Vintage set of the week: Maersk Line Container Ship

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Maersk Line Container Ship

Maersk Line Container Ship

©1974 LEGO Group

This week's vintage set is 1650 Maersk Line Container Ship, released during 1974. It's one of 13 LEGOLAND sets produced that year. It contains 220 pieces.

It's owned by 68 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.

29 comments on this article

By in United States,

Holy smokes! A boat that can float?!

By in New Zealand,

Huwbot's certainly been on a bit of an ocean theme in the past few weeks of VSotW, hasn't he?

By in United States,

One of the most expensive sets on the aftermarket!

By in United States,

The Big Daddy!!

I love that this set exists (although it truly celebrates nepotism and plutocracy in Denmark). I love that people love it. I love that I have no desire for it.

Currently worldwide, only one used, discolored set available to buy - for $800.

By in New Zealand,

Did you know that this set has the third-highest amount of stickers in a set, ever! And it also has the highest amount of stickers relative to its size.

By in United States,

@Maxbricks14 said:
"Did you know that this set has the third-highest amount of stickers in a set, ever! And it also has the highest amount of stickers relative to its size."

I thought so too. But, I believe that is the newer version.

By in United States,

@MCLegoboy said:
"Holy smokes! A boat that can float?!"

I love those old weighted keels. My brothers and I used to pretend to throw it at one another, knowing that it was a fairly dire assault. Like throwing a rock. Definitely something worth telling Mom about. ;)

By in New Zealand,

@StyleCounselor said:
" @Maxbricks14 said:
"Did you know that this set has the third-highest amount of stickers in a set, ever! And it also has the highest amount of stickers relative to its size."

I thought so too. But, I believe that is the newer version. "

No. The newer version has 22 LESS stickers than this version. But the new version is still only one placing behind it for most stickers in a set, surprisingly.

By in Germany,

@StyleCounselor said:
"The Big Daddy!!

I love that this set exists (although it truly celebrates nepotism and plutocracy in Denmark). I love that people love it. I love that I have no desire for it.

Currently worldwide, only one used, discolored set available to buy - for $800."

Which you are basically paying for seven hull pieces and two sticker sheets, since all the other parts are fairly common.

By in Netherlands,

It’s weird to see this listed as an legoland set, since the 16xx sets from this period are promotional sets. This also explains the high price for it now. Original it also came with some Maersk information in the box.

By in South Africa,

@Maxbricks14 said:
" @StyleCounselor said:
" @Maxbricks14 said:
"Did you know that this set has the third-highest amount of stickers in a set, ever! And it also has the highest amount of stickers relative to its size."

I thought so too. But, I believe that is the newer version. "

No. The newer version has 22 LESS stickers than this version. But the new version is still only one placing behind it for most stickers in a set, surprisingly."


By in United Kingdom,

@MCLegoboy said:
"Holy smokes! A boat that can float?!"

No need to gloat, on it we shall dote!

By in United Kingdom,

I believe, though could be mistaken, that for this ship or one of the later versions of it, LEGO first created parts in Maersk blue.

By in United States,

Ah, from back in the day when shipping containers used to be the size of a multi-story apartment building.

By in Germany,

@HoodedOne said:
"It’s weird to see this listed as an legoland set, since the 16xx sets from this period are promotional sets. This also explains the high price for it now. Original it also came with some Maersk information in the box. "

For unexplained reasons, almost all people seem to categorize Maersk sets (along such things as Airline Promos, the 1998 Football sets, the 2000 Team Telekom sets etc.) as the closest thing they got to a regular theme of their year of release.

In most cases this is Town (thus heavily inflating the actual set count of the old Town theme, which already has many spin-off themes mislabelled as a Town Sub-Theme). Since this ship is too early for Town and a regular Boats/Ships line wasn't their either before 1982, it got put where all the other early floating boats are: Legoland.

By in United States,

@Brickalili said:
" @MCLegoboy said:
"Holy smokes! A boat that can float?!"

No need to gloat, on it we shall dote!"

I should note that this got my upvote.

By in United Kingdom,

@MCLegoboy said:
"Holy smokes! A boat that can float?!"

Lego had a series of boats in the early 80s made from modular hull sections, that could all float. I believe there were weights in the bottom of the hull sections to assist.

See sets 4005 , 4015 , 4025 for examples, although there are others

By in United States,

@Pitmonster said:
" @MCLegoboy said:
"Holy smokes! A boat that can float?!"

Lego had a series of boats in the early 80s made from modular hull sections, that could all float. I believe there were weights in the bottom of the hull sections to assist.

See sets 4005 , 4015 , 4025 for examples, although there are others"

There was a weighted keel that could be attached to the bottom.

By in United States,

@Pitmonster said:
" @MCLegoboy said:
"Holy smokes! A boat that can float?!"

Lego had a series of boats in the early 80s made from modular hull sections, that could all float. I believe there were weights in the bottom of the hull sections to assist.

See sets 4005 , 4015 , 4025 for examples, although there are others"

I remember when a former coworker who knew of my interest in Lego and had a small-to-medium amount of his own had me over to his house to go through his collection (which was all jumbled up loose pieces) to see if he had anything valuable. He had at least one of those hull sections; I'd never seen them before and was surprised that Lego had ever done such a thing, as this was before I joined (possibly even before I discovered) Brickset, and definitely before I went through Brickset's database. I didn't know how old they were and so didn't say anything about them. I did let him know that his monorail track sections might be worth a good bit.

By in Netherlands,

*piano note.

In a world...

Never released in any way shape or form near you. Or at all. Just passed on straight to private parties.

It exists though.


Coming... never in the first place.

Not this summer. Or any summer before this one.

By in Canada,

I got this set in a $40 bulk lot from an older east Asian lady who told me her son liked ships so they got it for him. Both pointy end pieces were damaged but all the stickers seem to be there. It did come with an original Maersk brochure, so I am guessing they were on vacation somewhere to get it direct from the company. So sad no manual. One weighted piece was also missing. I am still working on restoring it.

By in Netherlands,

Those boats did float nicely in water, with the weighted keel attached to prevent it from rolling over.

And the concept of boats being made from multiple floating sections did come back 60266: Ocean Exploration Ship and 60368: Arctic Explorer Ship , at a much larger scale.

By in Netherlands,

How many Maersk boats has lego made? Just curious.

By in Netherlands,

@StyleCounselor said:
"Currently worldwide, only one used, discolored set available to buy - for $800."

And now apparently none...

By in United States,

@Fatsochillyfries said:
"How many Maersk boats has lego made? Just curious."

Accord to a query I just ran, four. I'd give you a link, but I can't figure out how to link queries. The query was for sets whose tags contained "Maersk" and sets whose tags contained "Ship."

By in United States,

@TheOtherMike said:
" @Fatsochillyfries said:
"How many Maersk boats has lego made? Just curious."

Accord to a query I just ran, four. I'd give you a link, but I can't figure out how to link queries. The query was for sets whose tags contained "Maersk" and sets whose tags contained "Ship.""

Just do a basic search for "Maersk Ship", and copy the URL. BTW, one of those is just a rerelease of one of the other three.

By in Netherlands,

10155 and the three editions of 10152 are mostly the same. The differences are in branding, part variants and box art. The 2004 and 2005 editions of 10152 are Maersk Sealand while the 2006 edition of 10152 and 10155 are Maersk Line.

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