Review: 41589 Captain America
Posted by CapnRex101,41589 Captain America contains just 79 pieces, the fewest of any BrickHeadz set released so far. Nevertheless, the model is highly detailed and matches the character as he appears in recent Marvel Cinematic Universe films, with a dark blue uniform featuring some red and white stripes as well as a silver star and brown straps on his chest. It therefore looks quite different to the exclusive version from San Diego Comic-Con which featured much simpler printing but included decorative wings on either side of the head, a feature absent from this figure.
The Completed Model
Captain America stands on a black display base which consists of four pieces, including a printed 2x4 tile which features the BrickHeadz branding and the series number. I mentioned that the stand was not entirely stable in my review of 41588 The Joker but am pleased to confirm that this model has no such issues as its weight is focused at the centre of the figure rather than towards the back.
The figure wears a dark blue suit which matches that seen in Avengers: Age of Ultron and Captain America: Civil War. It is simply constructed around the standard proportions of a BrickHeadz set, with no exposed hair or unusual features, but the printed elements ensure a high level of detail. Accurate designs adorn the head and torso while Captain America's vibranium shield is held in the right hand and is adorned with the traditional red, white and blue pattern. I think a darker shade of red would have been more appropriate but that has not been used since 6865 Captain America's Avenging Cycle was released in 2012.
The head is covered by a dark blue mask which leaves only the ears and lower jaw exposed. A 2x4 tile on the front is printed with Captain America's insignia and some stripes but the white wings on either side are unfortunately absent. Nevertheless, I appreciate the inclusion of dark tan tiles around the edges of the mask, representing the strap which continues beneath the chin and helping to break up the colour scheme.
The rest of the uniform is recreated using a couple of printed bricks and a perfect combination of dark blue and reddish brown elements. I am particularly impressed by the straps which continue from a printed brick at the front onto the sides and back of the figure, terminating with a clip at the centre.
This allows you to store Captain America's shield as he does in the movie and it serves to add a splash of colour to the model should you wish to display it from the rear. Alternatively, it can be held facing forward in the right hand or to the side in the left, providing plenty of options despite the fact that the figure offers no articulation.
Captain America and Iron Man look splendid together, with similarly blocky designs which present an attractive contrast in colour but matching shapes. I suspect buying one will result in the inevitable purchase of the other for many fans!
The BrickHeadz seem to have proven fairly divisive thus far and I expect this figure will do little to change that as it is the simplest of the twelve sets which make up the first wave. Nevertheless, I think it looks marvellous on the whole, with an accurate design and plenty of detail despite the absence of such notable features as the Joker's elaborate hairstyle or Belle's ball gown which are encountered in other models.
I certainly recommend this set to fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, although it is difficult to ignore the more interesting designs offered by many of the other BrickHeadz sets. 41591 Black Widow is my favourite of the Marvel BrickHeadz figures and would perhaps be more suitable for those on a tight budget but 41589 Captain America is a worthy purchase in my opinion, offering reasonable value despite its relatively low piece count.
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This set was provided for review by The LEGO Group but the review is an expression of my own opinions.
18 comments on this article
I bought Cap & Iron Man the other day, and although they look spectacular when built (I feel photos don't really do them justice) they take just minutes to build. I think i've had polybags that take longer to build, so if it's all about the process for you, you may not like them as much. Great display pieces though.
This set is awesome!!
Some great parts, and Cap's always been my favorite. Sadly the subject matter doesn't lend itself to a complex model.
Spectacular is a little generous @polyboy. The ears look ridiculous.
I dunno, like I said, they look much better in your hand than they do in the photos.
Although, the Iron Man is the better one imho.
Lego should do a Winter Soldier and Darth Vader figures.
I really like that red and white printed 1x4 brick. I could use about a dozen of those.
I don't know still. In my opinion I just don't think that these are worth the price still in comparison to FUNKO Pop that give the same characters, but around the same price. I wish there were Brickheadz packs or something that can help demonstrate tips and such for building your own characters or versison of existing characters somehow.
Least favorite Brickhead.
That's pretty cool that there's a spot for the shield on his back, did not expect that!
I love Cap and try to collect everything he is in, but these just look dumb.
People are over exaggerating about the ears. I think they're fine and suit the design asthetic for the Brickheadz line. I don't get how people fail to understand that they are apart of the style of the Brickheadz line.
Well this certainly didn't change my opinion about the line. They look awkward. But not in a cute way like funkos. The Joker is all out creepy, this one is just...bland.
those ears are HUGE! Definitely will need to modify to 1x1 slope then the provided 1x2.
Nothing with this brickhead stands out to me. It looks nice for what it is, but I wouldn't buy it.
The more I'm seeing these sets the less I'm liking them. Way too basic. Wish they'd stuck with the Mixels!
What a waste of shelf space. 10 Euro for less than 80 basic pieces plus some prints with very limited usefulness? No way. And who cares for "Captain America" anymore these days anyway? I thought that was now the ever more delusional Mr. "I am the greatest superhero of them all" Trump ;-)