Vintage set of the week: Farming Scene

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Farming Scene

Farming Scene

©1975 LEGO Group

This week's vintage set is 255 Farming Scene, released during 1975. It's one of 6 Building Set with People sets produced that year. It contains 120 pieces.

It's owned by 148 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.

29 comments on this article

By in New Zealand,

Scene in what mooovie?

By in United States,

Scene 255 Camera B, mark. Aaaaaaand Action!

By in United States,

Soylent Green is people! A nice little scene at the Soylent Green farm.

By in United States,

I want to build that jeep and put it beside the little yellow Land Rover from last year.

By in United States,

I misread that title as "Framing Scene" at first, and was like, "What the heck is that supposed to mean?" Also, I find it interesting that they gave the cow udders and a horn. Nonbinary representation in 1975?

By in United States,

I'm very concerned for that cow's yellow udders...

By in Australia,

That sheep design (slightly scaled down) populated so many of my 80s castle scenes.

By in United States,

@WolfpackBricksStudios said:
"I'm very concerned for that cow's yellow udders..."

(In Napoleon Dynamite voice) That one got into an onion patch.

By in Canada,

Ok...why this guy towing the lady around in her bed...:)

Still, and no lie: I miss that 'arm' style, especially for building not-Canadarrms.:)

By in Germany,

If minifigs were designed with the 2x2 plate mounted wheels in mind, the maxifigs often look like they were meant for the 2x4 brick mounted wheels (also the 12V train basis), one might wonder why both fail to accomodate two people sitting next to each other in the same vehicle.

By in New Zealand,

I like the bull.

By in Netherlands,

Now just wait for The Violence of the Lambs....

By in United Kingdom,

Better start driving, you guys; those sheep have already dismantled most of your trailer by the looks of it, they’ll be coming for your car next!

By in Canada,

@namekuji: Think...that's a cow (look down...)

By in United Kingdom,

Female cows can have horns. If they are dairy cows the farmer might prevent the horn growth to help stop accidents.

By in Netherlands,

@CCC said:
"Female cows can have horns. If they are dairy cows the farmer might prevent the horn growth to help stop accidents. "
I never saw a cow without horns even. So this cow looks as real as everything else in this set.

By in United Kingdom,

@TheOtherMike said:
"Also, I find it interesting that they gave the cow udders and a horn. Nonbinary representation in 1975?"

Both male and female cows naturally have horns. If they don’t, the horns have been removed physically or genetically.

Edit: just seen I’m not the only person to point this out…

By in Netherlands,

Ah, come on. Not these monsters again. Isn't the world a terrible enough place?

By in United Kingdom,

@crazylegoman said:
" @WolfpackBricksStudios said:
"I'm very concerned for that cow's yellow udders..."

(In Napoleon Dynamite voice) That one got into an onion patch."

Elvis Costello? I see no blood and chocolate!

By in United States,

@brick_r said:
"Ok...why this guy towing the lady around in her bed...:)"

What, you've never heard of a hayless hayride?

By in Netherlands,

As they drive through their farm, the horse from the inerno watches them. It is famine, one of the four horses of the horsemen of the apocalypse. It smiles, despite being horse. At least the lady will be safe, for she will not be processed like those before her.

By in France,

This sheep design is definitely simple and effective. Love it.

By in United States,

This, or one of its duplicates, was my first Lego set. Combined with 375, which was my older brother’s, those people had a lot of adventures.

By in United States,

No grass

By in Canada,

@Brick_t_ said:
"This sheep design is definitely simple and effective. Love it."

Totally agree. Something that uses three different and simple bricks for a total of six bricks to make such an instantly recognizable form, is, in my opinion, the essence of what Lego is.

By in United States,

@WolfpackBricksStudios said:
"I'm very concerned for that cow's yellow udders..."

Yellow skin is not exclusive to humans.

By in Germany,

Rare wgite baseplate in the car.

By in United States,

@heikoloogi said:
"Rare wgite baseplate in the car."

Baseplate? I see a regular 6x12 plate. Not counting variants, it has appeared in 73 sets, ranging from 1970 to this year, so not particularly rare.

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