LEGO Star Wars 25th anniversary video teases new minifigures!
Posted by CapnRex101,LEGO has produced a short animation to mark the 25th anniversary of LEGO Star Wars, which features several new minifigures, likely teasing their appearance in sets later this year!
Covering multiple eras of Star Wars, the video includes plenty of existing minifigures, beside some as-yet-unreleased characters, such as Cal Kestis, Nien Nunb, Ezra Bridger from Ahsoka and a young version of Leia Organa, inspired by the Obi-Wan Kenobi series.
It is possible these characters have been created as minifigures purely for the animation, but I highly doubt that, as the video also focuses on minifigures already released to celebrate the anniversary.
Watch the three-minute video and view screenshots below...
Cal Kestis:
Nien Nunb:
Ezra Bridger:
Leia Organa:
You might also spot what appears to be a new version of the X-wing, beginning at 0:51 in the video.
As ever, we will provide more information about these minifigures when we can.
83 comments on this article
New 25th anniversary figures!
Cal Kestis! He looks incredible, can’t wait to get my hands on him!
And each one comes in an $100 set that no one wants.
A poncho for Cal, pupils for Ezra, medium legs for Nien Nunb, and everything would be perfect ;)
Other Star Wars games had figures that didn’t and still don’t exist yet. I want to be hopeful, but I dunno
About time Nien Nunb gets a minifig.
at least ezra will be in a 50 dollar set.
That group shot at the end was cool. I'm looking forward to getting Cal Kestis to pair with BD-1.
an official Cal Kestis figure will exist, my life is complete
The baby leia feels like a wasted slot, mostly because she looks like a figure you could build out of existing lego pieces.
But the other ones are pretty good, so I can't complain much!
The X - Wing seen in the video also looked notably different from past iterations, using unique parts to capture certain shapes. Are we already getting a new X - Wing?
I mean we still don't know for sure that these will be real minifigs they could just be for the vid
It's gonna be a loooong wait until September when I can buy that new X-wing!
LEGO - give me a Mantis and Rebel Transport and I will make sure @StyleCounselor leaves you alone going forward. Please and thanks.
Have the eagle-eyes among us confirmed that the X-Wing is the only ship that looks new?
This is the Way.
Give us cool characters with decent printing and accessories. In return, we will continue to prop-up your profits.
Speaking for poor printing decisions (cough, kama). It's sad that Maul can't find Anakin because Maul lacks any pupils to see with, and why doesn't Ezra have pupils?
We’re jumping the gun here. They’ve had characters in other videos that weren’t minifigs. Nien Nunb Would have been a perfect choice for the new Falcon though.
@B_Space_Man said:
"Have the eagle-eyes among us confirmed that the X-Wing is the only ship that looks new? "
I keep looking at those Podracers, as seems an odd inclusion, but they look to be 75258 and 7962
all other sets are currently available where 7962 is 13 years old!
Edit - Just noticed 75102 & 75105 in there as also old sets.
The people demand ponchos!
Also I want to believe that's a new body for Grogu but I don't want to get my hopes up given the set he's with is already out.
Also also: why does Ezra have the same eyes as blind Kanan? Really wish they'd just stick with black.
If focusing on each of the 25th anniversary figures,
Where is Malak? is he safe? is he alright?
@bnic99 said:
"If focusing on each of the 25th anniversary figures,
Where is Malak? is he safe? is he alright?
Turned out that he, in the end, was nothing.
This shows that Lego really needs to make a new mold for Grogu. Maybe they'll finally rip off the band-aid and produce one for the Mandalorian & Grogu movie, but it took over ten years to finally get a semi-accurate dark saber, so who knows?
I'm going to pitch my dream Lego Star Wars minifigures: Cade Skywalker and Darth Talon.
Won't happen in my lifetime (outside of a custom print), but I can dream.
@HandPositions said:
"The X - Wing seen in the video also looked notably different from past iterations, using unique parts to capture certain shapes. Are we already getting a new X - Wing?"
TLG can never go *too* long without a mass-market X-Wing for sale. This one looks pretty good so far! Tough to improve on the last one for the value, though.
LEGO seems unwilling to update the LEGO baby bodies which unfortunately includes Grogu.
Also, stop all the discussion on Rebels / Ahsoka related stuff until I finish the last 2 episodes of her show. :o)
The new X-wing seems to be the first minifigure-scale iteration to correctly have the hexagonal cross-section for its nose as opposed to simply being rectangular.
Who is the ginger next to Cal Kestis?
Who is Cal Kestis?
What a charming video, well done Lego!
Oh my GOD, please make this Grogu a new mold! It looks just as cute as he does on the show and millions of miles better than the current one.
Perhaps we are not getting the Dark Side Falcon but a RotJ Falcon?
Also: the Yavin IV base we always wanted...
@Bagelwolf said:
"TLG can never go *too* long without a mass-market X-Wing for sale. This one looks pretty good so far! Tough to improve on the last one for the value, though."
Isn't there an X-Wing / Tie Fighter battle set coming out this summer / fall?
Nice shot in the end, but old Han talking to young Han creeped me out.
Can we decently imagine a SW CMSerie?
@MegaBlocks said:
"Who is the ginger next to Cal Kestis?"
Nash Durango, from Young Jedi Adventures and 75384 The Crimson Firehawk.
This is so exciting! Ezra especially looks great!
Also, in the Dagobah scene, I noticed that the back of the X-Wing uses an unfamiliar design. So I'm wondering if that's teasing the rumored X-Wing and TIE Fighter dual-pack!
@graymattr said:
"We’re jumping the gun here. They’ve had characters in other videos that weren’t minifigs. Nien Nunb Would have been a perfect choice for the new Falcon though. "
These types of public announcements from Brickset are always funny as some folks....cough...Huw...cough...Cap...cough cough...may very likely already be reviewing applicable new sets. :o)
@MegaBlocks said:
"Who is the ginger next to Cal Kestis?"
Nash Durango from that Disney Junior show
@AustinPowers said:
"Who is Cal Kestis?"
Oh come on! I hardly play any video games and even I know who Cal Kestis is!
(Yet somehow I had no idea Darth Malek existed until the rumors, so... relevancy to casual fans strikes again)
@CapnRex101 said:
" @MegaBlocks said:
"Who is the ginger next to Cal Kestis?"
Nash Durango, from Young Jedi Adventures and 75384 The Crimson Firehawk."
Thanks, that makes sense as to why I didn't recognise her because I haven't watched the show.
@yamaki said:
"Also: the Yavin IV base we always wanted..."
I very much hope that Nien Nunb becomes an official minifigure, but Nunb's inclusion also highlights a problem with the (otherwise nice) video: no Baron Administrator Calrissian, Hero of the Rebellion!
Why does Cal have grey legs? They should be blue
@ELH2806 said:
"Why does Cal have grey legs? They should be blue"
They "shouldn't be" anything. Half the time spent in Jedi Survivor is earning rewards so you can keep changing out Cal's and BD's appearance. My Cal often looks like a ginger lumberjack Iron Fist.
Why are there two of certain characters? Looks odd.
@yellowcastle said:
" @ELH2806 said:
"Why does Cal have grey legs? They should be blue"
They "shouldn't be" anything. Half the time spent in Jedi Survivor is earning rewards so you can keep changing out Cal's and BD's appearance. My Cal often looks like a ginger lumberjack Iron Fist."
That version of Cal is based on Jedi: Fallen Order where he wears a blue jumpsuit
@gatorbug6 said:
"Why are there two of certain characters? Looks odd."
Why not?
Young(er) and old.
@AustinPowers said:
"Who is Cal Kestis? "
I’ll do you one better, WHY’S Cal Kestis!
I'm drawing a blank on the Jesus-looking figure on the right edge, between old Han and Finn. I thought it was Ezra at first, but he's behind Hera. I can't place who that is.
Let me just put it into the universe that a new Sebulba’s Podracer would be awesome.
@mikesray said:
"I'm drawing a blank on the Jesus-looking figure on the right edge, between old Han and Finn. I thought it was Ezra at first, but he's behind Hera. I can't place who that is. "
That is Cassian Andor from the Andor show.
No Rebel Friend? No sale. (same goes for Jedi Bob!)
@HandPositions said:
"The X - Wing seen in the video also looked notably different from past iterations, using unique parts to capture certain shapes. Are we already getting a new X - Wing?"
I was thinking the exact same thing, it has a Nexo Knight Mech back, but also appears to have click hinges on the wings maybe? (yes, I took multiple screen grabs, yes I'm that guy). This would be a bit disappointing as that technic mechanism on 75301 was an incredible design and the first time the wings felt right!!
The new X-Wing looks alright; basically as a side-grade from the previous one. Making the fuselage more octagonal using cheese slopes is a nice call, but I do like the nose on 75301 better and feel like this is a regression in that department. Glad they're keeping the piece and by extension scale of the intakes, though. A printed 2x2 plate inside them to add detail would be nice but I'm not losing sleep over what seems like a decent update to the craft. The use of click hinges for the foils is honestly welcome; while automated functions are nice and the last one is clever, I don't think it's a big loss and allows for better longevity and stability. I do wonder if the use of a click hinge connection is tied to the rumored strange play function of the set the ship comes in...
@AverageChimaEnjoyer said:
" @MegaBlocks said:
"Who is the ginger next to Cal Kestis?"
Nash Durango from that Disney Junior show
@AustinPowers said:
"Who is Cal Kestis?"
Oh come on! I hardly play any video games and even I know who Cal Kestis is!
(Yet somehow I had no idea Darth Malek existed until the rumors, so... relevancy to casual fans strikes again)"
I don't know who Darth Malek is either. To me the whole range of Star Wars shows, games etc. is getting inflationary. I find it hard to a) keep up and b) even care for any of these characters.
I've started watching The Mandalorian, Andor and Ahsoka, but have already lost interest in all three and am uncertain whether I'll even finish watching those shows. Video games don't interest me at all anymore. The last Star Wars game I played was Jedi Knight II.
Which begs the question, did LEGO ever produce a Kyle Katarn figure?
Man, that video is even more of a blatant product promo than previous ones.
@MisterBrickster said:
" @bnic99 said:
"If focusing on each of the 25th anniversary figures,
Where is Malak? is he safe? is he alright?
Turned out that he, in the end, was nothing.
In the end, he didn't even matter?
New minifigs are good and all - BUT - I’m just glad they’re acknowledging Andor by having him show up in there! Still waiting for more Andor sets though TLG - maybe a Fondor at least? I guess perhaps tied into series 2.
@lost_scotsman said:
" @HandPositions said:
"The X - Wing seen in the video also looked notably different from past iterations, using unique parts to capture certain shapes. Are we already getting a new X - Wing?"
I was thinking the exact same thing, it has a Nexo Knight Mech back, but also appears to have click hinges on the wings maybe? (yes, I took multiple screen grabs, yes I'm that guy). This would be a bit disappointing as that technic mechanism on 75301 was an incredible design and the first time the wings felt right!!"
If I recall the leaks correctly, the new x wing is a combo pack with a tie fighter. They can swap wings to form "uglies" which is probably why there might be click hinges on the x wing.
@AustinPowers said:
" @AverageChimaEnjoyer said:
"The last Star Wars game I played was Jedi Knight II.
Which begs the question, did LEGO ever produce a Kyle Katarn figure? "
No, and they probably never will, since I don't think he's canon anymore."
Love the three Obi-wan's at the end recreating the Spider-man meme.
I hope if those are made into real minifigures that they won't be GWPs. LEGO has never made a set of Cal Kestis' spaceship, The Mantis, just one of his droid BD-1. Maybe we'll get a set of young Leia's droid L0-LA59 (Lola) too. I think young Leia wasn't included in the "Obi-Wan" TV miniseries line because her presence in the show was a surprise.
@Brickemans said:
"Nice shot in the end, but old Han talking to young Han creeped me out."
How about Obi in the back jammin' to some De La Soul..."me, myself, and I."
All I see is Lego Ian Gallagher. Soon it’ll be time to put him next to the live action Michelangelo figure.
Just after watching that, I was somewhat reminded of the 'Chewbacca Defense' from that South Park episode:
"That does not make sense!"
*sigh*, I just want a Ben Swolo minifig IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK ;___;
I know they've made shirtless minifigs before but they're in yellow so I can't even make a custom : (
Lil' Leia is so cute though, I love her.
That promo would've slapped harder if it had actual Star Wars music playing.
@KG83 said:
"*sigh*, I just want a Ben Swolo minifig IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK ;___;
I know they've made shirtless minifigs before but they're in yellow so I can't even make a custom : (
Lil' Leia is so cute though, I love her."
See 71020-6, that torso might be of use
Not that I am particularly interested in that character, but why shouldn't he be canon? It's an officially licensed Star Wars game just like all the others.
@ELH2806 said:
"Why does Cal have grey legs? They should be blue"
His blue trousers were in the wash on that day.
Nien Numb! I still have my 80’s figure you had to get by post back in the day. Was kinda hoping he’d be released with a ROTJ Millennium Falcon but I’ll take him anyway I can get him.
They made a shirtless Prince of Persia figure. Shouldn’t be too hard to get hold of.
The application of colored eyes is too random for me, and that goes across all themes not just Star Wars.
First the justification that all Aliens need colored eyes, now a simple generic human has blue eyes. So why him and not Leia or Cal kestis? Or everybody else? His eyes had no significance in the story.
Yellow Sith eyes are special and should be represented in some way, yes, but why does this extend to "Aliens" i.e. people with rubber wigs? The argument is "for consistency" but then why don't the Niktos from the Pirate Snubfighter have colored eyes? Lys Solay, Yoda, Jacen Syndula apparently, Theelin Dancer, Gamorrean, Weequay, Kuiil all have regular minifig eyes. It's a dice roll of who gets colored eyes now
@ELH2806 said:
"Why does Cal have grey legs? They should be blue"
They are pearl dark grey on Hasbros figure too and in some in-game screenshots. You are probably thinking of another outfit or lighting differences. There has to be a color difference between the torso and legs. I saw a screenshot of the game where the legs appear dark blue but the torso was then closer to sand blue.
@TheOtherMike said:
[[ @AustinPowers said:
[[ @AverageChimaEnjoyer said:
[[The last Star Wars game I played was Jedi Knight II.
Which begs the question, did LEGO ever produce a Kyle Katarn figure? ]]
No, and they probably never will, since I don't think he's canon anymore.]]]]
That's not necessarily gonna stop them, Malak isn't Canon and he appears this year, and if rumours are to be believed then he's not the only non-canonical minifig Lego star wars is going to produce this year. They've even made full sets based on non-canonical content such as the Azure Angel.
@AgentKallus said:
" @TheOtherMike said:
" @AustinPowers said:
" @AverageChimaEnjoyer said:
"The last Star Wars game I played was Jedi Knight II.
Which begs the question, did LEGO ever produce a Kyle Katarn figure? "
No, and they probably never will, since I don't think he's canon anymore." "
That's not necessarily gonna stop them, Malak isn't Canon and he appears this year, and if rumours are to be believed then he's not the only non-canonical minifig Lego star wars is going to produce this year. They've even made full sets based on non-canonical content such as the Azure Angel. "
The difference seems to be that KOTOR and variations of the Jedi Starfighter and Snowspeeder are much more beloved than the Dark Forces games.
It sure is worth a question how they can come up with numbers for that though without fan polling or barely any EU sets in the line and most of what came out just being random trooper recolors which have a hint of laziness.
There was a poll among Hasbro Vintage Collection fans on which characters need a figure and Kyle was place 51, just 10 places below Malak but also outranked everyone from the Cal Kestis games except 2nd Sister (Cal Kestis already had a figure of his Survivor look so nobody seems to have wanted to vote for a second look), yet was also outranked by Dash Rendar. There might be some imbalance that makes direct comparison more difficult as many of the voters might be content with pre-existing older figures and prioritize updating the oldest figures or similar strategies but it offers some insight into overall popularity when Kyle, Dash, Malak, Nihilus and Mara Jade are in the top 50 and going head to head with current media characters like Ahsoka the White, Baylan and the Bad Batch in fan circles.
@Anonym said:
" @AgentKallus said:
" @TheOtherMike said:
" @AustinPowers said:
" @AverageChimaEnjoyer said:
"The last Star Wars game I played was Jedi Knight II.
Which begs the question, did LEGO ever produce a Kyle Katarn figure? "
No, and they probably never will, since I don't think he's canon anymore." "
That's not necessarily gonna stop them, Malak isn't Canon and he appears this year, and if rumours are to be believed then he's not the only non-canonical minifig Lego star wars is going to produce this year. They've even made full sets based on non-canonical content such as the Azure Angel. "
The difference seems to be that KOTOR and variations of the Jedi Starfighter and Snowspeeder are much more beloved than the Dark Forces games.
It sure is worth a question how they can come up with numbers for that though without fan polling or barely any EU sets in the line and most of what came out just being random trooper recolors which have a hint of laziness.
There was a poll among Hasbro Vintage Collection fans on which characters need a figure and Kyle was place 51, just 10 places below Malak but also outranked everyone from the Cal Kestis games except 2nd Sister (Cal Kestis already had a figure of his Survivor look so nobody seems to have wanted to vote for a second look), yet was also outranked by Dash Rendar. There might be some imbalance that makes direct comparison more difficult as many of the voters might be content with pre-existing older figures and prioritize updating the oldest figures or similar strategies but it offers some insight into overall popularity when Kyle, Dash, Malak, Nihilus and Mara Jade are in the top 50 and going head to head with current media characters like Ahsoka the White, Baylan and the Bad Batch in fan circles. "
I just wanna know how the coding got so messed up that now Brickset thinks I'M the one who said something about Jedi Knight II. Literally the only Star Wars game I've played is the LEGO Clone Wars one.
@AverageChimaEnjoyer said:
" @Anonym said:
" @AgentKallus said:
" @TheOtherMike said:
" @AustinPowers said:
" @AverageChimaEnjoyer said:
"The last Star Wars game I played was Jedi Knight II.
Which begs the question, did LEGO ever produce a Kyle Katarn figure? "
No, and they probably never will, since I don't think he's canon anymore." "
That's not necessarily gonna stop them, Malak isn't Canon and he appears this year, and if rumours are to be believed then he's not the only non-canonical minifig Lego star wars is going to produce this year. They've even made full sets based on non-canonical content such as the Azure Angel. "
The difference seems to be that KOTOR and variations of the Jedi Starfighter and Snowspeeder are much more beloved than the Dark Forces games.
It sure is worth a question how they can come up with numbers for that though without fan polling or barely any EU sets in the line and most of what came out just being random trooper recolors which have a hint of laziness.
There was a poll among Hasbro Vintage Collection fans on which characters need a figure and Kyle was place 51, just 10 places below Malak but also outranked everyone from the Cal Kestis games except 2nd Sister (Cal Kestis already had a figure of his Survivor look so nobody seems to have wanted to vote for a second look), yet was also outranked by Dash Rendar. There might be some imbalance that makes direct comparison more difficult as many of the voters might be content with pre-existing older figures and prioritize updating the oldest figures or similar strategies but it offers some insight into overall popularity when Kyle, Dash, Malak, Nihilus and Mara Jade are in the top 50 and going head to head with current media characters like Ahsoka the White, Baylan and the Bad Batch in fan circles. "
I just wanna know how the coding got so messed up that now Brickset thinks I'M the one who said something about Jedi Knight II. Literally the only Star Wars game I've played is the LEGO Clone Wars one."
It's not Brickset's fault, it's mine; I didn't edit down the post I was quoting correctly.
A Nien Nunb mech would be wonderful.
@TheBrickBulbasaur said:
"Cal Kestis! He looks incredible, can’t wait to get my hands on him!"
Wait for him to arrive in a set jot related to him.
@Lordmoral said:
" @TheBrickBulbasaur said:
"Cal Kestis! He looks incredible, can’t wait to get my hands on him!"
Wait for him to arrive in a set jot related to him."
Battle of Yavin IV with Cal Kestis!
Nien Nunb... Finally!
(But I'm not going to hold my breath, just in case)
Cal Kestis should have a poncho and an orange, double-bladed light saber that can separate into two sabers.