Random set of the day: Christmas Tree Truck

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Christmas Tree Truck

Christmas Tree Truck

©2013 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 40083 Christmas Tree Truck, released during 2013. It's one of 22 Creator sets produced that year. It contains 118 pieces and 1 minifig.

It's owned by 5,725 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.

53 comments on this article

By in United States,

And "Not Santa" will deliver it to you!

By in Norway,

The GWP vibe is strong with this one.

By in Romania,

Never too early to prepare for the season of giving!

By in United States,

@axeleng said:
"The GWP vibe is strong with this one."

Indeed, this was a Winter Village “adjacent” GWP*, from one of the first years when they offered two Christmas GWPs. The matching set was 40082. Given how slowly the WV theme is built up, I know I’m not alone in thinking it would be cool if every Christmas GWP was designed to serve as a WV accessory like these can.

* I don’t know if this was intentional, or pure coincidence, but these two along with 3300014 and 40107 do seem tailor-made to fill in a WV scene.

By in United States,

Wow… that was 10 years ago? Great set both then and now, but I’m surprised it’s been that long!

By in United States,

What is happening! First the stunt plan and now this?!
Where are all these unknown 2013 sets coming from?!

By in United States,

I don't know about you all, but that tree seems pretty small for one that gets delivered via small town pickup truck.

By in Canada,

oh, i love this little set. it’s pretty much the only normal car i have, so it takes pride of place in my little casual life ninjago display.

By in United States,

I feel like this is giving off strong Hallmark vibes from this "Christmas Truck".

By in New Zealand,

What a lovely little set. Now that we have dark green trees we can we get a new version of this?

By in United Kingdom,

Delightful little GWP, pre-empting 10290-1

By in United States,

@Harmonious_Building said:
"Never too early to prepare for the season of giving! "

Yes, it can be: I've heard of / seen Christmas decorations in stores in August / late July. Don't forget Thanksgiving and (to a lesser extent) Halloween get preempted by the big fat guy in a red / white suit breaking and entering people's homes while drinking a Coca-Cola. Don't make all the other holidays hate Christmas too.... remember, the Fourth of July has a bunch of firework of questionable origin / legality and Uncle Sam is just itching to strap ol' Santa to the biggest one with a lit fuse.

By in United States,

I have a coworker who, last year, started whistling _just_ the first line to We Wish You a Merry Christmas sometime around March, I think. This year, he just never stopped, so that's basically been a full rolling 12 months, with the only breaks being when either he or I take time off.

By in United States,

I found the instructions for this at Bricks and Minifigures and built it from bulk. I’m only missing the minifigure’s torso. As a non-Christian, the Winter Village sets don’t really appeal to me, but I loved the early 20th century look of this pickup truck so I built it and now own it.

By in Australia,

@PurpleDave said: "I have a coworker who, last year, started whistling _just_ the first line to We Wish You a Merry Christmas sometime around March, I think. This year, he just never stopped, so that's basically been a full rolling 12 months, with the only breaks being when either he or I take time off."

... and you haven't threatened him with violence?

By in Australia,

@Librarian1976 said:
"I found the instructions for this at Bricks and Minifigures and built it from bulk. I’m only missing the minifigure’s torso. As a non-Christian, the Winter Village sets don’t really appeal to me, but I loved the early 20th century look of this pickup truck so I built it and now own it."

Glad you like the vintage truck! I am curious though why your faith (or lack of) affects your choice for buying WV sets? There's no WV church. Lights and pine trees can be related to the Christian celebration of Christ-Mass, but don't have to be. The Winter Village (whether at Christmas or not) is basically just a nice small European alpine village in the interwar years. I personally like to think of it as Christmas, but for you couldn't it just be a village in winter time? Perhaps you can remove the snow, swap baseplates and just make a nice village scene?
You don't have to like WV sets, I'm just curious.

By in Turkey,

I love this set. I actually tried to build it with my spares but I didn't have enough fenders. Later on I managed to build the truck in 10222: Winter Village Post Office, which is equally nostalgic.

By in Australia,

@Lego_lord said:
"I love this set. I actually tried to build it with my spares but I didn't have enough fenders. Later on I managed to build the truck in 10222: Winter Village Post Office, which is equally nostalgic."

Yes both are great and unfortunately those arch pieces are quite rare! (in various realistic colours). The majority of the dark grey ones for example come from WV sets. Really wish Lego made more vintage vehicles!!

By in United States,

Just found a half-disassembled one of these in a bin I was sorting last night. Lovely little set!

By in United States,

I know a Jewish family whose oldest daughter had a bat mitzvah, but also collects all the SW Advent Calendars, so Christmas has been fairly secularized at this point. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s celebrated by more non-Christians than Christians these days.

By in United States,

@Zordboy said:
"... and you haven't threatened him with violence? "

Such things are frowned upon, and grounds for immediate termination, which would put a serious crimp on my LEGO budget.

By in United States,

I parted this set together for a Brickset Secret Santa forum member. I'll miss the forum when it goes away.

By in Australia,

This would have been better to have been the set of the day last christmas, rather than what we actually got. A bit late/early for this Huwbot!

By in Denmark,

I am getting old. Remember this set, and do not feel it is 10 years ago

By in United States,

@MCLegoboy said:
"And "Not Santa" will deliver it to you!"

Kind of looks like George Lucas.

By in Netherlands,

Recently came across this one again when looking through the 2013 creator database. Some of those sets don't feel that long ago whilst others do. This was one of the former ones.

At the time I didn't like it very much because it's yet another truck amidst a never ending sea of them. But as others have pointed out above it's a nicely vintage looking one at least.

By in United Kingdom,

I’d suggest the truck could be used for anything but I’m not sure the driver would approve

By in Australia,

@PurpleDave said: "Such things are frowned upon, and grounds for immediate termination, which would put a serious crimp on my LEGO budget."

If I was your boss and I asked why and you replied with, "Christmas carols in March"?

Not only would I not fire you, I'd promote you.

By in United States,

Shame the tree wasn't one of those dual-molded ones that looks like there's snow on it. Or were those just the bigger tree, and if not, did they have those in 2013? I can't remember.

@PurpleDave said:
" @Librarian1976:
I know a Jewish family whose oldest daughter had a bat mitzvah, but also collects all the SW Advent Calendars, so Christmas has been fairly secularized at this point. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s celebrated by more non-Christians than Christians these days."

Exactly what I was thinking. I'd be more inclined to think of Easter as a Christian holiday, because it hasn't been secularized as much.

@Zoniax: He can hang out with not-Steven Spielberg from the Studios line. Hmmm, maybe their collaboration is where Adventurers (A.K.A. Not-Indiana Jones) came from?

By in United Kingdom,

@PurpleDave said:
"Such things are frowned upon, and grounds for immediate termination"

Applies equally to carols in March, methinks.

By in Germany,

Ah, there's nothing better than having a little christmasy reminders in spring (well, actually, July would be even better :).

It's a great little truck independent of Christmas trees...

By in South Africa,

Am I wrong or backwards in thinking this 10 year old Creator set is far more appealing and a better design than most of the City sets from the last 2 years?

By in Netherlands,

@Zordboy said:
" @PurpleDave said: "Such things are frowned upon, and grounds for immediate termination, which would put a serious crimp on my LEGO budget."

If I was your boss and I asked why and you replied with, "Christmas carols in March"?

Not only would I not fire you, I'd promote you. "

I had one such co-worker. My solution was to play "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas" back at him, at 200% volume and 25% speed. Attack me if you dare, I will crush you.

By in United Kingdom,

A brick built tree like 30186 would have being more interesting, but would probably need a bigger truck.

By in France,

I have this set, I love it ! A cute GWP, I love when we get an unique kind of vehicle as a gift

By in United States,

Oh, @Huw, something I forgot to mention in my last comment: this set doesn't have the GWP tag.

By in United Kingdom,

@PurpleDave said:
" @Murdoch17:
I have a coworker who, last year, started whistling _just_ the first line to We Wish You a Merry Christmas sometime around March, I think. This year, he just never stopped, so that's basically been a full rolling 12 months, with the only breaks being when either he or I take time off."

I'll raise you - I woke up with 'Once Upon a Long Ago' by Paul McCartney stuck in my head.. and it just wont go, even if I sing it out loud - and yes, I'm surprised that I know some of the lyrics too.

As for the truck - I like it. Trucks can be used all year round right?

By in United Kingdom,

I've literally built it this week! Such a nice little set.

By in Netherlands,

New for 2023 : Christmas Tree Tractor : 60390

And of course 41707: Tree-Planting Vehicle was meant to move Trees as well.

By in United States,

@CCC said:
" @MCLegoboy said:
"And "Not Santa" will deliver it to you!"

Santa delivers Christmas presents, not Christmas trees."

Sure he does! Don’t you remember? He delivered one after taking it out for repairs, because there was a light that wouldn’t light on one side. He might have been a little under the weather, though, because he looked about as green as the tree.

We’re not tied to desks, so it’s easier to just not spend time near him.

I don’t think you understand. He whistles, loudly, just “We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.” And then he starts over. Usually he falls off that and starts alternating between On Broadway and occasionally a third song that I can’t even remember because he’s been stuck on the same Christmas song for a solid year. And I have another coworker who alternates between whistling the Andy Griffith theme song, the Waltons theme song, a sampler of various emergency vehicle sirens, and singing about being a “lineman for the county”.

By in United States,

@PurpleDave said:
" @CCC said:
" @MCLegoboy said:
"And "Not Santa" will deliver it to you!"

Santa delivers Christmas presents, not Christmas trees."

Sure he does! Don’t you remember? He delivered one after taking it out for repairs, because there was a light that wouldn’t light on one side. He might have been a little under the weather, though, because he looked about as green as the tree.

We’re not tied to desks, so it’s easier to just not spend time near him.

I don’t think you understand. He whistles, loudly, just “We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.” And then he starts over. Usually he falls off that and starts alternating between On Broadway and occasionally a third song that I can’t even remember because he’s been stuck on the same Christmas song for a solid year. And I have another coworker who alternates between whistling the Andy Griffith theme song, the Waltons theme song, a sampler of various emergency vehicle sirens, and singing about being a “lineman for the county”."

Your coworkers have... interesting tastes in music. I mean songs are one thing, but thinking the police are coming to get you because some guy just REALLY likes sirens everyday should be grounds for a complaint. There has to be something in the rules somewhere about all of this...

(The last song you mentioned is "Wichita Lineman", by the way.)

By in Netherlands,

I liked that co-worker just fine. Nice guy to be around, friendly, reliable, good sense of humour. Terrible sense of music, worse sense of timing, no sense of decorum. I think he genuinely enjoyed "All I Want Is To Drive Home For Last Christmas In Frightfully Weather (Which Is Cold Outside)" or any of those other sonic irritants, and while I myself am of course the very picture of mirth and good cheer, I do have my limits.

There is another way, another solution, and that is to find an even more powerful earworm.

Allow me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svnhHFtYsnU

By in United States,

@Ridgeheart: I'll raise: Everything is awesome. Or Catchy Song. This song's gonna get stuck inside your head...

By in United States,

@TheOtherMike said:
" @Ridgeheart: I'll raise: Everything is awesome. Or Catchy Song. This song's gonna get stuck inside your head..."

Congratulations, it is now, in fact, stuck inside my head.

By in United States,

@Brickchap said:
" @Librarian1976 said:
"I found the instructions for this at Bricks and Minifigures and built it from bulk. I’m only missing the minifigure’s torso. As a non-Christian, the Winter Village sets don’t really appeal to me, but I loved the early 20th century look of this pickup truck so I built it and now own it."

Glad you like the vintage truck! I am curious though why your faith (or lack of) affects your choice for buying WV sets? There's no WV church. Lights and pine trees can be related to the Christian celebration of Christ-Mass, but don't have to be. The Winter Village (whether at Christmas or not) is basically just a nice small European alpine village in the interwar years. I personally like to think of it as Christmas, but for you couldn't it just be a village in winter time? Perhaps you can remove the snow, swap baseplates and just make a nice village scene?
You don't have to like WV sets, I'm just curious."

I actually like them a lot and think that they are beautiful sets. They just don't appeal to my interests as someone who doesn't celebrate Christmas (but very much enjoys the season of Christmas that surrounds me each year). My LEGO budget is limited, so given the choice between a modular building and a winter village building, I'm choosing the modular building. Interestingly enough, I did collect all of the Christmas-themed Minifigures from Series 23, but that had more to do with my CMF completionist tendencies and the lower price threshold for those items.

I agree that if you take away the "frosting" some of these are mainly just "a nice small European alpine village in the interwar years." But there are a lot of Santas and Elves, which--secularized as they may be--are still deeply associated with a holiday that is not mine. I'm just not the target audience, which is totally fine. I'm not the target audience for Monkey Kid either. I'm glad they have their audience.

By in United States,

One of the sirens is the “bee-doo bee-doo” that one of the Minions emulates. I associate that one with Europe. I’ve certainly never heard it in the US. I’ve also never heard a police siren in the US that cycles through different sounds every 1-2 seconds.

And as for that song, it’s all Queasy Listening in my book.

By in United States,

@CCC said:
" @MCLegoboy said:
"And "Not Santa" will deliver it to you!"

Santa delivers Christmas presents, not Christmas trees."

I'm not sure in what cultures he does, or maybe it's individual family traditions, but Santa has been known to deliver a tree or two in addition to presents.

By in United States,

2013 was right in the depths of my "no money = no LEGO" and "no time = no time on LEGO sites" years, so it's probably not too surprising I've never seen this set before, that I can recall. It's cute, though--I'm absolutely tempted to construct one of my own, and the parts look pretty easy for that.

By in United Kingdom,

@CCC said:
" @MCLegoboy said:
"And "Not Santa" will deliver it to you!"
Santa delivers Christmas presents, not Christmas trees."

That's only on Christmas night.
For the rest of December....

He's a lumberjack and he's OK
He sleeps all night and he works all day
He cuts down trees, he eats his lunch
He goes to the lavatory
On Wednesdays he goes shopping and has buttered scones for tea.

By in United States,

@sjr60 said:
" @CCC said:
" @MCLegoboy said:
"And "Not Santa" will deliver it to you!"
Santa delivers Christmas presents, not Christmas trees."

That's only on Christmas night.
For the rest of December....

He's a lumberjack and he's OK
He sleeps all night and he works all day
He cuts down trees, he eats his lunch
He goes to the lavatory
On Wednesdays he goes shopping and has buttered scones for tea."

He always wanted to be one when he was younger, but for a long time he worked in a pet store, and argued with people over whether parrots were dead, when they were obviously merely pining for the fjords.

By in Canada,

Dunno....Driver kinda' looks like Kenny Rogers to me...

But...kinda' wish I could get this RPG/Mini-Battle game off the ground I had: Using minifigs as miniatures/characters, and the game...is...Rastlin':D. I had an idea for a Tag Team, two 'Santas' (Nick and Claus) and either call 'em "Just Claus" or the "Violent Knights" ('cause I really like that movie:))...

By in United Kingdom,

@brick_r said:
"Dunno....Driver kinda' looks like Kenny Rogers to me..."
He looks a bit lonely. Lucille's left him with his crop of Christmas trees in the field. And as for Ruby, well she's got her wants and needs....

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