Random set of the day: Blondi the Pig and Taxi Station
Posted by Huwbot,Today's random set is 338 Blondi the Pig and Taxi Station, released during 1979. It's one of 15 Fabuland sets produced that year. It contains 37 pieces and 1 minifig.
It's owned by 226 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.
38 comments on this article
Hmm, no patrons...
No other drivers...
Blondi's not even Blond...
There's more happening in Fabuland than they're leading on...
(=_= ) Hmm...
Almost certain this was one of the few sets I mother had as a child. I remember seeing the parts at my Grandparents house.
It would be cool if we got a proper taxi station as a regular System set .(eg City, modular buildings etc.)
@MCLegoboy: And Blondi's name isn't even alliterative! Indeed, something is rotten in the state of Den, er, Fabuland.
At least there is an absence of giant stickers over several parts.
Oh, wait…
Yeah, I'm gonna need some more context for Blondi the hairless pig.
Taxi's eyes have gone all googly! Guess this is where pork chops come from...
"No this is Patrick"
Patrick not Blondi. Why some countries have him with that silly name I don't know.
He is Patrick Pig.
"One way, or another, she's gonna find ya
She's gonna get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya"
In her taxi.
Blondi is a very mafia name.
Why do the cab headlights look 'derpy'?
That taxi station has no wall on the opposite side! I don't expect it to be fully enclosed, but it's weird that the wall that is missing is the wall right next to the door and not the wall opposite to the door.
@madforLEGO: Well, in fairness (or 'fareness':)) it has been working 10 hour double-shifts for just over a week...
As to 'the name thing', I kind of figured that the character had more than one...but "Blondi" is so weird a name...why not "Curly"? Could apply to the character's tail...:)
“Blondi” is Patrick’s stripper name.
Where's Dagwood?
“Fabuland Five Freddy told me everybody's fly
DJ spinnin' I said, "My my"
Fabuland is fast, Fabuland is cool”
From Fabture by Blondi
Earlier Fabuland sets are still cute but can't get past the crudeness of the shoebox buildings.
Pretty sure Blondi Pig is a craft ale
Also, that taxi looks an awful lot like a prison transport vehicle, but someone has hastily painted the world "TaXi" over the signage to fool people.
Fabuland was hardcore.
Fabuland got some mileage out of that vehicle design didn’t they? It’s just the ambulance out of 347-3 resprayed, or the police van from 350-3 in disguise…
I'm sure most buyers went for the more interesting service station 134-2, where these are the only two sets which have the long garage box with missing wall. A bit disconcerting that the taxi cab is a yellow painted police prisoner transport van 3643. Guess this stops passengers running away before paying the fare.
So I guess this is the Fabuland equivalent of Uber. 'Oinker' perhaps?
@ambr said:
"I'm sure most buyers went for the more interesting service station 134-2 , where these are the only two sets which have the long garage box with missing wall. A bit disconcerting that the taxi cab is a yellow painted police prisoner transport van 3643 . Guess this stops passengers running away before paying the fare."
It's a luxurious landaulet body style! You vulgar grounddwellers have no idea of class!
Saw RSotD was Fabuland, went straight to comments, wasn't disappointed :)
Could easily win an Ideas set submission on the name alone
Something about the pig being called Blondi makes me laugh
You mean Dagwud?
They all end up at the butcher shop, regardless of what’s painted on the side. @CCC gets it…
@PurpleDave said:
" @phi13:
You mean Dagwud?
They all end up at the butcher shop, regardless of what’s painted on the side. @CCC gets it…"
Wait for it, Fabuland minifigs CAN actually hold weapons from the Star Wars line!
@Zordboy said:
"Also, that taxi looks an awful lot like a prison transport vehicle, but someone has hastily painted the world "TaXi" over the signage to fool people.
Fabuland was hardcore."
It reminds me of the Child Catcher's cart from Chitty-Chitty Bang Bang. You enter thinking it's one thing, (a mobile candy shop or, in this case, a taxi) and then they close the door, the fake sides fall down, and you're trapped in a a cage! Off to the King's castle / Lionel's Lions prison complex with you for eternal imprisonment!
Also, can we talk about the windows ? What kind of bananas builder looked at it and thought, "Eh, straight enough"?
Great set!! The biggest fabuland set i had as a kid. Still love the car!!
We had this one. Sadly the big blue box did not survive the 80’s, it eventually broke. I still have the tree, however.
I have a couple of Fabuland in my original collection.
In the Canadian instructions for this set he is called Peter Pig. I still have this set, Fabuland is awesome!
I miss Fabuland!
@PeterPan said:
"Also, can we talk about the windows ? What kind of bananas builder looked at it and thought, "Eh, straight enough"?"
Bananas Builder should have been an actual Fabuland character.
@ineedabrick said:
"I miss Fabuland!"
I missed Fabuland.
@PDelahanty said:
"That taxi station has no wall on the opposite side! I don't expect it to be fully enclosed, but it's weird that the wall that is missing is the wall right next to the door and not the wall opposite to the door."
All the Fabuland modules were built the same, with an open large face. No matter we had a garage door on a small side, or door and windows on the front. Better access, so better playability for the kids, I guess :)