Random set of the day: Sorting Hat
Posted by Huwbot,Today's random set is 4701 Sorting Hat, released in 2001. It's one of 11 Harry Potter sets produced that year. It contains 48 pieces and 1 minifig, and its retail price was US$7/£4.99.
It's owned by 3940 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.
10 comments on this article
Looking forward to the new Sorting Hat mold!
Oooh. I guess, it had nice play-value? But I stand by, oooh.
True story. I wasn't familiar with Harry Potter at all (I only really started reading the books when "Goblet of Fire" came out) but ... like a lot of people who weren't familiar with HP when the first movie came out, the Australian Lego catalogue at the time completely ruined every twist in the story, including the big twist of the villain's real identity. Thanks Lego!
I always regretted not buying any Harry Potter sets.
@darthmar You can stop regretting now, I think this new wave of HP sets are going to be epic! The last wave in 2010-11 was really god, but I have stopped regretting only buying two of those sets now ;)
This is a nice little set, but the new sorting mould looks fantastic :D
I recently bought a random assortment of Lego from an antique store and the big round printed tile from this set was in amongst the pieces along with a bunch of other old Harry Potter pieces; spires and the strange cardboard roof "piece" from Hogwarts Castle set 4709.
Hey, the first wave of Star Wars sets were the coolest thing imaginable.
Look how much play value is contained in this little tiny set! Say what you will about the overall theme's design, the older Lego sets packed a lot of punch for their piece counts. If they release a similar set in this year's new HP wave, it will be at least $19.99 and have no moving parts...
I always thought this set was cute. Not good for making displays or building a Hogwarts castle, but a fun little play future to let kids experiment with their minifigs (a shame we never got Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw figs to use with it!) I'm looking forward to the new line of sets this fall, the new Sorting Hat mold looks fantastic!
Why doesn't Lego make sets like this anymore? I mean sets with role-play functions rather than shooting guns on them. You could sort any character, from any theme, to decide their house and their destiny (it could also cause funny situations such as Draco Malfoy being put in Hufflepuff!)
I gave this set to a friend of mine, mainly for display :)