Random set of the day: T-Rex Transport

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T-Rex Transport

T-Rex Transport

©2000 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 5975 T-Rex Transport, released in 2000. It's one of 17 Adventurers sets produced that year. It contains 321 pieces and 5 minifigs, and its retail price was US$50.

It's owned by 1635 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.

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30 comments on this article

By in United States,

The problem with licenses these days is that you don't get good knockoffs in the form of Adventurers subthemes.

Yep, that's right. Dino Island is just a knockoff of The Lost World: Jurassic Park, change my mind.

Doesn't mean it's not still cool though, so don't mistake me, I still like it.

By in United States,

I absolutely wish LEGO would bring back adventure!

By in United States,

I love Adventurers so much!

By in United States,

Woah, I've never seen this one before!

Hmm, it's not all perfect, though - that boat gives me late 90s/early 2000s Lego vibes...

By in Australia,

^ While Adventurers *mostly* avoided the trappings of the rest of Lego's themes during the late 90s ... absolutely, I feel, that "Dino Island" suffered from a bit of juniorisation. There were a lot of unnecessarily-block builds featuring bricks piled on top of each other.

Having said that, "Dino Island" was set on an island that had obviously been destroyed in some past calamity, and all the structures were in various stages of ruin and decay, so here, it kind of worked.

But you could kind of see it, creeping in on the edges.

By in United States,

These dinosaurs may not be as accurate, but uh, personally, I like them better than the current molds. They look more like LEGO.

By in United States,


In the second year of Adventurers the world has discovered a new and far away magical land, an island inhabited entirely by dinosaurs! However the natural wonder has drawn the attention of the sinister lord Sam Von Baron. Von Baron has joined forces with his own viscous daughter Alexis Sinister and master-of-disguise Mr. Cunningham. Together the trio of villains plan on kidnapping the dinosaurs for their own nefarious means.

Our team of brave Adventures, now with the help of an old (business wise) but young (age wise) friend Mike, have set out to save the dinosaurs from Von Baron and his fiends, doing a little veterinary work on the side when possible.

Eventually the crooks were driven off the island and the heroes left, but it's legacy was not forgotten. When Hypaxxus-8's plans to take over the Earth were thwarted by the ADU he brought any army of dinosaurs to the planet to destroy it as plan B. Johnny Thunder's son (or grandson?) Josh Thunder stepped up to the plate and used the lessons his father taught him to capture these creatures before they destroyed the mainland and either return them to Dino Island or Hypaxxus' portal.

By in Australia,

I wonder if that ship can be hijacked by one of those dinosaurs, who’ll then go on a small trip to San Francisco...

By in United States,

My brother and I played LEGO Racers 2 on my old laptop long after it was considered an obsolete game. It has a campaign on Dino island and many of the official sets are represented in the game, I'm pretty sure that blue car was on option once free play was unlocked. It really does wonders for these sets once you've seen them brought to life, even if it was in a 2001 computer game cut-scene.

2622 8x10 boat prow in light grey x2

2622 8x10 boat prow in white x1
4445 2x8 slope 45 degrees in light grey x6
30157 2x4 plate with pins in brown x6
30181 4x10 brick with cut corner in light grey x2
30184 6x26 trailer base in light grey x1
30456 dino tail in green x1
30456 dino tail in dark grey x1
30457 dino T-rex body in green x1
30459 dino T-rex head in green x1
30460 dino Triceratops head in dark grey x1
30461 dino Triceratops upper body in dark grey x1
30462 dino Triceratops lower boy in light grey x1

By in United States,

I picked up one of these T-Rexes to represent the one in Batman's trophy collection. The fact that he has a mechanical T-Rex in the Batcave is far more interesting than how he got that mechanical T-Rex.

By in United States,

Dinosaurs in boats. We need to get on that.

By in United Kingdom,

This very week I broke the hook on my Von Barron, and then here comes the RSotD...

By in United States,

The dude standing on the back of the trailer must be ridiculously strong, holding up that gate/fence thingy.

By in Canada,

@brickengineeringdude said:
"The dude standing on the back of the trailer must be ridiculously strong, holding up that gate/fence thingy."

Pffffttt... Johnny Thunder is pulling the whole cargo ship ashore by himself. With one hand.

By in United States,

50 bucks for two and half dinosaurs, three vehicles and 5 minifigures? This set sounds like it was a complete deal. You're lucky if you get half that for double the price out of Jurassic World.

By in United States,

@CarolinaOnMyMind said:
" @brickengineeringdude said:
"The dude standing on the back of the trailer must be ridiculously strong, holding up that gate/fence thingy."

Pffffttt... Johnny Thunder is pulling the whole cargo ship ashore by himself. With one hand. "

How did I miss that? and with a Triceratops too...

By in Turkey,

The ship and the vehicle designs could have been so much better. There are many examples of this in other Adventurers sets. This set feels like it has been rushed during design process.

By in United States,

As much as I love Adventurers as a theme, Dino Island is easily its weakest subtheme. With juniorized and frankly not that interesting builds, this subtheme was clearly banking mainly on the dinosaurs selling it.

And as far as the dinosaurs themselves go, they look kind of dated to me. Sure, they've got a certain charm to them, but they are ridiculously small and lack posability. The current Dino molds, while less LEGO-like, do a much better job not just at looking more realistic, but also being a lot more playable.

By in United Kingdom,

Yeah, Dino Island came at that awkward time (that boat build is a shockingly simple build), but 5920 and 5935 were both great vehicle sets with some good parts and building techniques.

By in United States,

This was such a great subtheme. I didn’t have this one, but 5935 was one of my all-time favorite sets. I also liked 5955 quite a bit.

By in United Kingdom,

@GSR_MataNui said:

In the second year of Adventurers the world has discovered a new and far away magical land, an island inhabited entirely by dinosaurs! However the natural wonder has drawn the attention of the sinister lord Sam Von Baron. Von Baron has joined forces with his own viscous daughter Alexis Sinister and master-of-disguise Mr. Cunningham. Together the trio of villains plan on kidnapping the dinosaurs for their own nefarious means.

Our team of brave Adventures, now with the help of an old (business wise) but young (age wise) friend Mike, have set out to save the dinosaurs from Von Baron and his fiends, doing a little veterinary work on the side when possible.

Eventually the crooks were driven off the island and the heroes left, but it's legacy was not forgotten. When Hypaxxus-8's plans to take over the Earth were thwarted by the ADU he brought any army of dinosaurs to the planet to destroy it as plan B. Johnny Thunder's son (or grandson?) Josh Thunder stepped up to the plate and used the lessons his father taught him to capture these creatures before they destroyed the mainland and either return them to Dino Island or Hypaxxus' portal. "

Is that last paragraph official? That kind of jumbling of themes, seems more like fanfic

By in United Kingdom,

Lego seemed to be pushing a switch from jungle to dino island from 1999 to 2000, but I stuck with the jungle which is a shame as missed out on some cool dinosaurs. Possibly, just not convinced by the sets as didn't seem up to the task of transporting dinosaurs or containing them in 5987, but that was ok as rampaging dinosaurs was the current thing.

By in United States,

Did we learn nothing from JP2? Wait, no, they made JW2. Clearly, we didn’t.

By in United Kingdom,

@GSR_MataNui said:
"Von Baron has joined forces with his own viscous daughter Alexis Sinister"
I thought she was his sister? At least, that was what the Lego World Club magazine in the UK said; or was that one of those things that varied region-to-region, too, like the character names did?

For that matter, Alexia / Alexis seems to have had a serious identity crisis in any case, because the UK Lego Adventures magazines misidentified her as Pippin Reed in their comics and had her working alongside Johnny and co. - this despite the fact that Pippin herself appears in the sets of the Dino Island line! Someone seems to have got a little confused...

Not much to say about the set as a whole here, other than that I crashed into the truck *several* times in Lego Racers 2, given where it was positioned on the Dino Island map. And also that this set name would be reused several years later for Jurassic World set 75933. Um... all other considerations aside, that one *might* be a little more effective at transporting the T-Rex safely than this one looks!

...also does anyone else wonder how did they managed to get that triceratops onto the boat in the first place?

By in Australia,

@ThatBionicleGuy said: "...also does anyone else wonder how did they managed to get that triceratops onto the boat in the first place?"

They asked it politely.

A meteor killed the dinosaurs. Good manners did not.

By in United Kingdom,

Great set!
The boat is pretty much 100% brick-built, apart from a couple of plates here and there. Great playability , like all the Adventurers theme.

By in United States,

I'm glad Dr. Kilroy made it out of this set alive!

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