Random set of the day: Deep Sea Striker
Posted by Huwbot,Today's random set is 8076 Deep Sea Striker, released during 2010. It's one of 19 Atlantis sets produced that year. It contains 260 pieces and 1 minifig, and its retail price was US$19.99/£20.99.
It's owned by 3,375 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.
24 comments on this article
Spoopy Sea Bug two weeks early for Halloween.
If this is Atlantis, then where is Milo Thatch and Commander Rourke's team of adventurers? Or some actual Atlantean citizens? What about the iconic Shepard's Journal that got them to Atlantis in the first place? I mean, if you're gonna make a set about a Disney film, do it right! (at least the Atlantean Scorpion-machine is plausible, according to the lore)
2/10 stars. Scorpion 'bot is only redeeming factor, and it's not even the right color scheme.
Oh, how I wish I'd gotten more of the Atlantis sets. I like his little scooter, looks like an underwater version of the STAP from Star Wars.
That tiny submersible stands no chance against that huge scorpion.
Loved this set as a kid :)
@TheOtherMike I wish I knew the real name of said STAP-like device
At first glance, I thought this was some Blacktron set I forgot about.
Disney forgot to include Captain Nemo and the Nautilus. If they were going to make an unlicensed knock-off of Jules Verne’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, that’s a pretty big omission.
Nonsense! It can saw the tail off with that…circular thing that’s…not very blade-like. Um…it has two single-shot harpoon guns. If it can shoot the scorpion in all…six(?) of its eyes…well, Deadpool would certainly be proud of the attempt. Yeah, his best bet is to find a tiny hole to hide in, and hope that something just as dangerous hasn’t taken up refuge there already.
Looks cool but the stickers were a pain to get on right.
I’m sad I slept on this theme. That temple set looked amazing.
Used to own this one, so I'm in the process of tracking it down. I remember it being a terrible seller at the time and I got it for 50% off back in 2011.
To be honest I hope to be able to get it for the exact same amount and not much more.
The legs don't move. The head doesn't move. But the tail, claws and arms do move. Oh, and the teeth. That's about it. It has a weird double stinger that may or may not be a lobster's tail, which can sting to the sides of the head with the gear.
And the scooter is small but nice. It might outrun it.
@PurpleDave that's an Atlantis treasure key. All five are used on the portal of Atlantis set.
I had it but I traded for some other set. Atlantis sets sure do leave a mark in your memory. I still have parts of some other smaller Atlantis sets in my parts bin.
Bit where are the Deep Sea Defenders and Deep Sea Goalkeeper? C’mon Atlantis, at least give us a proper five-a-side
I'm like, 99% sure I owned this set, but it isn't marked as owned in my collection. Gonna have to do some digging and see if I can find it. If so, this may be the first time the ROSD showed me a set I own that I forgot to mark as such here on brickset.
Aquanauts, Alpha Team, Aqua Raiders, Atlantis. Deep Sea themes weren't my most favorite, but they were cool nonetheless.
Still own it along with at least half of the year 1 sets. Trying to get rid of most if them due to space issues (sigh…) but not this one! It might be the most unsettling thing I have in my collection (though the barraki are similarly creepy). I know it’s barely articulated but it still looks lively as heck, those legs especially are just too crawly even though they have absolutely zero movement. It’s also worth mentioning that the whole set rests on the six tips of the legs which, surprisingly, distribute the weight near-perfectly. Quite a feat if you ask me.
@peterlmorris: Since the scorpion's legs are apparently not articulated at all, it should be simplicity itself to outrun.
Eh. Probably one of the weaker Atlantean monsters... but that scooter is kind of cute.
Nobody ever said they own everything. They just own 40% of everything, which should have triggered alarms at the FTC when they made an offer on Fox. All they were told to do was sell a single sports channel. Now the other side of that concern is that WB could end up trying to own the same amount, and it’ll be a shame if the FTC drops the hammer on them and doesn’t say a word to Disney.
Man, Atlantis was awesome. I was the perfect age to be the target demographic for that series, and I have probably 6 or 7 sets, including this one. 7984-1 was the first "big" set I bought on my own. Those diver minifigures still look great by today's standards, and the sets had a ton of great parts that still frequently make it into my mocs today.
This was my first Atlantis set, brings back good memories! I still have the scorpion, I use it with a lot of my unique underwater creatures! It's strange in design, but in a good way!
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@liamastill said:
"Do you take donations, or thought about asking for donations to reduce the amount of ads on the website?"
If you are logged in, the ads disappear. If you aren't, you have to make do... that's why staying logged in is a good thing!
Just imagine if that orange was another colour. Like Trans neon green/white.
I thought I was pretty familiar with the Atlantis wave of sets. I have absolutely no recollection of this one.