Random set of the day: Goalkeeper Training
Posted by Huwbot,Today's random set is 1429 Goalkeeper Training, released during 2002. It's one of 43 Sports sets produced that year. It contains 23 pieces and 1 minifig.
It's owned by 185 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.
18 comments on this article
If you keep kicking a ball at the Dejarik table, you'll ruin the game and then you'll have to face the wrath of Chewbacca! You just have to let the wookiee win, you don't need to cheat and break the board.
Poor little goal keeper. I guess he was picked last, right?
Seems quite ineffetcive to train a goalie at kicking the ball at a target, rather than actually keeping the ball out of the goal.
It seems that after the Rock Raiders disbanded, Sparks for some reason decided to become a goalkeeper and start wearing backwards caps.
@Monopoly said: "It seems that after the Rock Raiders disbanded, Sparks for some reason decided to become a goalkeeper and start wearing backwards caps."
You can't raid rocks forever.
I hear the rock raiding market hit rock bottom after a while.
Things got really rocky.
I can keep going? Or should I just go? I'm gonna leave.
@Monopoly said:
"It seems that after the Rock Raiders disbanded, Sparks for some reason decided to become a goalkeeper and start wearing backwards caps."
Was this before or after Sparks' career as a Hollywood stuntman (1356) and actor in various movies, including Jurassic Park III (1371) and Spiderman (1376)?
I swear I'm not one of *those* people, but at first, I read "goatkeeper" ;-)
@pgremeau said:
"I swear I'm not one of *those* people, but at first, I read "goatkeeper" ;-)"
It's important to keep your goats safe and maintained!
And here I thought it was a catapult. That would be an effective goalie training routine, right?
How exactly does this train goalkeepers? It seems like more of a target training kind of setup to me.
I realise my knowledge of football isn’t the greatest but shouldn’t a goalkeeper be practicing at catching the ball from the catapult not kicking it at the catapult? You’re the one guy who can use your hands, practice using your hands!
Dude! What did Budget R2 do to you that you’re kicking the ball right into his face?
@Norikins said:
"Seems quite ineffetcive to train a goalie at kicking the ball at a target, rather than actually keeping the ball out of the goal."
Well, they used to practice with that goalie in the goal and the players kicking it at his face, but he got too many concussions, and some legal issues arose, and now the goalie’s just confused and vengeful.
@Monopoly said:
"It seems that after the Rock Raiders disbanded, Sparks for some reason decided to become a goalkeeper and start wearing backwards caps."
It gets even more interesting; he also somehow played as goalkeeper for two opposing teams at the same time and in the same game, in such sets as 3421! Whether Sparks cloned himself, had an identical twin we didn't know about, or some other crazy sorcery was going on... well, we may never know.
On a different note, I suppose the aim of the training in this set is that he kicks it at the thingy, which rebounds it back at him so he can practice deflecting it? It doesn't look like the most efficient set-up for that, but I suppose there's only so many ways you can practice goalkeeping on your own and he's making the best he can of it!
If you train this way you'll never reach the level of Scott Sterling. The man! The myth! The Lego euh .... Legend!
I wonder why all lego football (or soccer?) sets don't have a decent photo...
@WizardOfOss said:
"If you train this way you'll never reach the level of Scott Sterling. The man! The myth! The Lego euh .... Legend!"
@MeisterDad said:
" @WizardOfOss said:
"If you train this way you'll never reach the level of Scott Sterling. The man! The myth! The Lego euh .... Legend!"
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8F9jXYOH2c0 "
Straight in the schnoz!