Review: 40557 Defence of Hoth
Posted by CapnRex101,Following the launch of 75313 AT-AT, additional sets have been unveiled to reinforce the vehicle on Hoth. However, opposing Rebel troops seem rather scarce. 40557 Defence of Hoth therefore appears excellent as three Hoth Rebel Troopers are provided.
These minifigures introduce exclusive elements which improve upon previous troopers, while ample accessories are also provided. Moreover, the models feature extensive detail, closely resembling memorable weapons from Echo Base.
Hoth Rebel Troopers have experienced frequent updates since 1999, taking inspiration from different costumes shown onscreen. The minifigure wearing a dark tan jacket is based upon soldiers posted inside Echo Base and looks superb, closely resembling equivalent Rebels from 75098 Assault on Hoth. However, the padding and metallic silver badge have been adjusted, while this character lacks printed legs.
Thankfully, the minifigures dressed for outdoor combat do include printed legs. These dark tan highlights are important because I think plain white would appear too bright, although I also like that colour choice for the torso. Once again, minor updates have been introduced here following the troopers released during 2019, but the helmet remains the same. Unfortunately, the second faces therefore remain partly visible from behind.
These minifigures feature different heads, ensuring suitable variety throughout the Rebel army. Both male head include alternative expressions and the reddish brown example is uncommon, only appearing twice before. Blaster rifles are also provided with a pair of macrobinoculars, but these figures lack backpacks which is surprising because the minifigure from 75322 Hoth AT-ST does wear a backpack.
The Completed Model
Three different kinds of weapon emplacement surround Echo Base, the lightest of which is the Mark II medium repeating blaster cannon. Two such weapons are present here, incorporating blaster accessories that create their supports. They look reasonable and I like the associated generator packs, which include printed 1x2 tiles and handles for minifigures to grip.
More famous than those lighter weapons is the 1.4 FD P-Tower, designed to destroy vehicles but outmatched by AT-ATs during the Battle of Hoth. Multiple versions of this turret have been produced and my favourites are definitely those from 75014 Battle of Hoth and 75259 Snowspeeder - 20th Anniversary Edition, which achieved fantastic accuracy. This rendition is simplified, but captures the important dish shape.
The snowy base looks good too, including four 2x3 rock elements. The handle on the reverse is suitably positioned for minifigures and another printed piece also appears. However, the laser cannon barrel seems disproportionately long and I cannot overlook the excellence of models from past sets, which surpass this design without needing significantly more pieces.
40557 Defence of Hoth complements the other Hoth-related sets beautifully, since they focus primarily upon Imperial forces. While the omission of backpacks seems strange, these three minifigures are impressive and I appreciate the variety between their torsos and heads, for assembling even more unique Hoth Rebel Troopers.
The turrets are enjoyable too, again complementing the aforementioned Imperial sets. Even though past renditions of the P-Tower have been more detailed and accurate than this model, the play value remains. The price of £13.49, $14.99 or €14.99 feels quite expensive since only three minifigures are provided, but I would recommend this set to accompany 75313 AT-AT, 75320 Snowtrooper Battle Pack or 75322 Hoth AT-ST.
This set was provided for review by The LEGO Group but the review represents an expression of my own opinions.
27 comments on this article
Mark II medium repeating blaster cannon and 1.4 FD P-Tower? Kudos to @CapnRex101, who knows his Star Wars!
I don’t build armies or anything but this looks like a great set to add some Hoth characters to my collection. Thanks for the review!
I'm surprised there aren't any Snowspeeders currently available from LEGO, that would go well with the big UCS AT-AT. Yes, yes, I know, everyone already has one of the many snowspeeders previously released, but guess what - I don't have one and I have to assume I'm not the only one missing a snowspeeder (and I don't want to spend ebay prices). I do actually have a the UCS Snowspeeder, but that is too big.
Nice set though - might have to get this when I eventually by the AT-AT, as well as a few trooper battle packs.
This is the “replace your stud shooters” parts pack.
I am always curious about how battle packs with the "good guys" sell vs. packs that feature the "bad guys." Our family is more into play than building large, screen accurate dioramas, and it's always more fun for the heroes to be outgunned and outnumbered. Consequently, we usually buy multiple packs of the various Imperial/First Order forces but rarely if every purchase the Rebel/Resistance packs.
Looks good, crazy they don't have the backpacks, something i didn't notice until this review though! Gonna grab this though, fits so well with the Hoth AT-ST. Might grab the snowtrooper pack as well but not sure yet
Not a lot of pieces, but the builds still look more useful than what we usually get in battle packs.
Looked at 75014 and for some reason the main product picture includes an extra figure not listed on the box? Any ideas guys? Anyways, great set review and actually one I consider picking up. Thanks @CapnRex101 !
Edit: one of the pictures Contains another eighth figure! It’s only a shadow, but appears to be a hoth trooper! What is going on?!
Rather than a repeat of a repeating cannon, a snowspeeder would have been preferred to race and have fun conflicts with the snowspeeder from the snowtropper battlepack?
Including three different heads is a nice touch, and I might buy an extra set or two to army build a variety of Hoth defenders and also to add more diverse heads to my minifigure parts bin.
@Goujon said:
"Looked at 75014 and for some reason the main product picture includes an extra figure not listed on the box? Any ideas guys? Anyways, great set review and actually one I consider picking up. Thanks @CapnRex101 !
Edit: one of the pictures Contains another eighth figure! It’s only a shadow, but appears to be a hoth trooper! What is going on?!"
Huh! The extra figure in main photo is just General Rieekan wearing a rebel trooper helmet. But as for the shadow figure... I don’t know! Maybe the same thing? Also, there are two Lukes!
@kolaxanthe said:
"I'm surprised there aren't any Snowspeeders currently available from LEGO, that would go well with the big UCS AT-AT. Yes, yes, I know, everyone already has one of the many snowspeeders previously released, but guess what - I don't have one and I have to assume I'm not the only one missing a snowspeeder (and I don't want to spend ebay prices). I do actually have a the UCS Snowspeeder, but that is too big.
Nice set though - might have to get this when I eventually by the AT-AT, as well as a few trooper battle packs."
Lego just retired the 4+ Snowspeeder very recently and the 20th ver. Right before that. We've had plenty of options in the last several years and I'm glad it's not taking up a product slot right now.
@SolidState said:
" @kolaxanthe said:
"I'm surprised there aren't any Snowspeeders currently available from LEGO, that would go well with the big UCS AT-AT. Yes, yes, I know, everyone already has one of the many snowspeeders previously released, but guess what - I don't have one and I have to assume I'm not the only one missing a snowspeeder (and I don't want to spend ebay prices). I do actually have a the UCS Snowspeeder, but that is too big.
Nice set though - might have to get this when I eventually by the AT-AT, as well as a few trooper battle packs."
Lego just retired the 4+ Snowspeeder very recently and the 20th ver. Right before that. We've had plenty of options in the last several years and I'm glad it's not taking up a product slot right now."
I will say that I own the 20th Anniversary one, and it is incredible. Despite its small size, it is easily one of my favorite sets. Hopefully they’ll make another one in the near future, but I understand the break. Too many of a good thing!
I might get 2 of both this and the SnowTrooper BP.
Great amount of weapons, sadly just 3 figs.
Sorry but this one won't be able to gather able dust at my place.
@Collector_Nonas said:
" @Goujon said:
"Looked at 75014 and for some reason the main product picture includes an extra figure not listed on the box? Any ideas guys? Anyways, great set review and actually one I consider picking up. Thanks @CapnRex101 !
Edit: one of the pictures Contains another eighth figure! It’s only a shadow, but appears to be a hoth trooper! What is going on?!"
Huh! The extra figure in main photo is just General Rieekan wearing a rebel trooper helmet. But as for the shadow figure... I don’t know! Maybe the same thing? Also, there are two Lukes!"
The shadow is strange!? I guess the two Lukes were to show both head prints? Odd to do it like that in one of their images though.
“The main guns are out of ammo! Quick, everyone grab one of the tripod legs and start shooting with it!”
I have been critical of the value of these 3-minifig packs, but whereas the Clone version of this set featured a significantly shrunken down command centre and a next-to-useless weapons rack, this one features three usable, passably movie-accurate gun turrets. Every time you buy one of these you're getting builds that can slot straight into your Hoth diorama. I also like that they haven't adapted them for children by adding bulky stud shooters. They also didn't waste pieces on a pile of snow or rocks like in 75320 or 75267. £13.50 is still a stretch, but I'm more comfortable paying for this set than the Clone one.
The blasters as legs on the canons are to make up for all the stud shooters that need replaced from other battle packs over the years XD
I definitely like the set overall, but I have a few minor gripes that ruin my excitement for it a bit.
Firstly, the lack of backpacks. It's an integral part of the costume design, and virtually every trooper in the film has one.
Second, the officer really needed to bring back the printed legs from Assault on Hoth, he looks so plain in comparison.
Thirdly, I really don't like the tan on white leg printing. The rebels pants and boots are much closer to grey than Lego's tan, and only the lower tunic is white. The old grey legs with the white skirt printing looked far better, and just needed improved print quality for the white.
All that being said, the rest of the set is pretty great. All the side builds are just as versatile and massable as the figures, and don't end up being filler parts. And the diversity amongst the minifigures is really nice to see. I love getting more generic head options for female and POC. I'll probably get at least two, but probably a lot more, despite my complaints. Hopefully the Snowtrooper pack has more good head varients, so that the those can be swapped onto the second set of rebels!
@TomKazutara said:
"Hm, now we get a lots of weapons, but less minifigs.
An very odd move from Lego."
I will be getting this set to add to my Star Wars minifig collection. Not a bad price either.
It wasn't too long ago people were whining that there was a black minifigure and a female minfigure in this pack saying "There weren't any in the battle of hoth"
So what were all the rebels apart from Leia and Chewie white males? Some people are stupid
These are battle packs right? I heard a rumour that this set and 40558 were both accessory packs like 40419. Also I think that the best AT-AT would be 75288 - just in my opinion. Fantastic review, as always!
@King_Cobra said:
"These are battle packs right? I heard a rumour that this set and 40558 were both accessory packs like 40419. Also I think that the best AT-AT would be 75288 - just in my opinion. Fantastic review, as always!"
These are accessory packs, but they serve essentially the same role as Battle Packs. I am unsure why LEGO decided to separate them from 75320 Snowtrooper Battle Pack.
@ForestMenOfEndor said:
"I am always curious about how battle packs with the "good guys" sell vs. packs that feature the "bad guys." Our family is more into play than building large, screen accurate dioramas, and it's always more fun for the heroes to be outgunned and outnumbered. Consequently, we usually buy multiple packs of the various Imperial/First Order forces but rarely if every purchase the Rebel/Resistance packs."
*rarely if ever
I wonder why the laser canon is small. It was bigger in the movie.