome.

The tragic loss of racing boat number 2, which sunk to the bottom of the marina with all hands on board, will never be forgotten.

By in Portugal,

Why does this look more vivid and lively than any current City set? How did they do that? Less details, more basic pieces, less detailed minifigures and still they pulled it off. Amazing.

By in United States,

Because they basically limited it to what comes in a Crayola 8-crayon box, except replacing orange and purple with light-grey. Now, adults want more realistic colors for their buildings, so there's sand colors, dark colors, tans and browns, olive-green, and various other "earthy" colors.

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