Random set of the day: Escape from Privet Drive

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Escape from Privet Drive

Escape from Privet Drive

©2002 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 4728 Escape from Privet Drive, released during 2002. It's one of 17 Harry Potter sets produced that year. It contains 278 pieces and 3 minifigs, and its retail price was US$30/£24.99.

It's owned by 4,361 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you should find it for sale at BrickLink, where new ones sell for around $154.00, or eBay.

39 comments on this article

By in United States,

Okay but why is Vernon Dursley waving. I'm sure that it's supposed to be in shock/protest but it looks more like he's glad to see Ron.

By in United States,

Ron, what are you doing ripping the window out, half the house is completely open.

By in New Zealand,

There's something really nostalgic about the original Harry Potter sets.

By in United States,

Uncle Vernon has to call the exterminator. He’s got an owl and spider infestation at home.

By in New Zealand,

76424 looks way better than this version of the Anglia.

By in United States,

@Robot99 said:
"Okay but why is Vernon Dursley waving. I'm sure that it's supposed to be in shock/protest but it looks more like he's glad to see Ron."

That face says otherwise

By in United States,

I was today years old when I learned that Dark Orange existed in 2002. I first came across it in 2012 with 10224 Town Hall.

In System sets it first appeared in 2000, and in Duplo sets all the way back to 1994. My mind is officially blown.

By in United States,

Ron is always getting the shaft. The bowl haircut in this set then the moldy old dress robes...

By in New Zealand,

With all those other ways out, why does he even need help escaping?

By in United States,

@WolfpackBricksStudios said:
"That face says otherwise"
Maybe, but Harry's indifferent face doesn't really match what's going on either. He actually looks more upset than Vernon might.

By in United States,

@Robot99 said:
"Okay but why is Vernon Dursley waving. I'm sure that it's supposed to be in shock/protest but it looks more like he's glad to see Ron."

You see "friendly waving". I see "shaking his fist angrily".

By in United States,

You know I've never paid too much attention to this set before, but it's on a hinge. You could probably open and close the house up and I've never seen it in a pose other than the box art, ... but I'm also not sure I can be bothered to look it up

By in Australia,

@SJPlego said:
" @Robot99 said:
"Okay but why is Vernon Dursley waving. I'm sure that it's supposed to be in shock/protest but it looks more like he's glad to see Ron."

You see "friendly waving". I see "shaking his fist angrily"."

You see "shaking his fist angrily". I see "old man yells at cloud".

By in New Zealand,

Ooh. Double ownage.

By in United Kingdom,

The Ford Anglia really has come a long way since then, hasn’t it?

By in United States,

You know, this makes me realize a pretty messed up aspect of the Wizarding World. They constantly monitor children for signs of unauthorized use of magic, yet they apparently have no Child Protective Services department.

By in United States,

Where are the child abuse play features

By in United Kingdom,

Something, something, J.K Rowling...

By in United Kingdom,

How does Harry Potter get down a hill?

By in Norway,

I'm very fond of this set! One of the last Christmas presents I got from my great grandmother and the Ford Anglia was so much fun to play with! I think it's actually kind of a gold standard for cars as it fits two minifigs next to each other without being humongously large.

By in Netherlands,

Having just recently built 76424, it's remarkable to see the evolution Lego has made over 22 years. Though at least the old one had a proper steering wheel!

By in United Kingdom,

Just wish this set had more pieces to finish the upstairs front facade, as a square box house should be easy in Lego even if we do break the 300 piece limit.

By in United States,

@Maxbricks14 said:
"76424 looks way better than this version of the Anglia."

2002 vs 2024

That original was remarkable at the time, and holds it's own quite well in any modern Lego City.

By in Netherlands,

Ooh, I got this one recently! Fun set! The Ford Anglia is a significant chunk of the parts, and it shows. It was ahead of its time, seating two minifigs and even a trunk!

The house is basic as you would expect, but it works well with the car but still has a hidden compartment under the stairs and plenty of stuff like a cape and rare nonprinted books. It even drops a few letters if you turn the chimney.

Furthermore, the alt models featured in the instructions allow you to build a full living room if you want.

Add in stuff like chrome grilles, dark orange and a lot of at the time rare medium blue and you have a winner!
Super nostalgic set.

By in United Kingdom,


By in Germany,

I just downloaded the instructions since I wanted to try and rebuild this version of the Anglia, and oh how nice do those look, with that printed background. So much more fitting and atmospheric than the sterile manuals we get nowadays.

By in Germany,

While I long lost interest in the Franchise, I'm not sure how I feel about the early sets.

They were pretty basic and empty, even for the time. I think theres a certain charme that its based more on play than accuracy, but you can tell 2001-2002 was the height of Juniorization. Most of the bricks in EVERY Harry Potter set from the time are big specialized bricks.

I personally feel the same approach was done way better for the 2004 and 2005 wave. Not zealously following screen accuracy, but making things actually somewhat look like anything in the movie.

By in United States,

I had this set when it came out. I like old stuff - steam trains, vintage cars, etc. so this was nice to have an old car for my sig-fig. But I wanted it in black instead of medium blue, which I eventually managed to do. My brother then built a yellow one as well a few years later.

It was nice for my childhood years, but nowadays it looks so... bad. So I upgraded to the 2018 version's style, and made ones in black, yellow, dark blue, and finally a car in bright light blue.

By in United Kingdom,

@EtudeTheBadger said:
Deryck Guyler?

By in United States,

HOW DARE YOU STEAL THAT CAR! Your father is facing an inquiry at work, and it's entirely YOUR FAULT! If you step ANOTHER TOE out of line, We'll bring you STRAIGHT HOME! Oh, and Ginny dear, congratulations on making Gryffindor - your father and I are so proud.'

By in United States,

@Maxbricks14 said:
"There's something really nostalgic about the original Harry Potter sets."

They're very... open-plan buildings. I like them.

By in United States,


By in United States,

I got this for Christmas when I was a kid. I didn't think the house was very good, but the car was great. It was the biggest, most detailed playscale car available at the time, and it still holds up very well today. The 2024 version only improves slightly on the shape and details, while the 2002 version is still the only one designed for side-by-side seating of adult minifigures. The 2024 version doesn't take a lot of modification to fit two adult minifigures, but it does need some. The 2018 and 2020 versions can cram in three minifigures (two side by side in front and one in the back), but they're not designed for that and it's an awkward fit.

By in United States,

I was able to get Ron and Harry in the front of my MOC, and in the back I’ve got Harry’s “trunk” (a crate) with Scabbers on top, and Hedwig in the other seat. But I don’t think mine would pass muster as an official set.

By in United States,

I have this set, albeit in pieces. I still remember the excitement of having the Lego site up on our family computer when I picked this out to buy. ~12 years old :)

I do still have the Anglia in its completed state with Ron and Harry inside.

By in United States,

@iwybs said:
"I got this for Christmas when I was a kid. I didn't think the house was very good, but the car was great. It was the biggest, most detailed playscale car available at the time, and it still holds up very well today. The 2024 version only improves slightly on the shape and details, while the 2002 version is still the only one designed for side-by-side seating of adult minifigures. The 2024 version doesn't take a lot of modification to fit two adult minifigures, but it does need some. The 2018 and 2020 versions can cram in three minifigures (two side by side in front and one in the back), but they're not designed for that and it's an awkward fit."

I made this version of the Angelina into the busted-up forest version that saves Won-Won and Putter from my horde of Acromantulas. Looks fantastic.

By in United States,

Hey I just* got this set**!

*Just was in August. I'm old now, so that counts.

**And by this set, I mean "most of it in a bulk lot with none of the figs." But I have every piece to the car save the 6x6 light blue plate, which has been cunningly hidden, and it looks like most of the house.

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