Review: 76045 Kryptonite Interception

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Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice has now been released in most countries and reviews of the movie are being published online. Now therefore seems like an ideal opportunity to publish our review of 76045 Kryptonite Interception. This review will not contain spoilers and I would ask that the comments are also kept spoiler free.

However, I am going to spoil this review right away by stating that this is undoubtedly my favourite of the three Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice sets. The new Batmobile is the highlight but there is a good selection of minifigures as well and even the LexCorp forklift truck is a decent little model which includes some nice play features.


Batman is the best of the three minifigures included. His cowl is well suited to the Batman V Superman version of the character and his torso is also printed nicely on the front and back. I am particularly impressed by the subtle silver dots which cover his suit and the shape of the bat symbol looks faithful to the movie.

76045 Kryptonite Interception

The cape is made from a spongey material and does not get in the way when the figure is seated. His legs are dual-moulded, with the black boots which first appeared in 76035 Jokerland last year. This is therefore the least expensive set to include a Batman minifigure with dual-moulded legs, although the same figure appears in 76046 Heroes of Justice: Sky High Battle. Batman is armed with a pearl silver batarang and a spare is also included.

76045 Kryptonite Interception

The two LexCorp Henchmen included are fairly generic in appearance, although this is ideal as you could easily swap the heads and hair pieces around to create many more henchmen if you had additional torsos and legs. The minifigure on the left features the head first used for the character of Vic Hoskins in 75918 T. rex Tracker while that on the right has previously appeared in 75091 Flash Speeder and on Legolas in the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit themes.

76045 Kryptonite Interception

The torsos are identical but look great nevertheless. Each one is printed with an identity badge on the front and the LexCorp logo on the back which is very pleasing. A stud-firing rocket launcher is included for one of the minifigures to carry, although I cannot imagine that would faze Batman.

76045 Kryptonite Interception

The Completed Model

The LexCorp forklift truck is the smaller of the two vehicles included and its design primarily follows that of earlier City offerings. This is no bad thing as the opening roll cage and curved bodywork look great, as does the specialised fork assembly mounted on the front. I like the lifting function, although the white rubber band used to facilitate this mechanism is a little too strong and the fork will therefore launch its contents into the air if it is released!

76045 Kryptonite Interception

A couple of other play features are found on the model, including a pair of flick fire missiles which look out of place to me but do give the forklift some offensive capabilities. In addition, a tab at the back of the model can be pressed to cause the forklift to explode, throwing the roll cage and the driver.

76045 Kryptonite Interception

A pallet laden with Kryptonite accompanies the vehicle and this makes use of three inverted domes which appear in black in only three other sets. These simple containment units look great but the trans-clear lids are rather loose and tend to fall off unless they are transported with care. This could be viewed as another play feature for more destructive action but I consider it a slight annoyance.

76045 Kryptonite Interception

By far the more interesting of the models is the Batmobile. I have been excited about this since it was revealed at San Diego Comic Con last year, despite my reservations regarding the design of the source material. Now that I have the model I am very pleased with it on the whole, although it is not perfect.

76045 Kryptonite Interception

The front is the weakest section in my opinion. The fixed stud shooters do not bother me but the exposed axle is an eyesore and the shaping of the bodywork between the wheels is totally inaccurate when viewed from a low angle.

76045 Kryptonite Interception

However, the view from above is excellent. The armour plating is angled beautifully and closely resembles the vehicle from the movie, as do the exhausts which are placed just above the tyres. A black Nexo Power tile is used to form part of the armour and I hope to see this piece appearing more in future as it is used to good effect here.

76045 Kryptonite Interception

The cockpit canopy looks great, as one would expect given that it was designed specifically for this set. It consists of two pieces which can be opened in two halves using Technic hinges and then angled outwards, creating an unusual and attractive profile. It waits to be seen whether these elements will appear in future sets as they seem fairly specialised but they could prove useful.

76045 Kryptonite Interception


76045 Kryptonite Interception is undoubtedly my favourite of the three Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice sets. Not only does it include an excellent selection of minifigures but the Batmobile looks splendid and there is plenty of play value too. I am still not keen on the source material but this is certainly my favourite minifigure scale Batmobile to date.

76045 Kryptonite Interception

The price of £29.99 or $29.99 seems reasonable to me and I certainly recommend this set over the others in the Batman V Superman range, although it must be acknowledged that the other sets include some excellent minifigures.

21 comments on this article

By in United States,

Love the windshield. Could be used on some really cool planes (kind of B2 like).

By in United States,

are you guys going to review the sky high battle

By in Canada,

Wasn't originally going to get this as I had just bought the last Batman with his Batmobile but don't think I can resist it looks great to me.

By in Venezuela,

The only thing that I don't get is why the designer used some Bright Blue pieces inside the Batmobile

By in United States,

@OscarWRG - I think it's to allow some contrast while building. Lego has often used brightly colored pieces to mark certain sections of a model while building. Plus it breaks the monotony a little.

By in United Kingdom,

^ I never understand why every batmobile is released with a flash of blue, DB Grey and even LB Grey.... I suppose it provides more colour for the lego collector but for the batman fan it just means me trying to find and replace those pieces with Black as surely all batmobiles are. The one in the Jokerland has bright yellow wheels.... really..........

By in United States,

I like the look of this bat mobile.

By in United States,

This Batmobile is definitely a winner as far as interesting construction in a small model, and I like those green crystals. Otherwise, I feel like the smaller set has a cooler Batman, and the larger set the idea minifig array. This one is basically the car, but not bad.

By in United Kingdom,

I like this set. I have it...but the £29.99 price tag isn't what it should retail for what you get...I'd say £23-26.00 max.

By in United Kingdom,

Yes, it's an incredibly tempting set, but at that price it's going to be some way down my priority list.

By in United States,

I don't care much for these movies, so the inaccuracy doesn't faze me. I think it's a really cool set, and the next opportunity I have I'll probably pick it up because that Batmobile is totally cool. Better than the 2014 one (which I have) by a large margin. Probably the best build of the DoJ sets... the Batwing isn't bad, but it's too weird for me.

But right now, I'm trying to get the Airport Battle, so this isn't currently a priority.

By in United States,

Absolutely love this set! One of the best minifigure scale Batmobiles!

By in Canada,

@Lego34S: Well, all-black LEGO models are generally not very photogenic, plus they make finding pieces and following the instructions needlessly difficult. Plus, plenty of official Batmobiles from comics and cartoons have used colors other than black, especially red, silver, blue, and yellow!

Anyway, I really like the design of this set, and the Batmobile it's based on isn't too shabby either. It's a shame that most of the reviews and reactions I've read can't say the same for the movie...

By in United Kingdom,

I personally really like the styling of this particular Batmobile and I'd really like to pick this up, but I have other priorities with set buying at the moment. Maybe when this set inevitably goes on sale at some point may I consider picking it up.

By in United States,

I was the tempted to get this set, but then I figured out how to build my own Minifig sized Tumbler... Which turned out awesomely. (Also built a Bat-Pod to go with it.)

By in United States,

Cool, this is really cool... :)

By in United States,

All this talk about colors and no one has made the obligatory joke/reference: "I only work in black. And sometimes very, very dark gray."

By in Puerto Rico,

Would have been great if a cargo truck was also included but given the potential (it could very well be a MOC spaceship that the Empire is hiring Lexcorp to control Superman) I really don't mind.

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