Random set of the day: Hospital

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©1979 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 137 Hospital, released during 1979. It's one of 15 Fabuland sets produced that year. It contains 106 pieces and 3 minifigs.

It's owned by 130 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you should find it for sale at BrickLink, where new ones sell for around $556.20, or eBay.

33 comments on this article

By in United States,

Is the dog the doctor? I'd trust him with my life

By in United States,

Here in Fabuland we take pride in our hospitals, just look at the font of our hospital sign!
Because of all this pride, we've opened a restaurant, with seating on our roof, so that any non-hospital-goers can bask in the greatness of the hospital while enjoying a meal.

By in United States,

Patients check in, but they don't check out. Case in point: Peter Pig went in to get his foot looked at, and never came home. Around the same time, they served bacon, ham, and sausage in the Hospital cafeteria. Coincidence? I think not!


By in United States,

Insane asylum in disguise. Notice how dark it is in there.

By in United States,

So in this anthropomorphic world, is this just the Veterinarian's or what?

By in United States,

@LuvsLEGO_Cool_J said:
"Insane asylum in disguise. Notice how dark it is in there. "

The inmates are running the asylum. Also, which one is Nurse Ratchet?

By in United States,

@sjr60 said:
"A bit familiar!"
Deja vu!

By in United Kingdom,

@Murdoch17 said:
"Patients check in, but they don't check out."
Welcome to the Hospital California...

By in Canada,

Time for another episode of "Veterinarian Hospital", the continuing story of a 'quack' who's gone to the dogs...:D

By in Canada,

106 pieces and most of them are roof. I do like the Duplo-style carriages though and I think they even fit on Duplo train track.

By in United States,

Oh, hey, it’s the butchertorium!

By in Australia,

Fabuland, the socialist paradise where all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.

I agree the hospital is a rather strange design. I do like the vintage ambulance though. I wish Lego would make a regular System minifig scale vintage ambulance.

By in Netherlands,

I believe this is were Docter Moreau lives. He's rarely seen by his uplifted animals. But they don't mind. They'll stay civil forever...

Fortunately Docter Dog can tend the other civilians in his public absence.

You've got to hand it to Fabuland, it did cover all the bases for civilian and public buildings!

By in United Kingdom,

I loved this set. My little sister had it and I was more than a bit envious. They didn't just look after animals, they cared for classic spacemen and knights as well ...

By in United States,

@GSR_MataNui said:
"Is the dog the doctor? I'd trust him with my life "

See Charlie Cat for the CAT scan then Dr. Dog for your lab results

By in United Kingdom,

Lovely Fabuland.
I have this hospital. Although it may not be a hospital anymore as the giant sign sticker that covered several bricks has been gone for probably 40 years plus a year or two after this was released Dr Dog seemed to be retired and working in Catherine Cat's restaurant.
Not the most practical of hospitals. Just 2 beds downstairs and the operating room upstairs with only a wobbly staircase to get the patient up and down from there.
Fun fact - this is the only one of the 3 sets I own with these large buildings that I still have the instructions book for. It's very fragile and held together by tape - which is similar to the house section of the hospital which creaks if you press down to hard and one of the windows is held in place by tape.
Essentially if you require medical treatment please attend the hospitals in Lego City or Heartlake City. Don't go here....just don't !!!

By in Netherlands,

Who's a good boy? Are you a good boy? You're a good boy! Are you also a good doctor? No, you're a terrible doctor. Stop using your paws and snout to root around inside the patient during surgery. Bad doctor! Put that back!

Aww, I can't stay mad at you.

By in Italy,


By in United States,

@MeisterDad said:
"106 pieces and most of them are roof. I do like the Duplo-style carriages though and I think they even fit on Duplo train track."

Frankly, I'm amazed that the part count is that high.

By in United Kingdom,

@oldfan there's a lot of 2×2's needed to build the wall on the upper floor and the furniture was all brick built back then. It's 5 parts just for one bed.

By in Portugal,

Those were the days my friend
We thought they'd never end...

By in United States,

@ineedabrick said:
"Those were the days my friend
We thought they'd never end..."

We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
We'd fight and never lose
For we were young and sure to have our way...

By in Germany,

One day early...
No wait, these are the other sort of big-headed figures

By in United States,

@chefkaspa said:
"One day early...
No wait, these are the other sort of big-headed figures"

Even Drax isn’t fast enough to catch that one as it sails over his head…

By in United States,

So many chilling observations from last time this set came around.

• The government of Fabuland (140) is run by Lionel Lion—an obligate carnivore.
• Charlie Cat is no domestic kitty. His tawny color and large size (as big as a sheep!) give him away as a cougar.
• “Dr. Dog” is technically omnivorous, but in the wild, dogs are always predators.
• Predators famously take down the weak and sick of the herd.
• Where do sick animals go? The hospital.
• The Fabuland ambulance has bars—clearly, not all the “patients” go willingly.
• The hospital has no operating rooms. Its most prominent feature is…*shudder*…an outdoor dining patio.

Run, Lucy!

People frequently muse how the happy world of Fabuland somehow collapsed into the dystopia of Chima. I theorize they’ve got it backward. With all those predators fighting over fresh meat, Chima was a war zone. So they finally wised up and decided to start farming the…um…neighbors, and even started naming them cute names like "Bonnie Rabbit" and "Lucy Lamb"! The once-defensive herbivores of Chima were lulled into docility, and they now willingly visit the “doctor” to be culled in the “hospital.” Fabuland isn’t a happy place. It’s the story of the Eloi and the Morlocks, but with primary colors.

By in United States,

Speaking of animals you wouldn’t expect to be omnivorous, hippos are, and so are bonnethead sharks (discovered in 2018 to eat sea grass).

By in United States,

…I truly worry about some the members of this site.

By in United States,

Dogs aren't always predators in the wild. They are often scavengers in addition to being predators, but wolves still eat blueberries and raspberries, and coyotes will eat all manner of fruits and vegetables, as well as the droppings of other animals.

By in United States,

@SearchlightRG said:
"…I truly worry about some the members of this site."

As the song goes: "Don't worry, be happy..." :-P

(This comment was either going to be the above sentence or "Be afraid, be very afraid." I like the song analogy better, don't you?)

By in United States,

@CopperTablet said:
"Dogs aren't always predators in the wild. They are often scavengers in addition to being predators, but wolves still eat blueberries and raspberries, and coyotes will eat all manner of fruits and vegetables, as well as the droppings of other animals."
Does it really make it any better if Dr. Dog merely scavenges the flesh off poor Lucy Lamb's corpse after Charlie Cat has dispatched her and eaten his fill?

Does mutton go well with a side of blueberries? I dunno, but mint jelly definitely comes from fruits and vegetables.

The horror!

By in Australia,

I have to admit, the face of that cat does look pretty darn suspicious. Also, the building does remind me of 'an institution' as they were referred to. Perhaps Lucy Lamb has gone baaaarmy so she needs...treatment.

I like the idea of Chima and Fabuland being related. Since Fabuland is the interwar period, I would guess is that Sandy Seagull/Percy Pilot/Charlie Crow dropped an atomic bomb, so Chima is the post nuclear war Fabuland. (like the Dead Planet in the first episode the Daleks appeared in in the 1960s Doctor Who).

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