Review: 42602 Space Research Rover

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It seems that Friends in Space is quite popular, as there's a new space-themed Friends set coming out on April 1.

42602 Space Rover is clearly meant to be a companion for 42605 Mars Space Base and Rocket. It makes sense, as now the Friends astronauts (Friendstronauts?) have something to get around the planet in! I the only one who thinks it looks like a monster truck?


42602 Space Research Rover, 514 pieces.
£44.99 / $49.99 / €49.99 | 8.8p/9.7c/9.7c per piece.
Buy at »

Another fun Friends in space set - a monster truck in space!

  • Space dog!
  • Compatible with other Space (Friends or other themes) sets
  • Monster truck in space!
  • None

The set was provided for review by LEGO. All opinions expressed are those of the author.

Inside the box there are four numbered bags, four instruction books, four wheel hubs, and a sticker sheet. Given the modular nature of the set, it's natural that this set can be built by up to four people at once. Alas, I was excited to start building, so neglected to take a picture of the sticker sheet.

Minidolls, animals, and aliens

There are two minidolls and a space dog in this set. We again see Olivia, wearing the same uniform as in 42605. Her companion on this mission is William, who we first saw in 41713 Olivia's Space Academy. William is wearing the same purple suit as Aveline did in 42605, so perhaps he's the mission commander of this exploration. Both Friendstronauts have SCBA/helmets provided, though I didn't include them in the pictures.

The faithful hound on this trip is the appropriately named Apollo. I'm glad Olivia has another furry companion in space! Plus Jones the space cat has someone to keep them company.

It's unclear whether this is a different planet than Mars, but the aliens certainly come in a different colour - they're blue here vs green in the Mars set. Apollo doesn't seem to mind having some company.

The completed model

A hovercraft is provided for forays outside of the research rover. At least, I'm assuming it's a hovercraft, as there are no wheels for moving it forward! Stickers show that it's solar powered, and small batteries are on the rear of the craft (not visible in this picture). A minidoll fits quite comfortably holding onto the bars.

A bit of alien flora is included. I love the floral pieces in translucent pink and blue. Clearly, this is what the rover is searching for!

The flowers open up to show the aliens our Friendstronauts are looking for.

Of course, they might find other forms of life forms on their expedition.....

(Note: alien sloths not included in this set.)

On to the focus of the model - the space rover! The wheels are dominating here, and I really do think they give the rover a monster truck vibe. The body of the rover is clearly meant to interlock with the different modules of 42605.

The space rover is quite formidable, coming and going! I like the addition of the Classic space logo (in Friends colours) on each side.

There's just one axle connecting the body of the rover to the wheelbase, so the rover can turn at any angle. The designer has been quite effective in using space - notice the stickered solar panels on the struts for the wheels. Solar power for the win!

The body of the rover can be lifted off, showing the chassis underneath. There are two robotic arms extending from the front, one of which holds a camera that can be operated from inside.

The space body rover is quite sleek and has the same colour scheme as the Mars base.

There are two sections: a cockpit area and a study module. The cockpit portion has a screen that lifts off for easy access and play. The person driving the rover has a control panel at the front, and has a star chart on one wall.

Looking to the other wall, we see that the person in the cockpit can communicate with the Friendstronaut who has gone roving. Details are provided by a sticker, and in this case, it looks like Olivia is getting friendly with one of the natives.

The work module has a top that lifts off, and I'm happy to see there a spot for Apollo, including some food and water. It's not quite the nifty separate pod that Jones has on the 42605, but space is at a premium here.

Also seen in this angle is a monitor showing the goings on there on the planet, in this case the alien flora opening up to show the aliens. A keyboard and magnifying glass make the most of this space.

The overhead look shows that the other side of the module is monitoring the batteries for all the different devices. There's the orange-red connecting piece that allows the module to connect to the cockpit, or other modules from 60205 if desired.

Maximizing the space, the workspaces both flip down to become beds!

Overall thoughts

This is a super fun set. I love the alien flora - those translucent leaf pieces in pink and blue are perfect for this setting. What a great twist that the aliens stay in the plants!

I always enjoy seeing one of the original cast, and particularly Olivia. This is the second Friends set of the year that hasn't had any of the current core characters, and I certainly hope that Friends in space becomes more of a trend. It's a nice bit of continuity that the characters that are accompanying Olivia on her space explorations are the same two characters who were at 41713 Olivia's Space Academy with her.

There's plenty of play value here with the separating modules, the multi-function work space, the aliens, and of course, that fabulous vehicle. With the minidolls not even as tall as the tires, it really does look like a monster truck, which would also be a first in the Friends universe. Only in the Friends world would the vehicles be larger in space than anywhere else!

60 comments on this article

By in United Kingdom,

It puts the City space sets to shame!

By in United States,

I would like to see some Brickset articles on how sets from different themes can (or cannot) mesh together. Like how this space set would look alongside the city ones. Or how a Ninjago mech stands next to a similar sized Star Wars mech.

By in United States,

Reminds me of 70828 if only it came with a Unikitty!

By in United States,

Those flip-down beds are fantastic; just amazing use of the space which is par for the course for Friends.

I love how much personality and play this has wrapped up into it. Even the rover base works as a happy robot on its own with those arms, and those aliens and their habitat are adorable. I wasn't planning to get any of the new Space vehicles but I think I may end up grabbing this one now.

By in United Kingdom,

So this absolutely looks like a ground-based counterpart to 70828 to everyone else, right?

By in United Kingdom,

@Huw said:
"It puts the City space sets to shame!"

I am not so sure, as both have their qualities. I think the interiors of the Friends sets are superior and I also prefer their colour schemes, personally, but the City sets have better functionality, on the whole. I wish this rover had proper suspension, for example, similar to 60431 Space Explorer Rover and Alien Life.

By in Germany,

Astrofriends is maybe easier than Friendtonauts :P
Anyway, will buy it along with the City space lab.

By in Netherlands,

Very cool set! €50 does seem a bit on the pricey side, but that's the only real complaint I can have about this. It would have been nice if the logo on the side had been a print instead of a sticker, but no big deal. And hey, Space dog!

By in Poland,

@Zink said:
"This is so cute! What a great model. Two things: I wish it used the same segment/module build that used in all the City space sets for more compatibility and interactivity between sets in this years space theme. Secondly, I wish the colors would be more uniform. Not that I hate the colors here, I just don't like how different it looks from (almost) all other space sets this year."

It USES the same system. The back can be connected to every other frame.

By in United States,

I'm going to be a curmudgeon, but some of the design choices extend standard Friends motifs to a new domain (space exploration) in an inappropriate way, and that's a disservice to kids, bordering on "girls only want pink!" patronising. FWIW, the curves and garish color scheme of the sub-theme gives me "Totally Spies!" vibes. Now, my misgivings vanish if I re-imagine this as space *tourism* (i.e., if Friends has Star Trek-level ease of travel, despite the otherwise 21cen trappings), or as elaborate space *role playing* on Earth's surface.

If the vehicle is meant for excursions long enough to require sleep, why doesn't it also carry food and toilet facilities? That is, if the design doesn't *fit* full camper amenities, it should have something *other than* bunks as the "squeeze in another play feature."

Why would the graphics of a *ground* vehicle include a chart of planetary orbits? Do they need to stay aware of eclipses that will make the environment hazardous? (That's when the temperature drops to -50°C, or the ravenous night-beasts emerge. Maybe the purple windows are justified by a really weird stellar spectrum?)

What possible use is a dog with its nose inside a sealed helmet? (If the humans are wearing life-support packs...) Given the primacy of olfaction in the canine sensorium, that's like a human with a blacked-out visor. Maybe you'd keep a pet at the base; but for emotional support, something like a guinea pig would be lower maintenance. From the POV of the dog, being stuck indoors seems like cruelty, but maybe these space missions are short enough that it's tolerable.

By in United States,

Apparently the hovercraft is a nod to 6815 according to New Elementary!

By in United Kingdom,

The missing pair for 31148 Retro Roller Skate!

By in United States,

@Lexomatic said:
"I'm going to be a curmudgeon, ..."

You didn’t disappoint

By in Netherlands,

A moonster-truck.

Oh, come on! It was RIGHT THERE!

By in Canada,

Good review of an awesome set! The color scheme is just as exciting here as it was in 42605. It did surprise me a bit that this set opted for the uncharted planet N1C3 (nice!) as its setting instead of sharing that set's Mars setting, but the sets can still be used together in play without much issue, especially since they both make use of the same airlock system from this year's City and Technic space sets.

One correction I ought to make: the stickered comms screen in the cockpit seems to show mission commander Aveline from the mars base rather than Olivia, on account of her short bangs and lack of glasses!

It's great to see that William has also maintained a successful career as an astronaut since his space academy days. And the space dog Apollo is ADORABLE! Apparently he's at least partly inspired by graphic designer Anne Godsk's dog, Frida: I have to admit, the retro spacegirl's robot dog from the upcoming Minifigures space series would probably be a lot more exciting to me if it weren't overshadowed by the sheer adorableness of Jones and Apollo!

When I first saw the hovercraft in this set, I was immediately reminded of 6815 from my childhood, and it was neat to later learn from the designer that it was, in fact, inspired by that very set! I love that it can be stowed unobtrusively on top of the crew cabin due to its compact design and the way the control yoke can fold down when not in use. It also integrates the opalescent battery cells very nicely on the sides.

The big monster truck wheels make a lot of sense to me, since this is presumably meant to traverse rough cratered environments. And their built makes great use of the large Vikings wagon wheels, which have proven a lot more versatile over the years than their medieval-themed origins might suggest! Actual suspension would add an even greater sense of realism, but I'm fine with the simple, sturdy chassis design here, especially since the functional steering gives it plenty of play value on its own.

On a related note, the robotic "face" on the chassis gives me the impression that it can function as an autonomous rover when the crew cabin is removed, which definitely helps keep it from feeling superfluous if you choose to remove those modules to combine them with other sets using the airlock system.

The cockpit and crew cabin both make great use of Speed Champions windscreens to create very uniquely shaped windows. The warm colors of the interior (including the comfy-looking driver's seat) contrast very nicely with the cool-colored windows. The lab tables that fold down to reveal sleeping bags also feel very in keeping with the Friends theme's emphasis on livable details, while still providing plenty of room for more space-specific play features. And the little shelf in the back is put to good use as a living space for Apollo with food and water bowls!

The little alien landscape and the two blue aliens round out the set very nicely, making good use of botanical elements like the large and small fern pieces to create plant life very unlike any sort of Earth flora! I wonder if there will be any other variations on these cute three-eyed aliens in future waves of sets.

Thanks again for the detailed overview of this set! Your LEGO Friends reviews always impress!

By in United States,

@Zink said:
" @lordofdragonss said:
" @Zink said:
"This is so cute! What a great model. Two things: I wish it used the same segment/module build that used in all the City space sets for more compatibility and interactivity between sets in this years space theme. Secondly, I wish the colors would be more uniform. Not that I hate the colors here, I just don't like how different it looks from (almost) all other space sets this year."

It USES the same system. The back can be connected to every other frame."

Yeah but it doesn't use the same module build, which I am critiquing. I want all modules across the theme to have the same footprint, layout and general build. Designers could branch out from there. But the module in this set doesn't fit in the system with the other ones."

Personally I feel like it's fine to have non-matching modules in addition to the standard ones. This one may not be able to be placed between other modules, but can still function as an "endcap" of sorts, not unlike features like the solar array and vehicle dock in the City modular space station set.

By in Germany,

@Ridgeheart said:
"A moonster-truck.

Oh, come on! It was RIGHT THERE!"

Wrong rock. It's a RoadMARSter!

By in United States,

@MeganL said:
" this case, it looks like Olivia is getting friendly with one of the natives. "

Literally the entire plot of Avatar LOL

By in United States,

@lordofdragonss said:
" @Zink said:
"This is so cute! What a great model. Two things: I wish it used the same segment/module build that used in all the City space sets for more compatibility and interactivity between sets in this years space theme. Secondly, I wish the colors would be more uniform. Not that I hate the colors here, I just don't like how different it looks from (almost) all other space sets this year."

It USES the same system. The back can be connected to every other frame."

Really? How, I don't see that same connector that is present in City Space and Technic?

EDIT - Never mind, now I see it.

By in Canada,

@Lexomatic said:
"What possible use is a dog with its nose inside a sealed helmet? (If the humans are wearing life-support packs...) Given the primacy of olfaction in the canine sensorium, that's like a human with a blacked-out visor. Maybe you'd keep a pet at the base; but for emotional support, something like a guinea pig would be lower maintenance. From the POV of the dog, being stuck indoors seems like cruelty, but maybe these space missions are short enough that it's tolerable."

Perhaps Apollo is there for a biological study on how dogs respond to the conditions on this planet (e.g. different gravity than Earth)? That's certainly a reason that we've sent various animals and plants to space in the past. Also, even if he can't make full use of his capable sniffer during a spacewalk, I bet he can still have a good time digging in the alien soil!

By in United States,

I like the idea that every time they flip out their beds, all the day's research falls into a heap on the floor. Broken glass, deadly alien parasites, and so on.

Awesome set, will be picking this one up!

By in Germany,

@Huw said:
"It puts the City space sets to shame!"
You've got to be joking.
This "thing" to me is ugly as hell, it has those hideous minidolls, and stickers galore - at an absurd RRP.

I have recently built both 60429 and 60430, both truly awesome space sets that actually put this set to shame. They look great, have proper minifigs, plenty of play features, not a single sticker, and together cost less at RRP than this.
Plus I just bought 60431 as well (but haven't built it yet). All three sets combined cost me 43 Euros. Just saying.

What is this supposed to have which would put the City Space sets to shame?
The only redeeming feature would be the alien flora.

By in Canada,

@AustinPowers said:
" @Huw said:
"It puts the City space sets to shame!"
You've got to be joking.
This "thing" is ugly as hell, it has those hideous minidolls, and stickers galore - at an absurd RRP.

I have recently built both 60429 and 60430, both truly awesome space sets that actually put this set to shame. They look great, have proper minifigs, plenty of play features, not a single sticker, and together cost less at RRP than this.
What is this supposed to have which would put the City Space sets to shame?
Ridiculous. "

Have you considered that not everybody dislikes mini-dolls? It should be obvious at this point that what's hideous to you is not hideous to everyone. And while a lot of AFOLs share your dislike of stickers, a lot of folks don't consider them a deal-breaker (I honestly enjoy them, though I'm maybe a minority in that regard).

I know I've seen at least a few people besides myself who've expressed a preference for this set and the Friends Mars base over their City counterparts on account of their dynamic color schemes (including colorful window canopies reminiscent of those from old-school Space themes). I'm also a big fan of their cozy interiors and smooth, sweeping curves compared to the more rugged industrial look and sharper angles of many of this year's City space sets. The cute animals in spacesuits are just the icing on the cake!

Mind you, I think the City Space sets are pretty excellent in their own right! But they're not as much to my personal preference, and it appears from Huw's comment that I'm not alone in that. It's totally fine if you prefer the City sets over these ones, but I feel like it shouldn't be a surprise at this point that other AFOLs might have differing perspectives. No community is ever going to agree on everything… and if that's truly "ridiculous" to you, that sounds like a problem you'll have to work out on your own.

By in United Kingdom,

"Friends in spaaaaace!"

Sorry. Please, continue.

By in Germany,

@Aanchir : my "ridiculous" was meant as a reply to @Huw 's comment that this set "puts the City Space sets to shame".
While this set might have redeeming features that I can't see, it doesn't put those others to shame on
- prints versus stickers
- dolls versus figures
- and above all, price

As for preferring stickers, I have been building LEGO sets for over four decades, and not in a single instance have stickers held up better than prints over time. Why someone other than kids could prefer them is a total mystery to me.
Same with the dolls. They can't even move their hands, let alone sit down properly without falling over. Isn't that enough reason to not like them?
Lots of Friends sets contain accessories that the dolls can't even handle, or at least not without breaking those stupid rigid arms and hands.

By in Canada,

@AustinPowers said:
" While this set might have redeeming features that I can't see, it doesn't put those others to shame on
- prints versus stickers
- dolls versus figures
- and above all, price

As for preferring stickers, I have been building LEGO sets for over four decades, and not in a single instance have stickers held up better than prints over time. Why someone other than kids could prefer them is a total mystery to me."

For my part, my dad would apply the stickers for me in my childhood sets from the 90s, so it gave me a real sense of pride in my teen years to feel capable of applying them neatly all on my own. And even today steps that involve applying stickers are a lot of fun for me when building a new set — especially since LEGO has basically stopped using stickers across multiple pieces (STAMPs), which many 90s sets were rife with.

I've had a couple sets from the mid-2000s where the sticker paper ended up cracking and peeling (apparently due to a faulty adhesive), but in general the rest of my stickered parts have held up just as well as prints in the long term.

@AustinPowers said:
" Same with the dolls. They can't even move their hands, let alone sit down properly without falling over. Isn't that enough reason to not like them?
Lots of Friends sets contain accessories that the dolls can't even handle, or at least not without breaking those stupid rigid arms and hands. "

I'm not disputing that there are legitimate reasons to dislike them. There are also legitimate reasons to like them. On an aesthetic level, I think the LEGO Friends and Elves characters have benefited greatly from features like noses, detailed eyes with varying colors and shapes, varied skirt/trouser molds, and the ability to print shoe/sandal details on the top of their feet rather than just the front and sides.

But even beyond aesthetics, mini-dolls also have some practical advantages over the standard minifig. A big one for me is that two mini-dolls can sit side by side without an extra stud between them, which greatly simplifies fitting separate driver and passenger seats in a vehicle or multiple characters on a sofa/couch/bench. Also, mini-doll legs are more realistically proportioned to their torsos, so you can build chairs for them a little taller without seated characters towering over characters standing next to them.

Moreover, most minifigs with long hair have extremely limited neck rotation due to their bulky shoulders and blocky torsos, and most molded or textile minifig skirts/dresses limit their ability to bend their legs fully forward or sit in the same seats as other minifigs (drawbacks that become obvious when comparing the Anna and Elsa minifigures from Disney Series 2 to their mini-doll counterparts). Considering how many Friends and Elves characters have long hair and wear skirts or dresses, I feel like these particular shortcomings of the classic minifigure would have been a pretty huge liability for either of those themes — certainly at least as limiting as a lack of rotating hands!

I have never had a mini-doll arm/hand break, and have not found the lack of connection points on the back of their legs particularly inconvenient (from my experience, a seated mini-doll will usually rest in place pretty neatly on tiled surfaces if you're not careless with them, especially in any seat with footrests or armrests).

Obviously, I still love the classic minifigure a lot for its versatility and its nostalgic charm. But I also find the mini-doll plenty useful and appealing in its own right, and am definitely glad it exists as an option in themes where more lifelike character designs like these are desired.

By in United States,

Everyone arguing about colors and minidolls, meanwhile I'm just wondering how the rover's gonna run solely on solar power. I'd assume there's an RTG in there (maybe corresponding to the batteries?) and in that case I sure hope it's insulated. Otherwise the science slumber party in the back is gonna get a lot more ... radiation-y.

By in United States,

@AustinPowers said:
" @Aanchir : my "ridiculous" was meant as a reply to @Huw 's comment that this set "puts the City Space sets to shame".
While this set might have redeeming features that I can't see, it doesn't put those others to shame on
- prints versus stickers
- dolls versus figures
- and above all, price

As for preferring stickers, I have been building LEGO sets for over four decades, and not in a single instance have stickers held up better than prints over time. Why someone other than kids could prefer them is a total mystery to me.
Same with the dolls. They can't even move their hands, let alone sit down properly without falling over. Isn't that enough reason to not like them?
Lots of Friends sets contain accessories that the dolls can't even handle, or at least not without breaking those stupid rigid arms and hands. "

I love stickers. They give me the option to decide whether or not I want to apply a design onto a brick. Prints don’t grant you that same freedom. I love trying to find other bricks to use the stickers on to varying results in MOCs.

Also, minidoll sets have been using a part since their first year allowing one to seat a doll without them falling over. Part 93095. I’ve never come across an accessory not suited for a minidoll in one of their sets, and I’ve surely never seen one break.

By in Germany,

@Studnotontop : as for the option a sticker affords you, I don't get it. Sure, you can choose to not apply a sticker, but what good is it then at all? A printed piece is a new piece that offers you the choice of using it or not. But since a printed piece is there for a reason, not using it makes just as little sense as not applying a sticker in order to avoid design detail.

@Aanchir : I don't deny that the minidolls look more realistic than minifigs, that's a fact, and I wouldn't mind them were it not for their technical disadvantages. They could for example have been designed with movable hands and proper shoulder joints that allow the arms to close up and change their angle.
Actually there are several figures by alternative manufacturers that look very similar to minidolls but feature such joints and posable limbs, so it is indeed possible. I have quite a few of them and they are way better than the Friends/Elves version.

By in Germany,

50€!? Sorry but thats insane. Who is willing to pay that much for this? If it was part of the city theme with normal minifigs i would be tempted on a 50% discount..because the model itself isnt bad at all.

But as is, no way. I am realy on Austin Powers on this one. How can someone adult possibly choose this over 2 Sets of the City Space wave on normal retail price?! Seriously! I do not get that adults can preefer Minidolls over Minifigs. Even my children, 2 girls, 8 and 4 years old, both prefer normal minifigs. We have a big drawer full of Minidolls, unused.. beside the hairpieces (They realy are something very often!)
The aftermarked on minidolls is doomed, no one wants them.. if YOU do, please give me a wink. I´ll be selling!

By in Portugal,

50€ is crazy

By in Australia,

Reminds me of a Dyson

By in United States,

I don't mind stickers. I just wish Lego would print all of them on transparent plastic, so I could use them on different color parts. Also, the color-matching of paper stickers is often terrible.
I'd also like them to put two copies of each sticker sheet in a set. I don't think this would cost much more. Spares would be nice.

By in Singapore,

Pretty set and super creative but really overpriced

By in United Kingdom,

@huracanum said:
"Reminds me of 70828 if only it came with a Unikitty!"
Exactly! I was thinking of buying this set to mod with some teal parts to make it more Systar...

By in United States,

Yeah, I want one.

By in United Kingdom,

The dog should have had a separate helmet piece. Like Snowy does in Tintin on the Moon

By in Canada,

@AustinPowers said:
" @Studnotontop : as for the option a sticker affords you, I don't get it. Sure, you can choose to not apply a sticker, but what good is it then at all? A printed piece is a new piece that offers you the choice of using it or not. But since a printed piece is there for a reason, not using it makes just as little sense as not applying a sticker in order to avoid design detail. "

I also don’t mind stickers on smaller sets like this one. I part many of the sets I buy after a while so I can use the parts for mocs. I seldom use printed parts in mocs and they are kind of a waste to me, but I will remove stickers from parts and use them on mocs.

LEGO print quality has also been rather poor at times, which makes stickers look better (for example, I built than took apart and sold the A. Senna F1 because I did not like how the printed part at the front was not white but pink. I might have kept it if they had used a proper white sticker instead).

Now, I agree that large adult models that will never be taken apart should not have stickers. If the printed quality were better. But at the moment, stickers often look better, unfortunately.

Over the years, I’ve bought hundred of stickers sheets so that for every set I keep on display, I have one or two extra sticker sheets Just in case the original stickers peel. I never had to removed a peeled sticker and Reolace it with a new sticker songer.

By in United States,

@MeganL, I've started wonder what the StS (Start-to-Sloth) time will be on your reviews.

@Ridgeheart said:"A moonster-truck.

Oh, come on! It was RIGHT THERE!"

Indeed, not to use that pun in the article was luna-cy.

@Oli said:
"The aftermarked on minidolls is doomed, no one wants them.."

Except for, y'know, all the people who do. As difficult a concept as this may be for you to comprehend, not everyone shares your tastes.

By in Netherlands,

If the sloths disappear from these articles, WE RIOT.

By in Germany,

@TheOtherMike said:
" @MeganL , I've started wonder what the StS (Start-to-Sloth) time will be on your reviews.

@Ridgeheart said:"A moonster-truck.

Oh, come on! It was RIGHT THERE!"

Indeed, not to use that pun in the article was luna-cy.

@Oli said:
"The aftermarked on minidolls is doomed, no one wants them.."

Except for, y'know, all the people who do. As difficult a concept as this may be for you to comprehend, not everyone shares your tastes."

I do know that not everyone shares the same taste as me. I am saying this from my own experience... Out there might be a hand full of adults (probably female, which are still very few in the lego comunities compared to men, and even then the majority likes the iconic minifigure...

But thats just my experience..

By in United States,

@TheOtherMike said:
" @MeganL, I've started wonder what the StS (Start-to-Sloth) time will be on your reviews.

Oh, that was probably the worst thing to say to an engineer.....especially since I hadn't really thought about it before! Sloth appearances have been very impromptu, but I think the only thing I can safely say is that sloths have never appeared in the first picture of a review (as it's usually stickers or minidolls). But now I'm going to be very aware of how early they appear!

But now that I do think about it, there's probably enough sloth appearances where you could do some analysis as to where the sloths appear in the reviews, what the average or median placement is, which colour sloth was used, how many sloths were in the pictures, etc. Thanks.....I think?

By in Netherlands,

@Oli said:
" @TheOtherMike said:
" @MeganL , I've started wonder what the StS (Start-to-Sloth) time will be on your reviews.

@Ridgeheart said:"A moonster-truck.

Oh, come on! It was RIGHT THERE!"

Indeed, not to use that pun in the article was luna-cy.

@Oli said:
"The aftermarked on minidolls is doomed, no one wants them.."

Except for, y'know, all the people who do. As difficult a concept as this may be for you to comprehend, not everyone shares your tastes."

I do know that not everyone shares the same taste as me. I am saying this from my own experience... Out there might be a hand full of adults (probably female, which are still very few in the lego comunities compared to men, and even then the majority likes the iconic minifigure...

But thats just my experience.."

I prefer the minifig, that's true - but the minidolls are welcome in my builds, these days. And if TLM2 wasn't enough to convince you that minidolls and minifigs can live together in peace, then I would like to point you to CMF26 for the opposite view.

The Buggoids are back to destroy everyone and anyone under the Space-supertheme. If your minifigs want to stand a chance, they're going to have to band together with the minidolls, or face extinction.

By in Germany,

I am not saying that minifigs and minidolls cant live together in peace in some different universe than mine. Thats alright with me, Speciale when the kids have a word on that. But as an adult, without little children in the house using minidolls instead of minifigs.. Hmm, i bet thats rare.

Sweet Mayhem by the way is the only minidoll on display in our Lego-room. It clutches right beside the space alien from cmf series 22 in my minifig vitrine. Probably the only minidoll i like somehow..

By in United States,

@Oli said:
" I am not saying that minifigs and minidolls cant live together in peace in some different universe than mine. Thats alright with me, Speciale when the kids have a word on that. But as an adult, without little children in the house using minidolls instead of minifigs.. Hmm, i bet thats rare.

Sweet Mayhem by the way is the only minidoll on display in our Lego-room. It clutches right beside the space alien from cmf series 22 in my minifig vitrine. Probably the only minidoll i like somehow.."

Let's all live and love and eat and pray and prey in peace (except for those who are eaten).

Seriously, he is right. Bulk batches of dolls are one-tenth the price of minifig lots. Yet, the price is much higher than it was a few years ago (when it was literally pennies). It's at the level where minifigs were before the pandemic. So, maybe minidolls will be sky-high in five years. They certainly get Lego's best printing.

By in Germany,

@StyleCounselor said:
" @Oli said:
" I am not saying that minifigs and minidolls cant live together in peace in some different universe than mine. Thats alright with me, Speciale when the kids have a word on that. But as an adult, without little children in the house using minidolls instead of minifigs.. Hmm, i bet thats rare.

Sweet Mayhem by the way is the only minidoll on display in our Lego-room. It clutches right beside the space alien from cmf series 22 in my minifig vitrine. Probably the only minidoll i like somehow.."

Let's all live and love and eat and pray and prey in peace (except for those who are eaten).

Seriously, he is right. Bulk batches of dolls are one-tenth the price of minifig lots. Yet, the price is much higher than it was a few years ago (when it was literally pennies). It's at the level where minifigs were before the pandemic. So, maybe minidolls will be sky-high in five years. They certainly get Lego's best printing. "

They are nicely printed, i´ll give you that but the allover asthetic of a minidoll is well, far away from reality, yet trying it. Better go with fantasy all the way, so that would be the minifig, preferably yellow skinned. -Stay Iconic. That, by the way, is another reason why i am not into almost all Licensed movie or Television-series LEGO-themes. Furthermore, most movies and series are complete boredom to me as well. I probably sound like a grandpa to most of you. But thats honestly what i think.

I hope TLG will put out their first Minidoll collectable series someday.. maybe than TLG will understand that all Friends sets would do better with minifigs instead. I truly believe that.

I mean the friends line has many realy good sets, adults would be more tempted to buy if minifigs where included, i bet even boys dont mind a colourfull house if it has some good minifigs in it. So i believe if the Friends line would include minifigs instead of dolls it will do only good.

Out of my experience most girls are aright with both dolls and figs. Boys on the other hand just arent for minidolls. Although, in my time of growing up LEGO was pretty much a boys toy even though Paradisa existed. So i consider most LEGO enthusiasts are boys or men, even nowadays.

By in United States,

@Oli said:
" @StyleCounselor said:
" @Oli said:
" I am not saying that minifigs and minidolls cant live together in peace in some different universe than mine. Thats alright with me, Speciale when the kids have a word on that. But as an adult, without little children in the house using minidolls instead of minifigs.. Hmm, i bet thats rare.

Sweet Mayhem by the way is the only minidoll on display in our Lego-room. It clutches right beside the space alien from cmf series 22 in my minifig vitrine. Probably the only minidoll i like somehow.."

Let's all live and love and eat and pray and prey in peace (except for those who are eaten).

Seriously, he is right. Bulk batches of dolls are one-tenth the price of minifig lots. Yet, the price is much higher than it was a few years ago (when it was literally pennies). It's at the level where minifigs were before the pandemic. So, maybe minidolls will be sky-high in five years. They certainly get Lego's best printing. "

They are nicely printed, i´ll give you that but the allover asthetic of a minidoll is well, far away from reality, yet trying it. Better go with fantasy all the way, so that would be the minifig, preferably yellow skinned. -Stay Iconic. That, by the way, is another reason why i am not into almost all Licensed movie or Television-series LEGO-themes. Furthermore, most movies and series are complete boredom to me as well. I probably sound like a grandpa to most of you. But thats honestly what i think.

I hope TLG will put out their first Minidoll collectable series someday.. maybe than TLG will understand that all Friends sets would do better with minifigs instead. I truly believe that.

I mean the friends line has many realy good sets, adults would be more tempted to buy if minifigs where included, i bet even boys dont mind a colourfull house if it has some good minifigs in it. So i believe if the Friends line would include minifigs instead of dolls it will do only good.

Out of my experience most girls are aright with both dolls and figs. Boys on the other hand just arent for minidolls. Although, in my time of growing up LEGO was pretty much a boys toy even though Paradisa existed. So i consider most LEGO enthusiasts are boys or men, even nowadays."

I would certainly be interested in the percentage of females who prefer figs to dolls.

Actually, any gender-based FOL information would be intriguing.

By in Germany,

@StyleCounselor said:
" @Oli said:
" @StyleCounselor said:
" @Oli said:
" I am not saying that minifigs and minidolls cant live together in peace in some different universe than mine. Thats alright with me, Speciale when the kids have a word on that. But as an adult, without little children in the house using minidolls instead of minifigs.. Hmm, i bet thats rare.

Sweet Mayhem by the way is the only minidoll on display in our Lego-room. It clutches right beside the space alien from cmf series 22 in my minifig vitrine. Probably the only minidoll i like somehow.."

Let's all live and love and eat and pray and prey in peace (except for those who are eaten).

Seriously, he is right. Bulk batches of dolls are one-tenth the price of minifig lots. Yet, the price is much higher than it was a few years ago (when it was literally pennies). It's at the level where minifigs were before the pandemic. So, maybe minidolls will be sky-high in five years. They certainly get Lego's best printing. "

They are nicely printed, i´ll give you that but the allover asthetic of a minidoll is well, far away from reality, yet trying it. Better go with fantasy all the way, so that would be the minifig, preferably yellow skinned. -Stay Iconic. That, by the way, is another reason why i am not into almost all Licensed movie or Television-series LEGO-themes. Furthermore, most movies and series are complete boredom to me as well. I probably sound like a grandpa to most of you. But thats honestly what i think.

I hope TLG will put out their first Minidoll collectable series someday.. maybe than TLG will understand that all Friends sets would do better with minifigs instead. I truly believe that.

I mean the friends line has many realy good sets, adults would be more tempted to buy if minifigs where included, i bet even boys dont mind a colourfull house if it has some good minifigs in it. So i believe if the Friends line would include minifigs instead of dolls it will do only good.

Out of my experience most girls are aright with both dolls and figs. Boys on the other hand just arent for minidolls. Although, in my time of growing up LEGO was pretty much a boys toy even though Paradisa existed. So i consider most LEGO enthusiasts are boys or men, even nowadays."

I would certainly be interested in the percentage of females who prefer figs to dolls.

Actually, any gender-based FOL information would be intriguing. "

Yes. I would like that too. I think the minidolls are around for a long time now, maybe TLG should reanalyse if the minidoll is realy what the girsl want.. Even, if thats the case, the majorit of LEGO buyers will still choose minifig over minidoll, set or fig only. And to spaek to others which are all for minidolls why isnt there any BaM for Minidolls!? They cant be that good if there isnt BaM or a Collectible series. For all i know is that licensed minidoll themes are hopelessly overpriced!
Not sure if thats intirely the minidolls fault but i reckon it has a great deal to do with that!

Please LEGO, release a minidoll collectible series. This will flop so hard you will see what people want!

By in United States,

Let me weigh in on the minifigs vs mini dolls. First of all, my credentials. I'm an AFOL with two girls, and I grew up playing with Lego as a kid in the 90s (Pirates, Castle, and Island sets). My brother only ever let me play with the female minifigs, you know, the pirate babes with the cleavage. So I had about three minifigs. I didn't want to play war, so I operated a shop and sold him weapons. This launched my career as an arms dealer.

When I started buying LEGO sets for my girls, I was resistant to minidolls and Friends sets, but I think this was a little internalized misogyny. I got over it, and we LOVE Friends sets the best in this house. The sets are so detailed and charming. They love to play with each vignette as we build. Like it or not, my girls want nothing to do with minifigs. This annoyed me at first, because I love them, but at the end of the day these are their toys and I'm not gonna tell them how to play.

Secondly, honestly, I'm so sad I didn't have these sets as a girl. While I love the Castle sets, what I really wanted was dollhouses, shops, stables, etc. I'm glad TLG did so much research into how girls want to play. It really paid off.

N=1, but maybe some of these male AFOLs without kids could benefit from someone else's perspective.

By in Switzerland,

I will never understand why:
a) some people here insist on calling a set like this hideous and repeating this over and over again, implying that LEGO should have never released this
b) some people here insist on saying that stickers are stupid and that LEGO should get rid of them
c) some people here insist on saying that minidolls are vastly inferior, that most kids prefer minifigs, and LEGO should get rid of minidolls
d) some people here insist on saying that they do not comprehend how an adult can prefer this over the City sets

Even when people call them out on these honestly annoying and tiresome comments, they will keep arguing that their opinions are the ones that count, and that other people are plain wrong.

Newsflash: you are not the only one that counts for LEGO, other people's opinions are just as valid as yours, and there really is no need to use words that might not seem insulting or impolite to you, but that are perceived as such by many others. Sometimes rolling their tongue (or fingers in this case) a few times, before voicing their opinion might be a good idea for these people. And sometimes they should learn to leave their arrogance at the door before entering this forum.

On topic: this is a fun and whimsical set. Not something that I would buy, but I can definitely see the appeal with the alien plant life, the large orange wheels and the large trans-purple window pieces.

By in United Kingdom,

@Madge said:
I didn't want to play war, so I operated a shop and sold him weapons. This launched my career as an arms dealer.

I have lots of opinions about a future utopian world where we don't even see gender (spoken from a place of cis male privilege...) so the idea of different toys for girls & boys makes me uneasy, but I just wanted to say that this part of your comment made me blow coffee out of my nose. Excellent work.

By in United States,

@MeganL said:
" @TheOtherMike said:
" @MeganL, I've started wonder what the StS (Start-to-Sloth) time will be on your reviews.

Oh, that was probably the worst thing to say to an engineer.....especially since I hadn't really thought about it before! Sloth appearances have been very impromptu, but I think the only thing I can safely say is that sloths have never appeared in the first picture of a review (as it's usually stickers or minidolls). But now I'm going to be very aware of how early they appear!

But now that I do think about it, there's probably enough sloth appearances where you could do some analysis as to where the sloths appear in the reviews, what the average or median placement is, which colour sloth was used, how many sloths were in the pictures, etc. Thanks.....I think?"

You're welcome. *Evil laugh*

By in United States,

I love the color scheme of this set! The transparent purple and orange really complement each other. I grew up with classic space and really like these 2024 city and friends space sets. I was really lucky and found the 42605 base on clearance for $48 already! Pretty funny that this rover will be the same price, but I will definitely buy it as soon as I see it. I actually went out over the weekend hoping to find it early at a target, but no such luck.

I hope to find it at the local walmart this week!

By in United States,

I really like this set, but not a fan of the Friends minifigs. If I do wind up getting it, I might have to swap them out with other space minifigs. Maybe the pink one from 70841.

By in United States,

I've been interested in this since it was revealed. Don't care about the mini dolls so I'll put my orange and purple astronauts in it. I just ordered the LEGO City Space 60439 Science Lab. At $50 I'll have to wait on this one

By in United States,

@bananaworld said:
" @Madge said:
I didn't want to play war, so I operated a shop and sold him weapons. This launched my career as an arms dealer.

I have lots of opinions about a future utopian world where we don't even see gender (spoken from a place of cis male privilege...) so the idea of different toys for girls & boys makes me uneasy, but I just wanted to say that this part of your comment made me blow coffee out of my nose. Excellent work.

Second on that!! You may call yourself Madge, but to me, you're hereinafter the 'Arms Dealer.'

I enjoyed your take on everything. It's really interesting to hear from you the same internal struggles I felt about minifigs, dolls, and misogyny.

It's a theme that should have been further developed in Lego Movie II. That diverged way too much into Emmett = Fight Club, and the story became disjointed.

I agree that Lego's outreach to girls has been great. It's even better that those sets are now getting the fantastic design they deserve.

I started buying some with the idea that there could be a little girl in my life some day. Now, its just becausr they are cool sets.

While I don't utilize the minidolls, its obvious they've always had great printing. This is probably because Lego realized that girls would refuse to settle for anything but 'the best.'

Hopefully, one day, the minifigs will get equal treatment. ;)

By in Japan,

Yup yup, cant use the mini dolls but will for sure crew this with the city astronauts. It looks phenomenal.

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