Random set of the day: Sidorak
Posted by Huwbot,Today's random set is 8756 Sidorak, released during 2005. It's one of 46 Bionicle sets produced that year. It contains 211 pieces, and its retail price was US$20/£14.99.
It's owned by 1,464 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.
18 comments on this article
A guy with a cool design and name, and one of the wimpiest personalities ever.
Web of Shadows, gotta love it. XD
This guy had cool gimmicks. The deploying blade on his left arm and the fact that he could close his right hand to hold his Rhotuka spinner in place were pretty fun.
Hey, look, he’s emerging from a Christmas portal.
What’s behind lore curtain number-1 ?
Looks like this guy’s groin parts are in good shape.
Sidorak is a decent Titan build, but I was never too fond of him. He was too spindly for my tastes.
Ah, Sidorak. Earlier this year I re-bought him after having accidentally sold him a few years ago. Worth it! He might not be the pinacle of Titan set design, but man was he fun.
By the way, if you're waiting for lore, I can give you a preview of Sidorak's arc and personality:
He's a simp for 8761 Roodaka.
I'm not making this up, I swear!
Throughout the arc he appeared in he wanted to marry her. Even though he was only made 'king of the visorak horde' because of something she achieved and he took the credit for whilst she was given a lower rank to serve under him. For the rest of his story Roodaka plays him like a fiddle, dangling the prospect of marriage in front of him and blatantly using him to actually get things done through his power over the visorak. Which he is too stupid to use competently himself. That is, of course... until she betrays him by basically letting him fight his own battle for once, which he can't and thus he died.
What a guy.
This story was strange even for Bionicle's standards
@Binnekamp said:
"Ah, Sidorak. Earlier this year I re-bought him after having accidentally sold him a few years ago. Worth it! He might not be the pinacle of Titan set design, but man was he fun.
By the way, if you're waiting for lore, I can give you a preview of Sidorak's arc and personality:
He's a simp for 8761 Roodaka.
I'm not making this up, I swear!
Throughout the arc he appeared in he wanted to marry her. Even though he was only made 'king of the visorak horde' because of something she achieved and he took the credit for whilst she was given a lower rank to serve under him. For the rest of his story Roodaka plays him like a fiddle, dangling the prospect of marriage in front of him and blatantly using him to actually get things done through his power over the visorak. Which he is too stupid to use competently himself. That is, of course... until she betrays him by basically letting him fight his own battle for once, which he can't and thus he died.
What a guy.
This story was strange even for Bionicle's standards"
"so your saying love has blinded you?"
I forgot to check in earlier so I'll keep lore fast tonight.
Sidorak was the king of the Visorak horde, an army of spiders used by the Brotherhood of Makuta to conquer lands. He lead the spiders with the help of his Viceroy, Roodaka.
After the Great Cataclysm the Visorak horde was sent to Metru Nui to occupy the city. Once there the Visorak mutated the Toa Metru into the Toa Hordika (half Toa, half beast.) The Toa Hordika then went on a quest to find the legendary Keetongu, a Rahi who could heal any ailment.
Eventually the Toa found Keetongu and he agreed to heal them of their mutation if they helped fend the Visorak off the island, leading to a fight in the Colosseum. During the fight Sidorak used his weapon to blast Keetongu off the Colosseum's central tower, causing him to fall several stories. Sidorak and Roodaka then descended to finish off the beast.
Once at the Colosseum floor Sidorak offered Roodaka the killing blow (likely fearful of approaching the ten foot tall ape.) But Roodaka refused and simply walked away. While Sidorak begged her to return and help him finish the fight Keetongu got back on his feet and smashed Sidorak into the floor with his mighty fists, killing the King.
Sidorak was consistently depicted as a cowardly and self absorbed ruler, talking a big game about the Visorak's conquests but rarely raising a finger in actual battle. Roodaka on the other hand was a cunning and vicious assassin, who would often manipulate Sidorak's ego to get her way. Roodaka's ultimate goal was to take over and become Queen of the Visorak, and while she would eventually get Sidorak out of the way her rule over the horde was short lived when the Toa Hordika won the battle at the Colosseum.
"Roodaka my queen what can I do for you?"
"Roodaka you want me to stand over here?"
"Roodaka are you sure this is right?"
*Giant one eyed monkey about to crush him to death.*
Dang it GSR! I can never beat you to to lore dump!
Sidorak hailed from the island of Stelt, which was inhabited by several different species that constituted different societal tiers. Sidorak came from the upper class, but was always looking for a chance to advance his own position. At one point he attempted to join the Dark Hunters, but washed out and returned to his homeland. Despite this, he later got into the good graces of the Brotherhood of Makuta, possibly by enabling them to secure his clan leader Voporak as a guinea pig for experiments that would create a being capable of tracking down the Mask of Time. Ironically, Sidorak benefited the Dark Hunters in doing this, as Voporak was later turned over to them for training only to end up loyal to that organization instead of the Makuta.
Sidorak found himself in fairly constant competition with Roodaka the Vortixx, while also trying to secure an alliance with her so as to gain standing in her powerful homeland of Stelt. The pair were involved with the Visorak horde, and their presence among the spider-like beasts helped expose the Brotherhood’s involvement with the Visorak to the Toa Hagah led by Norik. These Hagah were later mutated into the hideous Rahaga by Roodaka, but Sidorak-in a moment of mixed genius and idiocy-took credit for the idea. He was thus made king of the Visorak horde, while the embittered Roodaka was appointed as his viceroy.
Sidorak led the horde for some time, conquering a number of lands and, according to various sources, wiping out every member but one of the two Rahi species that produced Keetongu and Krahka. Eventually, Sidorak was summoned to Metru Nui following the Great Cataclysm and the imprisonment of Makuta Teridax. By this point, Sidorak not only still harbored deluded hopes of an alliance with Roodaka, but was beginning to contemplate the even more outlandish goal of usurping Makuta’s role as master of shadows.
For all his accomplishments, Sidorak lacked subtlety, and failed to recognize that Roodaka was plotting to overthrow him. When the Toa Metru, newly returned to Metru Nui, were captured, Sidorak was all for executing them immediately. However, Roodaka, seeking a means of freeing Makuta, played upon Sidorak’s vanity and ambition and convinced him to allow them to undergo mutation into Hordika. Both were unpleasantly surprised when the now bestial Toa were rescued by the Rahaga, who had continued their war against the Visorak from the shadows despite their own transformation.
Eager to put an end to this threat, Sidorak went out into the field, leaving Roodaka free to continue plotting against him unobserved. At her suggestion he summoned the monstrous Zivon to Metru Nui, in the hopes that it’s rampage would flush out his enemies. However, the ensuing battle saw numerous Visorak killed and a defensive tower lost to the Toa Hordika. Though Sidorak possessed a Rhotuka launcher and could command the Visorak with his Herding Blade, he was not known to have employed either tool during this battle.
Some time later, Roodaka presented a disgruntled Vakama to Sidorak as a potential commander for the Visorak horde. Though Vakama had brought along five of the Rahaga as captives to demonstrate his worth, Sidorak was skeptical. When Roodaka proposed that Vakama could be used to capture his fellow Hordika to be trained as additional commanders, he accepted. Sidorak thus introduced Vakama to the horde as their commander, unaware that he had effectively rendered himself of no further use to Roodaka.
Much to the villains’ surprise, the other Hordika soon arrived to challenge the horde, and were accompanied by the legendary Keetongu. Roodaka insisted that it was Sidorak’s place to face the beast, and despite his obvious fears he agreed to attack Keetongu to save face with Roodaka. His blasts of power proved ineffective, and it fell to Roodaka to blast Keetongu from the side of the Coliseum. Seeing Keetongu stunned but still living, Sidorak offered the killing blow to Roodaka, only for her to turn and leave.
Faced with a barely harmed but very
I own two of this guy, but never particularly cared about him. I always thought the build was very awkward strangely built. And unlike the other Titan villain of this year, Rhoodaka, the custom head design doesn't really work for this one.
He is a pretty pathetic character in the story too.
All those dark red recolors we got from it are nice though.
Can someone please tell my why only the news section of my Brick By Brick app is working?
I have not seen this since I was 13 at the oldest, but still all I thought when I saw this guy just now was
There’s another twelve days of Advent to go. You could always do a second round.
@MCLegoboy said:
"A guy with a cool design and name, and one of the wimpiest personalities ever.
Web of Shadows, gotta love it. XD"
Isn’t it only Web if Shadows that gives him the personality of a doormat? Never read the books but what I remember of the comics Sidorak was a fairly capable military commander and a bit of a hardass who fed mutinous Visorak to his pet interdimensional giant scorpion. Web of Shadows just had to drop the subtlety so people would get Roodaka’s manipulations more
@Brickalili said:
"Isn’t it only Web if Shadows that gives him the personality of a doormat? Never read the books but what I remember of the comics Sidorak was a fairly capable military commander and a bit of a hardass who fed mutinous Visorak to his pet interdimensional giant scorpion. Web of Shadows just had to drop the subtlety so people would get Roodaka’s manipulations more "
I think his competency is more of an informed ability than anything else; even in the books, he comes across as a bit slow on the uptake - such as when an even larger beast throws said interdimensional giant scorpion at him, and his first response it simply to wonder when it had learned to fly... and he only caught on that it *hadn't* once it was far too late for him to avoid the impact. He's reputed as an effective commander, but described as always relying on overwhelming force and having no use for subtlety.
That said, characterization aside, I've always liked Sidorak as a set. I enjoyed the way he has a 'long and lanky' type build, a rarity amongst Bionicle titans who generally are more bulky, and his pop-out blade and loosely-swinging arm were fun features. I thought his face, with its breath-mask kind of look, was a pretty novel design too.
Though I have to admit, I can never quite see the Bohrok eye pieces as his eyes in this case; my mind *ALWAYS* reads his eyes as the empty eye-holes in the Toa Metru head instead, and interprets the Bohrok parts as just being decorative.
@ThatBionicleGuy said:
" @Brickalili said:
"Isn’t it only Web if Shadows that gives him the personality of a doormat? Never read the books but what I remember of the comics Sidorak was a fairly capable military commander and a bit of a hardass who fed mutinous Visorak to his pet interdimensional giant scorpion. Web of Shadows just had to drop the subtlety so people would get Roodaka’s manipulations more "
I think his competency is more of an informed ability than anything else; even in the books, he comes across as a bit slow on the uptake - such as when an even larger beast throws said interdimensional giant scorpion at him, and his first response it simply to wonder when it had learned to fly... and he only caught on that it *hadn't* once it was far too late for him to avoid the impact. He's reputed as an effective commander, but described as always relying on overwhelming force and having no use for subtlety.
That said, characterization aside, I've always liked Sidorak as a set. I enjoyed the way he has a 'long and lanky' type build, a rarity amongst Bionicle titans who generally are more bulky, and his pop-out blade and loosely-swinging arm were fun features. I thought his face, with its breath-mask kind of look, was a pretty novel design too.
Though I have to admit, I can never quite see the Bohrok eye pieces as his eyes in this case; my mind *ALWAYS* reads his eyes as the empty eye-holes in the Toa Metru head instead, and interprets the Bohrok parts as just being decorative."
The Bohrok eyes to me look like some kind of approximation of the visor that he has in front of his eyes in the movie.