Review: Mixels Series 7 Medivals
Posted by TheBrickPal,Another year of Mixels has gone by, and now we have another in its wake.
It is hard to believe that at this time last year, we had just arrived on Mixel Moon with Series 4. Flash forward twelve months later, and we have met a plethora of new tribes in space and on Planet Mixel, cousins of the primary Series 1-3 tribes, and the tyrannical King Nixel.
But what's next in the world of Mixels? Well, after a major battle with the aforementioned uncreative and evil monarch, on the site of it the construction tribe of Weldos built a city full of wackiness and fun; a city called Mixopolis.
Not only are old tribes exploring this mixed-up utopia, but new tribes as well! One of three of these for Series 7 are the medieval-themed and frankly uninspiredly-named Medivals. Fans of Mixels are in for a treat, and LEGO Castle fans especially too! But what do Camillot, Mixadel and Paladum have (or not have) going for them? Read on to find out!
41557 Camillot
Camillot is the royal heir to the throne of the Medivals, but first he must go to school and learn to Mix with the "common" Mixels. The small 1x1 eyes convey the innocence of a child greatly.
You might as well call Camillot a tower. He very much looks like one, what with the top of his head sporting a flag, masonry bricks in his body, and him even having a cannon nose! MOCists will be very pleased. To fit more with the look of a knight, Camillot also features a nice axe arm and even a mustache.
Camillot is one of quite a few Mixels to use a ball-jointed jaw, and just a little articulation can show tons of emotion!
Finally, this set includes the first new type of ball-joint since Mixels was introduced in 2014: a 1x2 with ball at the end! This piece is long overdue and I'm sure it will be the reasoning for many purchases of Camillot.
I very much enjoy Camillot and I think you will too. He ranks as my second favorite of the Medivals.
41558 Mixadel
The snobbish Mixadel deep down has the heart of a hero. The main attraction of the set is a catapult that can fling through the air a circular brown 2x2 by pressing on his top jaw, which works due to Technic hinges. I love this feature simply for the play value it offers without ruining Mixadel's look. It makes him my favorite of the trio of Medivals.
For those who don't like the look of Mixadel, many interesting parts are still on offer. There are more masonry bricks, another red flag, the bottom half of a rock, quite a few slopes and a knight helmet, among others.
His posing capabilities are also more than usual, through the use of four ball-jointed legs.
Mixadel is full of personality and manages to have a great parts assortment, a neat appearance and an awesome play feature. I wholeheartedly recommend him.
41559 Paladum
One-eyed Paladum is no doubt based on the mythical pegasus, with his name being a combination of the words "paladin" and "dumb" which may hint at his personality. What we do know for a fact is that he is very loyal to his master Camillot.
What may be of interest to buyers of Paladum is that he uses the same large wing pieces as Series 3's Mesmo, but in gold instead of purple. For his back legs, he uses two of the same new ball-joints that Camillot has. Also in Paladum is a whopping four copies of a 1x1 tooth/toe tile that is new for Series 7. As you've probably realized by now, the Medivals are a goldmine for Castle and general MOCers.
Paladum also supplies another red flag for his tail, and all of the flags from these three sets combined are used for the Medivals Max model.
Finally, Paladum is the Mixel of his tribe that includes a despicable Nixel. All of the Nixels this year have been changed slightly from 2015 to go with the tribe they are included in. However, this Nixel is the only one in Series 7 not to have a new printed expression. What he does have, though, is a spear that can also be attached to either side of Paladum. However, I like giving it to the Nixel instead, to make him more unique and actually stand a chance against Paladum. Conflict for the win!
I can say for certain that the Medivals are my least favorite tribe in Series 7, but that does not at all make them bad sets. Each bag is filled with tons of fun, and they take advantage of the Middle Ages theme well! Whether you are a Mixels fan, a Castle fan or both, buy them.
Get ready for the musical Mixies next!
Thanks to Huw for the photos.
JANGBRiCKS' Video Review
17 comments on this article
Really nice! Series 7 is already shaping up to look like a solid series!
If they every have a massive drop in price I would be happy to pick those masonry bricks at the very least.
I can't help but see Camillots cone nose as his mouth, and it looks weird.
^The wiki actually had that issue for the longest while when Comic-Con showed his model, actually. His teeth are so hidden on his model that it's sometimes hard to remember. His animated model makes it a lot clearer, at least. XD
Good review, GN.
Good review. Did you build the Max?
Looks good
Yeah, I also see it that way! It just looks more adorable that way!
^^^ Nope. I haven't built any Max models since Series 2, and I happen to like the individual Mixels more.
Brickset hasn't actually reviewed Maxes since Series 1, so when I got to take the reins from Series 5 onwards, I just decided to continue the trend of not reviewing them. Plus, I didn't want to bother Huw about building and photographing the Maxes, anyway. Oh well. I do like the Maxes a lot, though.
Thanks for the comments so far, everyone!
I had no idea there was meant to be a story behind them. Great parts packs though. What colour is the broad-brimmed helmet? Looks like a new colour?
Great review. Thanks.
I also had no idea about a story behind the Mixels. But then again, I don't really care either. I just love to build the Mixels (and use them as a goldmine for cheap parts, especially when they are on sale, like Series 6 at the moment). The view of getting lots of masonry bricks in various shades of grey for less than five Eurocents each is very tempting... ;-)
Not following the story or collecting Castle. I mean, I LIKE these and all, but... the music ones are more up my alley. Specifically the drum set. ;)
I'm really excited about series 7. I've been taking all my other Mixels and making Mega Man-style bosses from the tribes, and I can totally make Castle Man, Band Man, and Law Man from this series.
^^ Same, I'm all over the Mixies! You'll see it in my review, but Tapsy is actually my favorite of Series 7.
Tapsy definitely looks like the best of the bunch, no doubt. I'm really happy with the direction they took Mixels in this year. I know a lot of people don't "get" Mixels, but even if you don't care about how they look or their show, they come with such a great wealth of colors and parts for building smaller robots and creatures. They got me back into buying Lego sets and they're one of the best things to come out of the brand since the Designer/Creator sets, IMO.
Yep, I don't care much for mixels but I have bought plenty. Great parts packs, and cheap enough to throw in the trolley for the kids when shopping. The medieval's are the first tribe I intend to buy in their entirety, Besides the angry birds sets, this is about the only love that castle fans are going to get this year.
DougTemplar , I buy sets just for the masonry bricks as well :-) Love them!