Random set of the day: Space Shuttle

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Space Shuttle

Space Shuttle

©2011 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 3367 Space Shuttle, released during 2011. It's one of 29 City sets produced that year. It contains 231 pieces and 1 minifig, and its retail price was US$29.99/£26.99.

It's owned by 8,953 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you should find it for sale at BrickLink, where new ones sell for around $58.50, or eBay.

38 comments on this article

By in New Zealand,

Spaceship! Spaceship! Spaceship!

By in United States,

This Space Shuttle looks pretty bad in pictures, but it's much better in person. Still, the City space sets have only gotten better and better since 2011. I remember being so sad in 2011, thinking that this very simple and low-budget set might be the last Space Shuttle set we might ever get, what with the retirement of the actual Shuttle and the moribund state of new space efforts at the time. I'm so glad things have changed. Fingers crossed Artemis 2 and Artemis 3 succeed in the next few years!

By in United States,

So many exposed studs...

By in Canada,

The printed nosecone is nice.

By in New Zealand,

Benny from the Lego movie when he sees this set: SPACESHIP! SPACESHIP! SPACESHIP!!!!

By in United States,

“Woah, that is so weird! We're in a space shuttle and the shuttle program ended years ago!”

By in United States,

LEGO seems to do a lot of space shuttles. I'd even guess they make more space shuttles than x-wings.

By in United States,

It's like the subcompact version of the Space Shuttle program.

By in United States,

Interestingly enough I have this set and it is far superior to the 2015 version

By in United States,

RSOD, RPOD, RMOD trifecta. I own them all!
This shuttle is the best one they’ve made hands down!

By in United States,

Ah, yes. So distinctly remember getting this on a bulk eBay purchase, finding all the parts, building it and then finally thinking, "meh."

By in Turkey,

I have don't have this set, but the two smaller ones from this theme(3365, 3366). It seems you have to collect all 4 to make up a complete space port. All of the sets seem relevant and they have nice design to them that is not flashy or excessive.

By in Netherlands,

This one...
At the end of 2011 I made my last ever list of stuff for Christmas and for some reason I felt drawn to this one when making it. I don't own a Space Shuttle and I guess it seemed exciting and finally relatively affordable.
But after I got other stuff I decided not to get it after seeing reviews on places like Eurobricks. It's hard to explain, but it was just so... crude. The broken line made with the red hinge plates, the specialized triangular wing plate tiles making up most of the wings, the airplane nose... the colorful insides.
I realized this wasn't for me anymore. City was aimed at too low an age group compared to some other themes.
Since then, I only got about four 10 euro sets (including the junge and 2015 Space starter sets)
Only this year I bought a medium City set again with the new Space theme!

(Btw, I had been collecting some City since its inception, mainly in the 2005-2007 period. I also still have my 90s town and town jr sets. All of those were small vehicles unfortunately)

By in United Kingdom,

@NotProfessorWhymzi said:
"if Top Gear can turn a car into a space shuttle, why can't we turn a space shuttle into a car?"

Because they're actually closer to buses

By in United Kingdom,

@Randomness said:
"So many exposed studs..."

Those were the days...

By in United States,

@Randomness said:
"So many exposed studs..."

Good to place figures for kids to play.

By in Poland,

Something with the shadows cast by the shuttle is not ok.

By in Australia,

My first Lego space shuttle! The 2011 City space theme was the best in my opinion, because it was realistic and not futuristic. (the 2015 line was also very good and realistic, but the 2011 one had a full space centre set).
If I recall correctly I bought all the sets from this awesome line.
It was funny comparing this to the later space shuttle that came with a blue 'crawler', the newer version was much better. But in 2011 this was the bee's knees.

By in Australia,

Those were the days, my friend, we thought they'd neeever end. We'd sing and dance, forever and a daaay. We'd live the life we choose, we'd fight and neever lose, for we were young...and sure to have our waay!!

By in United States,

@SearchlightRG said:
"“Woah, that is so weird! We're in a space shuttle and the shuttle program ended years ago!”"
2011 was actually when it ended, so this set just made the cutoff.

By in United Kingdom,

@Loerwyn said:
" @Randomness said:
"So many exposed studs..."

Those were the days..."

A Lego set that actually looks like it is made out of Lego.

By in United States,

@MCLegoboy said:
" @SearchlightRG said:
"“Woah, that is so weird! We're in a space shuttle and the shuttle program ended years ago!”"
2011 was actually when it ended, so this set just made the cutoff."

Well, it certainly hasn’t stopped Lego from making more of them. Nor will it prevent me from enjoying my Phineas & Ferb reference.

By in United Kingdom,

@SearchlightRG said:
" @MCLegoboy said:
" @SearchlightRG said:
"“Woah, that is so weird! We're in a space shuttle and the shuttle program ended years ago!”"
2011 was actually when it ended, so this set just made the cutoff."

Well, it certainly hasn’t stopped Lego from making more of them. Nor will it prevent me from enjoying my Phineas & Ferb reference."


By in United Kingdom,

It's a nice ship. Remember building it Christmas of 2011.

By in United States,

Funny i already got that in 2022.

By in United States,

This is what the Space subtheme of City should be, not the sci-fi stuff that came out this year. This year’s subtheme is good, but it shouldn’t be a subtheme of City.

By in Netherlands,

How many shuttles have been released by Lego, I wonder? Also counting different scales and where it's been part of a set?

By in Germany,

The one in 60080 was better. Of course, it had to be developed from somewhere.
Anyway, good set and cherished part my collection,

By in Germany,

@Librarian1976 It's also a subtheme of Dreamzzz, Friends, Technic, C31, Duplo, Classic...
I want a castle umbrella-subtheme over all themes next year, mostly for the Technoc catapult all in reddish-brown except for the glorious blue pins - and because it will destroy marketing department at the task to get the license!

By in Netherlands,

At least LEGO tends to brick build their cockpits now.

60226 : Mars Research Shuttle had a printing issue (greyed out white) so I skipped it

31066 : Space Shuttle Explorer perhaps looks a bit outdated now.
31117 : Space Shuttle Adventure was good but a bit expensive, but excellent alternate moon lander build, and landing gear
I never got 41713 : Olivia's Space Academy but it does look very nice as well.

I like to use the rocket from 60351 : Rocket Launch Centre as boosters for 31117 (without thrusters or orion capsule)

Not saying those prefab canopy parts make things bad sets, I just don't like them as much.

I'd much prefer 60405: Emergency Rescue Helicopter over 60343: Rescue Helicopter Transporter , but the 2023 passenger airplane or 2024 fire plane don't look as bad even with prefab cockpits, perhaps because they are larger builds it looks less out of place.

By in United States,

@Koentinius said:
"How many shuttles have been released by Lego, I wonder? Also counting different scales and where it's been part of a set?"

8480, 7467, 7470, 9335, 10213, 3367, 10231, 40127, 60078, 60080, 60099, 31066, 21312, 10405, 70923, 60201, 60226, 21321, 10283, 10944, 31117, 41713, 11022, 31134, 31142, 1682, 6339, 6346, 6544, 11976, 31091, 40127, and these two sets all have models that I would consider to be an actual Space Shuttle, or very closely based on one:


Several other sets may have one buried in the instructions, have a model that uses a similar launch stack structure, or have something that looks distantly related to the STS design.

By in United States,

As a kid in 1995 (I swear this will be relevant), I was shocked to discover--in September, I think--that LEGO had released NEW sets! I thought the '92/'93 catalogues I had meant that LEGO was basically static: always the same sets, always the same themes. The 1995 themes were thus my very first experience of "whoa! new LEGO release!" And, ever since, Launch Command (and Royal Knights and Aquazone--but they're less germane to this set) have had a special place in my heart.

I never got any Launch Command other than 6614 Launch Evac-1 (let me tell you--that fire truck DID, in fact, act as a spaceship at one time), and the biggest Spaceport set I got in 1999 was 6465 Space Port Jet (which, at least, was not a repurposed fire truck). When 3367 came along, I thought it was time to get a proper shuttle.

And... it's fine. It's close to the same scale as the '90s shuttles, which I appreciate, though it's very much made of mid-2010s parts. The Canadarm feels juniorized in a way I'm not quite able to articulate (no pun intended).

By in United States,

Old or modern Lego spaceships?

By in United States,

@Lego_lord said:
"I have don't have this set, but the two smaller ones from this theme(3365, 3366). It seems you have to collect all 4 to make up a complete space port. All of the sets seem relevant and they have nice design to them that is not flashy or excessive."

I have all four still sealed. I’m waiting for that day my LEGO room is finally organized and I can sit down and build not just old sets but whole old themes and subthemes in massive marathon build sessions.

By in United States,

I remember this was a set I only kind of wanted back in the day, I wasn't super hyped over it. Eventually, nostalgia got the better of me, and in Fall 2020 I ended up buying this set. Though it definitely shows its age, I love the older city sets.

By in United Kingdom,

this was one of my favourite sets when i was a kid

By in Turkey,

@Blondie_Wan said:
" @Lego_lord said:
"I have don't have this set, but the two smaller ones from this theme(3365, 3366). It seems you have to collect all 4 to make up a complete space port. All of the sets seem relevant and they have nice design to them that is not flashy or excessive."

I have all four still sealed. I’m waiting for that day my LEGO room is finally organized and I can sit down and build not just old sets but whole old themes and subthemes in massive marathon build sessions."

Oh how amazing time you'll have when the day comes, but you may find it hard to open up those old boxes. I sure wouldn't be able to...

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