Random set of the day: Flying Ninja Fortress
Posted by Huwbot,Today's random set is 6093 Flying Ninja Fortress, released during 1998. It's one of 20 Castle sets produced that year. It contains 694 pieces and 9 minifigs, and its retail price was US$90.
It's owned by 1317 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.
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54 comments on this article
Simply one of the absolute best.
I seen a peanut stand, I heard a rubber band
I seen a needle that winked his eye
But I be done seen about everything
When I see a Ninja Fortress fly
What a beauty.
I recall quite of bit of poetic waxing the other day when we had 6083 on tap. That was a mere appetiser next to this main dish.
I gotta say, these people having guns, I never would have guessed that was a thing. Ninja and Samurai evoke a particular image, but I don't know my Japanese History well enough to know if firearms were a staple or if this theme really does take place in like the 16th Century or whatever. And yes I do know there's a great 9 minute video by Bill Wurtz, but he doesn't mention guns until the gun boats come rolling in on Japan from the US, so I still don't know.
It's beautiful!!!! Can't believe Ninjago makes so few of these.
Got this for my 11th birthday and still have it. Absolutely a wonderful set. Great figs, love the thick green brick as the base.
Samurai (and their ashigaru) had guns as early as 1543, thanks to the Portuguese. There really wasn’t much going on in the US at that time.
@MCLegoboy , Guns were (re-)introduced to Japan in the 16th century by the Portuguese. Rank-and-file soldiers were issued with them and they were used by bandits, ninja and the like when they could get their hands on them. But samurai considered them dishonourable and mostly avoided them right through to the Meiji Restoration in the late 19th century when the samurai caste was officially dissolved.
@PurpleDave and @Zander
Ninjas!?!? that FLY!?!?!
A+ set.
I picked this up not too long ago. It's a nice, big, solid build with some alternative layouts with the separate modules. The white/red/dark gray color scheme works really well, too.
The movie Yojimbo has a gunfighter in it, but I have no idea how historically accurate it is.
It's called Airjitzu.
@PurpleDave said:
" @MCLegoboy:
Samurai (and their ashigaru) had guns as early as 1543, thanks to the Portuguese. There really wasn’t much going on in the US at that time."
There was no US at that time!
694 pieces = nine minifigs. Is it just me, or is that a lot more minifigs than usual?
@gorf43 said:
"694 pieces = nine minifigs. Is it just me, or is that a lot more minifigs than usual? "
No, not really. Pieces were larger and there is that baseplate. Now, piece counts are inflated with lots of tiny pieces so people think they are getting a good value.
Were the ninjas the bad or good guys…I’m confused
Hmm, according to my account I own this, but I have no idea where it is. That’s probably a bad sign!
When I first heard the rumors about Ninjago over a decade ago I was so excited for a reboot of his theme. Alas, we got Ninja mechs and skeleton armies. Lol
Yeah, and it really cut back on our social life at the time.
No, not really. Pieces were larger and there is that baseplate. Back then, set size was inflated with handfuls of bulky, limited use panels so people thought they were getting a good value.
@ChromedCat said:
"Were the ninjas the bad or good guys…I’m confused "
I think there were multiple clans of ninja in this theme, maybe they were fighting eachother?
As others have said, I am also shocked that Ninjago makes so few sets like this. There are a few Ninjago sets that slightly resemble Asian architecture, like 2507 or 70751 but that's about it. There ain't much in Ninjago at all that would evoke the "Feudal Japan" feeling.
Despite being part of the generation of fans who was the exact target demographic when Ninjago came out, I still never really became a big fan of it. Most Ninjago fans as far as I can see only care about the TV Series and buy the sets mostly just to get all the Ninja outfits.
If Ninjago would have been more like Ninja 1998 right from the start, perhaps I would have gotten more into it. In my opinion, a theme needs to stand out both set-wise and story-wise, not just one of them.
@Formendacil said:
"I recall quite of bit of poetic waxing the other day when we had 6083 on tap. That was a mere appetiser next to this main dish. "
"The other day" being three years ago? (https://brickset.com/article/38693)
Or did I miss something where it was on tap somewhere else?
I mostly like the figures in these sets. Structures, not so much...
I liked how modular this set was, just like older castle sets. You could alter whether you wanted it long or wide, and where exactly each of the towers stood
Those fish/koi at the roof peaks? Unnecessary, even frivolous decoration but, oh so welcome.
Wow I had totally missed that theme, the builds were awesome !
I see 1 flying Ninja, so the name checks out.
@ChromedCat said:
"Were the ninjas the bad or good guys…I’m confused "
Well.. both, really. Essentially it's up to you to decide who are the bad/good guys. Most of the time grey was good, black was evil, I think. Then there were the bandits with guns who would always try to steal the ninja treasures. Yes, it's confusing but really open for any kind of role play.
@Galaxy12_Import said:
" @Formendacil said:
"I recall quite of bit of poetic waxing the other day when we had 6083 on tap. That was a mere appetiser next to this main dish. "
"The other day" being three years ago? ( https://brickset.com/article/38693 )
Or did I miss something where it was on tap somewhere else?"
Set number 6083 is linking to 6083-1 which is a jousting set from the early ‘80s. 6083-2, on the other hand, is the Samurai Stronghold which was the RSotD earlier this month, and what Formendacil was talking about.
Links: 6083-1 6083-2
"They fly now!"
HELLO, my second most wanted Lego set ever! Nice of you to show up to taunt me with your unattainability xD
I said pretty much everything I had to say about this theme on the previous Ninja RSotD the other week, so I'll just add that... this was really my first ever experience of Lego themes with (somewhat) distinct characters and stories. Issue 1 of the UK Lego Adventures magazine had this set in the background of the front cover, with two black Ninjas running (and one hang-gliding) away from it. The comic within focused on two of them infiltrating the fortress in an attempt to try and steal a priceless gem from the Shogun.
...it looks like the black Ninja in this set is having better success than they did in the comic, since he's actually holding the gem in question on the box art. In the comic, they got discovered before they could make the theft, and grabbed the wrong container in their haste to escape. (Said container housed a distinctly non-Lego dragon that chased them away.)
So, yeah. As the first big set I saw pictures of, and the first story-driven theme I discovered (even if said 'story' was mostly just "this is the concept, play however the heck you want with it", it was still more than any of the previous sets I'd seen had had), it's hugely nostalgic to me, despite never having owned it personally. Maybe one day...
((For anyone wondering, since I said this was my second? My *first* most wanted set is 5988, from the same year.))
@ChromedCat said:
"Were the ninjas the bad or good guys…I’m confused "
Both! ...in as much as there were different clans of ninjas with different allegiances. The black ninjas, along with the robbers, were the bad guys; the grey ninjas and the blue samurai were the good guys ^^
Apparently in the second year, the red and white ninjas were also good guys, while the white shogun / emperor was the bad guy; though I only learned this many years after the fact. And no-one knows where the allegiance of the green ninjas lies, because they were created specifically for a Lego-shop-exclusive minifigure set (3346) and had no further lore given them.
Ah, the Flying Ninja Fortress. I'm so fortunate that I managed to snatch it up some 7 or so years ago. Its configurable towers remind me of 6097-1 Night Lord's Castle, but done waaay better. You have three towers and three ground sections, so there is more customizability. But most of the time you'll switch it from compact to extended form. And the extended form is looooong. Also great for accessing the interior. But two of those roofs will be to the sides.
The set has a great minifig selection that really help to populate the fortress. I personally like the use of panels because you get so many and they look great. And the brick building behind them is more than enough for me IMHO. You also get some great doors, various traps such as swinging halberds, a trapdoor, revolving door with skeleton etc. And there are some unusually gratuitous interior details such as a sword display stand, a room with table, bed and goblet. A treasure room or two or three. A super spacious jail cell. And those tall towers.
I also love that you get a decent garrisson with just this set, including one unique samurai and two grey and one black ninja. And the glider -while super fictional- is a fun adversary as you can pretend they drop spears from their clips. The main gate even has four extras! And with the other sets, you could get black gliders to fight back! Also, it's fun to imagine it jumping off the taller towers to glide away.
Also, I love the amount of banners on this thing. Combined with the many soldiers in this set, 6083-2 Samurai Stronghold and 6089-1 Stone Tower Bridge, you really get a sense of one strongly defined unitary faction, just like in the older castle themes.
The set is not super accurate to real-life japanese fortresses. The towers for instance, and the ninja glider. But boy, is this set fun! It looks great and aged well for a 1998 set to a good extent. And it's just so unique!
A great pick today, Huwbot!
It is burdened with Glorious Purpose,
So soon?
The Gray Ninjas were aligned with the Samurai, the Black Ninjas were aligned with the Bandits. Blue/Gray vs Red/Black. The next year was an entirely new clan of Red Fire Ninjas, a White Ninja Princess and Emperor. Still later, before Y2K and our eventual Ninjago moderns, Lego added a Shop @ Home exclusive Green Ninja clan, and their power was... green.
For the lore topic on the old Ninja line:
The good guys were the blue samurai (this set being being their largest stronghold of cause).
They were led by Shogun Gi-Dan (the one with the golden horns and white moustache). His most trusted men were the two Samurai Dojo (https://brickset.com/minifigs/cas054/ninja-samurai-blue-old) and Kata (https://brickset.com/minifigs/cas055/ninja-samurai-blue-young) as well as the Gray Ninja Ito. The Shogun was described as a good and just ruler of the land.
Their enemies (using red colors) were the bandits led by the nameless Robber Baron (the guy with the black helmet and green vest). The other Bandits were Robber Chief Kendo (eyepatch and black pirate headwrap) and the Black Ninja Bonsai. They were constantly trying to steal the Shogun's most prized treasure - The Blue Sapphire (oddly similar to Adventurer's main prize the same year - The Red Rüby aka Re-Gou btw).
The second wave intorduced the armies of the Dragon Emperor (aka 'Samurai Lord'), bearing a black flag with a golden dragon and again blue highlights on the models. The second wave got much les story development, leaving all figures nameless (as far as I know). It's also a bit confusing what role they actually played.
Some sources claim the Emperor (the white samurai with golden horns) to be evil invader who fought both sides as well as well some of his own troops that rebelled against him, led by the White Ninja Princess and the Old Ninja Master. Others make him a replacement for Shogun Gi-Dan as just ruler and honorable fighter, who relies on the Ninja Princess to guard his fortress from the Red Ninjas, who are out for his treasures.
All 5 of the Minifigure collection characters remained unnamed as well:
Green Ninja (male) - a recolor of the Gray and Red Ninjas
Green Ninja (female) - a recolor of the Black Ninja with the head of the White Ninja Princess
Old Samurai - a (red) recolor of Samurai Dojo with the head of the Ninja Master
Young Samurai - a (red) recolor of Samurai Kata with the head of Ninja Ito
Shogun Warlord - a (red) recolor of Shogun Gi-Dan with the head of Ninja Bonsai
All the characters from the Minifigure Collection (they also included the 2 older characters Bonsai (Black Ninja) and The Dragon Emperor) have a little bio on the back of their display stands, that you can read at their Bricklink entry: https://www.bricklink.com/catalogList.asp?catType=G&catString=380.284
This was the official Castle theme line at the time, and a lot of folks complained since the theme had been Euro-centric prior to this. I have very fond memories of these sets, this theme, the storytelling of the sets, and conversations on the internet and in the toy aisles about how fantastic these sets were. I adore this set.
@Zander said:
" @Galaxy12_Import said:
" @Formendacil said:
"I recall quite of bit of poetic waxing the other day when we had 6083 on tap. That was a mere appetiser next to this main dish. "
"The other day" being three years ago? ( https://brickset.com/article/38693 )
Or did I miss something where it was on tap somewhere else?"
Set number 6083 is linking to 6083-1 which is a jousting set from the early ‘80s. 6083-2, on the other hand, is the Samurai Stronghold which was the RSotD earlier this month, and what Formendacil was talking about.
Links: 6083-1 6083-2
6083-1 is vastly superior.
Add me to the category of "hoped and expected Ninjago to be something like this"
I just finished rebuilding these sets for my Lego display. Reading everyone's comments I think we can take away 3 things.
1. We all miss a castle theme.
2. This theme is a good example of less is more, as the sets are quite simple, but still convey the aesthetic of feudal Japan.
C. The timing of this theme in '98 was perfect, since is has impacted all of us so well!
So... is it a fortress for flying ninjas or is it a ninja fortress that flies? I'm so confused.
Anyhoo, amazing set. I remember when this came out and back then I wasn't really interested but now it looks like something I'd like to have.
@Slithus_Venom said:
" @MCLegoboy
The movie Yojimbo has a gunfighter in it, but I have no idea how historically accurate it is.
It's called Airjitzu."
Uh, no. It’s called cyclondo!
Ah one of the first sets I bought following my dark ages about 15 years ago.
No regrets!
This is one of the best ninja sets!
At the time I thought this was another of those sets on a raised 32x32 molded base so passed by to discover today that there were 10 4x6x5 sloped panels 30156px1 on 3 green 12x24 brick plates, allowing you to also create a single long wall as an alternative castle. These were only used in this set and stone tower bridge 6089 which is a shame as could create some interesting battlements. I also like the Lego 1999 catalogue name "Fortress of the full moon".
Now THIS is what I call a great set!
@The_Creator said:
"When I first heard the rumors about Ninjago over a decade ago I was so excited for a reboot of his theme. Alas, we got Ninja mechs and skeleton armies. Lol"
And Ninjago City :)
@Astrobricks said:
" @The_Creator said:
"When I first heard the rumors about Ninjago over a decade ago I was so excited for a reboot of his theme. Alas, we got Ninja mechs and skeleton armies. Lol"
And Ninjago City :)"
True, don't get me wrong I like various Ninjago sets (especially the big modular ones!) and Ninja mechs are actually cool. I just would love some Ninja and Samurai fedual Japan sets again using modern pieces, techniques, and printing.
What puts this set design over the top for it's size is that every decorated part is printed NO FREAKIN' STICKERS! Det bedste er ikke for godt.
It would have been nice to get a fully enclosed fortress or palace with four walls like old castle sets. But this fortress is still good, of course.
Would be interesting to some someone try a take on this set with 31120, since that set uses techniques to have it raised on cliffs as well.
@Galaxy12_Import said:
" @Formendacil said:
"I recall quite of bit of poetic waxing the other day when we had 6083 on tap. That was a mere appetiser next to this main dish. "
"The other day" being three years ago? (https://brickset.com/article/38693)
Or did I miss something where it was on tap somewhere else?"
You can delete one year from that, 2020 doesn't really count.
@Zander said:
" @Galaxy12_Import said:
" @Formendacil said:
"I recall quite of bit of poetic waxing the other day when we had 6083 on tap. That was a mere appetiser next to this main dish. "
"The other day" being three years ago? ( https://brickset.com/article/38693 )
Or did I miss something where it was on tap somewhere else?"
Set number 6083 is linking to 6083-1 which is a jousting set from the early ‘80s. 6083-2, on the other hand, is the Samurai Stronghold which was the RSotD earlier this month, and what Formendacil was talking about.
Links: 6083-1 6083-2
Alas, the curse of reused set numbers! It does not align with my preference for tidy lists!