Random set of the day: Midi-scale Imperial Star Destroyer
Posted by Huwbot,Today's random set is 8099 Midi-scale Imperial Star Destroyer, released during 2010. It's one of 32 Star Wars sets produced that year. It contains 423 pieces, and its retail price was US$39.99/£34.99.
It's owned by 4,953 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you should find it for sale at BrickLink, where new ones sell for around $120.30, or eBay.
19 comments on this article
Double Star Wars!
I'm glad they bought back the Midi-scale sets. They are quite good, and I would've wanted a re-make of this set if it weren't for 75394.
Gee, Huwbot gets stuck on themes sometimes, doesn't he?
And the UCS Star destroyer hasn't even left the side-panel! That along with two other Star Wars sets.
This was a fantastic design. I've had it on display since it came out, and still no drooping in the nose.
Agreed. Nice set. Realistic scale. Inexpensive when it came out. The one thing I would really like these newer midi scale sets to include is a minifigure that you would expect to find in the set if it were minifigure scale. Like the planet sets had in the mid-2010s.
Warms the heart to see this ;)
Sceptical about this concept and the fact it only had two sets during it's initial run might be backing this up.
Not impressive enough like an UCS, no playset style like minifig scale and not cheap enough like Mini or Microfighters.
Definitely not my type of thing. If I want a Star Wars ship at this scale and function I'd rather go for Revell or something like that, more detail, more realism and (slightly) cheaper.
@MandalorianCandidate said:
"Agreed. Nice set. Realistic scale. Inexpensive when it came out. The one thing I would really like these newer midi scale sets to include is a minifigure that you would expect to find in the set if it were minifigure scale. Like the planet sets had in the mid-2010s."
I already do this with a pair of minifigures. The sets seem designed for this. Simply remove the pair of DBG 1x2 grill tiles and put minifigs there instead.
Well now the RSotD sidebar is being flanked by Star Destroyers. It’s a pincer manoeuvre, get out while you can!
I love this set. Such a shame that the Midi line never continued, and I know there's the new wave going on now, but it's not quite the same. There's a bit more prestige now, and a lot of extra details, the prices are bumped up, and I never got to get that Nebula-B, so this new line got started off on the wrong foot. But I guess the two original Midi sets were just ahead of their time. Without these two, we would have never gotten The Invisible Hand, so silver lining.
@Brickalili said:
"Well now the RSotD sidebar is being flanked by Star Destroyers. It’s a pincer manoeuvre, get out while you can!"
"I saw them! I saw them."
"Saw what?!"
"Two Star Destroyers, coming right at us. Change the deflector shields."
"But sir!"
"Shut him up or shut him down! Well, at least we can out-maneuver them."
@MCLegoboy said:
"I love this set. Such a shame that the Midi line never continued, and I know there's the new wave going on now, but it's not quite the same. There's a bit more prestige now, and a lot of extra details, the prices are bumped up, and I never got to get that Nebula-B, so this new line got started off on the wrong foot. But I guess the two original Midi sets were just ahead of their time. Without these two, we would have never gotten The Invisible Hand, so silver lining."
Honestly higher detail is what was missing for me on the old ones, considering the smaller scale made it easier to add more details.
The ship the myth the legend
@Brainslugged said:
" @MandalorianCandidate said:
"Agreed. Nice set. Realistic scale. Inexpensive when it came out. The one thing I would really like these newer midi scale sets to include is a minifigure that you would expect to find in the set if it were minifigure scale. Like the planet sets had in the mid-2010s."
I already do this with a pair of minifigures. The sets seem designed for this. Simply remove the pair of DBG 1x2 grill tiles and put minifigs there instead."
I hope they are going to remake tyhis as part of the new line. I too wish these ships came with a couple of minifigs. Dioramas and display sets without minifigs lose their appeal with repetition.
@Eightcoins8 said:
" @MCLegoboy said:
"I love this set. Such a shame that the Midi line never continued, and I know there's the new wave going on now, but it's not quite the same. There's a bit more prestige now, and a lot of extra details, the prices are bumped up, and I never got to get that Nebula-B, so this new line got started off on the wrong foot. But I guess the two original Midi sets were just ahead of their time. Without these two, we would have never gotten The Invisible Hand, so silver lining."
Honestly higher detail is what was missing for me on the old ones, considering the smaller scale made it easier to add more details.
Yeah, but then the prices tend to skyrocket when you do that. You want something small and detailed, but not something to then say "I paid X amount of dollars for this?" when something the same price can be double or triple the size and really make a statement, and/or be filled with play features. The Midi line felt like a way to have something a bit larger than the Minis from 2003-2004 and polybags for the detail, but able to be held in the hand unlike the larger versions for minifigs. Part display, but also play with simple swooshing action. That's still possible, but when you pay nearly $100 and it's just a blip on the shelf, it makes you wonder if all the little 1x1 pieces are really worth it.
From the makers of 10030 Huge Gray Triangle, 4492 Mini Gray Triangle and 6211Big Gray Triangle... we now present to you... 8099 Medium Gray Triangle!
@StyleCounselor said:
" @Brickalili said:
"Well now the RSotD sidebar is being flanked by Star Destroyers. It’s a pincer manoeuvre, get out while you can!"
"I saw them! I saw them."
"Saw what?!"
"Two Star Destroyers, coming right at us. Change the deflector shields."
"But sir!"
"Shut him up or shut him down! Well, at least we can out-maneuver them."
"Take evasive action!" *loud crunch noises and klaxon wails*
@Murdoch17 said:
" @StyleCounselor said:
" @Brickalili said:
"Well now the RSotD sidebar is being flanked by Star Destroyers. It’s a pincer manoeuvre, get out while you can!"
"I saw them! I saw them."
"Saw what?!"
"Two Star Destroyers, coming right at us. Change the deflector shields."
"But sir!"
"Shut him up or shut him down! Well, at least we can out-maneuver them."
"Take evasive action!" *loud crunch noises and klaxon wails*"
Yep. Us straight shootin', rootin', tootin' Imperials were gonna catch the Falcon by smashing it into each other. Woo-hoo!
Huwbot is a Starwars fan