Review: 76050 Crossbones' Hazard Heist
Posted by CapnRex101,76050 Crossbones' Hazard Heist is the smallest of the three Captain America: Civil War sets, containing 179 pieces and priced at £19.99 in the UK or $19.99 in the US. I have been very impressed with this wave of sets as a whole but this is probably the least impressive as the minifigure selection is weaker than the other two sets and the model is fairly underwhelming.
However, there are plenty of positive features of the set to be discussed so I will begin with the most appealing element.
There was some disappointment when Falcon was not released in a Captain America: The Winter Soldier set in 2014, although this splendid minifigure is worth the wait in my opinion. The hair piece is ideal for the character and his unique double-sided head is printed accurately with red tinted goggles and some facial hair.
The torso is very nicely detailed on the front and back but this works against the figure in some respects as the legs are not printed so look rather bland by comparison. The shape of the wings is perfect and the dark red printing on both sides is faithful to the movie. Four studs are included on the back and these are used to attach Redwing, a brick-built drone which will appear in the film but does not look anything like this model.
Falcon is equipped with a pair of black pistols. I am getting rather bored of these generic weapons and hope to see some new elements replace the Alien Conquest blasters soon.
The Black Widow minifigure from the Age of Ultron range is excellent but the same figure is not suitable for Captain America: Civil War as her uniform and hairstyle have been altered significantly. The blue piping on her torso and legs does not appear on the new costume and should therefore have been omitted here.
Despite the inaccuracies, it is pleasing to see Black Widow appear in a cheaper set and the design is excellent if you are looking for a generic minifigure version of the character. She is armed with a pair of stun batons, represented by trans-light blue 4L bars.
Crossbones is a strange minifigure, with a great torso design but a totally inaccurate mask and some sort of breathing apparatus which does not seem to appear in the film. Presumably this figure was based on some concept artwork and the costume has since changed significantly as it does not compare favourably with Crossbones' onscreen appearance.
Perhaps the most irritating aspect of the figure for me are the yellow eyes which look ridiculous and are unlike the human eyes seen on the character in the film. Nevertheless, this is an adequate offering for a generic Crossbones minifigure and the torso printing does look splendid.
He is armed with a flamethrower which consists of a standard flame piece and the new grapnel gun which was introduced in January with the Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice sets. A rifle is included too which can be clipped to the side of the truck.
The Completed Model
The set consists of two models: Crossbones' truck and Black Widow's motorcycle. The latter is formed around the fairing which was introduced in 2015 and is decorated with stickers on both sides which offer an attractive contrast of silver and black. One of Black Widow's batons can be clipped to the rear but the second must be held or put to one side as there is no storage for it on the bike. Regardless, this is a decent little model and it offers impressive play value.
Crossbones' vehicle is very simple in its construction but looks good from most angles, with an appropriate use of stickers and different colours to give the impression of damage which has been done to the truck. The mixture of reddish brown, dark orange and black looks splendid and I like the grey panels fitted to the bumper and windscreen which are also decorated with stickers.
The driving compartment is very exposed, with an open top and sides. This fits with the rugged aesthetic of the model but leaves the vehicle feeling rather empty. The rear section of the roof is removable and has a stud shooting turret mounted on top which can be placed on the ground and controlled by a minifigure. A storage compartment is found at the back and this can be blown apart by pushing down on a tab underneath, sending the suitcase inside and its hazardous contents flying.
The weakest aspect of the set is the chassis, which is extremely simple in its construction and therefore looks very drab. I am not keen on the height of the vehicle either, although the large wheels do leave substantial ground clearance which increases the play value as it is easy to drive the truck over rough terrain and it is durable enough to hit obstacles without breaking. As a display model this is a mediocre offering but I think it is great for play.
This is my least favourite of the Captain America: Civil War sets, although that is primarily a result of the excellence of other sets rather than the weakness of this one. Crossbones' truck is a decent model while the minifigures are a mixed bag. Black Widow and Crossbones are good figures but both suffer from inaccuracies in relation to their film counterparts. Falcon, on the other hand, is superb and he alone almost justifies purchase of the set.
I certainly recommend 76050 if you are looking for a good play set but otherwise I think your money might be better spent elsewhere.
22 comments on this article
Interesting review, thanks.
And thanks for the edit in relation to my previous comment ;-)
I actually want this set because the minifigure selection DOES impress me. :)
However that Jeep is cartoonishly large, compared to other Lego vehicles. I'm afraid it would join my collection of "Marvel Vehicles that came in small sets and gather dust"...
Super Hero Jeeps are like City police cars.... you buy them for the parts and mini figures and we get too many every year.
LostInTranslation - If you look at the pics from behind the scenes he looks totally different to the minifig.
I wish they could have made Falcon's wings retractable. But they did the best with what they could do I think. Agree on the other two figures...I'm guessing Lego did the best they could with what preliminary sketches they got.
As a car fan I consider this as the best Captain America set!This jeep is wonderful as it's the first official damaged lego car!It's front part design is splendid but it's annoyingly underdetailed in the back part as in both sides...with a few modifications(as the adding of doors,seats and detailing accurately the back)it can become a great display model!
Out of the three Marvel Cinematic Heroes sets this is the only one I will buy this year (unless pictures of Doctor Stange convince me otherwise). This is also a neat pieces set (already own Black Widow and both the motorcycle and jeep may end up in the tinker box). The minifigures of both Falcon and Crossbones are a must and it would have been better had Black Panther was on the set.
I bought this set for my son as he is Falcon mad and a big fan of the MCU in general. I think that the jeep looks a bit wonky, but it is certainly interesting. Tom loves playing with it and the shooters and other play features it has. He adores the Falcon minifigure and Redwing - sometimes he plays with just those two components and leaves Black Widow and Crossbones languishing on the floor next to the jeep!
When he does play with all three, there is a great variety of stories he can tell with this set, and I am 1000% happy with it for that reason. It is not a display piece, it is for playing with! :-)
^^^^ The first one I thought was The simpson's car which had a dent built on to the side?
This is kind of an odd, mixed-bag set. Black Widow is nice but recycled from the last Quinjet, which I have. Falcon has a nice wing piece, but the dark grey legs don't work at all, the drone makes him look ridiculous, and that hairpiece doesn't really work. Also, there are submachine guns (I think) in the other two sets, why not this one? Crossbones looks OK, I guess. The rebreather is an odd choice, and the dark grey legs don't work either! Why are there dark grey legs on figures with light grey or black costumes?! If they're going to skimp on the printed legs, they could at least provide legs in the right color.
Motorcycle's not that special... it really needs another clip on it. There's certainly space for one. And it wouldn't look as weird with batons if they used the shorter bar element. The jeep is weird. I love the used black-market military look, but the cockpit is devoid of... anything... and the windows for walls look weird. And the turret is nice, but it doesn't really work with the set.
I might get this set anyway. I like Falcon, although I'd modify him, and the Jeep is cool enough I can get past the weirdness of it.
I may get it just for falcon...trying to build team cap so im getting the Ant Man set from last year and the Black Panther Pursuit from this year. Wish the minifigs were better in this.
It's interesting, does anyone else think the jeep looks suspiciously similar to the one in Agents set 8630 'Gold Hunt' .
The jeep at least looks different to usual City offerings. Fair enough for me.
I may have to get this. Falcon could really use flesh colored arms and printed legs though, and his wingd look weird with Redwing on or off, because Redwing is way too big and because the wing piece is designed specifically for the Redwing to go on...
I don't care if Black Widow has the wronf outfit, I don't have a Black Widow.
Crossbones is bleh but yah can't really blame LEGO.
Jeep is okay... interesting, but not practical, though looks pretty good and cool.
Black Panther Pursuit is superior in every way, though.
It's funny. Crossbones is the one part of this set I made sure to pick up on Bricklink. Black Widow isn't particularly appealing, and I liked the comics-inspired Falcon figure as opposed to the movie one (even though Falcon is, like, my favourite character in the MCU).
This is pretty cool. nice review!
I think it's worth remembering that these Superhero sets are generally an amalgamation of early concept art for the movie, comic book depictions and play features, so direct comparison to the movie depiction is perhaps unfair.
Black Widow finally in a cheap set, two fun new figures, a couple of play features and some interesting parts. Seems like a win to me.
What's with the lack of leg printing in the MCU sets? It may sound silly, but the contrast between super-detailed torsos and basic-looking legs really deters me from wanting the figs.
I am not a superheroes fan, but I sometimes buy minifigs for their look. I bought crossbones for his look. I like his face and do not care about how it looks compared to any media, and I liked his torso. But what is funny is that I think his torso would look better if the torso was reversed as the back is a neat armor plate. Falcon is also fabulous.
I do not like torsos with zippers, they just do not work in a space or castle theme.
@Aidypie: What I want to know is why so many minifigs in licensed sets that do have printed legs have the printing cut off at the knees.
I like this but black widow needs a different hair piece and crossbone's need's a helmet
Is the orange of this Crossbones Vehicle the same shade of Orange as Deathstroke's vehicle from set 76034 The Batboat Harbor Pursuit?
if it is a different shade of orange, how does Deathstoke look when pared with this vehicle?